Exemplo n.º 1
class SvnServePasswordStore(Component):
    """PasswordStore implementation for reading svnserve's password file format


    filename = EnvRelativePathOption('account-manager', 'password_file',
        doc="""Path to the users file; leave blank to locate the users file
        by reading svnserve.conf from the default repository.

    _userconf = None

    def _config(self):
        filename = self.filename or self._get_password_file()
        if self._userconf is None or filename != self._userconf.filename:
            self._userconf = Configuration(filename)
            # Overwrite default with str class to preserve case.
            self._userconf.parser.optionxform = str
        return self._userconf

    def _get_password_file(self):
        repos = RepositoryManager(self.env).get_repository('')
        if not repos:
            return None
        if isinstance(repos, CachedRepository):
            repos = repos.repos
        if repos.params['type'] in ('svn', 'svnfs', 'direct-svnfs'):
            conf = Configuration(os.path.join(repos.path, 'conf',
            return conf['general'].getpath('password-db')

    # IPasswordStore methods

    def get_users(self):
        return [user for (user, password) in self._config.options('users')]

    def has_user(self, user):
        return user in self._config['users']

    def set_password(self, user, password, old_password=None):
        cfg = self._config
        cfg.set('users', user, password)

    def check_password(self, user, password):
        if self.has_user(user):
            return password == self._config.get('users', user)
        return None

    def delete_user(self, user):
        cfg = self._config
        cfg.remove('users', user)
Exemplo n.º 2
class SvnServePasswordStore(Component):
    """PasswordStore implementation for reading svnserve's password file format


    filename = EnvRelativePathOption(
        doc=N_("""Path to the users file; leave blank to locate
                the users file by reading svnserve.conf"""))

    def __init__(self):
        repo_dir = RepositoryManager(self.env).repository_dir
        self._svnserve_conf = Configuration(
            os.path.join(os.path.join(repo_dir, 'conf'), 'svnserve.conf'))
        self._userconf = None

    def _config(self):
        filename = self.filename
        if not filename:
            filename = self._svnserve_conf['general'].getpath('password-db')
        if self._userconf is None or filename != self._userconf.filename:
            self._userconf = Configuration(filename)
            # Overwrite default with str class to preserve case.
            self._userconf.parser.optionxform = str
        return self._userconf

    _config = property(_config)

    # IPasswordStore methods

    def get_users(self):
        return [user for (user, password) in self._config.options('users')]

    def has_user(self, user):
        return user in self._config['users']

    def set_password(self, user, password, old_password=None):
        cfg = self._config
        cfg.set('users', user, password)

    def check_password(self, user, password):
        if self.has_user(user):
            return password == self._config.get('users', user)
        return None

    def delete_user(self, user):
        cfg = self._config
        cfg.remove('users', user)
Exemplo n.º 3
class HtDigestStore(AbstractPasswordFileStore):
    """Manages user accounts stored in Apache's htdigest format.

    To use this implementation add the following configuration section to
    password_store = HtDigestStore
    htdigest_file = /path/to/trac.htdigest
    htdigest_realm = TracDigestRealm


    filename = EnvRelativePathOption(
        doc="""Path relative to Trac environment or full host machine
            path to password file""")
    realm = Option('account-manager',
                   doc="Realm to select relevant htdigest file entries")

    def config_key(self):
        return 'htdigest'

    def prefix(self, user):
        return '%s:%s:' % (user, self.realm.encode('utf-8'))

    def userline(self, user, password):
        return self.prefix(user) + htdigest(user, self.realm.encode('utf-8'),

    def _check_userline(self, user, password, suffix):
        return suffix == htdigest(user, self.realm.encode('utf-8'), password)

    def _get_users(self, filename):
        _realm = self.realm.encode('utf-8')
        with open(filename) as f:
            for line in f:
                args = line.split(':')[:2]
                if len(args) == 2:
                    user, realm = args
                    if realm == _realm and user:
                        yield user.decode('utf-8')
Exemplo n.º 4
class HtPasswdStore(AbstractPasswordFileStore):
    """Manages user accounts stored in Apache's htpasswd format.

    To use this implementation add the following configuration section to
    password_store = HtPasswdStore
    htpasswd_file = /path/to/trac.htpasswd
    htpasswd_hash_type = crypt|md5|sha|sha256|sha512 <- None or one of these

    Default behaviour is to detect presence of 'crypt' and use it or
    fallback to generation of passwords with md5 hash otherwise.


    filename = EnvRelativePathOption(
        doc="Path relative to Trac environment or full host machine path "
        "to password file")
    hash_type = Option('account-manager',
                       doc="Default hash type of new/updated passwords")

    def config_key(self):
        return 'htpasswd'

    def prefix(self, user):
        return user + ':'

    def userline(self, user, password):
        return self.prefix(user) + mkhtpasswd(password, self.hash_type)

    def _check_userline(self, user, password, suffix):
        return suffix == htpasswd(password, suffix)

    def _get_users(self, filename):
        with open(filename, 'rU') as f:
            for line in f:
                user = line.split(':', 1)[0]
                if user:
                    yield user.decode('utf-8')
Exemplo n.º 5
class AbstractPasswordFileStore(Component):
    """Base class for managing password files.

    Derived classes support different formats such as
    Apache's htpasswd and htdigest format.
    See these concrete sub-classes for usage information.
    abstract = True

    # DEVEL: This option is subject to removal after next major release.
    filename = EnvRelativePathOption(
        doc=N_("""Path relative to Trac environment or full host machine
                path to password file"""))

    def has_user(self, user):
        return user in self.get_users()

    def get_users(self):
        filename = str(self.filename)
        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            self.log.error('acct_mgr: get_users() -- '
                           'Can\'t locate password file "%s"' % filename)
            return []
        return self._get_users(filename)

    def set_password(self, user, password, old_password=None):
        user = user.encode('utf-8')
        password = password.encode('utf-8')
        return not self._update_file(self.prefix(user),
                                     self.userline(user, password))

    def delete_user(self, user):
        user = user.encode('utf-8')
        return self._update_file(self.prefix(user), None)

    def check_password(self, user, password):
        filename = str(self.filename)
        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            self.log.error('acct_mgr: check_password() -- '
                           'Can\'t locate password file "%s"' % filename)
            return False
        user = user.encode('utf-8')
        password = password.encode('utf-8')
        prefix = self.prefix(user)
            f = open(filename, 'rU')
            for line in f:
                if line.startswith(prefix):
                    return self._check_userline(
                        user, password, line[len(prefix):].rstrip('\n'))
        # DEVEL: Better use new 'finally' statement here, but
        #   still need to care for Python 2.4 (RHEL5.x) for now
            self.log.error('acct_mgr: check_password() -- '
                           'Can\'t read password file "%s"' % filename)
        if isinstance(f, file):
        return None

    def _update_file(self, prefix, userline):
        """Add or remove user and change password.

        If `userline` is empty, the line starting with `prefix` is removed
        from the user file. Otherwise the line starting with `prefix`
        is updated to `userline`.  If no line starts with `prefix`,
        the `userline` is appended to the file.

        Returns `True` if a line matching `prefix` was updated,
        `False` otherwise.
        filename = str(self.filename)
        matched = False
        new_lines = []
            # Open existing file read-only to read old content.
            # DEVEL: Use `with` statement available in Python >= 2.5
            #   as soon as we don't need to support 2.4 anymore.
            eol = '\n'
            f = open(filename, 'r')
            lines = f.readlines()

            # DEVEL: Beware, in shared use there is a race-condition,
            #   since file changes by other programs that occure from now on
            #   are currently not detected and will get overwritten.
            #   This could be fixed by file locking, but a cross-platform
            #   implementation is certainly non-trivial.
            # DEVEL: I've seen the AtomicFile object in trac.util lately,
            #   that may be worth a try.
            if len(lines) > 0:
                # predict eol style for lines without eol characters
                if not os.linesep == '\n':
                    if lines[-1].endswith('\r') and os.linesep == '\r':
                        # antique MacOS newline style safeguard
                        # DEVEL: is this really still needed?
                        eol = '\r'
                    elif lines[-1].endswith('\r\n') and os.linesep == '\r\n':
                        # Windows newline style safeguard
                        eol = '\r\n'

                for line in lines:
                    if line.startswith(prefix):
                        if not matched and userline:
                            new_lines.append(userline + eol)
                        matched = True
                    # preserve existing lines with proper eol
                    elif line.endswith(eol) and not \
                            (eol == '\n' and line.endswith('\r\n')):
                    # unify eol style using confirmed default and
                    # make sure the (last) line has a newline anyway
                        new_lines.append(line.rstrip('\r\n') + eol)
        except EnvironmentError, e:
            if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
                # Ignore, when file doesn't exist and create it below.
            elif e.errno == errno.EACCES:
                raise TracError(
                    _("""The password file could not be read. Trac requires
                    read and write access to both the password file
                    and its parent directory."""))

        # Finally add the new line here, if it wasn't used before
        # to update or delete a line, creating content for a new file as well.
        if not matched and userline:
            new_lines.append(userline + eol)

        # Try to (re-)open file write-only now and save new content.
            f = open(filename, 'w')
        except EnvironmentError, e:
            if e.errno == errno.EACCES or e.errno == errno.EROFS:
                raise TracError(
                    _("""The password file could not be updated. Trac requires
                    read and write access to both the password file
                    and its parent directory."""))