Exemplo n.º 1
def derivs(t, y, entrain_rate, interpTenv, interpTdEnv, interpPress):
    """Function that computes derivative vector for ode integrator
       see http://clouds.eos.ubc.ca/~phil/courses/atsc405/docs/entrain.pdf for equations

    t: float
       time (s)
    y: vector
       4-vector containing wvel (m/s), height (m), thetae (K), rT (kg/kg)
    entrain_rate: float
                  1/m dm/dt (s-1)
    interpTenv: func
                interp1d function for environmental temperature T(z) 
    interpTdEnv: func
                interp1d function for environmental dewpoint temperature Td(z)
    interpPress: func
                interp1d function for presusure  p(z)


    yp: vector
       4-vector containing time derivatives of wvel (m/s^2), height (m/s), thetae (K/s), rT (kg/kg/s)
    yp = np.zeros((4,1))
    velocity = y[0]
    height = y[1]
    thetae_cloud = y[2]
    rT_cloud = y[3]
    #yp[0] is the acceleration, in this case the buoyancy 
    yp[0] = calcBuoy(height, thetae_cloud, interpTenv, interpTdEnv, interpPress)
    press = interpPress(height)*100. #Pa
    Tdenv = interpTdEnv(height) + c.Tc #K
    Tenv = interpTenv(height) + c.Tc #K
    rTenv = find_rsat(Tdenv, press) #kg/kg
    thetaeEnv = find_thetaep(Tdenv, Tenv, press)
    #yp[1] is the rate of change of height
    yp[1] = velocity
    #yp[2] is the rate of change of thetae_cloud
    yp[2] = entrain_rate*(thetaeEnv - thetae_cloud)
    #yp[3] is the rate of change of rT_cloud
    yp[3] = entrain_rate*(rTenv - rT_cloud)
    return yp
Exemplo n.º 2
[line.set(linewidth=3) for line in ax.lines[-2:]]

# In[9]:

from a405thermo.thermlib import find_Tmoist,find_thetaep,find_rsat,find_Tv
# find thetae of the surface air
sfc_press,sfc_temp,sfc_td =[sounding[key][0] for key in ['pres','temp','dwpt']]
sfc_press,sfc_temp,sfc_td = sfc_press*100.,sfc_temp+c.Tc,sfc_td+c.Tc
sfc_rvap = find_rsat(sfc_temp,sfc_press)
# find the index for 200 hPa pressure -- searchsorted requires
# the pressure array to be increasing, so flip it for the search,
# then flip the index.  Above 200 hPa thetae goes bananas, so
# so trim so we only have 
toplim=len(press) - np.searchsorted(press[::-1],2.e4)
# find temps along that adiabat
adia_temps= np.array([find_Tmoist(sfc_thetae,the_press) for the_press in press])
adia_rvaps = find_rsat(adia_temps,press)
adia_rls = sfc_rvap - adia_rvaps
Exemplo n.º 3
  pLCL = np.zeros_like(press)
  theTheta = np.zeros_like(press)
  theThetae = np.zeros_like(press)
  Tpseudo = np.zeros_like(press)
  rTotal = np.zeros_like(press)

  # calculate the rTotal,thetae sounding from the original dewpoint and temperture

  numPoints, = press.shape
  for i in range(0, numPoints):
      rTotal[i] = find_rsat(Tdew[i] + c.Tc, press[i] * hPa2pa)
      Tlcl[i], pLCL[i] = find_lcl(Tdew[i] + c.Tc, Temp[i] + c.Tc,
                                  press[i] * hPa2pa)
      theThetae[i] = find_thetaep(Tdew[i] + c.Tc, Temp[i] + c.Tc,
                                  press[i] * hPa2pa)
      #find the temperature along the pseudo adiabat at press[i]
      Tpseudo[i] = find_Tmoist(theThetae[i], press[i] * hPa2pa)

  # given the total water and thetae, calcultate temp,dewpoint for pressure vector press
  Tdew, Temp, Tpseudo = lift_sounding(rTotal,theThetae,press)

  fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(10, 10))
  ax, skew = makeSkewWet(ax,corners=[5,25])

  fig_dict=dict(press=press,Tpseudo=Tpseudo,Temp=Temp,Tdew=Tdew,Tlcl=Tlcl,pLCL=pLCL,botLabel='LCL bot (835 hPa)',
                topLabel='LCL top (768 hPa)')
  ax = makePlot(ax,**fig_dict)   
Exemplo n.º 4
[line.set(linewidth=3) for line in ax.lines[-2:]]

# In[5]:

from a405thermo.thermlib import find_Tmoist,find_thetaep,find_rsat,find_Tv
# find thetae of the surface air
sfc_press,sfc_temp,sfc_Td =[sounding[key][0] for key in ['pres','temp','dwpt']]
sfc_press,sfc_temp,sfc_Td = sfc_press*100.,sfc_temp+c.Tc,sfc_Td+c.Tc
sfc_rvap = find_rsat(sfc_Td,sfc_press)
# find the index for 200 hPa pressure -- searchsorted requires
# the pressure array to be increasing, so flip it for the search,
# then flip the index.  Above 100 hPa thetae goes bananas, so
# so trim so we only have 
toplim=len(press) - np.searchsorted(press[::-1],1.5e4)
# find temps along that adiabat
adia_temps= np.array([find_Tmoist(sfc_thetae,the_press) for the_press in clipped_press])
adia_rvaps = find_rsat(adia_temps,clipped_press)
adia_rls = sfc_rvap - adia_rvaps
Exemplo n.º 5
def integ_entrain(df_sounding,entrain_rate):
    """integrate an ascending parcel given a constant entrainment rate
       this version hardwired to start parcel at 800 hPa with cloud base
       values of environment at 900 hPa


    df_sounding: pandas dataframe 
               : cloumns are temperature, dewpoint, height, press

    entrain_rate: float
                  1/m dm/dt (s-1)


    df_out: dataframe
          dataframe containing wvel (m/s) ,cloud_height (m) , thetae (K), rT (kg/kg) for assending parcel

   interpPress: func
              interp1d function for presusure  p(z) (used for plotting)
    press = df_sounding['pres'].values
    height = df_sounding['hght'].values
    temp = df_sounding['temp'].values
    dewpoint = df_sounding['dwpt'].values
    envHeight= nudge(height)

    interpTenv = interp1d(envHeight,temp)
    interpTdEnv = interp1d(envHeight,dewpoint)
    interpPress = interp1d(envHeight,press)
    # call this cloudbase
    p900_level = len(press) - np.searchsorted(press[::-1],900.)
    thetaeVal=find_thetaep(dewpoint[p900_level] + c.Tc,temp[p900_level] + c.Tc,press[p900_level]*100.)
    rTcloud = find_rsat(dewpoint[p900_level] + c.Tc, press[p900_level]*100.)
    # start parcel here
    p800_level = len(press) - np.searchsorted(press[::-1],800.)
    winit = 0.5 #initial velocity (m/s)
    yinit = [winit, height_800, thetaeVal, rTcloud]  
    tinit = 0  #seconds
    tfin = 2500  #seconds
    dt = 10   #seconds

    #want to integrate derivs using dopr15 runge kutta described at
    # http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.integrate.ode.html
    r = ode(derivs).set_integrator('dopri5')
    r.set_f_params(entrain_rate, interpTenv, interpTdEnv, interpPress)
    r.set_initial_value(yinit, tinit)
    #the while loop below  integrates every dt seconds
    #we stop tracking the parcel when the time runs out, or if the parcel stops moving/is desecnding
    var_out = []
    time_out =[]
    while r.successful() and r.t < tfin and r.y[0] > 0:
        #find y at the next time step
        #(r.integrate(t) updates the fields r.y and r.t so that r.y = integral of derivs(t) and r.t = time 
        #where derivs is a vector with the variables to be integrated
        # move ahead by dt
        # stop if there is negative vertical velocity
        if r.y[0] <= 0:
        #save values for dataframe
    # convert the output into a datafram
    df_out['time'] = time_out
    return df_out,interpPress