Exemplo n.º 1
def set_steer(data):
    car_ctl = AckermannDrive()
    car_msg = AckermannDriveStamped()
    steering_angle = rospy.Publisher('/vesc/racecar/ackermann_cmd_mux/input/teleop', AckermannDriveStamped, queue_size=1)
    k_distance = 6.0
    k_angle = 2.0

    if data.data[0] and data.data[3]:
        print "section 1"
        #error = k_distance * (data.data[4] - data.data[1])
        error = k_angle * (90.0 - data.data[2]) 
        print "k_distance", k_distance, "data.data[4]", data.data[4], "data_data[1]", data.data[1], "error", error

    elif data.data[0] and not data.data[3]:
        print "section 2"
        error = k_angle * (90.0 - data.data[2]) 

    elif data.data[3] and not data.data[0]:
        print "section 3"
        error = k_angle * (-90.0 - data.data[5])
        print "section 4"

    #car_ctl.acceleration = 0.0
    car_ctl.speed = 0.8
    car_ctl.steering_angle = error
    #steering_angle.publish('{drive: {steering_angle: ' + str(error) + ', speed: ' + str(prev_speed) + '}}')
    #rospy.Publisher('ackermann_cmd', AckermannDriveStamped)
    "publish pilot command message"
    car_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    car_msg.header.frame_id = "wall_follower"
    car_msg.drive = car_ctl
    print "right before publish, steering_angle: ", error
Exemplo n.º 2
def filter_command(data):

    global flag_move
    global flag_stop
    pub_movement = rospy.Publisher('/vesc/ackermann_cmd_mux/input/navigation', AckermannDriveStamped, queue_size=1)
    newData = AckermannDriveStamped()
    newData.header = data.header

    #print "flag is ", flag_stop
    #if len(data.header.frame_id) > 0 or not flag_stop:
    newData.drive = data.drive

Exemplo n.º 3
    def control(self,data):
        car_ctl = AckermannDrive()
        car_msg = AckermannDriveStamped()
        if data.data[0] != -1: 
            desired = -.3 #how wide to clear cone
            if(not self.right):
				desired = .3
            distance_y = object_distance * math.cos(object_angle)
            if distance_y < .4:
		  desired *= 2./3
            steering_max = .34
            actual=multiplier * math.sin(object_angle)*object_distance
	    #if actual < desired and object_distance > desired * 1.2:
	    #	actual = object_distance
            print actual, " actual"
            print object_distance, " object_distance" 
            print steering_gain * error, " steering"
            steering_angle = multiplier*steering_gain * error

	    #distance_y = object_distance * math.cos(object_angle)
	    print 'distance y ', distance_y
	    print 'speed ', speed
            car_ctl.speed = speed
            car_ctl.steering_angle = steering_angle
            car_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            car_msg.header.frame_id = "IPSController"
            car_msg.drive = car_ctl
	    car_ctl.steering_angle = 0
            car_ctl.speed = 0 #change for, later crawl forward
            car_msg.header.frame_id = "IPSController"
            car_msg.drive = car_ctl
Exemplo n.º 4
 def control(self,data):
     car_ctl = AckermannDrive()
     car_msg = AckermannDriveStamped()
     if actual_angle != -1 and width < 180 and height < 250:
         desired_angle = 0
         steering_range = .34
         error = desired_angle - actual_angle
         steering_angle = steering_gain * error
         car_ctl.speed = 0.3
         car_ctl.steering_angle = steering_angle
         car_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
         car_msg.header.frame_id = "IBSController"
         car_msg.drive = car_ctl
         car_ctl.speed = 0.0
         car_msg.header.frame_id = "IBSController"
         car_msg.drive = car_ctl
Exemplo n.º 5
#!/usr/bin/env python

import random
import rospy
from ackermann_msgs.msg import AckermannDriveStamped
from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry

drive_msg = AckermannDriveStamped()
drive_msg.header.seq = 0
drive_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time()
drive_msg.header.frame_id = 'test'
drive_msg.drive.steering_angle = 0
drive_msg.drive.steering_angle_velocity = 1
drive_msg.drive.speed = 3
drive_msg.drive.acceleration = 0
drive_msg.drive.jerk = 0
pub = rospy.Publisher('/drive', AckermannDriveStamped, queue_size=10)

def driver_callback(data):

    global s_angle
    global car_state
    # rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() + "I heard %s", data.ranges)
    x = [min(xi, max_range) for xi in data.ranges]
    lx = len(x)
    N = 5
    x_r = []
    for i in range(N):
        x_r[i] = np.average(x[int(lx * i / N):int(lx * (i + 1) / N)])
Exemplo n.º 6
    def MoveToBlob(self, blob_detect):  #Moves to the largest blob.
        global Wall_Follow, Turning
        drive_msg = AckermannDriveStamped(
        )  #Sets the drive message to the  AckermannDriveStamped message type
        blob_Color = ColorRGBA()

        drive_msg.drive.speed = self.speed  #Sets a field of the drivemsg message.
        drive_msg.drive.steering_angle = -.06  #Gets the position of the largest blob. The first will be the largest  blob because the blobs are sorted by size. (index 0 is biggest size).

        if (len(blob_detect.colors) == 0
            ):  #Make sure the blob detect arrays are not empty
            rospy.loginfo("No blobs detected")
            return  #exit

        turning_start_time = rospy.get_time()
        #if there are blobs
        largest_blob_area = blob_detect.sizes[0].data
        largest_blob_pos = blob_detect.locations[0]
        blob_x_pos = largest_blob_pos.x  #This will be in between 0 and 1 (inclusive) (0 is the left and 1 is the right)
        blob_y_pos = largest_blob_pos.y  #Same thing here
        blob_color = blob_detect.colors[0]  #In rgba

        if (Wall_Follow == True and Turning
                == False):  #Stage 4. Stop subscriptions from this node.
                "Stopping control system node and publishing to wall follower."
            #Intiate wall follow by publishing the color to the wall follow's topic.
            color = "r" if (blob_color.r == 255) else "g"

            #stop further subscriptions and basically end the node
        elif (Wall_Follow == False and Turning == False):
            if (largest_blob_area > 8000
                ):  #Stage 2. We are close to the blob, so we initiate turning
                #PUT TURN HERE
                rospy.loginfo("Intializing Turning.")
                Turning = True
                turning_start_time = rospy.get_time()

            else:  #Stage 1
                #We are far from the blob, so we continue to navigate towards the blob.
                #While we are relatively far away from the blob (ie blob size is small relative to screen), we drive towards the center of the blob.
                rospy.loginfo("Navigating to blob")
                if (blob_x_pos > 0.60):  #If Blob is On the right side
                    drive_msg.drive.steering_angle = .3  #Turn left
                elif (blob_x_pos < 0.40):  #If Blob is on the left side.
                    drive_msg.drive.steering_angle = -.3  #Turn right
                else:  #If blob_x_pos (the x component of he blob's centroid) is in the middle 200 pixels, just move forward
                    drive_msg.drive.steering_angle = 0

        if (Turning == True):  #Stage 3. Start turning
            if (turning_start_time + 4 > rospy.get_time()
                ):  #Keeps turning for three seconds (approx)
                if (blob_color.r == 255):
                    drive_msg.drive.steering_angle = 1.5
                elif (blob_color.g == 255):
                    drive_msg.drive.steering_angle = -1.5

                #If the blob color is red, turn left, else if it is green, turn right.
                Turning = False  #After turning process finishes, change Turning to False and Wall_Follow to true
                Wall_Follow = True

#publish the message
Exemplo n.º 7
 def pub_callback(self, event):
     ackermann_cmd_msg = AckermannDriveStamped()
     ackermann_cmd_msg.drive.speed = self.speed
     ackermann_cmd_msg.drive.steering_angle = self.steering_angle
Exemplo n.º 8
    def shutdown(self):
        rospy.loginfo("Stopping the robot...")

        # always make sure to leave the robot stopped
Exemplo n.º 9
			if(msg.ranges[215] > msg.ranges[135]):
				ackMsg.drive.steering_angle = -90
				ackMsg.drive.steering_angle = 90

		ackMsg.drive.speed = 2
		if(msg.ranges[170]<0.5 or msg.ranges[180]<0.5 or msg.ranges[190]<0.5):
			ackMsg.drive.speed = -4
			ackMsg.drive.steering_angle = 90


if __name__ =='__main__':

	ackMsg = AckermannDriveStamped()
	rospy.init_node('proj', anonymous=True)
	#subscribe to listener commands
	sub = rospy.Subscriber('chatter',String,listenerCallback)
	#subscribe to lidar
	sub2 = rospy.Subscriber('/agent1/scan',LaserScan,wanderCallback)
	#publish to hamster wheels(hamster movement control)
	pub = rospy.Publisher('/agent1/ackermann_cmd',AckermannDriveStamped,queue_size=1)

while not rospy.is_shutdown():

Exemplo n.º 10
    def calculate_pure_pursuit(self):

        L = 0.3302
        # self.speed2 = self.speed # default: 2.0
        # look-ahead distance ld based on the speed of the vehicle

        # ld = self.coefficient * self.v + 0.5 # default: 1.0
        ld = self.v * 0.15 + 0.1
        diff_min = ld
        pp = self.path_position
        self.length2 = len(pp)
        while self.length2 == 0:
            pp = self.path_position
            self.length2 = len(pp)
        #print "duljina:", self.length2

        rob_x = self.robot_x
        rob_y = self.robot_y
        rob_qua_x = self.robot_qua_x
        rob_qua_y = self.robot_qua_y
        rob_qua_z = self.robot_qua_z
        rob_qua_w = self.robot_qua_w

        # find position(x,y) on the path that is ld away from the robot.
        for i in range(0, self.length2):
            path_x = pp[i][0]
            path_y = pp[i][1]

            path_base_link = self.calculate_pose(path_x, path_y)
            if path_base_link.pose.position.x < -0.05:

            dist_rp = get_distance(rob_x, rob_y, path_x, path_y)
            diff = abs(dist_rp - ld)
            if diff < diff_min:
                diff_min = diff
                self.goal_x = path_x
                self.goal_y = path_y

        #show a point in Rviz on the Pure Pursuit goal position
        goal = PointStamped()
        goal.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        goal.header.frame_id = "/map"
        goal.point.x = self.goal_x
        goal.point.y = self.goal_y
        goal.point.z = 0

        # calculate alpha1, alpha2 to get steering angle of the robot
        # alpha1 - angle between robot and goal position in radians.
        alpha1 = get_angle_rad(rob_x, self.goal_x, rob_y, self.goal_y)
        quaternion = [rob_qua_x, rob_qua_y, rob_qua_z, rob_qua_w]
        rpy = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quaternion)
        # alpha2 - robots orientation with respect to map cordinate frame
        alpha2 = rpy[2]
        alpha = alpha1 - alpha2
        self.delta = math.atan((2 * L * math.sin(alpha)) / ld)

        # publish speed and steering angle of the robot
        whereto = AckermannDriveStamped()
        whereto.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        whereto.drive.steering_angle = self.delta
        whereto.drive.steering_angle_velocity = 0
        whereto.drive.speed = self.v
        whereto.drive.acceleration = 0
        whereto.drive.jerk = 0
Exemplo n.º 11
def drive(steer_val, car_run_speed):
    global ack_publisher
    ack_msg = AckermannDriveStamped()
    ack_msg.drive.steering_angle = steer_val
    ack_msg.drive.speed = car_run_speed
Exemplo n.º 12
 def send_drive_command(self, speed, steering_angle):
     ack_msg = AckermannDriveStamped()
     ack_msg.drive.speed = speed
     ack_msg.drive.steering_angle = steering_angle
     self.ack_msg = ack_msg
    def pursuit_callback(self, msg):
        given pose:
            1) find closest line segment from trajectory
            2) pure pursuit
            3) ???
            4) profit (set angle of ackermann message and publish)
        if not self.initialpose:
        if not self.num_pts:
        #get pose
        np_pose_now = np.array([[msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y]])
        theta_now = np.arctan2(msg.pose.pose.orientation.z, msg.pose.pose.orientation.w)*2
        # now we have x,y,theta in world frame
        seg, close_pt = self.get_closest_seg(np_pose_now)
        self.prev_seg = seg
        if self.do_rviz:
            marker = Marker()
            marker.header.frame_id = "/map"
            marker.type = marker.POINTS
            marker.action = marker.ADD
            marker.points = []
            marker.colors = []

            marker.scale.x = 0.5
            marker.scale.y = 0.5

            target_viz = Point()
            target_viz.x = close_pt[0]
            target_viz.y = close_pt[1]
            target_viz.z = .05
            marker.colors.append(ColorRGBA(r=0, g=0, b=1, a=1))

        if not self.wrap and seg == self.num_pts-2:
            self.speed = 0
            self.stop = True
        ## circle intersecting line segment stuff using quadratics ##
        # everything so far in the world frame
        def next_seg(seg):
            return (seg+1)%self.num_pts

        q = np_pose_now.reshape((2,))
        # initial line seg to check bw
        # p1 = pt.reshape((2,)) # dont check behind car
        p1 = self.trajectory.np_points[seg]
        p2 = self.trajectory.np_points[next_seg(seg)]
        self.kdd = MAX_KDD
        self.speed = MAX_SPEED
        scale = ANGLE_SCALE_MAX

        while not self.stop:
            seg_len = np.sqrt(self.trajectory_dists[seg]) 
            #if seg_len >= 2:
            #    self.kdd = 1.5
            if seg_len <= MAX_SPEED*SMALL_SEG:
                self.kdd = MIN_KDD
                self.speed = SLOWDOWN_SPEED
                scale = ANGLE_SCALE_MIN

            self.lookahead = self.speed*self.kdd

            vec = p2-p1
            A = np.dot(vec, vec)
            B = 2*(np.dot(vec, p1 - q))
            C = np.dot(p1, p1) + np.dot(q,q) - np.dot(2*p1,q) - self.lookahead**2
            disc = B**2 - 4*A*C
            while disc <= 0:
                # no intersection
                # extend lookahead distance
                disc = self.adjust_kdd(A, B, p1, q)
                #rospy.loginfo("Point: " + str(p1) + str(p2))
            t1 = (-B + np.sqrt(disc))/(2*A)
            t2 = (-B - np.sqrt(disc))/(2*A)

            #rospy.loginfo("Found expanded disc")
            while t1 <= 0:
                # if segment extended enough backwards it would touch, so we shouldn't move to
                # next segment, increase lookahead again
                disc = self.adjust_kdd(A, B, p1, q)
                t1 = (-B + np.sqrt(disc))/(2* A)
                t2 = (-B - np.sqrt(disc))/(2*A)
            if t1 >= 1:
                # also no intersection, but bc segment is not long enough
                # here we should probably do the moving on to next line segment
                # start point of next segment is endpoint of this segment
                seg = (seg+1)%self.num_pts 
                p1 = p2
                p2 = self.trajectory.np_points[next_seg(seg)]

            # we have intersection! yay
            target_pos = p1 + t1*vec # position on line segment if 0<=t1<=1
            target_theta = np.arctan2(p1[1]-p2[1], p1[0]-p2[0]) # direction of line segment
        if not self.stop:
            # convert to robot frame
            target_coord = get_robot_frame_coord((target_pos, target_theta), (np_pose_now, theta_now))

            target_coord = self.adjust_target_coord_for_obstacles(target_coord, STEERING_ANGLE)
            if self.do_rviz:
                marker = Marker()
                marker.header.frame_id = "/base_link"
                marker.type = marker.POINTS
                marker.action = marker.ADD
                marker.points = []
                marker.colors = []

                marker.scale.x = 0.5
                marker.scale.y = 0.5

                target_viz = Point()
                target_viz.x = target_coord[0]
                target_viz.y = target_coord[1]
                target_viz.z = .05
                marker.colors.append(ColorRGBA(r=1, g=0, b=0, a=1))

            rospy.loginfo("TARGET: " + str(target_coord))
            target_th = np.arctan2(target_coord[1],target_coord[0])

            if abs(target_th) > SHARP_TURN:
                self.kdd = MIN_KDD
                self.speed = SLOWDOWN_SPEED
                scale = ANGLE_SCALE_MIN
            # find turning radius using method in that paper linked in piazza 
            R_track = self.lookahead**2/(2*abs(target_coord[1]))
            # now get desired turning angle!
            delta = np.sign(target_coord[1])*np.arctan2(self.wheelbase_length, R_track)
        if self.stop:
            delta = 0

        drive_msg = AckermannDriveStamped()
        drive_msg.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp
        drive_msg.drive.speed = self.speed 
        drive_msg.drive.steering_angle = -1*scale*delta #NEEDS TO BE SET
Exemplo n.º 14
 def drive(self):
     new_msg = AckermannDriveStamped()
     new_msg.drive.speed = self.speed
     new_msg.drive.steering_angle = self.steering_angle
Exemplo n.º 15
def drive_cb(event):
    global init_flag, waypoint
    if not init_flag:
	x = pos[0]
        y = pos[1]
        init_flag = True

    x = pos[0]
    y = pos[1]
    curr_loc = path[-1]
    prev_loc = path[-2]
    next_loc = get_next_loc(curr_loc, prev_loc)
    #d_target = get_distance(waypoint, curr_loc)
    a_error = get_angle_between_3_pts(curr_loc, waypoint, next_loc)
    if a_error > math.pi:
        a_error = a_error - 2*math.pi
    elif a_error < -math.pi:
        a_error = a_error + 2*math.pi

    d_target = get_distance(waypoint, curr_loc)
    #print(d_target, reached[0])
    if d_target < EPSILON_RADIUS and single_ack_entry_flag[0]:
        #print ("WAYPOINT REACHED, d_target = {}".format(d_target))
            #waypoint = points.pop(0)
        reached[0] = True

        a_integral = 0.0
        d_integral = 0.0
        a_prev = 0.0
        d_prev = 0.0
        stop_cmd = True;
        print("ACK SENT")
        ack_msg = String(data="TRUE")
        single_ack_entry_flag[0] = False
    if stop_cmd:
        speed = STOP
        stop_cmd = False;
        msg = AckermannDriveStamped()
        msg.drive.speed = speed
        msg.drive.steering_angle = 0

    if single_ack_entry_flag[0]:
        d_prev = d_target
        d_integral += d_target

        a_prev = a_error
        a_integral += a_error

        if a_error < -EPSILON_ANGLE:
            kLeft = 0
            kRight = 1
        elif a_error > EPSILON_ANGLE:
            kRight = 0
            kLeft = 1
            kLeft = 0
            kRight = 0

        x_prev = x
        y_prev = y
        msg = AckermannDriveStamped()
        # reset speed & direction accordingly.

        speed += DELTA_SPEED_DRIVE * (kUp - kDown)
        direction += -DELTA_DIRECTION * (kRight - kLeft)
        speed = max(min(speed, 2), -2)
        direction = max(min(direction, 0.35), -0.35)
        msg.drive.speed = speed
        msg.drive.steering_angle = direction
        # print(kUp, kDown, kLeft, kRight)
        #print(speed, direction)
        # sys.stdout.flush()
Exemplo n.º 16
def stop():
    msg = AckermannDriveStamped()
    msg.drive.speed = STOP
    msg.drive.steering_angle = 0
Exemplo n.º 17
def JoyCB(data):

    #Use global/static vars
    global controllerInitializationStarted
    global controllerInitialized

    global lastSteeringState
    global steeringState

    global lastThrottleState
    global throttleState

    global lastFineSteeringState
    global fineSteeringState

    #steering direction
    if (data.buttons[2] != lastSteeringState and lastSteeringState == 0):
        steeringState = -steeringState
        rospy.logdebug("Changing steering direction")
    lastSteeringState = data.buttons[2]

    #driving mode
    if (data.buttons[0] != lastThrottleState and lastThrottleState == 0):
        throttleState = not throttleState
        rospy.logdebug("Changing driving mode")
    lastThrottleState = data.buttons[0]

    #fine steering mode
    if (data.buttons[3] != lastFineSteeringState
            and lastFineSteeringState == 0):
        fineSteeringState = not fineSteeringState
        rospy.logdebug("Changing steering mode")
    lastFineSteeringState = data.buttons[3]

    #apply modificaitons to throttle based on drive mode selection
    #acceptible values for physical jetson car are +-5 (not in m/s) for now
    if not controllerInitialized:
        throttleVal = 0
        if (controllerInitializationStarted and data.axes[2] == 1
                and data.axes[5] == 1):  #controller should be corrected by now
            controllerInitialized = True
        elif (data.axes[2] == -1 and data.axes[5] == -1):
            controllerInitializationStarted = True
    elif throttleState:
        throttleVal = map(data.axes[5], 1, -1, 0, 2) + map(
            data.axes[2], 1, -1, 0, 2)  #range is 0 to 4
        throttleVal = map(data.axes[5], 1, -1, 0, 2) - map(
            data.axes[2], 1, -1, 0, 2)  #range is -2 to 2

#    #handle braking if applied (doesn't correlate to anything in simulation)
#    if(data.buttons[4] == 1 or data.buttons[5] == 1):
#        throttleVal = 6 #out of range value triggers active brake in ARC1 firmware

#apply modifications to steering based on steering mode selection
    if fineSteeringState:
        steeringVal = data.axes[0]  #range is -1 to 1
        steeringVal = data.axes[0] / 2  #range is -0.5 to 0.5

    msg = AckermannDriveStamped()
    msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    msg.header.frame_id = "base_link"

    msg.drive.acceleration = 0
    #drive acceleration unknown
    msg.drive.speed = throttleVal
    msg.drive.jerk = 0
    #jerk unknown
    msg.drive.steering_angle = steeringVal * steeringState  #steering state is 1 or -1 to flip steering if needed
    msg.drive.steering_angle_velocity = 0  #angle velocity unknown

Exemplo n.º 18
def perform_retrace(waypoint, i):
  print waypoint, ODOM_INF
  global pix_bot_center, pix_bot_theta, pix_bot_velocity, cmd_pub
  rospy.wait_for_message(ODOM_INF, Odometry, 5)
  dx = waypoint[0] - pix_bot_center.position.x
  dy = waypoint[1] - pix_bot_center.position.y
  target_distance = math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)

  cmd = AckermannDriveStamped()
  cmd.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
  cmd.header.frame_id = "base_link"
  cmd.drive.speed = pix_bot_velocity.linear.x

  cmd.drive.acceleration = max_acc[i]

  delta_error = 0.0
  last_error = 0.0

  while target_distance > retrace_waypoint_tol:

    dx = pix_bot_center.position.x - waypoint[0]
    dy = pix_bot_center.position.y - waypoint[1]
    lookahead_dist = np.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
    lookahead_theta = math.atan2(abs(dy), abs(dx))
    # lookahead_theta = waypoint[2]
    alpha = shortest_angular_distance(lookahead_theta, pix_bot_theta)

    cmd.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
    cmd.header.frame_id = "base_link"
    # Publishing constant speed of 1m/s
    cmd.drive.speed = 1

    # Reactive steering
    # print(pix_bot_theta, lookahead_theta )
    # print("ALPHA")
    # print(alpha)

    if alpha < 0:
      st_ang = max(-max_steering_angle_ret, alpha)
      st_ang = min(max_steering_angle_ret, alpha)

    cmd.drive.steering_angle = st_ang
    target_distance = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)

    error_speed = target_distance
    if last_error == 0:
      delta_error = error_speed - last_error

    velocity = Kp * error_speed + Kd * delta_error

    MIN_VEL = 0.1
    MAX_VEL = 0.75

    velocity = max(MIN_VEL, min(MAX_VEL , velocity))

    cmd.drive.speed = -velocity

    rospy.wait_for_message(ODOM_INF, Odometry, 5)
Exemplo n.º 19
def lidar_callback(data):
    global prev_threshold_angle, integral_prior
    gauss_range = np.arange(0, 1080, 1)
    gaussian_weights = gaussian(gauss_range, 540, 150)
    gaussian_weights = gaussian_weights + (1 - gaussian_weights[0])

    #limited_ranges = limited_ranges*gaussian_weights
    limited_ranges = np.asarray(data.ranges)
    limited_ranges[0:right_extreme] = 0.0
    limited_ranges[(left_extreme + 1):] = 0.0
    limited_ranges[(left_extreme + 1)] = limited_ranges[left_extreme]
    indices = np.where(limited_ranges >= lidar_max_range)[0]
    limited_ranges[indices] = lidar_max_range - 0.1  #data.range_m - 0.1
    disparities = find_disparities(limited_ranges, disparity_threshold)

    # Experimental section
    right = []
    left = []
    front = []

    # Handling Multiple Disparities
    a = 14
    for i in disparities:
        if i > 540 - a and i < 540 + a:
        elif i < 540:

    if len(right) > len(left) and len(right) > len(front):
        disparities = right
    elif len(left) > len(right) and len(left) > len(front):
        disparities = left
        disparities = front

    new_ranges = extend_disparities(limited_ranges, disparities, car_width)
    new_ranges = new_ranges * gaussian_weights
    max_value = max(new_ranges)
    target_distances = np.where(
        new_ranges >= (max_value - 1))[0]  #index values

    driving_distance_index, chosen_index = calculate_target_distance(
    driving_angle = calculate_angle(driving_distance_index)
    thresholded_angle = threshold_angle(driving_angle)

    behind_car = np.asarray(data.ranges)
    behind_car_right = behind_car[0:right_extreme]
    behind_car_left = behind_car[(left_extreme + 1):]

    #change the steering angle based on whether we are safe
    thresholded_angle = adjust_turning_for_safety(behind_car_left,
    velocity = calculate_min_turning_radius(thresholded_angle)
    velocity = threshold_speed(velocity, new_ranges[driving_distance_index],

    # Publish drive and Steer
    msg = AckermannDriveStamped()
    Kd = 0.02  #0.055
    Ki = 0.075
    Kp = 0.75

    integral = integral_prior + (thresholded_angle * 0.004)
    msg.drive.steering_angle = Kp * thresholded_angle + (
        Kd *
        (thresholded_angle - prev_threshold_angle) / 0.004) + Ki * integral
    prev_threshold_angle = thresholded_angle
    integral_prior = integral
    msg.drive.speed = velocity


    current_time = rospy.Time.now()
    # Publish Modified Scan
    scan = LaserScan()
    scan.header.stamp = current_time
    scan.header.frame_id = 'ego_racecar/laser'
    scan.angle_min = -1.57
    scan.angle_max = 1.57
    scan.angle_increment = 3.14 / 1080
    scan.time_increment = (1.0 / 250) / (1080)
    scan.range_min = 0.0
    scan.range_max = 270.0
    scan.ranges = new_ranges
    scan.intensities = []

    # Publish marker
    markermsg = Marker()
    markermsg.header.frame_id = "ego_racecar/laser"
    markermsg.header.stamp = current_time
    markermsg.id = 0
    markermsg.type = 2
    markermsg.action = 0
    markermsg.pose.position.x = np.sin(math.pi - np.deg2rad((
        (driving_distance_index - 180) /
        4))) * new_ranges[driving_distance_index]
    markermsg.pose.position.y = np.cos(math.pi - np.deg2rad((
        (driving_distance_index - 180) /
        4))) * new_ranges[driving_distance_index]
    markermsg.pose.position.z = 0
    markermsg.scale.x = 0.5
    markermsg.scale.y = 0.5
    markermsg.scale.z = 0.5

    markermsg.pose.orientation.x = 0
    markermsg.pose.orientation.y = 0
    markermsg.pose.orientation.z = 0
    markermsg.pose.orientation.w = 1.0

    markermsg.color.r = 0.0
    markermsg.color.g = 1.0
    markermsg.color.b = 0.0
    markermsg.color.a = 1.0

    markermsg.lifetime = rospy.Duration()

    """Scale the speed in accordance to the forward distance"""
Exemplo n.º 20
 def generate_drive_stamp(self, steering):
     stamp = AckermannDriveStamped()
     stamp.drive.steering_angle = steering
     stamp.drive.speed = -2.
     rospy.logwarn("steering: %s", steering)
     return stamp
Exemplo n.º 21
import sys
from ackermann_msgs.msg import AckermannDrive
from ackermann_msgs.msg import AckermannDriveStamped

__author__ = "Ilyas M Abbas ([email protected])"

if __name__ == '__main__':

    if len(sys.argv) != 3:
        print sys.argv

    rospy.init_node('ackermann_test_publisher', anonymous=True)
    pub = rospy.Publisher('auto_cmd', AckermannDriveStamped, queue_size=1)
    ack_msg = AckermannDriveStamped()
    ack_msg.drive = AckermannDrive()
    ack_msg.drive.speed = float(sys.argv[1])
    ack_msg.drive.steering_angle = float(sys.argv[2])

    then = rospy.Time.now()
    r = rospy.Rate(10)
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():
        if ((rospy.Time.now() - then).to_sec() > 10 and
                (rospy.Time.now() - then).to_sec() < 14):
            ack_msg.drive.speed = 0
            ack_msg.drive.steering_angle = 0

Exemplo n.º 22
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import rospy, math, serial
import time
import os
from collections import deque
# ROS Msgs
from std_msgs.msg import Int16
from ackermann_msgs.msg import AckermannDriveStamped
steering_pub = rospy.Publisher('pot_angle', AckermannDriveStamped, queue_size=10)
steering_msg = AckermannDriveStamped()

#REGION SerialInit.
command ='udevadm info -e'
data = p.read()
lines= data.split('\n\n')

for i in range(len(lines)):
#    if 'Uno' in lines[i] and '855313036' in lines[i]:
    if 'Uno' in lines[i] and 'dev/ttyACM' in lines[i]:
        start = lines[i].find('/dev/ttyACM')
        if (start != -1):
            default_port = lines[i][start:start+12]
            print("Arduino port was found after search: ", default_port, "Srart was: ", start)

ard = serial.Serial(default_port,9600,timeout=0.0001)
#ENDREGION SerialInit.
 def send_action(self, steering_angle, throttle):
     ack_msg = AckermannDriveStamped()
     ack_msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
     ack_msg.drive.steering_angle = steering_angle
     ack_msg.drive.speed = throttle
Exemplo n.º 24
rospy.Subscriber('/sim_car_pose/pose', PoseStamped, cb_heading)

# Publish initial position
init_pose = PoseWithCovarianceStamped()
init_pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
init_pose.header.frame_id = 'map'
init_pose.pose.pose.position.x = 0.0
init_pose.pose.pose.position.y = 0.0
init_pose.pose.pose.orientation = utils.angle_to_quaternion(0.0)
rospy.sleep(1)  # publisher needs some time before it can publish
rospy.loginfo('Publish initialpose')

# Publish drive info
cmd = AckermannDriveStamped()
cmd.header.frame_id = 'map'
cmd.drive.steering_angle = 0.1
cmd.drive.speed = 2
r = rospy.Rate(20)
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
    if heading < -0.5 and circle == 0:
        circle = 1
    elif heading > -0.1 and circle == 1:
        cmd.drive.steering_angle = -cmd.drive.steering_angle
        circle = 2
    elif heading > 0.5 and circle == 2:
        circle = 3
    elif heading < 0.1 and circle == 3: