Exemplo n.º 1
def get_original_training(path_to_features, method='Bazin', screen=False):
    """Read original full light curve training sample

    path_to_features: str
        Complete path to file holding full light curve features.
    method: str (optional)
        Feature extraction method. Only option implemented is "Bazin".
    screen: bool (optional)
        If true, show on screen comments on the dimensions of some key elements.

        Information about the original full light curve analys.

    data = DataBase()
    data.load_features(path_to_features, method=method, screen=screen)
    data.build_samples(initial_training='original', screen=screen)

    return data
Exemplo n.º 2
def learn_loop(nloops: int, strategy: str, path_to_features: str,
               output_metrics_file: str, output_queried_file: str,
               features_method='Bazin', classifier='RandomForest',
               training='original', batch=1, screen=True):
    """Perform the active learning loop. All results are saved to file.

    nloops: int
        Number of active learning loops to run.
    strategy: str
        Query strategy. Options are 'UncSampling' and 'RandomSampling'.
    path_to_features: str
        Complete path to input features file.
    output_metrics_file: str
        Full path to output file to store metric values of each loop.
    output_queried_file: str
        Full path to output file to store the queried sample.
    features_method: str (optional)
        Feature extraction method. Currently only 'Bazin' is implemented.
    classifier: str (optional)
        Machine Learning algorithm.
        Currently only 'RandomForest' is implemented.
    training: str or int (optional)
        Choice of initial training sample.
        If 'original': begin from the train sample flagged in the file
        If int: choose the required number of samples at random,
        ensuring that at least half are SN Ia
        Default is 'original'.
    batch: int (optional)
        Size of batch to be queried in each loop. Default is 1.
    screen: bool (optional)
        If True, print on screen number of light curves processed.

    # initiate object
    data = DataBase()

    # load features
    data.load_features(path_to_features, method=features_method,

    # separate training and test samples

    for loop in range(nloops):

        if screen:
            print('Processing... ', loop)

        # classify

        # calculate metrics

        # choose object to query
        indx = data.make_query(strategy=strategy, batch=batch)

        # update training and test samples
        data.update_samples(indx, loop=loop)

        # save metrics for current state
        data.save_metrics(loop=loop, output_metrics_file=output_metrics_file,
                          batch=batch, epoch=loop)

        # save query sample to file
        data.save_queried_sample(output_queried_file, loop=loop,
Exemplo n.º 3
def time_domain_loop(days: list,  output_metrics_file: str,
                     output_queried_file: str,
                     path_to_features_dir: str, strategy: str,
                     batch=1, canonical = False,  classifier='RandomForest',
                     features_method='Bazin', path_to_canonical="",
                     path_to_full_lc_features="", queryable=True,
                     screen=True, training='original'):
    """Perform the active learning loop. All results are saved to file.

    days: list
        List of 2 elements. First and last day of observations since the
        beginning of the survey.
    output_metrics_file: str
        Full path to output file to store metrics for each loop.
    output_queried_file: str
        Full path to output file to store the queried sample.
    path_to_features_dir: str
        Complete path to directory holding features files for all days.
    strategy: str
        Query strategy. Options are 'UncSampling' and 'RandomSampling'.
    batch: int (optional)
        Size of batch to be queried in each loop. Default is 1.
    canonical: bool (optional)
        If True, restrict the search to the canonical sample.
    classifier: str (optional)
        Machine Learning algorithm.
        Currently only 'RandomForest' is implemented.
    features_method: str (optional)
        Feature extraction method. Currently only 'Bazin' is implemented.
    path_to_canonical: str (optional)
        Path to canonical sample features files.
        It is only used if "strategy==canonical".
    path_to_full_lc_features: str (optional)
        Path to full light curve features file.
        Only used if training is a number.
    queryable: bool (optional)
        If True, allow queries only on objects flagged as queryable.
        Default is True.
    screen: bool (optional)
        If True, print on screen number of light curves processed.
    training: str or int (optional)
        Choice of initial training sample.
        If 'original': begin from the train sample flagged in the file
        If int: choose the required number of samples at random,
        ensuring that at least half are SN Ia
        Default is 'original'.

    # initiate object
    data = DataBase()

    # load features for the first day
    path_to_features = path_to_features_dir + 'day_' + str(int(days[0])) + '.dat'
    data.load_features(path_to_features, method=features_method,

    # change training
    if training == 'original':
        data.build_samples(initial_training=0, screen=screen, queryable=queryable)
        full_lc_features = get_original_training(path_to_features=path_to_full_lc_features,
        ini_train_ids = full_lc_features.train_metadata['id'].values
        data.train_metadata = full_lc_features.train_metadata
        data.train_labels = full_lc_features.train_labels
        data.train_features = full_lc_features.train_features

        # remove repeated ids
        test_flag = np.array([item not in ini_train_ids
                              for item in data.test_metadata['id'].values])
        data.test_metadata = data.test_metadata[test_flag]
        data.test_labels = data.test_labels[test_flag]
        data.test_features = data.test_features[test_flag]

        data.build_samples(initial_training=int(training), screen=screen,
        ini_train_ids = []

    # get list of canonical ids
    if canonical:
        canonical = DataBase()
        data.queryable_ids = canonical.queryable_ids

    for night in range(int(days[0]), int(days[-1]) - 1):

        if screen:
            print('Processing night: ', night)
            print('    ... train: ', data.train_metadata.shape[0])
            print('    ... test: ', data.test_metadata.shape[0])
            print('    ... queryable_ids: ', data.queryable_ids.shape[0])

        # cont loop
        loop = night - int(days[0])

        # classify
        data.classify(method=classifier, screen=screen)

        # calculate metrics

        # choose object to query
        indx = data.make_query(strategy=strategy, batch=batch, screen=screen)

        # update training and test samples
        data.update_samples(indx, loop=loop, screen=screen)

        # save metrics for current state
        data.save_metrics(loop=loop, output_metrics_file=output_metrics_file,
                          batch=batch, epoch=night)

        # save query sample to file
        data.save_queried_sample(output_queried_file, loop=loop,

        # load features for next day
        path_to_features2 = path_to_features_dir + 'day_' + str(night + 1) + '.dat'

        data_tomorrow = DataBase()
        data_tomorrow.load_features(path_to_features2, method=features_method,
        data_tomorrow.build_samples(initial_training=0, screen=screen)

        # remove training samples from new test
        for obj in data.train_metadata['id'].values:
            if obj in data_tomorrow.test_metadata['id'].values:

                indx_tomorrow = list(data_tomorrow.test_metadata['id'].values).index(obj)

                if obj not in ini_train_ids:
                    # remove old features from training
                    indx_today = list(data.train_metadata['id'].values).index(obj)
                    data.train_metadata = data.train_metadata.drop(data.train_metadata.index[indx_today])
                    data.train_labels = np.delete(data.train_labels, indx_today, axis=0)
                    data.train_features = np.delete(data.train_features, indx_today, axis=0)
                    # update new features of the training with new obs                
                    flag = np.arange(0, data_tomorrow.test_metadata.shape[0]) == indx_tomorrow
                    data.train_metadata = pd.concat([data.train_metadata, data_tomorrow.test_metadata[flag]], axis=0,
                    data.train_features = np.append(data.train_features,
                                                    data_tomorrow.test_features[flag], axis=0)
                    data.train_labels = np.append(data.train_labels,
                                                  data_tomorrow.test_labels[flag], axis=0)  

                # remove from new test sample
                data_tomorrow.test_metadata = data_tomorrow.test_metadata.drop(data_tomorrow.test_metadata.index[indx_tomorrow])
                data_tomorrow.test_labels = np.delete(data_tomorrow.test_labels, indx_tomorrow, axis=0)
                data_tomorrow.test_features = np.delete(data_tomorrow.test_features, indx_tomorrow, axis=0)

        # use new test data
        data.test_metadata = data_tomorrow.test_metadata
        data.test_labels = data_tomorrow.test_labels
        data.test_features = data_tomorrow.test_features

        if strategy == 'canonical':
            data.queryable_ids = canonical.queryable_ids
            data.queryable_ids = data_tomorrow.queryable_ids
        if  queryable:
            queryable_flag = data_tomorrow.test_metadata['queryable'].values
            data.queryable_ids = data_tomorrow.test_metadata['id'].values[queryable_flag]
            data.queryable_ids = data_tomorrow.metadata['id'].values[~train_flag]

        # check if there are repeated ids
        for name in data.train_metadata['id'].values:
            if name in data.test_metadata['id'].values:
                raise ValueError('End of time_domain_loop: ' + \
                                 'Object ', name, ' found in test and training sample!')

        # check if all queried samples are in the training sample
        for i in range(len(data.queried_sample)):
            for j in range(len(data.queried_sample[i])):
                if data.queried_sample[i][j][1] not in data.train_metadata['id'].values:
                    raise ValueError('Object ', name, 'was queried but is missing from training!')

        if screen:
            print('\n End of time domain loop:')
            print('    ... train: ', data.train_metadata.shape[0])
            print('    ... test: ', data.test_metadata.shape[0])
            print('    ... queryable: ', data.queryable_ids.shape[0], '\n')
Exemplo n.º 4
def time_domain_loop(days: list,
                     output_diag_file: str,
                     output_queried_file: str,
                     path_to_features_dir: str,
                     strategy: str,
    """Perform the active learning loop. All results are saved to file.

    days: list
        List of 2 elements. First and last day of observations since the
        beginning of the survey.
    output_diag_file: str
        Full path to output file to store diagnostics of each loop.
    output_queried_file: str
        Full path to output file to store the queried sample.
    path_to_features_dir: str
        Complete path to directory holding features files for all days.
    strategy: str
        Query strategy. Options are 'UncSampling' and 'RandomSampling'.
    batch: int (optional)
        Size of batch to be queried in each loop. Default is 1.
    canonical: bool (optional)
        If True, restrict the search to the canonical sample.
    classifier: str (optional)
        Machine Learning algorithm.
        Currently only 'RandomForest' is implemented.
    features_method: str (optional)
        Feature extraction method. Currently only 'Bazin' is implemented.
    path_to_canonical: str (optional)
        Path to canonical sample features files.
        It is only used if "strategy==canonical".
    path_to_full_lc_features: str (optional)
        Path to full light curve features file.
        Only used if training is a number.
    screen: bool (optional)
        If True, print on screen number of light curves processed.
    training: str or int (optional)
        Choice of initial training sample.
        If 'original': begin from the train sample flagged in the file
        If int: choose the required number of samples at random,
        ensuring that at least half are SN Ia
        Default is 'original'.

    # initiate object
    data = DataBase()

    # load features for the first day
    path_to_features = path_to_features_dir + 'day_' + str(int(
        days[0])) + '.dat'
    data.load_features(path_to_features, method=features_method, screen=screen)

    # change training
    if training == 'original':
        full_lc_features = get_original_training(
        data.train_metadata = full_lc_features.train_metadata
        data.train_labels = full_lc_features.train_labels
        data.train_features = full_lc_features.train_features


    # get list of canonical ids
    if canonical:
        canonical = DataBase()
        data.queryable_ids = canonical.queryable_ids

    for night in range(int(days[0]), int(days[-1]) - 1):

        if screen:
            print('Processing night: ', night)

        # cont loop
        loop = night - int(days[0])

        # classify

        # calculate metrics

        # choose object to query
        indx = data.make_query(strategy=strategy, batch=batch)

        # update training and test samples
        data.update_samples(indx, loop=loop)

        # save diagnostics for current state

        # save query sample to file

        # load features for next day
        path_to_features2 = path_to_features_dir + 'day_' + str(night +
                                                                1) + '.dat'

        data_tomorrow = DataBase()

        # notice that original here corresponds to original in the file
        # not original full light curve training

        # use new test data
        data.test_metadata = data_tomorrow.test_metadata
        data.test_labels = data_tomorrow.test_labels
        data.test_features = data_tomorrow.test_features

        if strategy == 'canonical':
            data.queryable_ids = canonical.queryable_ids
            data.queryable_ids = data_tomorrow.queryable_ids