def read(handle, rx_length):
    """This function reads a response from the SHA204 device.
       One iteration in the response-ready polling loop takes 1 ms
       plus the time for one loop iteration."""
    poll_interval = 1  # approx. 1 ms
    timeout = 1000  # approx. 1000 ms
    count = 0
    data_in = None
    res = 1

    while timeout > 0:
        (count, data_in) = aa_i2c_read(handle, I2C_ADDRESS, AA_I2C_NO_FLAGS,
        if count > 0:
            # success
        if count < 0:
            print "error: %s\n" % (aa_status_string(count))
            return count
        if count == 0:
            timeout -= poll_interval
        if (count != rx_length):
            print "error: read %d bytes (expected %d)\n" % (count, rx_length)
            res = -1

    # Dump the data to the screen
    log_read(data_in, count)
    return res
Exemplo n.º 2
    def hw_i2c_read(self, length):
        myException = Exception()

        with self.activityLock :
            if self.handle == None :
                myException.message = "hw_i2c_read failure: attempting to read from null handle\n" 
                raise myException

            # Call the appropriate I2C hardware interface to read data
            # (read with normal start and stop conditions)
            if self.HW_INTERFACE == config.AARDVARK:
                (count, data_in) = aardvark_py.aa_i2c_read(self.handle, self.DEVICE_I2C_ADDR, aardvark_py.AA_I2C_NO_FLAGS, length)
                if (count < 0):
                    print "error: %s" % aa_status_string(count)
                return(count, data_in)
            elif self.HW_INTERFACE == config.FTDI:
                (count, data_in) = ftdi.ftdi_i2c_read(self.handle, self.DEVICE_I2C_ADDR, flags, length)
                return(count, data_in)
            elif self.HW_INTERFACE == config.USB_TO_ANY:
                myException.message = 'USB_TO_ANY hardware interface hw_interface_init not implemented\n'  
                raise myException
            elif self.HW_INTERFACE == config.USB_EP:
                myException.message = 'hw_i2c_read USB_EP hardware interface hw_interface_init not implemented\n'  
                raise myException
                myException.message = 'Invalid hardware interface selected in\n'   
                raise myException
Exemplo n.º 3
    def read(self, addr, length):
        """Reads an array of bytes from the addressed I2C device.

    Keyword arguments:
    addr   -- I2C Slave Address (0x00 - 0x7F)
    length -- Number of bytes to receive
        (count, data) = api.aa_i2c_read(self._handle, addr, \
                api.AA_I2C_NO_FLAGS, length)
        return data.tostring()
Exemplo n.º 4
  def read(self, addr, length):
    """Reads an array of bytes from the addressed I2C device.

    Keyword arguments:
    addr   -- I2C Slave Address (0x00 - 0x7F)
    length -- Number of bytes to receive
    (count, data) = api.aa_i2c_read(self._handle, addr, \
            api.AA_I2C_NO_FLAGS, length)
    return data.tostring()
    def read_register(self, sensor, register, length=1):
        sad = self._sensortable[sensor]
        # todo check write status first
        aa.aa_i2c_write(self._handle, sad, aa.AA_I2C_NO_STOP,
                        array('B', [register]))  # write address
        (count, data_in) = aa.aa_i2c_read(self._handle, sad,
                                          length)  # read data
        if count != length:
            raise BusException(
                'No response from I2C slave at address 0x%x for sensor %s' %
                (sad, sensor))

        return data_in
Exemplo n.º 6
def read_raw_command(command, Aardvark_in_use, logging = False):
    Function to read a <RAW> command from a slave device.
    @param[in]    command:         The command with the read information
    @param[in]    Aardvark_in_use: The Aaardvark to use to read the data
    @param[in]    logging:         Is the data read going to be logged. 
                                   If so, return the data (bool).
    @return       (string)         The data to be logged if logging 
                                   parameter is True.
    # check if the command is valid
    if pySCPI_config.is_valid_raw(command):
        # it is valid so break the command into parts
        data_list = command.split(' ')
        # extract the length to read
        data_len = int(data_list[2][:-1])
        # extract the address to read from
        raw_addr = int(data_list[1][:-1],16)
        # define the destination array
        data = array('B', [1]*data_len)
        # read the data
        read_data = aardvark_py.aa_i2c_read(Aardvark_in_use, raw_addr, 
        # convert date to a string
        data_string = ' '.join(['%02X' % x for x in list(read_data[1])])
        # print the result
        print 'Raw Read:\t\t[' + data_string + '] from address ' + \
        # if the data is to be logged retun the data in a string format
        if logging:
            return data_string
Exemplo n.º 7
	def read(self, address, offset, length):
                res = None
                while (not res):
                        #zero byte write to set the read pointer
                                           array('B', [offset & 0xff])
                        (count, res) = aa_py.aa_i2c_read(self.aa, address, aa_py.AA_I2C_NO_FLAGS, length)
                        if (count < 0):
                                print "error: %s" % aa_py.aa_status_string(count)
                                res = None
                        elif (count == 0):
                                print "error: no bytes read"
                                print "  are you sure you have the right slave address?"
                                res = -999999999
                        elif (count != length):
                                print "error: read %d bytes (expected %d)" % (count, length)
                                res = -999999999
		return res
Exemplo n.º 8
def log_aardvark(directives, filename, gui):
    Write to the slave device using the Aardvark and print to 
    the gui and save the data to a csv log file.
    @param[in]  directives:  Instructions to direct the sending of 
                             data (pySCPI_config.write_directives)
    @param[in]  filename:    The absolute directory of the file to write 
                             log to (string).
    @param[in]  gui:         Instance of the gui that this function is 
                             called by (pySCPI_gui.main_gui).
    @return     int(0):      Failed to use Aardvark.
    # unpack the write directives
    addr = directives.addr
    commands = directives.command_list
    Delay = directives.delay_time
    Ascii_delay = directives.ascii_time
    logging_p = directives.logging_p
    # configure the progress bar to be the correct length
    gui.progress.config(maximum = logging_p*10)
    # increment the progress bar every 100 ms
    # set up the csv writing output
    csv_output = open(filename, 'wb')
    output_writer = csv.writer(csv_output, delimiter = '\t')
    # create the header for the csv file
    csv_line = create_csv_header(commands, gui)
    # write the header
    # configure Aardvark if available
    Aardvark_in_use = configure_aardvark()
    # Check to see if an Aardvark was actually found
    if Aardvark_in_use != None:    
        # start the loop timer
        start_time = time.time()
        # loop until the thread is asked to exit
        while not gui.terminator.kill_event.isSet():
            # define variables for the row
            csv_row = []
            dec_addr = addr
            first_timestamp = ''
            # iterate through commands and add them to the aardvark file
            command_count = 0
            # commands that start with # are deemed comments
            for command in commands:
                # skip comments that start with #
                if command.startswith('#'):
                    command_count += 1
                # end if
                # determine if the command is a configuration command
                if pySCPI_config.is_config(command):
                    # configure the system based on the config command
                    dec_addr = update_aardvark(command, dec_addr, 
                    # Prepare the data for transmission
                    if pySCPI_config.is_raw_write(command):
                        # it is a raw write command to send that
                        send_raw_command(command, Aardvark_in_use)
                    elif pySCPI_config.is_raw_read(command):
                        # it is a rew read command so read the data and 
                        # add it to the csv row
                                                        logging = True))
                        # it is a normal command
                        send_scpi_command(command, Aardvark_in_use, 
                    # end if
                # end if
                if 'TEL?' in command:
                    # the command is telemetry so log that
                    # is it an ascii command
                    if command.endswith('ascii'):
                        # perform as ascii dealy
                        # perform a regular intermessage delay
                    # end if
                    # define array to read data into
                    data = array('B', [1]*pySCPI_formatting.read_length(command, gui)) 
                    # read from the slave device
                    read_data = aardvark_py.aa_i2c_read(Aardvark_in_use, 
                    # print data
                    # log data
                    pySCPI_formatting.log_read(command, list(read_data[1]),
                                               csv_row, gui)
                # end if
                # print a blank line
                print ''
                # intermessage delay
                # check to see if logging needs to stop
                if gui.terminator.kill_event.isSet():
                    # End if a stop has been issued
                # end if
                command_count += 1
            # end while
            # get the earliest timestamp from the row
            first_timestamp = csv_row[0]
            # check to see if it is actually a timestamp
            if type(first_timestamp) == float:
                # it is a timestamp so convert it to a byte array of 
                # the  elapsed time in hundredths of a second
                timestamp_list = [ord(x) for x in '[1:' + 
                                  str(int(first_timestamp*100)) + ']']
                # convert the byte list to an ascii time
                timestamp_string = pySCPI_formatting.get_ascii_time(timestamp_list)
                # insert this timestamp at the beginning of the row
                # the first entry is not a timestamp so leave it blank
            # end if
            # write the row to the log file
            # unhighlight the last row
            # pace the loop to the correct logging period
            while (time.time() - start_time) < logging_p:
                # sleep to prevent resource hogging
                # check to see if logging should end
                if gui.terminator.kill_event.isSet():
                    # it should so exit
                # end if
            # end while
            start_time = time.time()        
            # check to see if we can clear the gui for the next period
            if not gui.terminator.root_destroyed:        
                # clear the output display on the GUI
            # end if
            gui.progress.config(value = 0)
        # end while
        # close the csv file
        # unhighlight the last row
        # close the aardvark
        print 'Aardvark logging finished'
        # no aardvark connection was established
        return 0
Exemplo n.º 9
def write_aardvark(directives, gui):
    Write to the slave device using the Aardvark and print its results 
    to the GUI.
    @param[in]  directives:  Instructions to direct the sending of 
                             data (pySCPI_config.write_directives)
    @param[in]  gui:         Instance of the gui that this function is 
                             called by (pySCPI_gui.main_gui).
    @return     int(0):      Failed to use Aardvark.
                None         Otherwise.
    # local copy of the write directives
    dec_addr = directives.addr
    commands = directives.command_list
    Delay = directives.delay_time
    Ascii_delay = directives.ascii_time
    # configure the progress bar
    gui.progress.config(maximum = len([c for c in commands if not c.startswith('#')]))
    # configure Aardvark if available
    Aardvark_in_use = configure_aardvark()
    # Check to see if an Aardvark was actually found
    if Aardvark_in_use != None:
        # iterate through commands and add them to the aardvark file
        command_count = 0
        for command in commands:
            # ignore comment lines that start with a #
            if command.startswith('#'):
                command_count +=1
            # end if
            # find the line of execution and highlight it
            # determine if the command is a configuration command
            if pySCPI_config.is_config(command):
                # configure the system based on the config command
                dec_addr = update_aardvark(command, dec_addr, Aardvark_in_use)
                # Prepare the data for transmission
                if pySCPI_config.is_raw_write(command):
                    # it is a raw write command to send that
                    send_raw_command(command, Aardvark_in_use)
                elif pySCPI_config.is_raw_read(command):
                    # it is a rew read command so read the data
                    read_raw_command(command, Aardvark_in_use)
                    # it is a normal command
                    send_scpi_command(command, Aardvark_in_use, dec_addr)
                # end if
            # end if
            if 'TEL?' in command:
                # an I2C read has been requested
                # delay before reading the data
                if command.endswith('ascii'):
                    # sleep a different amount if ascii was requested
                # end if
                # define array to read data into
                data = array('B', [1]*pySCPI_formatting.read_length(command, gui)) 
                # read from the slave device
                read_data = aardvark_py.aa_i2c_read(Aardvark_in_use, 
                # print the recieved data
                pySCPI_formatting.print_read(command, list(read_data[1]), 
                # end if
            # end if
            # print an empty line
            print ''
            # intermessage delay
            if gui.terminator.kill_event.isSet():
                # this thread has been asked to terminate
            # end
            # increment the progress bar
            # increment the command counter
            command_count += 1
        # end for
        # unhighlight the last row
        # close the AArdvark device
        print 'Aardvark communications finished'
        return 0
Exemplo n.º 10
 def read_SCPI(self, command, address, return_format):
     Function to send a SCPI command to the slave device
     @param[in]    command:         the command to send (string)
     @param[in]    address:         the decimal address to write to (int)
     @param[out]   result:          the variable to store the data in
     # dictionary of acceptible data formats and their lengths
     acceptible_formats = {'int':2, 'long':4, 'long long':8, 'uint':2, 
                           'double':8, 'float':4, 'char':1, 'schar':1, 
                           'hex':1, 'name':self.name_size, 
                           'ascii':self.ascii_size, 'string':self.ascii_size}
     # length of preamle
     preamble_length = self.wflag_size + self.time_size + self.chksum_size
     # define the read legth as 0
     read_length = 0
     # continuation flag
     perform_read = True
     # determin the correct read length
     if type(return_format) == list:
         # retun type is a list of items so it has a preamble
         read_length += preamble_length
         # add up all of the lengths of the list items
         for item in return_format:
             # ensure each format specifier is acceptible
             if item in acceptible_formats:
                 read_length += acceptible_formats[item]
                 # error
                 self.message = '***'+ item + \
                     " is an unacceptible format ***"
                 perform_read = False
             # end if
         # end for
     elif return_format in acceptible_formats:
         # return type is an acceptible format
         # add preamble to data length if required
         if return_format == 'ascii':
             read_length = acceptible_formats['ascii']
             read_length = preamble_length + acceptible_formats[return_format]
         # end if
         # format is not acceptible
         self.message = '***'+ return_format + " is an unacceptible format ***"            
         perform_read = False
     # end if
     if perform_read:
         self.send_SCPI(command, address)
         # define array to read data into
         data = array('B', [1]*read_length) 
         # read from the slave device
         read_data = aardvark_py.aa_i2c_read(self.port, int(address, 16), 
         # convert data to alist
         raw_data = list(read_data[1])
         # check the write flag
         if raw_data[0] == 0:
             # the write flag indicates a failed transmission
             return None
         # end if
         # pause
         # extract the data from the returned raw data
         if type(return_format) == list:
             # there are multiple items in the return list
             return_list = []
             # remove the preamble
             data = raw_data[preamble_length:]
             for item in return_format:
                 # extract each item individually and append to list
                 return_list = return_list + \
                     [_extract_data(data[0:acceptible_formats[item]], item)]
                 # shorten data list to what remains
                 data = data[acceptible_formats[item]:]
             # end for
             return return_list
             # extract the sole peice of data
             if return_format != 'ascii':
                 data = raw_data[preamble_length:]
             # end if
             return _extract_data(data, return_format)
         #end if
     # end if
     # if you make it this far there was a problem with the format strings
     return None