Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_safe(self):

        assert helpers.safe('"') == '"'
        assert helpers.safe("") == '""'

        assert helpers.safe("*Foo") == '"*Foo"'
        assert helpers.safe('{"Foo') == "'{\"Foo'"

        assert helpers.safe('"Foo" Bar') == '"Foo" Bar'
        assert helpers.safe("'bout \" and '") == '"\'bout " and \'"'

        assert helpers.safe("Hello World") == "Hello World"
        assert helpers.safe("Hello: World") == '"Hello: World"'
        assert helpers.safe("Hello's World") == "Hello's World"
        assert helpers.safe('Hello "World"') == 'Hello "World"'
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_safe(self):

        assert helpers.safe('"') == '"'
        assert helpers.safe('') == '""'

        assert helpers.safe('*Foo') == '"*Foo"'
        assert helpers.safe('{"Foo') == '\'{"Foo\''

        assert helpers.safe('"Foo" Bar') == '"Foo" Bar'
        assert helpers.safe("'bout \" and '") == "\"'bout \" and '\""

        assert helpers.safe('Hello World') == 'Hello World'
        assert helpers.safe('Hello: World') == '"Hello: World"'
        assert helpers.safe('Hello\'s World') == 'Hello\'s World'
        assert helpers.safe('Hello "World"') == 'Hello "World"'
Exemplo n.º 3
def new(conf, env, title, prompt=True):
    """Subcommand: new -- create a new blog entry the easy way.  Either run
    ``acrylamid new My fresh new Entry`` or interactively via ``acrylamid new``
    and the file will be created using the preferred permalink format."""

    # we need the actual defaults values
    initialize(conf, env)

    fd, tmp = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.txt', dir='.cache/')
    editor = os.getenv('VISUAL') if os.getenv('VISUAL') else os.getenv('EDITOR')

    if not title:
        title = raw_input("Entry's title: ")
    title = safe(title)

    with io.open(fd, 'w') as f:
        f.write(u'title: %s\n' % title)
        f.write(u'date: %s\n' % datetime.now().strftime(conf['date_format']))

    entry = readers.Entry(tmp, conf)
    p = join(conf['content_dir'], dirname(entry.permalink)[1:])

        os.makedirs(p.rsplit('/', 1)[0])
    except OSError:

    filepath = p + '.txt'
    if isfile(filepath):
        raise AcrylamidException('Entry already exists %r' % filepath)
    shutil.move(tmp, filepath)

    if datetime.now().hour == 23 and datetime.now().minute > 45:
        log.info("notice  consider editing entry.date-day after you passed mignight!")

    if not prompt:

        if editor:
            retcode = subprocess.call([editor, filepath])
        elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
            retcode = subprocess.call(['open', filepath])
            retcode = subprocess.call(['xdg-open', filepath])
    except OSError:
        raise AcrylamidException('Could not launch an editor')

    # XXX process detaches... m(
    if retcode < 0:
        raise AcrylamidException('Child was terminated by signal %i' % -retcode)

    if os.stat(filepath)[6] == 0:
        raise AcrylamidException('File is empty!')
Exemplo n.º 4
def create(path, **kwargs):

    with open(path, 'w') as fp:
        for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
            if isinstance(v, basestring):
                v = safe(v)
            fp.write('%s: %s\n' % (k, v))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def create(defaults, item):

        global USED_WORDPRESS
        fd, tmp = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.txt')

        with io.open(fd, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            f.write(u'title: %s\n' % safe(item['title']))
            if item.get('author') != defaults.get('author'):
                f.write(u'author: %s\n' %
                        (item.get('author') or defaults.get('author')))
            f.write(u'date: %s\n' % item['date'].strftime(conf['date_format']))
            #f.write(u'filter: %s\n' % item['filter'])
            if 'draft' in item:
                f.write(u'draft: %s\n' % item['draft'])
            if 'tags' in item:
                f.write(u'tags: [%s]\n' % ', '.join(item['tags']))
            if item.get('description'):
                f.write(u'description: %s\n' % item['description'])
            if 'permalink' in item:
                f.write(u'permalink: %s\n' % item['permalink'])
            if item.get('type', 'entry') != 'entry':
                f.write(u'type: %s\n' % item['type'])
            for arg in options.args:
                f.write(arg.strip() + u'\n')

            # this are fixes for WordPress because they don't save HTML but a
            # stupid mixed-in form of HTML making it very difficult to get either HTML
            # or reStructuredText/Markdown
            if USED_WORDPRESS and item['filter'] == 'markdown':
                item['content'] = item['content'].replace("\n ", "  \n")
            elif USED_WORDPRESS and item['filter'] == 'rst':
                item['content'] = item['content'].replace('\n ', '\n\n')
            f.write(item['content'] + u'\n')

        entry = Entry(tmp, conf)
        p = join(conf['content_dir'], dirname(entry.permalink)[1:])

            os.makedirs(p.rsplit('/', 1)[0])
        except OSError:

        filepath = p + '.txt'
        if isfile(filepath) and not options.force:
            raise AcrylamidException('Entry already exists %r' % filepath)
        shutil.move(tmp, filepath)
        event.create('import', filepath)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def create(defaults, item):

        global USED_WORDPRESS
        fd, tmp = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.txt')

        with io.open(fd, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            f.write(u'title: %s\n' % safe(item['title']))
            if item.get('author') != defaults.get('author'):
                f.write(u'author: %s\n' % (item.get('author') or defaults.get('author')))
            f.write(u'date: %s\n' % item['date'].strftime(conf['date_format']))
            #f.write(u'filter: %s\n' % item['filter'])
            if 'draft' in item:
                f.write(u'draft: %s\n' % item['draft'])
            if 'tags' in item:
                f.write(u'tags: [%s]\n' % ', '.join(item['tags']))
            if item.get('description'):
                f.write(u'description: %s\n' % item['description'])
            if 'permalink' in item:
                f.write(u'permalink: %s\n' % item['permalink'])
            if item.get('type', 'entry') != 'entry':
                f.write(u'type: %s\n' % item['type'])
            for arg in options.args:
                f.write(arg.strip() + u'\n')

            # this are fixes for WordPress because they don't save HTML but a
            # stupid mixed-in form of HTML making it very difficult to get either HTML
            # or reStructuredText/Markdown
            if USED_WORDPRESS and item['filter'] == 'markdown':
                item['content'] = item['content'].replace("\n ", "  \n")
            elif USED_WORDPRESS and item['filter'] == 'rst':
                item['content'] = item['content'].replace('\n ', '\n\n')

        entry = Entry(tmp, conf)
        p = join(conf['content_dir'], dirname(entry.permalink)[1:])

            os.makedirs(p.rsplit('/', 1)[0])
        except OSError:

        filepath = p + '.txt'
        if isfile(filepath) and not options.force:
            raise AcrylamidException('Entry already exists %r' % filepath)
        shutil.move(tmp, filepath)
        event.create('import', filepath)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def create(defaults, title, date, author, content, fmt, permalink=None, tags=None):

        global USED_WORDPRESS

        fd, tmp = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.txt')
        title = safe(title)

        with io.open(fd, 'w') as f:
            f.write(u'title: %s\n' % title)
            if author != defaults.get('author', None):
                f.write(u'author: %s\n' % author)
            f.write(u'date: %s\n' % date.strftime(conf['date_format']))
            f.write(u'filter: [%s, ]\n' % fmt)
            if tags:
                f.write(u'tags: [%s]\n' % ', '.join(tags))
            if permalink:
                f.write(u'permalink: %s\n' % permalink)
            for arg in options.args:
                f.write(arg.strip() + u'\n')

            # this are fixes for WordPress because they don't save HTML but a
            # stupid mixed-in form of HTML making it very difficult to get either HTML
            # or reStructuredText/Markdown
            if USED_WORDPRESS and fmt == 'markdown':
                content = content.replace("\n ", "  \n")
            elif USED_WORDPRESS and fmt == 'rst':
                content = content.replace('\n ', '\n\n')

        entry = Entry(tmp, conf)
        p = join(conf['content_dir'], dirname(entry.permalink)[1:])

            os.makedirs(p.rsplit('/', 1)[0])
        except OSError:

        filepath = p + '.txt'
        if isfile(filepath) and not options.force:
            raise AcrylamidException('Entry already exists %r' % filepath)
        shutil.move(tmp, filepath)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def create(defaults, title, date, author, content, fmt, permalink=None, tags=None):

        global USED_WORDPRESS

        fd, tmp = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".txt")
        title = safe(title)

        with io.open(fd, "w") as f:
            f.write(u"title: %s\n" % title)
            if author != defaults.get("author", None):
                f.write(u"author: %s\n" % author)
            f.write(u"date: %s\n" % date.strftime(conf["date_format"]))
            f.write(u"filter: [%s, ]\n" % fmt)
            if tags:
                f.write(u"tags: [%s]\n" % ", ".join(tags))
            if permalink:
                f.write(u"permalink: %s\n" % permalink)
            for arg in options.args:
                f.write(arg.strip() + u"\n")

            # this are fixes for WordPress because they don't save HTML but a
            # stupid mixed-in form of HTML making it very difficult to get either HTML
            # or reStructuredText/Markdown
            if USED_WORDPRESS and fmt == "markdown":
                content = content.replace("\n ", "  \n")
            elif USED_WORDPRESS and fmt == "rst":
                content = content.replace("\n ", "\n\n")
            f.write(content + u"\n")

        entry = Entry(tmp, conf)
        p = join(conf["content_dir"], dirname(entry.permalink)[1:])

            os.makedirs(p.rsplit("/", 1)[0])
        except OSError:

        filepath = p + ".txt"
        if isfile(filepath) and not options.force:
            raise AcrylamidException("Entry already exists %r" % filepath)
        shutil.move(tmp, filepath)
Exemplo n.º 9
from acrylamid import log, readers, commands
from acrylamid.errors import AcrylamidException
from acrylamid.compat import string_types

from acrylamid.tasks import task, argument
from acrylamid.utils import force_unicode as u
from acrylamid.helpers import safe, event

    input = raw_input
except NameError:

yaml, rst, md = \
    lambda title, date: u"---\ntitle: %s\ndate: %s\n---\n\n" % (safe(title), date), \
    lambda title, date: u"%s\n" % title + "="*len(title) + '\n\n' + ":date: %s\n\n" % date, \
    lambda title, date: u"Title: %s\nDate: %s\n\n" % (title, date)

formats = {'.md': md, '.mkdown': md, '.rst': rst, '.rest': rst}

@task('new', [argument("title", nargs="*", default=None)],
      help="create a new entry")
def run(conf, env, options):
    """Subcommand: new -- create a new blog entry the easy way.  Either run
    ``acrylamid new My fresh new Entry`` or interactively via ``acrylamid new``
    and the file will be created using the preferred permalink format."""

    # we need the actual default values
    commands.initialize(conf, env)
Exemplo n.º 10
import tempfile
import subprocess
import shutil

from os.path import join, dirname, isfile
from datetime import datetime

from acrylamid import log, readers, commands
from acrylamid.errors import AcrylamidException

from acrylamid.tasks import task, argument
from acrylamid.utils import force_unicode as u
from acrylamid.helpers import safe, event

yaml, rst, md = \
    lambda title, date: u"---\ntitle: %s\ndate: %s\n---\n\n" % (safe(title), date), \
    lambda title, date: u"%s\n" % title + "="*len(title) + '\n\n' + ":date: %s\n\n" % date, \
    lambda title, date: u"Title: %s\nDate: %s\n\n" % (title, date)

formats = {'.md': md, '.mkdown': md, '.rst': rst, '.rest': rst}

@task('new', [argument("title", nargs="*", default=None)], help="create a new entry")
def run(conf, env, options):
    """Subcommand: new -- create a new blog entry the easy way.  Either run
    ``acrylamid new My fresh new Entry`` or interactively via ``acrylamid new``
    and the file will be created using the preferred permalink format."""

    # we need the actual default values
    commands.initialize(conf, env)
Exemplo n.º 11
def new(conf, env, title, prompt=True):
    """Subcommand: new -- create a new blog entry the easy way.  Either run
    ``acrylamid new My fresh new Entry`` or interactively via ``acrylamid new``
    and the file will be created using the preferred permalink format."""

    # we need the actual defaults values
    initialize(conf, env)

    fd, tmp = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.txt', dir='.cache/')
    editor = os.getenv('VISUAL') if os.getenv('VISUAL') else os.getenv(

    if not title:
        title = raw_input("Entry's title: ")
    title = safe(title)

    with io.open(fd, 'w') as f:
        f.write(u'title: %s\n' % title)
        f.write(u'date: %s\n' % datetime.now().strftime(conf['date_format']))

    entry = readers.Entry(tmp, conf)
    p = join(conf['content_dir'], dirname(entry.permalink)[1:])

        os.makedirs(p.rsplit('/', 1)[0])
    except OSError:

    filepath = p + '.txt'
    if isfile(filepath):
        raise AcrylamidException('Entry already exists %r' % filepath)
    shutil.move(tmp, filepath)

    if datetime.now().hour == 23 and datetime.now().minute > 45:
            "notice  consider editing entry.date-day after you passed mignight!"

    if not prompt:

        if editor:
            retcode = subprocess.call([editor, filepath])
        elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
            retcode = subprocess.call(['open', filepath])
            retcode = subprocess.call(['xdg-open', filepath])
    except OSError:
        raise AcrylamidException('Could not launch an editor')

    # XXX process detaches... m(
    if retcode < 0:
        raise AcrylamidException('Child was terminated by signal %i' %

    if os.stat(filepath)[6] == 0:
        raise AcrylamidException('File is empty!')
Exemplo n.º 12
    def safe(self):

        assert helpers.safe('"') == '"'
        assert helpers.safe('') == '""'

        assert helpers.safe('*Foo') == '"*Foo"'
        assert helpers.safe('{"Foo') == '\'{"Foo\''

        assert helpers.safe('"Foo" Bar') == '"Foo" Bar'
        assert helpers.safe("'bout \" and '") == "\"'bout \" and '\""

        assert helpers.safe('Hello World') == 'Hello World'
        assert helpers.safe('Hello: World') == '"Hello: World"'
        assert helpers.safe('Hello\'s World') == 'Hello\'s World'
        assert helpers.safe('Hello "World"') == 'Hello "World"'

        assert helpers.safe('[foo][bar] Baz') == '"[foo][bar] Baz"'