Exemplo n.º 1
X_train = features[:Ntrain]
X_test = features[Ntrain:]
y_train = label[:Ntrain]
y_test = label[Ntrain:]

# simulate active learning process

accuracy = []
Nrecs = 200;  # number of new labels in each iteration

for k in range(6):

    # 1. train model with training data, and recommend samples for labeling
    out = AL.process(X_train, y_train, X_test, Nrecs, 'SVM')
    IDtoLabel = out['IDtoLabel']
    relevanceScore = out['relevanceScore']
    # 2. assume get the expert feedback
    y_newlabel = y_test[IDtoLabel]
    # For Simulation purpose
    # performance evaluation: calculate prediction accuracy
    classifier = out['classifier']
    y_test_predicted = classifier.predict(X_test)
    out = evaluate(y_test, y_test_predicted)
    # updated y_test
Exemplo n.º 2
X_train = features[:Ntrain]
X_test = features[Ntrain:]
y_train = label[:Ntrain]
y_test = label[Ntrain:]

# simulate active learning process

accuracy = []
Nrecs = 50;  # number of new labels in each iteration

for k in range(6):

    # 1. train model with training data, and recommend samples for labeling
    out = AL.process(X_train, y_train, X_test, Nrecs, 'SVM', 'entropy')
    IDtoLabel = out['IDtoLabel']
    relevanceScore = out['relevanceScore']
    # 2. assume get the expert feedback
    y_newlabel = y_test[IDtoLabel]
    # For Simulation purpose
    # performance evaluation: calculate prediction accuracy
    classifier = out['classifier']
    y_test_predicted = classifier.predict(X_test)
    out = evaluate(y_test, y_test_predicted)
    # updated y_test