def parse_test_status(file_contents): ############################################################################### """ Returns {ordered dict of phase->status}, test_name """ rv = OrderedDict() test_name = None for line in file_contents.splitlines(): if (line.split()[0] == COMMENT_STATUS): pass # skip comments elif (len(line.split()) == 3): status, curr_test_name, phase = line.split() if (test_name is None): test_name = curr_test_name if (phase in rv): # Phase names don't matter here, just need something unique rv[phase] = reduce_stati({ "%s_" % phase: status, phase: rv[phase] }) else: rv[phase] = status else: warning( "In TestStatus file for test '%s', line '%s' not in expected format" % (test_name, line)) return rv, test_name
def _setup_cs_files(self): ########################################################################### try: acme_scripts_root = acme_util.get_acme_scripts_root() template_file = os.path.join(acme_scripts_root, "cs.status.template") template = open(template_file, "r").read() template = template.replace("<PATH>", acme_scripts_root).replace("<TESTID>", self._test_id) cs_status_file = os.path.join(self._test_root, "cs.status.%s" % self._test_id) with open(cs_status_file, "w") as fd: fd.write(template) os.chmod(cs_status_file, os.stat(cs_status_file).st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP) template_file = os.path.join(acme_scripts_root, "cs.submit.template") template = open(template_file, "r").read() build_cmd = "./*.test_build" if self._no_build else ":" run_cmd = "./*.test" if self._no_batch else "./*.submit" template = template.replace("<BUILD_CMD>", build_cmd).replace("<RUN_CMD>", run_cmd).replace("<TESTID>", self._test_id) if (self._no_build or self._no_run): cs_submit_file = os.path.join(self._test_root, "cs.submit.%s" % self._test_id) with open(cs_submit_file, "w") as fd: fd.write(template) os.chmod(cs_submit_file, os.stat(cs_submit_file).st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP) except Exception as e: warning("FAILED to set up cs files: %s" % str(e))
def interpret_status(file_contents, check_throughput=False, check_memory=False, ignore_namelists=False): ############################################################################### r""" >>> interpret_status('PASS testname RUN') ('testname', 'PASS') >>> interpret_status('PASS testname BUILD\nPEND testname RUN') ('testname', 'PEND') >>> interpret_status('FAIL testname BUILD\nPEND testname RUN') ('testname', 'PEND') >>> interpret_status('PASS testname BUILD\nPASS testname RUN') ('testname', 'PASS') >>> interpret_status('PASS testname RUN\nFAIL testname tputcomp') ('testname', 'PASS') >>> interpret_status('PASS testname RUN\nFAIL testname tputcomp', check_throughput=True) ('testname', 'FAIL') >>> interpret_status('PASS testname RUN\nNLFAIL testname nlcomp') ('testname', 'NLFAIL') >>> interpret_status('PASS testname RUN\nNLFAIL testname nlcomp', ignore_namelists=True) ('testname', 'PASS') >>> interpret_status('PASS testname compare\nNLFAIL testname nlcomp\nFAIL testname compare') ('testname', 'DIFF') """ statuses, test_name = parse_test_status(file_contents) reduced_status = reduce_stati(statuses, check_throughput, check_memory, ignore_namelists) if (RUN_PHASE not in statuses.keys() and reduced_status != TEST_FAIL_STATUS): warning("Very odd: Waiting for test '%s' that has no run phase but did not fail?!?!" % test_name) return test_name, reduced_status
def _handle_test_status_file(self, test_name, test_phase, success): ########################################################################### # # This complexity is due to sharing of TestStatus responsibilities # try: if (test_phase != RUN_PHASE and (not success or test_phase == BUILD_PHASE or test_phase == self._phases[-1])): self._update_test_status_file(test_name) # If we failed VERY early on in the run phase, it's possible that # the CIME scripts never got a chance to set the state. elif (test_phase == RUN_PHASE and not success): test_status_file = os.path.join(self._get_test_dir(test_name), TEST_STATUS_FILENAME) statuses = wait_for_tests.parse_test_status_file(test_status_file)[0] if ( RUN_PHASE not in statuses or statuses[RUN_PHASE] in [TEST_PASS_STATUS, TEST_PENDING_STATUS] ): self._update_test_status_file(test_name) except Exception as e: # TODO: What to do here? This failure is very severe because the # only way for test results to be communicated is by the TestStatus # file. warning("VERY BAD! Could not handle TestStatus file '%s': '%s'" % (test_status_file, str(e))) thread.interrupt_main()
def wait_for_tests_impl(test_paths, no_wait=False, check_throughput=False, check_memory=False, ignore_namelists=False): ############################################################################### results = Queue.Queue() for test_path in test_paths: t = threading.Thread(target=wait_for_test, args=(test_path, results, not no_wait, check_throughput, check_memory, ignore_namelists)) t.daemon = True t.start() while threading.active_count() > 1: time.sleep(1) test_results = {} completed_test_paths = [] while (not results.empty()): test_name, test_path, test_status = results.get() if (test_name in test_results): prior_path, prior_status = test_results[test_name] if (test_status == prior_status): warning("Test name '%s' was found in both '%s' and '%s'" % (test_name, test_path, prior_path)) else: raise SystemExit("Test name '%s' was found in both '%s' and '%s' with different results" % (test_name, test_path, prior_path)) test_results[test_name] = (test_path, test_status) completed_test_paths.append(test_path) expect(set(test_paths) == set(completed_test_paths), "Missing results for test paths: %s" % (set(test_paths) - set(completed_test_paths)) ) return test_results
def _handle_test_status_file(self, test_name, test_phase, success): ########################################################################### # # This complexity is due to sharing of TestStatus responsibilities # try: if (test_phase != RUN_PHASE and (not success or test_phase == BUILD_PHASE or test_phase == self._phases[-1])): self._update_test_status_file(test_name) # If we failed VERY early on in the run phase, it's possible that # the CIME scripts never got a chance to set the state. elif (test_phase == RUN_PHASE and not success): test_status_file = os.path.join(self._get_test_dir(test_name), TEST_STATUS_FILENAME) statuses = wait_for_tests.parse_test_status_file( test_status_file)[0] if (RUN_PHASE not in statuses or statuses[RUN_PHASE] in [TEST_PASS_STATUS, TEST_PENDING_STATUS]): self._update_test_status_file(test_name) except Exception as e: # TODO: What to do here? This failure is very severe because the # only way for test results to be communicated is by the TestStatus # file. warning("VERY BAD! Could not handle TestStatus file '%s': '%s'" % (os.path.join(self._get_test_dir(test_name), TEST_STATUS_FILENAME), str(e))) thread.interrupt_main()
def get_test_output(test_path): ############################################################################### output_file = os.path.join(test_path, "TestStatus.log") if (os.path.exists(output_file)): return open(output_file, 'r').read() else: warning("File '%s' not found" % output_file) return ""
def get_test_time(test_path): ############################################################################### cmd = "grep TIME %s" % os.path.join(test_path, TEST_STATUS_FILENAME) stat, output, _ = acme_util.run_cmd(cmd, ok_to_fail=True) if (stat == 0): return int(output.split()[-1]) else: warning("No timing data found in %s" % test_path) return 0
def _run_catch_exceptions(self, test_name, phase, run): ########################################################################### try: return run(test_name) except Exception as e: exc_tb = sys.exc_info()[2] errput = "Test '%s' failed in phase '%s' with exception '%s'" % (test_name, phase, str(e)) self._log_output(test_name, errput) warning("Caught exception: %s" % str(e)) traceback.print_tb(exc_tb) return False
def wait_for_tests_impl(test_paths, no_wait=False, check_throughput=False, check_memory=False, ignore_namelists=False): ############################################################################### results = Queue.Queue() for test_path in test_paths: t = threading.Thread(target=wait_for_test, args=(test_path, results, not no_wait, check_throughput, check_memory, ignore_namelists)) t.daemon = True t.start() while threading.active_count() > 1: time.sleep(1) test_results = {} completed_test_paths = [] while (not results.empty()): test_name, test_path, test_status = results.get() if (test_name in test_results): prior_path, prior_status = test_results[test_name] if (test_status == prior_status): warning("Test name '%s' was found in both '%s' and '%s'" % (test_name, test_path, prior_path)) else: raise SystemExit( "Test name '%s' was found in both '%s' and '%s' with different results" % (test_name, test_path, prior_path)) test_results[test_name] = (test_path, test_status) completed_test_paths.append(test_path) expect( set(test_paths) == set(completed_test_paths), "Missing results for test paths: %s" % (set(test_paths) - set(completed_test_paths))) return test_results
def parse_test_status(file_contents): ############################################################################### """ Returns {ordered dict of phase->status}, test_name """ rv = OrderedDict() test_name = None for line in file_contents.splitlines(): if (line.split()[0] == COMMENT_STATUS): pass # skip comments elif (len(line.split()) == 3): status, curr_test_name, phase = line.split() if (test_name is None): test_name = curr_test_name if (phase in rv): # Phase names don't matter here, just need something unique rv[phase] = reduce_stati({"%s_" % phase : status, phase : rv[phase]}) else: rv[phase] = status else: warning("In TestStatus file for test '%s', line '%s' not in expected format" % (test_name, line)) return rv, test_name
def interpret_status(file_contents, check_throughput=False, check_memory=False, ignore_namelists=False): ############################################################################### r""" >>> interpret_status('PASS testname RUN') ('testname', 'PASS') >>> interpret_status('PASS testname BUILD\nPEND testname RUN') ('testname', 'PEND') >>> interpret_status('FAIL testname BUILD\nPEND testname RUN') ('testname', 'PEND') >>> interpret_status('PASS testname BUILD\nPASS testname RUN') ('testname', 'PASS') >>> interpret_status('PASS testname RUN\nFAIL testname tputcomp') ('testname', 'PASS') >>> interpret_status('PASS testname RUN\nFAIL testname tputcomp', check_throughput=True) ('testname', 'FAIL') >>> interpret_status('PASS testname RUN\nNLFAIL testname nlcomp') ('testname', 'NLFAIL') >>> interpret_status('PASS testname RUN\nNLFAIL testname nlcomp', ignore_namelists=True) ('testname', 'PASS') >>> interpret_status('PASS testname compare\nNLFAIL testname nlcomp\nFAIL testname compare') ('testname', 'DIFF') """ statuses, test_name = parse_test_status(file_contents) reduced_status = reduce_stati(statuses, check_throughput, check_memory, ignore_namelists) if (RUN_PHASE not in statuses.keys() and reduced_status != TEST_FAIL_STATUS): warning( "Very odd: Waiting for test '%s' that has no run phase but did not fail?!?!" % test_name) return test_name, reduced_status
def create_cdash_xml(results, cdash_build_name, cdash_project, cdash_build_group, start_time): ############################################################################### # # Create dart config file # if (start_time is None): warning("No valid start_time provided, using current time instead") start_time = time.time() utc_time_tuple = time.gmtime(start_time) cdash_timestamp = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", utc_time_tuple) hostname = acme_util.probe_machine_name() if (hostname is None): hostname = socket.gethostname().split(".")[0] warning("Could not convert hostname '%s' into an ACME machine name" % (hostname)) dart_config = \ """ SourceDirectory: %s BuildDirectory: %s # Site is something like machine.domain, i.e. pragmatic.crd Site: %s # Build name is osname-revision-compiler, i.e. Linux-2.4.2-2smp-c++ BuildName: %s # Submission information IsCDash: TRUE CDashVersion: QueryCDashVersion: DropSite: DropLocation: /submit.php?project=%s DropSiteUser: DropSitePassword: DropSiteMode: DropMethod: http TriggerSite: ScpCommand: %s # Dashboard start time NightlyStartTime: %s UTC """ % (os.getcwd(), os.getcwd(), hostname, cdash_build_name, cdash_project, distutils.spawn.find_executable("scp"), cdash_timestamp) with open("DartConfiguration.tcl", "w") as dart_fd: dart_fd.write(dart_config) utc_time = time.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M', utc_time_tuple) os.makedirs(os.path.join("Testing", utc_time)) # Make tag file with open("Testing/TAG", "w") as tag_fd: tag_fd.write("%s\n%s\n" % (utc_time, cdash_build_group)) create_cdash_test_xml(results, cdash_build_name, cdash_build_group, utc_time, start_time, hostname) create_cdash_upload_xml(results, cdash_build_name, cdash_build_group, utc_time, hostname) acme_util.run_cmd("ctest -VV -D NightlySubmit", verbose=True)