def hadoop_master(): nn_ip = input( "Enter the IP of the system which you want to cofigure as Hadoop Master :- " ) #nn_username = input("Enter the username :- ") #os.system("ssh {0} ".format(nn_ip)) #os.system("git clone --quiet > /dev/null") #os.system("ssh {0} python3 -u- < ~/master/".format(nn_ip)") os.system( "scp -r ./Hadoop-files/master {}:/root > /dev/null".format(nn_ip)) os.system("ssh {0} python3 ~/master/".format(nn_ip)) os.system("rm -rf ~/master") accessories.wait()
def hadoop_slave(): dn_ip = [] dn = int(input("How many DataNodes(Slaves) you want to configure :- ")) for i in range(0, dn): ip = input( "Enter the IP Address of the DataNode(Slave) {} :- ".format(i + 1)) dn_ip.append(ip) #dn_username = input("Enter the username :- ") for j in dn_ip: #os.system("git clone --quiet > /dev/null") os.system("scp -r ./Hadoop-files/slave {}:/root > /dev/null".format(j)) print("Configuring Datanode {} ".format(j)) os.system("ssh {0} python3 ~/slave/".format(j)) os.system("rm -rf ~/slave") accessories.wait()
def s3(): while True: os.system("clear") print(""" [1] : Create New S3 Bucket [2] : Delete S3 bucket [3] : Upload object in S3 bucket [4] : Delete object in S3 bucket [5] : Delete S3 bucket [6] : Back """) bucket_ch = input("Enter your Choice :- ") if int(bucket_ch) == 1: s3_name = input("Enter S3 bucket name that must be unique: ") #region = input("Enter name of region: ") print("Creating S3 Bucket.....") os.system('aws s3api create-bucket --bucket {} --region ap-south-1 --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=ap-south-1'.format(s3_name)) print("S3 bucket created successfully....") accessories.wait() elif int(bucket_ch) == 2: s3_name = input("Enter S3 Bucket name: ") print("Deleting S3 bucket...") os.system("aws s3api delete-bucket --bucket {} --region ap-south-1".format(s3_name)) print("Successfully deleted S3 bucket.....") accessories.wait() elif int(bucket_ch) == 3: object_name = input("Enter Object name (with full path) to put inside S3 bucket: ") s3_name = input("Enter S3 Bucket name: ") print("Uploading object....") os.system('aws s3 cp {0} s3://{1} --acl public-read'.format(object_name , s3_name)) print("Successfully uploaded object in S3 bucket...") accessories.wait() elif int(bucket_ch) == 4: s3_name = input("Enter S3 bucket name: ") object_name = input("Enter object name: ") print("Deleting object....") os.system('aws s3 rm s3://{}/{}'.format(s3_name , object_name)) print("Successfully deleted object...") accessories.wait() elif int(bucket_ch) == 5: s3_name = input("Enter name of bucket: ") region = input("Enter region name: ") print("Deleting S3 Bucket....") os.system("aws s3api delete-bucket --bucket {} --region {}".format(s3_name,region)) print("Successfully S3 bucket successfully....") accessories.wait() elif int(bucket_ch) == 6: break
def aws_menu(): while True: os.system("clear") accessories.figlet("AWS Menu", "starwars", 3) os.system("tput bold") os.system("tput setaf 2") print(""" Which service you want to use ?\n [1] : Install AWS CLI [2] : Configure AWS CLI with your AWS account [3] : EC2 [4] : EBS [5] : S3 [6] : Return to Main Menu [7] : Exit """) os.system("tput sgr 0") opt_4 = int(input("Enter your choice : ")) if opt_4 == 1: os.system(""" if ls /usr/local | grep aws-cli > /dev/null then echo 'AWS CLI is already installed' else echo 'Installing AWS CLI......' curl "" -o "" > /dev/null unzip > /dev/null sudo ./aws/install > /dev/null if aws --version | grep aws then echo 'AWS CLI is successfully installed' else echo 'Could not able to install AWS CLI' fi fi """) accessories.wait() elif opt_4 == 2: print( "Note : To configure AWS CLI you need to have an IAM user created in your AWS account" ) opt_4_1 = input("Enter your IAM user profile name :- ") print("Enter your IAM user credentials and details below") os.system("aws configure") print("AWS CLI configured to use for {} user".format(opt_4_1)) accessories.wait() elif opt_4 == 3: aws.ec2() elif opt_4 == 4: aws.ebs() elif opt_4 == 5: aws.s3() elif opt_4 == 6: break elif opt_4 == 7: exit() else: print("Invalid choice!!!") accessories.wait()
def ebs(): while True: os.system("clear") print(""" [1] : Create new Volume [2] : Attach Volume to Specific Instance [3] : Dettach Volume [4] : Delete Volume [5] : Show Volumes [6] : Mount and Partition [7] : Back """) vol_ch = input("Enter your Choice: ") if int(vol_ch) == 1: az = input("Enter Availablity Zone to Create EBS Volume: ") ebs_size = input("Enter Size to create EBS Volume: ") print("Creating New Volume ....") os.system('aws ec2 create-volume --availability-zone {} --size {}'.format(az , ebs_size)) print("New Volume Created Successfully....") accessories.wait() elif int(vol_ch) == 2: ebs_vid = input("Enter EBS Volume ID to Attach to EC2 Instance: ") ec2_id = input("Enter EC2 Instance ID to attach EBS Volume: ") print("Attaching Volume to instance.....") os.system('aws ec2 attach-volume --volume-id {} --instance-id {} --device /dev/sdg'.format(ebs_vid , ec2_id)) print("Successfully Volume attached to the instance.......") accessories.wait() elif int(vol_ch) == 3: v_id = input("Enter volume id: ") print("Detaching Volume.......") os.system("aws ec2 detach-volume --volume-id {}".format(v_id)) print("Volume Dettached Successfully.....") accessories.wait() elif int(vol_ch) == 4: v_id = input("Enter volume id: ") print("Deleting Volume....") os.system("aws ec2 delete-volume --volume-id {}".format(v_id)) print("Successfully deleted Volume...") accessories.wait() elif int(vol_ch) == 5: os.system("aws ec2 describe-volumes") accessories.wait() elif int(vol_ch) == 6: ip = input("Enter Public IP of EC2: ") ky = input("Enter Private Key Name For Login Into EC2 : ") os.system('ssh -l ec2-user {} -i {}.pem sudo fdisk -l'.format(ip , ky)) na = input("\nEnter Partition Name: ") nb = input("Enter directory name: ") os.system("ssh -l ec2-user {} -i {}.pem sudo mkdir {}".format(ip,ky,nb)) os.system('ssh -l ec2-user {} -i {}.pem sudo mkfs.ext4 {}'.format(ip , ky , na)) os.system('ssh -l ec2-user {} -i {}.pem sudo mount {} {}'.format(ip , ky , na,nb)) os.system('ssh -l ec2-user {} -i {}.pem sudo df -hT'.format(ip , ky)) accessories.wait() elif int(vol_ch) == 7: break
def ec2(): while True: os.system("clear") print(""" [1] : Create New EC2 Instance [2] : Start Specific Instance [3] : Stop Instance [4] : Terminate Instance [5] : Show all instances [6] : Security Groups [7] : Back """) ec2_ch = input("Enter your choice :- ") if int(ec2_ch) == 1: ami = input("Enter AMI id to Launch Instance: ") instance_type = input("Enter Instance type: ") count = input("Enter Number of Instances to launch: ") subnet_id = input("Enter Subnet id: ") sg_id1 = input("Enter Security Group Id to attach to the Instance: ") key = input("Enter Key to attach to ec2 Instance: ") print("Launching New EC2 Instance.....") os.system('aws ec2 run-instances --image-id {} --instance-type {} --count {} --subnet-id {} --security-group-ids {} --key-name {}'.format(ami , instance_type , count ,subnet_id, sg_id1 , key)) print("Instance launched Successfully......") accessories.wait() elif int(ec2_ch) == 3: id = input("Enter Instance id to stop Ec2 instances: ") print("Stopping Instance.......") os.system("aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-ids {}".format(id)) print("Insatnce stopped Successfully....") accessories.wait() elif int(ec2_ch) == 2: id = input("Enter Instance id to start Ec2 instances: ") print("Starting Instance.....") os.system("aws ec2 start-instances --instance-ids {}".format(id)) print("Instance Started successfully......") accessories.wait() elif int(ec2_ch) == 4: id = input("Enter Instance id to terminate Ec2 instances: ") print("Terminating instance...") os.system("aws ec2 terminate-instances --instance-ids {}".format(id)) print("Instance terminated successfully.....") accessories.wait() elif int(ec2_ch) == 5: print("Showing Instances....") os.system("aws ec2 describe-instances") accessories.wait() elif int(ec2_ch) == 6: print(""" [1] : Create new security group [2] : Delete Security group [3] : Add Ingress Rules [4] : Show Security Groups [5] : Back """) sg_ch1 = input("Enter your choice: ") if int(sg_ch1) == 1: sg_name = input("Enter Security group Name: ") sg_des = input("Enter Security group description: ") print("Creating New Security group....") os.system("aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name {0} --description {1}".format(sg_name,sg_des)) print("Successfully created security group....") accessories.wait() elif int(sg_ch1) == 2: sg_id=input("Enter Security group id you want to delete: ") print("Deleting Security group...") os.system("aws ec2 delete-security-group --group-id {}".format(sg_id)) print("Successfully deleted Security group....") accessories.wait() elif int(sg_ch1) == 3: sg_id = input("Enter Security Group ID : ") ip_protocol = input("Enter IP Protocol: ") port_no = input("Enter Port No: ") cidr=input("Input Ip Ranges : ") print("Authorizing Security group....") os.system("aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id {} --protocol {} --port {} --cidr {}".format(sg_id , ip_protocol , port_no , cidr)) print("Sucessfully authorize security group...") accessories.wait() elif int(sg_ch1) == 4: sg_id2 = input("Enter group id : ") sg_name1 = input("Enter name of Security Group: ") os.system("aws ec2 describe-security-groups --group-ids {} --group-names {}".format(sg_id2,sg_name1)) accessories.wait() elif int(sg_ch1) == 5: continue elif int(ec2_ch) == 7: break
def partitions(): while True: os.system("clear") accessories.figlet("LVM", "Roman", 4) os.system("tput bold") os.system("tput setaf 2") print(""" Select from the options below\n [1] : Create Physical Volume [2] : Create Volume Group [3] : Create Logical Partition [4] : Format partitions [5] : Extend Partition Size [6] : Reduce Partition Size [7] : Extend Volume Group Size [8] : Return to main menu [9] : Exit """) os.system("tput sgr 0") opt_6 = int(input("Enter your choice :- ")) if opt_6 == 1: n = input( "Enter the number which you want to create Physical Volume: ") for i in range(int(n)): n1 = input("Enter {} disk name: ".format(i)) os.system("pvcreate {}".format(n1)) os.system("pvdisplay {}".format(n1)) elif opt_6 == 2: c = input("Enter the name of Volume group: ") os.system("vgcreate {0} {1}".format(c, n1)) os.system("vgdisplay {0}".format(c)) elif opt_6 == 3: s = input("Enter the size of LV: ") n2 = input("Enter the name of LV: ") vg = input("Enter name of volume group: ") os.system("lvcreate --size {0}G --name {1} {2}".format(s, n2, vg)) os.system("lvdisplay {0}".format(n2)) elif opt_6 == 4: print(""" Select format type [1] : mkfs.ext4 [2] : resize2fs [3] : Back """) fmt_ch = input("Enter your choice: ") if int(fmt_ch) == 1: vg = input("Enter name of volume group: ") lv = input("Enter name of logical VOlume: ") os.system("mkfs.ext4 /dev/{0}/{1}".format(vg, lv)) elif int(fmt_ch) == 2: vg1 = input("Enter name of volume group: ") lv1 = input("Enter name of logical VOlume: ") os.system("resize2fs /dev/{0}/{1}".format(vg1, lv1)) os.system("df -H") elif int(fmt_ch) == 3: continue elif opt_6 == 5: e = input("Please enter the Volume Group Name :- ") g = input( "Please enter your Paraition Name (for example sdd2) :- ") l = int(input("Enter how much size you want to increase: ")) os.system("lvextend --size +{}G /dev/{}/{}".format(l, e, g)) os.system("resize2fs /dev/{}/{}".format(e, g)) accessories.wait() elif opt_6 == 6: e = input("Please enter the Volume Group Name :- ") g = input("Please enter your Paraition Name(for example sdd2): ") l = int(input("Enter how much size you want to reduce: ")) os.system("lvreduce -r -L --size +{}G /dev/{}/{}".format(l, e, g)) accessories.wait() elif opt_6 == 7: y = input("Enter the Partition Name you want to increase: ") os.system("vgextend {} /dev/{}".format(e, y)) accessories.wait() elif opt_6 == 8: break elif opt_6 == 9: exit() else: print("Invalid choice!!!")
def webserver(): while True: os.system("clear") accessories.figlet("HTTPD WebServer", "Banner3-D", 6) os.system("tput bold") os.system("tput setaf 2") print(""" Select from the options below\n [1] : Install HTTPD Webserver [2] : Start/Stop HTTPD services [3] : Start/Stop HTTPD services permanently [4] : Create a webpage [5] : Return to main menu [6] : Exit """) os.system("tput sgr 0") opt_5 = int(input("Enter your choice :- ")) if opt_5 == 1: os.system(""" if rpm -q httpd | grep httpd then echo "HTTPD WebServer Package is already installed" else echo "Installing Apache HTTPD Webserver....." yum install httpd -y > /dev/null echo "HTTPD successfully Installed" fi """) accessories.wait() elif opt_5 == 2: print(""" [1] : Start [2] : Stop [3] : Back """) opt_5_2 = int(input("Enter your choice :- ")) if opt_5_2 == 1: os.system("systemctl start httpd") print("HTTPD services started successfully") accessories.wait() elif opt_5_2 == 2: os.system("systemctl stop httpd") print("HTTPD services stopped successfully") accessories.wait() elif opt_5_2 == 3: continue elif opt_5 == 3: print(""" [1] : Start [2] : Stop [3] : Back """) opt_5_3 = int(input("Enter your choice :- ")) if opt_5_3 == 1: os.system("systemctl enable httpd") print( "HTTPD services started permanently and no need to restart on every boot" ) accessories.wait() elif opt_5_3 == 2: os.system("systemctl disable httpd") print( "HTTPD services has disabled and need to be restart on every boot" ) accessories.wait() elif opt_5_3 == 3: continue elif opt_5 == 4: opt_5_4 = input( "Want to copy the webpage or create a new one[y/n] :- ") if opt_5_4 == 'y': page = input("Enter the webpage name with full path :- ") os.system("cp -rf {} /var/www/html".format(page)) print("WebPage copied successfully") accessories.wait() elif opt_5_4 == 'n': page = input( "Enter the webpage name(with .html extension) :- ") print( repr( "Note : To give newline in the text use \n between the text and for tab use \t" )) data = input("Enter the text ih HTML :- ") os.system("printf '{1}' >> /var/www/html/{0}".format( page, data)) print("webpage created !!") accessories.wait() elif opt_5 == 5: break elif opt_5 == 6: exit() else: print("Invalid choice!!!") accessories.wait()
def docker(): while True: os.system("clear") accessories.figlet("Docker", "Blocks", 6) os.system("tput bold") os.system("tput setaf 2") print(""" [1] : Install Docker [2] : Start/Stop Docker Services Temporialy [3] : Start/Stop Docker Services Permanently [4] : Launch Containers [5] : Start/Stop a container [6] : List all running containers [7] : List all stopped containers [8] : List all Saved Docker Images [9] : Remove all stopped containers [10] : Remove all running containers [11] : Remove images [12] : To see the details of an container [13] : Return to main menu [14] : Exit """) os.system("tput sgr 0") opt_3 = int(input("Enter your choice :- ")) if opt_3 == 1: os.system(""" if rpm -q docker-ce | grep docker then echo "Docker Package is already installed" else echo "Docker Package is not installed" echo "Installing Docker......" echo "Configuring yum for Docker" cat <<EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/docker.repo [docker-repo] name=Docker Configuration Repository baseurl= gpgcheck=0 EOF yum install -y docker-ce --nobest > /dev/null fi """) accessories.wait() elif opt_3 == 2: print(""" [1] : Start [2] : Stop [3] : Back """) opt_3_2 = int(input("Enter your choice :- ")) if opt_3_2 == 1: os.system("systemctl start docker --now") print("Docker services started successfully") accessories.wait() elif opt_3_2 == 2: os.system("systemctl stop docker") print("Docker services stopped successfully") accessories.wait() elif opt_3_2 == 3: continue elif opt_3 == 3: print(""" [1] : Start [2] : Stop [3] : Back """) opt_3_3 = int(input("Enter your choice :- ")) if opt_3_3 == 1: os.system("systemctl enable docker") print( "Docker services started permanently means docker services will automatically start when system boots" ) accessories.wait() elif opt_3_3 == 2: os.system("systemctl stop docker") print( "Docker services are disabled and will not start on boot and have to start everytime when system boots" ) accessories.wait() elif opt_3_3 == 3: continue elif opt_3 == 4: print(""" [1] : Launch container in background [2] : Launch container with mapped port and attached volume [3] : Get the terminal of a running container [4] : Run commands inside the docker container [5] : Back """) opt_3_4 = int(input("Enter your choice :- ")) if opt_3_4 == 1: cont_name = input("Enter the name for the container :- ") image = input( "Enter the name of the docker image with tag (or for latest just give image name):- " ) os.system("docker run -dit --name {0} {1}".format( cont_name, image)) print("container is running in background") accessories.wait() elif opt_3_4 == 2: cont_name = input("Enter the name for the container :- ") image = input( "Enter the name of the docker image with tag (or for latest just give image name):- " ) cont_port = input( "Enter the port number of the container to be mapped :- ") port = input( "Enter the free port number used to access the container :- " ) vol = input( "Enter the directory name with path to be mounted with the container :- " ) cont_vol = input( "Enter the directory name with path in the container which is to be mounted :- " ) os.system( "docker run -dit -p {2}:{3} -v {4}:{5} --name {0} {1}". format(cont_name, image, port, cont_port, vol, cont_vol)) print("container is running in background") accessories.wait() elif opt_3_4 == 3: cont_name = input("Enter the container's name or id :- ") os.system("docker exec -it {} /bin/bash".format(cont_name)) elif opt_3_4 == 4: cont_name = input("Enter the container's name or id :- ") cmd = input("Enter the command :- ") os.system("docker exec -it {0} /bin/bash -c {1}".format( cont_name, cmd)) elif opt_3_4 == 5: continue else: print("Invalid choice!!!") accessories.wait() elif opt_3 == 5: print(""" [1] : Start [2] : Stop [3] : Back """) opt_3_5 = int(input("Enter your choice :- ")) if opt_3_5 == 1: cont_name = input("Enter the container's name or id :- ") os.system("docker start {}".format(cont_name)) accessories.wait() elif opt_3_5 == 2: cont_name = input("Enter the container's name or id :- ") os.system("docker stop {}".format(cont_name)) accessories.wait() elif opt_3_5 == 3: continue elif opt_3 == 6: os.system("docker ps") accessories.wait() elif opt_3 == 7: os.system("docker ps -a") accessories.wait() elif opt_3 == 8: os.system("docker images -a") accessories.wait() elif opt_3 == 9: os.system("docker rm -f $(docker ps -aq)") print("All Stopped containers has been removed") accessories.wait() elif opt_3 == 10: os.system("docker rm -f $(docker ps -q)") print("All Running containers has been removed") accessories.wait() elif opt_3 == 11: print(""" [1] : Remove an image [2] : Remove all images [3] : Back """) opt_3_11 = int(input("Enter your choice :- ")) if opt_3_11 == 1: image_name = input("Enter the image name or id :- ") os.system("docker rmi -f {}".format(image_name)) accessories.wait() elif opt_3_11 == 1: os.system("docker rmi $(docker images -aq)") accessories.wait() elif opt_3_11 == 3: continue elif opt_3 == 12: cont_name = input("Enter the container's name or id :- ") os.system("docker inspect {}".format(cont_name)) accessories.wait() elif int(opt_3) == 13: break elif int(opt_3) == 14: exit() else: print("Invalid choice!!!") accessories.wait()
def linux(): #cmd = input("Enter the command you want to run :- ") #cmd_out = os.system(" {} ".format(cmd)) #return cmd_out while True: os.system("clear") accessories.figlet("Linux", "Poison", 4) os.system("tput bold") os.system("tput setaf 2") print(""" Select from the options below\n [1] : Know system date and time [2] : See calender [3] : Know current directory [4] : Create an empty file [5] : Create a directory [6] : See the content of a file [7] : Write some data in a file [8] : Copy a file/directory [9] : Move a file [10] : Move a directory [11] : Check OS details [12] : Know the IP of this System [13] : See how much RAM is free [14] : see the CPU details [15] : See all the partitions and disks attached to this system [16] : See the details of all the Filesystems [17] : Return to main menu [18] : Exit """) os.system("tput sgr o") cmd = input("Enter your choice :- ") if int(cmd) == 1: os.system("date") accessories.wait() elif int(cmd) == 2: os.system("cal") accessories.wait() elif int(cmd) == 3: os.system("pwd") accessories.wait() elif int(cmd) == 4: file_name = input( "Enter the path with file name where the file has to be created :- " ) #file_path = input("Enter the path to the directory where you want to create the file :- ") os.system("touch {}".format(file_name)) accessories.wait() elif int(cmd) == 5: dir_name = input("Enter the directory name :- ") os.system("mkdir -p {}".format(dir_name)) accessories.wait() elif int(cmd) == 6: file_path = input("Enter the path with the file name :- ") os.system("cat {}".format(file_path)) accessories.wait() elif int(cmd) == 7: print(""" [1] : To overwrite the data [2] : To append the data [3] : Back """) ch_7 = int(input("Enter your choice :- ")) if ch_7 == 1: file_name = input("Enter the file name :- ") print( repr( "Note : To give newline in the text use \n between the text and for tab use \t" )) data = input("Enter the text :- ") os.system("printf '{1}' > {0}".format(file_name, data)) accessories.wait() elif ch_7 == 2: file_name = input("Enter the file name :- ") print( repr( "Note : To give newline in the text use \n between the text and for tab use \t" )) data = input("Enter the text :- ") os.system("printf '{1}' >> {0}".format(file_name, data)) accessories.wait() elif ch_7 == 3: continue elif int(cmd) == 8: src = input( "Enter the path of the file/directory which you want to copy :- " ) dest = input("Enter the destination Path :- ") os.system("cp -rf {0} {1}".format(src, dest)) accessories.wait() elif int(cmd) == 9: src = input( "Enter the path of the file which you want to move :- ") dest = input("Enter the destination Path :- ") os.system("mv -f {0} {1}".format(src, dest)) accessories.wait() elif int(cmd) == 10: src = input( "Enter the path of the directory which you want to move :- ") dest = input("Enter the destination Path:- ") os.system("mv -rf {0} {1}".format(src, dest)) accessories.wait() elif int(cmd) == 11: print(os.system("cat /etc/os-release")) accessories.wait() elif int(cmd) == 12: os.system(""" if ifconfig | grep enp0s3 > /dev/null then ifconfig enp0s3 | grep inet* | head -n +1 | cut -c 14-26 else if ifconfig | grep eth0 > /dev/null then ifconfig eth0 | grep inet* | head -n +1 | cut -c 14-26 else echo "Unknown Network Card (NIC)" fi fi""") accessories.wait() elif int(cmd) == 13: os.system("free -h") accessories.wait() elif int(cmd) == 14: os.system("lscpu") accessories.wait() elif int(cmd) == 15: os.system("fdisk -lL") accessories.wait() elif int(cmd) == 16: os.system("df -hT") accessories.wait() elif int(cmd) == 17: break elif int(cmd) == 18: exit() else: print("Invalid choice!!!") accessories.wait()
def hadoop(): while True: os.system("clear") accessories.figlet("Hadoop Menu", "Train", 5) os.system("tput bold") os.system("tput setaf 2") print(""" [1] : Install Hadoop [2] : To setup hadoop master [3] : To setup hadoop DataNodes(Slaves) [4] : Configure hadoop client [5] : See Hadoop Cluster details [6] : Upload data to hadoop cluster [7] : Read data from hadoop cluster [8] : Delete data from hadoop cluster [9] : Limit the size of Datanode storage [10] : Start/Stop Hadoop master [11] : Start/Stop Hadoop DataNode [12] : Return to main menu [13] : Exit """) os.system("tput sgr 0") opt_2 = input("Enter your choice :- ") if int(opt_2) == 1: #os.system("git clone --quiet > /dev/null") os.system("bash ./hadoop") accessories.wait() elif int(opt_2) == 2: hadoop_master() elif int(opt_2) == 3: hadoop_slave() elif int(opt_2) == 4: client_ip = input( "Enter the IP of the system which you want to cofigure as Hadoop Client :- " ) #os.system("git clone --quiet > /dev/null") os.system( "scp -r ./Hadoop-files/client {}:/root > /dev/null".format( client_ip)) os.system("ssh {0} python3 ~/client/".format(client_ip)) elif int(opt_2) == 5: opt_2_4 = input( "Enter the NameNode IP or any DataNode IP associated with Hadoop Cluster :- " ) print("Hadoop Cluster details are ......") os.system("ssh {} hadoop dfsadmin -report".format(opt_2_4)) accessories.wait() elif int(opt_2) == 6: client_ip = input("Enter Client IP :- ") file_name = input( "Enter the file name (with path) you want to upload :- ") os.system("ssh {0} hadoop fs -put {1} /".format( client_ip, file_name)) print("File Successfully uploaded") accessories.wait() elif int(opt_2) == 7: client_ip = input("Enter Client IP :- ") file_name = input( "Enter the file name whose data you want to read :- ") os.system("ssh {0} hadoop fs -cat /{1}".format( client_ip, file_name)) accessories.wait() elif int(opt_2) == 8: client_ip = input("Enter Client IP :- ") file_name = input("Enter the file name you want to delete :- ") os.system("ssh {0} hadoop fs -rm /{1}".format( client_ip, file_name)) print("File Successfully deleted") accessories.wait() elif int(opt_2) == 9: print(""" [1] : Extend the Storage [2] : Reduce the Storage [3] : Back """) limit = input("Enter your choice :- ") if limit == 1: ip = input("Enter the DataNode storage IP :- ") os.system('ssh {} df -hT'.format(ip)) ex = input("How much you want to extend? : ") vg = input("Enter Your Volume Group Name : ") lv = input("Enter Your Logical Volume Name : ") os.system('ssh {} lvextend --size {} /dev/{}/{}'.format( ip, ex, vg, lv)) print("Data Node Storage Sucessfully Extended") os.system('ssh {} resize2fs /dev/{}/{}'.format(ip, vg, lv)) os.system('ssh {} df -hT'.format(ip)) accessories.wait() elif limit == 2: accessories.wait() elif limit == 3: continue elif int(opt_2) == 10: print(""" [1] : Start [2] : Stop [3] : Back """) opt_2_10 = int(input("Enter your choice :- ")) if opt_2_10 == 1: nn_ip = input("Enter the NameNode IP :- ") os.system( "ssh {} start namenode".format(nn_ip)) print("NameNode Started Successfully") accessories.wait() elif opt_2_10 == 2: nn_ip = input("Enter the NameNode IP :- ") os.system( "ssh {} stop namenode".format(nn_ip)) print("NameNode Stopped Successfully") accessories.wait() elif opt_2_10 == 3: continue elif int(opt_2) == 11: print(""" [1] : Start [2] : Stop [3] : Back """) opt_2_11 = int(input("Enter your choice :- ")) if opt_2_11 == 1: nn_ip = input("Enter the DataNode IP :- ") os.system( "ssh {} start datanode".format(nn_ip)) print("DataNode Started Successfully") accessories.wait() elif opt_2_11 == 2: nn_ip = input("Enter the DataNode IP :- ") os.system( "ssh {} stop datanode".format(nn_ip)) print("DataNode Stopped Successfully") accessories.wait() elif opt_2_11 == 3: continue elif int(opt_2) == 12: break elif int(opt_2) == 13: exit() else: print("Invalid Choice!!!") accessories.wait()
print(""" select from the options below\n Press 1 : To Run Some Basic linux commands (RHEL 8) Press 2 : To setup Hadoop Cluster Press 3 : For using Docker Press 4 : To use some AWS services Press 5 : To configure WebServer Press 6 : Create Partitions Press 7 : Exit """) ch = input("\tEnter your choice :- ") os.system("tput sgr 0") if int(ch) == 1: linux() elif int(ch) == 2: hadoop() elif int(ch) == 3: docker() elif int(ch) == 4: aws_menu() elif int(ch) == 5: webserver() elif int(ch) == 6: partitions() elif int(ch) == 7: exit() else: print("Invalid Choice !!!") accessories.wait()