def reviewLocalAlpha(self):
        alphas = self.alphas
        betas = self.betas
        if (not self.isBoundaryCell) and (self.totPoly != None):
            dirs = self.directions
            newalphas = np.ones(alphas.shape)
            newbetas = np.ones(betas.shape)
            for cstPoly in self.coastPolygons:
                # breakwater must intersect the cell
                cints = cstPoly.intersection(self.cell)
                if abUtils.greater(cints.area, 0):
                    # the breakwater must cross at least two sides of the cell
                    boundaryIntersect = cints.boundary.intersection(
                    if boundaryIntersect.__class__ is g.MultiLineString:
                        # the number of intersected cells of the neighborhood must be >= 3
                        nints = self._countIntersectNeighbors(cstPoly) + 1
                        plSz = abCellSize.abCellSize(cstPoly)
                        cstPolySizeKm = plSz.computeSizesKm(
                        if nints >= self.thresholdNInts and cstPolySizeKm > self.minObstSizeKm:
                            cstSection = cstPoly.intersection(self.totPoly)
                            if not cstSection.__class__ is g.Polygon:
                                # skipping strange case
                                return alphas, betas

                            clSz = abCellSize.abCellSize(cstSection)
                            avgCoastDir = clSz.majorAxisDir

                            for idr in range(len(dirs)):
                                dr, alpha, beta = dirs[
                                    idr], alphas[:, idr], betas[:, idr]
                                drDelta = np.abs(
                                    abUtils.angleDiff(avgCoastDir, dr))
                                if drDelta > np.pi / 2.:
                                    drDelta = np.pi - drDelta
                                coeff = 1. - drDelta / (np.pi / 2.)
                                assert 0. <= coeff <= 1.
                                nalpha = alpha * coeff
                                nbeta = beta * coeff
                                newalphas[:, idr] = nalpha
                                newbetas[:, idr] = nbeta
                            # assuming a maximum one breakwater per cell
                            return newalphas, newbetas
        return alphas, betas
 def computeLocalOneCell(self, crd, geoCrd, cell):
     cellAlphaMtx = self.alphaMtx.getAlphaSubMatrix(cell)
     cellMtxCoversCell = cellAlphaMtx.coversPoly()
     localAlphaBetaExist = not cellAlphaMtx.empty()
     onLand = cellAlphaMtx.onLand()
     if cellMtxCoversCell and localAlphaBetaExist and not onLand:
       alphaEst = aEst.abSingleCellAlphaEstimator(cell, cellAlphaMtx, recalibFactor = self.locRecalibFactor)
       alphaEst.loginfo.debugPlotSave = True
       alphaEst.loginfo.contextStrs = ['local']
       betaEst = bEst.abSingleCellBetaEstimator(cell, cellAlphaMtx, 
                         recalibFactor = self.locRecalibFactor,
                         maxSubSections = self.betaMaxSubSections)
       cellSizeEst = csEst.abCellSize(cell)
       cellSizes = cellSizeEst.computeSizesKm(self.dirs)
       if min(cellSizes) < self.minSizeKm:
         return False, None, None, None, False, None, None, cell
       lalpha = []
       lbeta = []
       totallyBlocked = False
       if self.alphaMtx.hasFreqs:
         raise abUtils.abException('alpha high resolution matrix with frequencies unsupported')
         fqalpha0 = []
         fqbeta0 = []
         f = self.freqs[0]
         #for d in self.dirs:
         for d in self.computationDirs:
           a = alphaEst.computeAlpha(d, f)
           b = betaEst.computeBeta(d, f)
           totallyBlocked = totallyBlocked or abUtils.isClose(a, 0)
         fqalpha = np.interp(self.dirs, self.computationDirs, fqalpha0, period = 2*np.pi)
         fqbeta = np.interp(self.dirs, self.computationDirs, fqbeta0, period = 2*np.pi)
         lalpha = [fqalpha for f in self.freqs]
         lbeta = [fqbeta for f in self.freqs]
       meanAlpha = np.mean(lalpha)
       meanBeta = np.mean(lbeta)
       if (meanAlpha < 1.) and (meanAlpha > self.minAvgAlpha and meanBeta > self.minAvgBeta):
         return True, lalpha, lbeta, cellSizes, totallyBlocked, crd, geoCrd, cell
         # This cell is on land. The resolved component of the model should take care of this
         return False, None, None, None, False, None, None, cell
       return False, None, None, None, False, None, None, cell
     raise abUtils.abException("".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())))
 def __init__(self, cell, neighbors, coastPolygons, directions, alphas,
     self.cell = cell
     self.neighbors = [c for c in neighbors if c != cell]
     totPoly = cell
     for cl in self.neighbors:
         totPoly = totPoly.union(cl)
     if totPoly.__class__ != g.Polygon:
         # totPoly = totPoly.convex_hull
         totPoly = None
     self.totPoly = totPoly
     self.isBoundaryCell = totPoly.boundary.intersects(
         cell.boundary) if (totPoly != None) else True
     self.coastPolygons = [g.Polygon(p) for p in coastPolygons]
     self.directions = directions
     self.alphas = np.array(alphas)
     self.betas = np.array(betas)
     self.thresholdNInts = 3
     clSz = abCellSize.abCellSize(cell)
     self.minObstSizeKm = clSz.computeSizesKm([clSz.majorAxisDir])[0] * 2.
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test2(self):
        crds = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 2], [0, 2], [0, 0]]
        rotangle = np.pi / 6
        expd0 = 1.
        expdPi_2 = 2.
        expdPi_4 = (1. + 5.**.5) / 2.
        ang2 = rotangle + np.arctan(4.)
        expdang20 = 2.118034
        expdang21 = 1.154508497

        cell = g.Polygon(crds)
        cell = a.rotate(cell, rotangle, use_radians=True)
        cs = abCellSize(cell)

        d0 = cs.computeSize(0. + rotangle)
        d1 = cs.computeSize(np.pi / 2. + rotangle)
        d2 = cs.computeSize(np.pi + rotangle)
        d3 = cs.computeSize(np.pi * 3. / 2. + rotangle)
        d4 = cs.computeSize(2. * np.pi + rotangle)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(d0, expd0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(d2, expd0)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(d1, expdPi_2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(d3, expdPi_2)

        dPi_40 = cs.computeSize(np.pi / 4 + rotangle)
        dPi_41 = cs.computeSize(np.pi / 4 + np.pi / 2. + rotangle)
        dPi_42 = cs.computeSize(np.pi / 4 + np.pi + rotangle)
        dPi_43 = cs.computeSize(np.pi / 4 + np.pi * 3. / 2. + rotangle)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(dPi_40, expdPi_4)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(dPi_41, expdPi_4)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(dPi_42, expdPi_4)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(dPi_43, expdPi_4)

        dang20 = cs.computeSize(ang2)
        dang21 = cs.computeSize(ang2 + np.pi / 2.)
        dang22 = cs.computeSize(ang2 + np.pi)
        dang23 = cs.computeSize(ang2 + np.pi * 3. / 2.)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(dang20, expdang20)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(dang21, expdang21)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(dang22, expdang20)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(dang23, expdang21)
  def computeShadowOneCell(self, crd, geoCrd, cell):
      cellNeighbors = self.grid.getNeighbors(cell)
      if not len(cellNeighbors):
        self._print('cell ' + str(crd) + ' has no neighbors. Skipping')
        return False, None, None, None, None, None
      neighTotPoly = cell
      for p in cellNeighbors:
        neighTotPoly = neighTotPoly.union(p)
      if neighTotPoly.__class__ != g.Polygon:
        neighTotPoly = neighTotPoly.convex_hull - cell
      if neighTotPoly.__class__ != g.Polygon:
        self._print('cell ' + str(crd) + ': impossible to estimate neighboring polygon. Skipping')
        return False, None, None, None, None, None
      totPolyAlphaMtx = self.alphaMtx.getAlphaSubMatrix(neighTotPoly)
      shadAlphaBetaExist =  not totPolyAlphaMtx.isNull() and not totPolyAlphaMtx.empty()
      onLand = totPolyAlphaMtx.onLand() if shadAlphaBetaExist else False
      if shadAlphaBetaExist and not onLand:
        lalpha0 = []
        lbeta0 = []
        blockedCellCount = sum([1 for cl in cellNeighbors if tuple(cl.boundary.coords[:]) in self.totallyBlockedCells])
        obstrAlleviationEnabled = blockedCellCount <= self.shadowAlleviationMaxBlockedNeighborCount
        cellSizeEst = csEst.abCellSize(cell)
        cellSizes = cellSizeEst.computeSizesKm(self.dirs)
        if min(cellSizes) < self.minSizeKm:
          return False, None, None, None, None, None
        for dr in self.computationDirs:
          upstreamPoly = upe.getUpstreamPoly(cell, neighTotPoly, dr)
          upstreamPolyIsPolygon = upstreamPoly.__class__ == g.Polygon
          if upstreamPolyIsPolygon and (not abUtils.isClose(upstreamPoly.area, 0)):
            alphaEst = aEst.abSingleCellAlphaEstimator(upstreamPoly, self.alphaMtx, cell,\
                 kshape = self.shadowKShape, obstrAlleviationParam = self.shadowAlphaAlleviationParam, recalibFactor = self.shadRecalibFactor)
            alphaEst.obstrAlleviationEnabled = obstrAlleviationEnabled
            alphaEst.loginfo.debugPlotSave = False
            alphaEst.loginfo.contextStrs = ['shadow']
            betaEst = bEst.abSingleCellBetaEstimator(upstreamPoly, self.alphaMtx, kshape = self.shadowKShape, recalibFactor = self.shadRecalibFactor)
            betaEst.obstrAlleviationEnabled = obstrAlleviationEnabled
            diralpha = []
            dirbeta = []
            if self.alphaMtx.hasFreqs:
              raise abUtils.abException('alpha high resolution matrix with frequencies unsupported')
             #for fq in self.freqs:
             #  alpha = alphaEst.computeAlpha(dr, fq)
             #  diralpha.append(alpha)
             #  beta = max(betaEst.computeBeta(dr, fq), alpha)
             #  dirbeta.append(beta)
              fq = self.freqs[0]
              alpha = alphaEst.computeAlpha(dr, fq) if not alphaEst.alphaMtx.nullOrEmpty() else 1
              diralpha.extend([alpha for f in self.freqs])
              beta = max(betaEst.computeBeta(dr, fq), alpha) if not betaEst.alphaMtx.nullOrEmpty() else 1
              dirbeta.extend([beta for f in self.freqs])
            alpha, beta = 1, 1
            diralpha = [alpha for f in self.freqs]
            dirbeta = [beta for f in self.freqs]

        lalpmtx0 = np.array(lalpha0).transpose()
        lbetmtx0 = np.array(lbeta0).transpose()

        lalpha, lbeta = [], []
        for alparr, betarr in zip(lalpmtx0, lbetmtx0):
          alp = np.interp(self.dirs, self.computationDirs, alparr, period = 2*np.pi)
          bet = np.interp(self.dirs, self.computationDirs, betarr, period = 2*np.pi)

        lalpmtx = np.array(lalpha)
        lbetmtx = np.array(lbeta)

        meanAlpha = np.mean(lalpmtx)
        if meanAlpha < 1.:
          return True, lalpmtx, lbetmtx, cellSizes, crd, geoCrd
          return False, None, None, None, None, None
        return False, None, None, None, None, None
      raise abUtils.abException("".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())))