Exemplo n.º 1
 def rebuild(self, filename):
     Rebuild all the dependent items in the paper in a new file.
     First all items without dependencies are copied to the new
     file, then all the calclets are run in the new file in the
     order determined by the dependency graph in the original file.
     deps = self.dependency_hierarchy()
     with ActivePaper(filename, 'w') as clone:
         for item in next(deps):
             # Make sure all the groups in the path exist
             path = item.name.split('/')
             name = path[-1]
             groups = path[:-1]
             dest = clone.file
             while groups:
                 group_name = groups[0]
                 if len(group_name) > 0:
                     if group_name not in dest:
                     dest = dest[group_name]
                 del groups[0]
             clone.file.copy(item, item.name, expand_refs=True)
         for items in deps:
             calclets = set(item.attrs['ACTIVE_PAPER_GENERATING_CODELET']
                            for item in items)
             for calclet in calclets:
Exemplo n.º 2
 def rebuild(self, filename):
     Rebuild all the dependent items in the paper in a new file.
     First all items without dependencies are copied to the new
     file, then all the calclets are run in the new file in the
     order determined by the dependency graph in the original file.
     deps = self.dependency_hierarchy()
     with ActivePaper(filename, 'w') as clone:
         for item in next(deps):
             # Make sure all the groups in the path exist
             path = item.name.split('/')
             name = path[-1]
             groups = path[:-1]
             dest = clone.file
             while groups:
                 group_name = groups[0]
                 if len(group_name) > 0:
                     if group_name not in dest:
                     dest = dest[group_name]
                 del groups[0]
             clone.file.copy(item, item.name, expand_refs=True)
         for items in deps:
             calclets = set(item.attrs['ACTIVE_PAPER_GENERATING_CODELET']
                            for item in items)
             for calclet in calclets:
Exemplo n.º 3
 def create_copy(self, path, paper_ref, ref_path=None):
     if ref_path is None:
         ref_path = path
     paper = open_paper_ref(paper_ref)
     item = paper.file[ref_path]
     self.file.copy(item, path, expand_refs=True)
     copy = self.file[path]
     timestamp(copy, mod_time(item))
     ref_dtype = np.dtype([('paper_ref', h5vstring), ('path', h5vstring)])
                       shape=(), dtype=ref_dtype,
                       data=np.array((paper_ref, ref_path), dtype=ref_dtype))
     return copy
Exemplo n.º 4
 def create_copy(self, path, paper_ref, ref_path=None):
     if ref_path is None:
         ref_path = path
     paper = open_paper_ref(paper_ref)
     item = paper.file[ref_path]
     self.file.copy(item, path, expand_refs=True)
     copy = self.file[path]
     timestamp(copy, mod_time(item))
     ref_dtype = np.dtype([('paper_ref', h5vstring), ('path', h5vstring)])
                       shape=(), dtype=ref_dtype,
                       data=np.array((paper_ref, ref_path), dtype=ref_dtype))
     return copy
Exemplo n.º 5
 def replace_by_dummy(self, item_name):
     item = self.file[item_name]
     codelet = owner(item)
     assert codelet is not None
     dtype = datatype(item)
     mtime = mod_time(item)
     deps = item.attrs.get('ACTIVE_PAPER_DEPENDENCIES')
     del self.file[item_name]
     ds = self.file.create_dataset(item_name,
                                   data=np.zeros((), dtype=np.int))
     stamp(ds, dtype,
     timestamp(ds, mtime)
     ds.attrs['ACTIVE_PAPER_DUMMY_DATASET'] = True
Exemplo n.º 6
 def replace_by_dummy(self, item_name):
     item = self.file[item_name]
     codelet = owner(item)
     assert codelet is not None
     dtype = datatype(item)
     mtime = mod_time(item)
     deps = item.attrs.get('ACTIVE_PAPER_DEPENDENCIES')
     del self.file[item_name]
     ds = self.file.create_dataset(item_name,
                                   data=np.zeros((), dtype=np.int))
     stamp(ds, dtype,
     timestamp(ds, mtime)
     ds.attrs['ACTIVE_PAPER_DUMMY_DATASET'] = True
Exemplo n.º 7
def update_from_file(paper, filename, type=None,
                     force_update=False, dry_run=False,
                     dataset_name=None, create_new=True):
    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        raise ValueError("File %s not found" % filename)
    mtime = os.path.getmtime(filename)
    basename = filename
    ext = ''
    if dataset_name is not None:
        item = paper.file.get(dataset_name, None)
        if item is not None:
            basename = item.name
        item = paper.file.get(basename, None)
        if item is None:
            basename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
            item = paper.file.get(basename, None)
    language = file_languages.get(ext, None)
    if item is None:
        if not create_new:
        # Create new item
        if type is None:
            raise ValueError("Datatype required to create new item %s"
                             % basename)
        if type in ['calclet', 'importlet', 'module']:
            if not basename.startswith('code/'):
                raise ValueError("Items of type %s must be"
                                 " in the code section"
                                 % type)
            if language != 'python':
                raise ValueError("Items of type %s must be Python code"
                                 % type)
            if type == 'module' and \
               not basename.startswith('code/python-packages/'):
                raise ValueError("Items of type %s must be in"
                                 % type)
        elif type == 'file':
            if not basename.startswith('data/') \
               and not basename.startswith('documentation/'):
                raise ValueError("Items of type %s must be"
                                 " in the data or documentation section"
                                 % type)
            basename += ext
        elif type == 'text':
            if not basename.startswith('documentation/'):
                raise ValueError("Items of type %s must be"
                                 " in the documentation section"
                                 % type)
        # Update existing item
        if mtime <= mod_time(item) and not force_update:
            if dry_run:
                sys.stdout.write("Skip %s: file %s is not newer\n"
                                 % (item.name, filename))
        if type is not None and type != datatype(item):
            raise ValueError("Cannot change datatype %s to %s"
                              % (datatype(item), type))
        if type is None:
            type = datatype(item)
        if language is None:
            language = item.attrs.get('ACTIVE_PAPER_LANGUAGE', None)
        if dry_run:
            sys.stdout.write("Delete %s\n" % item.name)
            del item.parent[item.name.split('/')[-1]]
    if dry_run:
        fulltype = type if language is None else '/'.join((type, language))
        sys.stdout.write("Create item %s of type %s from file %s\n"
                         % (basename, fulltype, filename))
        if type in ['calclet', 'importlet', 'module']:
            item = paper.store_python_code(basename[5:],
                                          open(filename, 'rb').read())
            stamp(item, type, {})
            timestamp(item, mtime)
        elif type in ['file', 'text']:
            f = paper.open_internal_file(basename, 'w')
            f.write(open(filename, 'rb').read())
            stamp(f._ds, type, {'ACTIVE_PAPER_LANGUAGE': language})
            timestamp(f._ds, mtime)
Exemplo n.º 8
def update_from_file(paper,
    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        raise ValueError("File %s not found" % filename)
    mtime = os.path.getmtime(filename)
    basename = filename
    ext = ''
    if dataset_name is not None:
        item = paper.file.get(dataset_name, None)
        if item is not None:
            basename = item.name
        item = paper.file.get(basename, None)
        if item is None:
            basename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
            item = paper.file.get(basename, None)
    language = file_languages.get(ext, None)
    if item is None:
        if not create_new:
        # Create new item
        if type is None:
            raise ValueError("Datatype required to create new item %s" %
        if type in ['calclet', 'importlet', 'module']:
            if not basename.startswith('code/'):
                raise ValueError("Items of type %s must be"
                                 " in the code section" % type)
            if language != 'python':
                raise ValueError("Items of type %s must be Python code" % type)
            if type == 'module' and \
               not basename.startswith('code/python-packages/'):
                raise ValueError("Items of type %s must be in"
                                 "code/python-packages" % type)
        elif type == 'file':
            if not basename.startswith('data/') \
               and not basename.startswith('documentation/'):
                raise ValueError("Items of type %s must be"
                                 " in the data or documentation section" %
            basename += ext
        elif type == 'text':
            if not basename.startswith('documentation/'):
                raise ValueError("Items of type %s must be"
                                 " in the documentation section" % type)
        # Update existing item
        if mtime <= mod_time(item) and not force_update:
            if dry_run:
                sys.stdout.write("Skip %s: file %s is not newer\n" %
                                 (item.name, filename))
        if type is not None and type != datatype(item):
            raise ValueError("Cannot change datatype %s to %s" %
                             (datatype(item), type))
        if type is None:
            type = datatype(item)
        if language is None:
            language = item.attrs.get('ACTIVE_PAPER_LANGUAGE', None)
        if dry_run:
            sys.stdout.write("Delete %s\n" % item.name)
            del item.parent[item.name.split('/')[-1]]
    if dry_run:
        fulltype = type if language is None else '/'.join((type, language))
        sys.stdout.write("Create item %s of type %s from file %s\n" %
                         (basename, fulltype, filename))
        if type in ['calclet', 'importlet', 'module']:
            code = open(filename, 'rb').read().decode('utf-8')
            item = paper.store_python_code(basename[5:], code)
            stamp(item, type, {})
            timestamp(item, mtime)
        elif type in ['file', 'text']:
            f = paper.open_internal_file(basename, 'w')
            f.write(open(filename, 'rb').read())
            stamp(f._ds, type, {'ACTIVE_PAPER_LANGUAGE': language})
            timestamp(f._ds, mtime)