Exemplo n.º 1
    def visualize_qpoint_nu(self, qpoint, nu, spin=0, appname="vesta"):
        iq, qpoint = self._find_iqpt_qpoint(qpoint)

        # Fortran array nctkarr_t("v1_qnu", "dp", "two, nfft, nspden, natom3, nqlist")])
        v1_qnu = self.reader.read_variable("v1_qnu")[iq, nu, spin]
        v1_qnu = v1_qnu[:, 0] + 1j * v1_qnu[:, 1]
        #wqnu = self.reader.read_variable["phfreqs"][nu]
        #v1_qnu /= np.sqrt(2 * wqnu)
        datar = np.reshape(np.abs(v1_qnu), self.ngfft)

        visu = Visualizer.from_name(appname)
        ext = "xsf"
        if ext not in visu.supported_extensions():
            raise ValueError("Visualizer %s does not support XSF files" % visu)
        from abipy.core.globals import abinb_mkstemp
        _, filename = abinb_mkstemp(suffix="." + ext, text=True)

        with open(filename, mode="wt") as fh:
            if ext == "xsf":
                xsf.xsf_write_structure(fh, self.structure)
                xsf.xsf_write_data(fh, self.structure, datar, add_replicas=True)
                raise NotImplementedError("extension %s is not supported." % ext)

        return visu(filename)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def vesta_open(self, temp=300): # pragma: no cover
        Visualize termal displacement ellipsoids at temperature `temp` (Kelvin) with Vesta_ application.
        filepath = self.write_cif_file(filepath=None, temp=temp)
        cprint("Writing structure + Debye-Waller tensor in CIF format for T = %s (K) to file: %s" % (temp, filepath), "green")
        cprint("In the Vesta GUI, select: Properties -> Atoms -> Show as displament ellipsoids.", "green")
        from abipy.iotools import Visualizer
        visu = Visualizer.from_name("vesta")

        return visu(filepath)()
Exemplo n.º 3
 def visualize_ur2(self, spin, kpoint, band, visu_name):
     Visualize :math:`|u(r)|^2`  with visualizer.
     See :class:`Visualizer` for the list of applications and formats supported.
     visu = Visualizer.from_name(visu_name)
     for ext in visu.supported_extensions():
        ext = "." + ext
            return self.export_ur2(ext, spin, kpoint, band, visu=visu)
        except visu.Error:
         raise visu.Error("Don't know how to export data for visualizer %s" % visu_name)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def visualize_ur2(self, spin, kpoint, band, visu_name):
        Visualize :math:`|u(r)|^2`  with visualizer.
        See :class:`Visualizer` for the list of applications and formats supported.
        visu = Visualizer.from_name(visu_name)

        for ext in visu.supported_extensions():
            ext = "." + ext
                return self.export_ur2(ext, spin, kpoint, band, visu=visu)
            except visu.Error:
            raise visu.Error(
                "Don't know how to export data for visualizer %s" % visu_name)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def visualize(self, appname="ovito"):  # pragma: no cover
        Visualize the crystalline structure with visualizer.
        See :class:`Visualizer` for the list of applications and formats supported.
        if appname == "mayavi": return self.mayaview()

        # Get the Visualizer subclass from the string.
        from abipy.iotools import Visualizer
        visu = Visualizer.from_name(appname)
        if visu.name != "ovito":
            raise NotImplementedError("visualizer: %s" % visu.name)

        filepath = self.write_xdatcar(filepath=None, groupby_type=True)

        return visu(filepath)()
Exemplo n.º 6
    def visualize(self, appname="ovito"):  # pragma: no cover
        Visualize the crystalline structure with visualizer.
        See :class:`Visualizer` for the list of applications and formats supported.
        if appname == "mayavi": return self.mayaview()

        # Get the Visualizer subclass from the string.
        from abipy.iotools import Visualizer
        visu = Visualizer.from_name(appname)
        if visu.name != "ovito":
            raise NotImplementedError("visualizer: %s" % visu.name)

        filepath = self.write_xdatcar(filepath=None, groupby_type=True)

        return visu(filepath)()
Exemplo n.º 7
    def visualize(self, appname):
        Visualize data with visualizer.

        See :class:`Visualizer` for the list of applications and formats supported.
        visu = Visualizer.from_name(appname)

        # Try to export data to one of the formats supported by the visualizer
        # Use a temporary file (note "." + ext)
        for ext in visu.supported_extensions():
            ext = "." + ext
                return self.export(ext, visu=visu)()
            except visu.Error:
            raise visu.Error("Don't know how to export data for visualizer %s" % appname)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def visualize(self, visu_name):
        Visualize the crystalline structure with visualizer.
        See :class:`Visualizer` for the list of applications and formats supported.
        # Get the Visualizer subclass from the string.
        visu = Visualizer.from_name(visu_name)

        # Try to export data to one of the formats supported by the visualizer
        # Use a temporary file (note "." + ext)
        for ext in visu.supported_extensions():
            ext = "." + ext
                return self.export(ext, visu=visu)()
            except visu.Error:
            raise visu.Error("Don't know how to export data for %s" % visu_name)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def visualize(self, visu_name):
        Visualize data with visualizer.

        See :class:`Visualizer` for the list of applications and formats supported.
        visu = Visualizer.from_name(visu_name)

        # Try to export data to one of the formats supported by the visualizer
        # Use a temporary file (note "." + ext)
        for ext in visu.supported_extensions():
            ext = "." + ext
                return self.export(ext, visu=visu)
            except visu.Error:
            raise visu.Error("Don't know how to export data for visualizer %s" % visu_name)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def visualize_ur2(self, structure, visu_name):
        Visualize u(r)**2 visualizer.

        See :class:`Visualizer` for the list of applications and formats supported.
        # Get the Visualizer subclass from the string.
        visu = Visualizer.from_name(visu_name)

        # Try to export data to one of the formats supported by the visualizer
        # Use a temporary file (note "." + ext)
        for ext in visu.supported_extensions():
            ext = "." + ext
                return self.export_ur2(ext, structure, visu=visu)
            except visu.Error:
            raise visu.Error("Don't know how to export data for %s" % visu_name)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def visualize_ur2(self, appname="vesta"):
        Visualize :math:`|u(r)|^2|`.

        See :class:`Visualizer` for the list of applications and formats supported.
        # Get the Visualizer subclass from the string.
        visu = Visualizer.from_name(appname)

        # Try to export data to one of the formats supported by the visualizer
        # Use a temporary file (note "." + ext)
        for ext in visu.supported_extensions():
            ext = "." + ext
                return self.export_ur2(ext, visu=visu)
            except visu.Error:
            raise visu.Error("Don't know how to export data for %s" % str(appname))