Exemplo n.º 1
def page_history(request, slug): 
    Displays the commit list of the Git repository associated to


        Request context
        An instance of :model:`aawiki.Page`.



    context = {} 
    name = dewikify(slug)

        page = Page.objects.get(name=name) 
    except Page.DoesNotExist:
        # Redirects to the edit page
        url = reverse('aa-page-edit', kwargs={'slug': slug}) 
        return redirect(url)

    context['page'] = page
    context['content'] = page.content

    return render_to_response("aawiki/page_history.html", context,
Exemplo n.º 2
def annotation_import(request, slug, section):
    Saves the file directly from the request object.
    Disclaimer:  This is code is just an example, and should
    not be used on a real website.  It does not validate
    file uploaded:  it could be used to execute an
    arbitrary script on the server.
    context = {}
    name = dewikify(slug)
    page = Page.objects.get(name=name)

    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = AnnotationImportForm(request.POST, request.FILES)
        if form.is_valid():
            f = request.FILES['file']
            data = ""
            for chunk in f.chunks():
                data += chunk

            srt = unicode(audacity_to_srt(data).decode('utf-8'))

            # Preserves the old header, because audacity only keeps timed section.
            # TODO: decide wether it should be handled here or in sectionalize_replace
            section = int(section)
            header = sectionalize(page.content)[section]['header'] + "\n\n"

            context = {'content': header + srt, 'section': section, 'page': page}
            return render_to_response("aawiki/annotation_import_confirm.html", context, 
        form = AnnotationImportForm()
        context['form'] = form
        return render_to_response("aawiki/annotation_import.html", context, 
Exemplo n.º 3
def page_flag(request, slug):
    Flags the last commit the edit of a :model:`aawiki.Page` as a major one

    Returns "OK"
    name = dewikify(slug)
    page = Page.objects.get(name=name)
    message = request.REQUEST.get('message', None)
    page.commit(amend=True, message=message)
    return HttpResponse("Seems like it worked!")
Exemplo n.º 4
def page_detail(request, slug):
    Displays a :model:`aawiki.Page`.


        Request context
        An instance of :model:`aawiki.Page`.
        An list of all the instances of :model:`aacore.Namespace`.



    context = RequestContext(request)
    context['namespaces'] = Namespace.objects.all()
    name = dewikify(slug)

        page = Page.objects.get(name=name)
    except Page.DoesNotExist:
        # Redirects to the edit page
        url = reverse('aa-page-edit', kwargs={'slug': slug})
        return redirect(url)

    revision = request.REQUEST.get('rev')
    if revision:
        content = page.read(revision)
        context['rev'] = revision
        context['commit'] = page.get_commit(revision)
        content = page.content

    context['page'] = page
    context['content'] = content

    t = get_template('aawiki/page_detail.html')

    response = HttpResponse(t.render(context))

    # Forces the page to reload
    response['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, max-age=0'
    response['Expires'] = '-1'
    response['Pragma'] = 'no-cache'

    return response
Exemplo n.º 5
def page_diff(request, slug): 
    Displays a comparision of two revisions of a :model:`aawiki.Page`.


        Request context
        An instance of :model:`aawiki.Page`.
        The diff rendered in HTML.



    # Does the repo exist?
    context = {} 
    name = dewikify(slug)

    if request.method == "GET": # If the form has been submitted...
            page = Page.objects.get(name=name)
        except Page.DoesNotExist:
            # Redirects to the edit page
            url = reverse('aa-page-edit', kwargs={'slug': slug}) 
            return redirect(url)

        context['page'] = page

        c1 = request.GET.get("c1", None)
        c2 = request.GET.get("c2", None)
        #if c1 is None or c2 is None:
            #raise Http404

        context['content'] = page.diff(c1, c2)
        context['c1'] = page.get_commit(c1)
        context['c2'] = page.get_commit(c2)

    return render_to_response("aawiki/page_diff.html", context,
Exemplo n.º 6
def annotation_export(request, slug, section, _format="audacity",
    context = {}
    name = dewikify(slug)
    page = Page.objects.get(name=name)

    section = sectionalize(page.content)[int(section)]

    # TODO: Regex should not be defined more once within active archives
    TIME_RE = r'(\d\d:)?(\d\d):(\d\d)([,.]\d{1,3})?'
    TIMECODE_RE = r'(?P<start>%(TIME_RE)s)[ \t]*-->([ \t]*(?P<end>%(TIME_RE)s))?' % locals()
    OTHER_RE = r'.+'
    TIMECODE_HEADER_RE = r'^%(TIMECODE_RE)s(%(OTHER_RE)s)?$' % locals()

    pattern = re.compile(TIMECODE_HEADER_RE, re.I | re.M | re.X)

    stack = []
    for t in spliterator(pattern, section['header'] + section['body']):
        m = pattern.match(t['header']).groupdict()

        if force_endtime:
            if len(stack) and stack[-1]['end'] == '':
                stack[-1]['end'] = timecode_tosecs(m['start'])
            end = timecode_tosecs(m['end']) or ''
            end = timecode_tosecs(m['end']) or timecode_tosecs(m['start'])

            'start': timecode_tosecs(m['start']),
            'end': end,
            'body': t['body'].strip('\n'),

    context = {'sections': stack}

    return render_to_response("aawiki/annotation_export.audacity", context, 
Exemplo n.º 7
def page_edit(request, slug):
    Displays the edit form for :model:`aawiki.Page`

        Either the edit form, OR provides Markdown source via AJAX call
        Receives/commits edits on POST (either via form or AJAX)

        Optional. Limits the scope of edition to the given section.

    context = {}
    name = dewikify(slug)

    section = int(request.REQUEST.get('section', 0))
    is_ajax = request.META.get('HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH') == 'XMLHttpRequest'

        page = Page.objects.get(name=name)
    except Page.DoesNotExist:
        page = None

    # Gets the edit form
    if request.method == "GET":
        if page:
            # Gets the whole content or just a section
            if section:
                sections = sectionalize(page.content)
                sectiondict = sections[section]
                context['content'] = sectiondict['header'] + sectiondict['body']
                context['section'] = section
                context['content'] = page.content
            # Returns plain content in case of ajax editing 
            if is_ajax:
                return HttpResponse(context['content'])
                context['page'] = page  # So templates nows about what page we are editing
                context['form'] = PageEditForm(initial={"content": context['content']})
            context['content'] = ''
            context['name'] = name  # So templates nows about what page we are editing
            rendered = render_to_string("aawiki/partials/initial_page_content.md", context)
            context['form'] = PageEditForm(initial={"content": rendered, "message": '/* Created a new page "%s" */' % name, })
        return render_to_response("aawiki/page_edit.html", context, \

    elif request.method == "POST":
        content = request.POST.get('content', '')
        content = convert_line_endings(content, 0)  # Normalizes EOL
        content = content.strip() + "\n\n" # Normalize whitespace around the markdown

        is_cancelled = request.POST.get('cancel', None)
        if is_cancelled:
            url = reverse('aa-page-detail', kwargs={'slug': slug})
            return redirect(url)

        form = PageEditForm(request.POST)

        if form.is_valid():  # Processes the content of the form
            # Retrieves and cleans the form values
            content = form.cleaned_data["content"]
            content = convert_line_endings(content, 0)  # Normalizes EOL
            content = content.strip() + "\n\n" # Normalize whitespace around the markdown
            message = form.cleaned_data["message"] or "<no messages>"
            is_minor = form.cleaned_data["is_minor"]
            if request.user.is_authenticated():
                author = "%s <%s@%s>" % (request.user.username, request.user.username, 
                author = "Anonymous <anonymous@%s>" % request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']

            if page:
                old_content = page.content
                if section:  # section edit
                    keep_header = bool(request.REQUEST.get('keep_header'))
                    if section == -1:
                        page.content = page.content.rstrip() + "\n\n" + content
                        page.content = sectionalize_replace(page.content, section, content)
                    if page.content != old_content:
                        page.commit(message=message, author=author, is_minor=is_minor)
                    if content == "delete":
                        page.content = content
                        if page.content != old_content:
                            page.commit(message=message, author=author, is_minor=is_minor)
                if content == "delete":
                    page = Page(content=content, name=name)
                    page.commit(message=message, author=author, is_minor=is_minor)

            if is_ajax:
                # FIXME: apply typogrify filters here too!
                md = get_markdown()
                rendered = md.convert(content)
                return HttpResponse(rendered)

        else:  # Returns the invalid form for correction
            # TODO: factorize this chunk
            context['page'] = page  # So templates nows about what page we are editing
            context['name'] = name  # So templates nows about what page we are editing
            context['form'] = form
            return render_to_response("aawiki/page_edit.html", context, \

        url = reverse('aa-page-detail', kwargs={'slug': slug})
        return redirect(url)