Exemplo n.º 1
def findOrAddTransform(styleFile, styleList, paths = None):
    Simple dictionary storing XSL Transforms. The key is the given styleFile (which
    could be a string)
    global _createdTransforms
    global _xml_parser
    theKey = ' '.join(styleList)

    # Get the last modification time of the given file to detect changes. First
    # filter files because there could be some URLs
    fileStyleList = [x for x in styleList if os.path.exists(x)]
    ftime = sys.float_info.max
    if fileStyleList != []:
        ftime = max([os.path.getmtime(x) for x in fileStyleList])

    (transform, tstamp) = _createdTransforms.get(theKey, (None, None))
    if (transform != None) and (ftime <= tstamp):
        # HIT
        adagio.logDebug('treecache', None, 'HIT: ' + str(styleFile))
        return transform

    # expand includes and create transformation object
        transform = etree.parse(styleFile, _xml_parser)
    except etree.XMLSyntaxError, e:
        print i18n.get('severe_parse_error').format(styleFile)
        print str(e)
Exemplo n.º 2
def clean(rule, dirObj):
    Clean the files produced by this rule
    adagio.logInfo(rule, dirObj, 'Cleaning')

    # Get the files to process
    toProcess = glob.glob(os.path.join(dirObj.current_dir, '*.xcf'))
    if toProcess == []:
        adagio.logDebug(rule, dirObj, i18n.get('no_file_to_process'))

    # Loop over the source files to see if an execution is needed
    dstFiles = []
    dstDir = dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'src_dir')
    for datafile in toProcess:

        # If file not found, terminate
        if not os.path.isfile(datafile):
            print i18n.get('file_not_found').format(datafile)

        # Derive the destination file name
        dstFile = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(datafile))[0] + '.png'
        dstFile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dstDir, dstFile))

        if not os.path.exists(dstFile):


Exemplo n.º 3
def update(dst, srcSet = None, baseDir=None):
    Modifies the graph to reflect the addition of edges from each of the
    elements in srcSet to dst. If srcSet is empty it only updates the date of
    dst with the st_mtime value and propagates the result.

    If baseDir is set, this directory name is used for expanding
    relative paths while parsing dependencies. Useful for LaTeX, for
    example. If not set, relative file names take as base the location
    of fileName.

    Returns the index of the destination node
    global __FileNameToNodeIDX
    global __IDXToName
    global __NodeDate
    global __NodeOutEdges

    if srcSet == None:
	srcSet = set([])

    # If a string is given, translate to index
    if (type(dst) == str) or (type(dst) == unicode):
        dstIDX = addNode(dst, baseDir=baseDir)
        dstIDX = dst

    adagio.logDebug('dependency', None, dst)
    adagio.logDebug('dependency', None, srcSet)
    # Initialize the mark to the index and date of the destination
    moreRecentIDX = dstIDX

    # If the srcSet is empty, update dst with mtime
    if srcSet == set([]):
        moreRecentDate = os.path.getmtime(__IDXToName[dstIDX])
        moreRecentDate = __NodeDate[dstIDX]

    # Loop over the nodes in the source set
    for node in srcSet:
        if type(node) == str or type(node) == unicode:
            srcIDX = addNode(node, baseDir=baseDir)
            srcIDX = node

        # Add the edge to the adjacency set

        # If the new date is more recent, update point
        if __NodeDate[srcIDX] > moreRecentDate:
            moreRecentIDX = srcIDX
            moreRecentDate = __NodeDate[srcIDX]

    # If the modification needs to propagate go ahead
    if moreRecentDate > __NodeDate[dstIDX]:
        __NodeDate[dstIDX] = moreRecentDate
        for fanoutIDX in __NodeOutEdges[dstIDX]:
            update(fanoutIDX, set([dstIDX]), baseDir=baseDir)

    return dstIDX
Exemplo n.º 4
def getFilesToProcess(rule, dirObj):
    Get the files to process by expanding the expressions in "files" and
    concatenating the src_dir as prefix.

    # Safety guard, if srcFiles is empty, no need to proceed. Silence.
    srcFiles = dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'files').split()
    if srcFiles == []:
        adagio.logDebug(rule, dirObj, i18n.get('no_file_to_process'))
        return []

    srcDir = dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'src_dir')
    toProcess = []
    for srcFile in srcFiles:
        found = glob.glob(os.path.join(srcDir, srcFile))

        # Something was given in the variable, but nothing was found. Warn the
        # user but proceed.
        if found == []:
            print i18n.get('file_not_found').format(srcFile)
            # Exiting here sometimes is needed (i.e. when searching for a source
            # file to process) and sometimes it's ok (i.e. when searching for
            # files to export). There should be a boolean to select either
            # behavior
            # sys.exit(1)


    return toProcess
Exemplo n.º 5
def Execute(rule, dirObj):
    Execute the rule in the given directory

    global has_executable

    if has_executable == '':
        has_executable = adagio.findExecutable(rule, dirObj)

    # If the executable is not present, notify and terminate
    if not has_executable:
        print i18n.get('no_executable').format(dirObj.options.get(rule, 'exec'))
        if dirObj.options.get(rule, 'partial') == '0':

    # Get the files to process (all *.xcf in the current directory)
    toProcess = glob.glob(os.path.join(dirObj.current_dir, '*.xcf'))
    if toProcess == []:
        adagio.logDebug(rule, dirObj, i18n.get('no_file_to_process'))

    scriptFileName = dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'script')
    if not os.path.isfile(scriptFileName):
        print i18n.get('file_not_found').format(scriptFileName)

    # Loop over the source files to see if an execution is needed
    dstFiles = []
    dstDir = dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'src_dir')
    for datafile in toProcess:
        adagio.logDebug(rule, dirObj, ' EXEC ' + datafile)

        # If file not found, terminate
        if not os.path.isfile(datafile):
            print i18n.get('file_not_found').format(datafile)

        # Derive the destination file name
        dstFile = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(datafile))[0] + '.png'
        dstFile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dstDir, dstFile))

        # Check for dependencies!
            sources = set([datafile])
            dependency.update(dstFile, sources)
        except etree.XMLSyntaxError, e:
            print i18n.get('severe_parse_error').format(fName)
            print str(e)

        # If the destination file is up to date, skip the execution
        if dependency.isUpToDate(dstFile):
            print i18n.get('file_uptodate').format(os.path.basename(dstFile))

        # Remember the files to produce
Exemplo n.º 6
def doClean(rule, dirObj, toProcess, srcDir, dstDir):
    Function to execute the core of the clean operation. It is in its own
    function because it is used also by the export rule.

    # Identical source and destination, useless operation
    if os.path.abspath(srcDir) == os.path.abspath(dstDir):

    for datafile in toProcess:

        adagio.logDebug(rule, dirObj, ' EXEC ' + datafile)

        # If file not found, terminate
        if not os.path.exists(datafile):
            print i18n.get('file_not_found').format(datafile)

        # Remove the srcDir prefix
        dstFile = datafile.replace(srcDir, '', 1)
        # If the result has a slash, remove it
        if dstFile[0] == '/':
            dstFile = dstFile[1:]
        # Derive the destination file name
        dstFile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dstDir, dstFile))

        # If file is not there, bypass
        if not os.path.exists(dstFile):

        # Proceed with the cleaning (dump the file name being deleted)
Exemplo n.º 7
def Execute(rule, dirObj):
    Execute the rule in the given directory

    global has_executable

    if has_executable == '':
	has_executable = adagio.findExecutable(rule, dirObj)

    # If the executable is not present, notify and terminate
    if not has_executable:
        print i18n.get('no_executable').format(dirObj.options.get(rule, 'exec'))
        if dirObj.options.get(rule, 'partial') == '0':

    # Get the files to process, if empty, terminate
    toProcess = rules.getFilesToProcess(rule, dirObj)
    if toProcess == []:
        adagio.logDebug(rule, dirObj, i18n.get('no_file_to_process'))

    # Loop over all source files to process
    executable = dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'exec')
    extraArgs = dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'extra_arguments')
    # The command is soffice --nologo --invisible --headless
    #                        --convert-to pdf *.doc
    command = [executable, '--nologo', '--invisible', '--headless',
               '--convert-to', 'pdf']
    dstDir = dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'src_dir')
    for datafile in toProcess:
        adagio.logDebug(rule, dirObj, ' EXEC ' + datafile)

        # If file not found, terminate
        if not os.path.isfile(datafile):
            print i18n.get('file_not_found').format(datafile)

        # Derive the destination file name
        dstFileName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(datafile))[0] + \
        dstFile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dstDir, dstFileName))

        # Perform the execution
        # command.append('macro:///Tools.MSToPDF.ConvertMSToPDF(' + datafile + ')')

        rules.doExecution(rule, dirObj, command, datafile, dstFile,
                            stdout = adagio.userLog)

    # End of loop over all src files

Exemplo n.º 8
def loadConfigFile(config, filename, aliasDict, includeChain = None):
    Function that receives a set of config options (ConfigParser) and a
    filename. Parses the file, makes sure all the new config options are present
    in the first config and adds them to it. The parsing may require, through
    some options, the inclusion of additional files. The includeChain is a list
    of files to detect circual includes (and to notify the path to a missing

    Returns a pair (set of files finally loaded, list of rules detected)

    adagio.logDebug('properties', None, 'Parsing ' + filename)

    # Cannot use empty dictionary as default value in parameter as it
    # accumulates the values.
    if includeChain == None:
        includeChain = []

    # If the file to be processed has been processed already, we are in a
    # "template" chain, terminate
    if os.path.abspath(filename) in includeChain:
        commonPrefix = os.path.commonprefix(includeChain)
        print i18n.get('circular_include')
        print i18n.get('prefix') + ':', commonPrefix
        print i18n.get('files') + ':', \
            ' '.join(map(lambda x: x.replace(commonPrefix, '', 1), includeChain))

    # Insert the filename in the includeChain

    # If file not found write also the include stack
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        print i18n.get('cannot_open_file').format(filename)
        if includeChain[:-1] != []:
            print i18n.get('included_from')
            print '  ' + '\n  '.join(includeChain[:-1])

    # Get the ConfigParser for the input file
    newOptions = getConfigParser(filename)

    # Move defaults to the original config passing them to a [DEFAULT] rule
    defaultsIO = StringIO.StringIO()
    for (on, ov) in newOptions.defaults().items():
        defaultsIO.write(on + ' = ' + ov + '\n')
    except ConfigParser.ParsingError, msg:
        print i18n.get('severe_parse_error').format(filename)
        print str(msg)
Exemplo n.º 9
def prepareRule(rule, dirObj):
    Obtain the directories to process, calculate the options to set in the
    remote execution and obtain the remote rules.


    (list of dirs to process, remote rules, options to set in the remote exec)

    # Get the directories to process from the files option
    toProcess = []
    for srcDir in dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'files').split():
        newDirs = glob.glob(srcDir)
        if newDirs == []:
            print i18n.get('file_not_found').format(srcDir)

    # Add the files included in files_included_from
    filesIncluded = \
        obtainXincludes(dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'files_included_from').split())

    # The list of dirs is extended with a set to avoid duplications
    toProcess.extend(set(map(lambda x: os.path.dirname(x), filesIncluded)))

    # If there are no files to process stop
    if toProcess == []:
        adagio.logDebug(rule, dirObj, i18n.get('no_file_to_process'))
        return (toProcess, [], None, '')

    # Translate all paths to absolute paths
    toProcess = map(lambda x: os.path.abspath(x), toProcess)

    # Rules to execute in the remote directory
    remoteRules = dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'rules').split()

    # Create the option dict for the remote directories
    optionsToSet = []
    newExportDir = dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'export_dst')
    if newExportDir != '':
        # If a new dst_dir has been specified, include the options to modify
        # that variable for each of the rules
        if remoteRules != []:
            # If there are some given rules, use them
            optionsToSet = [x + ' dst_dir ' + newExportDir
                            for x in remoteRules if x.startswith('export')]
            # If no rule is given, leave the option in the export.dst_dir
            # to its default value default
            optionsToSet = ['export dst_dir ' + newExportDir]

    adagio.logInfo(rule, dirObj, 'NEW Options = ' + ', '.join(optionsToSet))

    return (toProcess, remoteRules, optionsToSet, newExportDir)
Exemplo n.º 10
def xsltprocEquivalent(rule, dirObj, styleParams, datafile, dstFile):
    Dump the xsltproc command line equivalent to the given transformation for
    debugging purposes
    msg = "xsltproc --xinclude"
    for (a, b) in styleParams.items():
        msg += " --stringparam " + '"' + str(a) + '" ' + str(b)

    msg += " -o " + dstFile
    msg += " STYLE.xsl"
    msg += " " + datafile

    adagio.logDebug(rule, dirObj, "XSLTPROC: " + msg)
Exemplo n.º 11
def executeFunction(toProcess, rule, dirObj, functionName):
    Execute the given function of the module

    # Translate all the options in the directory to a dictionary
    scriptOptions = {}
    for sname in dirObj.options.sections():
        for (on, ov) in dirObj.options.items(sname):
            scriptOptions[sname + '.' + on] = ov
    # Fold now the default values as well
    for (on, ov) in dirObj.options.defaults().items():
        scriptOptions[on] = ov

    # Loop over the given source files
    for datafile in toProcess:
        adagio.logDebug(rule, dirObj, ' EXEC ' + datafile)

        (head, tail) = os.path.split(datafile)

        # Add the source directory to the path to fetch python modules
        sys.path.insert(0, head)

            module = __import__(tail, fromlist=[])
        except ImportError, e:
            print i18n.get('import_error').format(tail)
            print str(e)

        # If the file of the import is not what is expected, notify and
        # terminate.
        if not module.__file__.startswith(head):
            print i18n.get('import_collision').format(datafile)

        # Replace argv
        oldArgv = sys.argv
        newArgv = dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'arguments')
        if newArgv != '':
            sys.argv = [datafile] + newArgv.replace('\n', ' ').split()

        # If the import has been successfull, go ahead and execute the main
            getattr(sys.modules[tail], functionName)(scriptOptions)
        except AttributeError, e:
            print i18n.get('function_error').format(functionName)
            print str(e)
Exemplo n.º 12
def createParameterDict(rule, dirObj):
    Function that creates the dictionary with all the parameters required to
    apply the stylesheet.

    # Create the dictionary of stylesheet parameters
    styleParams = {}
    styleParams["adagio.home"] = "'" + dirObj.getProperty(adagio.module_prefix, "home") + "'"
    styleParams["basedir"] = "'" + dirObj.getProperty(adagio.module_prefix, "basedir") + "'"

    # Calculate adagio.project.home as a relative path with respect to the
    # project home
    relProjectHome = os.path.relpath(dirObj.getProperty(adagio.module_prefix, "project_home"), dirObj.current_dir)

    # Attach always the slash at the end to allow the stylesheets to assume it
    # and that way, they work in the case of an empty path.
    relProjectHome = urllib.pathname2url(relProjectHome) + "/"

    # If the project home is the current one, return the empty string
    if relProjectHome == "./":
        relProjectHome = ""

    adagio.logDebug("Xsltproc", None, "adagio.project.home " + relProjectHome)
    styleParams["adagio.project.home"] = "'" + relProjectHome + "'"

    styleParams["adagio.current.datetime"] = "'" + dirObj.getProperty(adagio.module_prefix, "current_datetime") + "'"
    profileRevision = dirObj.getProperty(adagio.module_prefix, "enabled_profiles").split()
    if profileRevision != []:
        styleParams["profile.revision"] = "'" + ";".join(profileRevision) + "'"

    # Parse the dictionary given in extra_arguments and fold it
        extraDict = eval("{" + dirObj.getProperty(rule, "extra_arguments") + "}")
        for (k, v) in extraDict.items():
            if hasattr(etree.XSLT, "strparam"):
                # Valid beyond version 2.2 of lxml
                styleParams[k] = etree.XSLT.strparam(str(v))
                # If v has quotes, too bad...
                styleParams[k] = '"' + str(v) + '"'
    except SyntaxError, e:
        print i18n.get("error_extra_args").format(rule + ".extra_arguments")
        print str(e)
Exemplo n.º 13
def getDirectoryObject(path, givenOptions):
    Function that given a path checks if it exists in the createdDirs hash. If
    so, returns the object. If not, a new object is created.
    global _createdDirs

    # The key to access the hash is the concatenation of path and givenOptions
    theKey = path + ''.join(sorted(givenOptions))
    dirObj = _createdDirs.get(theKey)
    if dirObj != None:
        # Hit in the cache, return
        adagio.logDebug('Directory', None, 'Directory HIT: ' + path)
        return dirObj

    # Create new object
    dirObj = Directory(path, givenOptions)
    _createdDirs[theKey] = dirObj
    return dirObj
Exemplo n.º 14
def Execute(rule, dirObj):
    Execute the rule in the given directory

    global has_executable

    if has_executable == '':
	has_executable = adagio.findExecutable(rule, dirObj)

    # If the executable is not present, notify and terminate
    if not has_executable:
        print i18n.get('no_executable').format(dirObj.options.get(rule, 'exec'))
        if dirObj.options.get(rule, 'partial') == '0':

    # Get the directories to synchronize, check if work is needed
    srcDir = dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'src_dir')
    dstDir = dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'dst_dir')
    if srcDir == '' or dstDir == '' or srcDir == dstDir:

    # If source directory does not exist, terminate
    if not os.path.isdir(srcDir):
        print i18n.get('not_a_directory').format(srcDir)

    # Prepare the command to execute
    executable = dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'exec')
    extraArgs = dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'extra_arguments')

    command = [executable, '-avz']

    adagio.logDebug(rule, dirObj, ' EXEC ' + srcDir + ' ' + dstDir)

    # Perform the execution
    rules.doExecution(rule, dirObj, command, srcDir, None,
                        adagio.userLog, adagio.userLog)

Exemplo n.º 15
def createStyleTransform(styleList, srcDir=None):
    Function that given a list of style sheet files, prepares the style file to
    be processed. If more than one file is given, a StringIO is created with all
    of them imported.

    # Prepare style files (locate styles in HOME/Adagio_Styles if needed
    styles = []
    for name in styleList:
        # styles.append(dependency.locateFile(name, [srcDir]))
        if styles[-1] == None:
            print i18n.get("file_not_found").format(name)

    # If no style is given, terminate
    if styles == []:
        return None

    # If single, leave alone, if multiple, combine in a StringIO using imports
    if len(styles) == 1:
        styleFile = styles[0]
        result = StringIO.StringIO(
            """<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
  xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" version="1.0"
        result.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
        for sFile in styles:
            result.write("""  <xsl:import href="file:""" + urllib.pathname2url(sFile) + """"/>\n""")
        styleFile = result
        adagio.logDebug("Xsltproc", None, "Applying " + styleFile.getvalue())

    # Get the transformation object
    return treecache.findOrAddTransform(styleFile, styles)
Exemplo n.º 16
def getConfigParser(fileName):
    Given a set of files, returns the resulting ConfigParser object after being

    global _configParsers

    config = _configParsers.get(fileName)
    if config != None:
        # Hit in the cache, return
        adagio.logDebug('properties', None, 'Parser HIT: ' + fileName)
        return config

    # Parse the file with a raw parser
    config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser({}, ordereddict.OrderedDict)

        config.readfp(codecs.open(fileName, "r", "utf8"))
    except Exception, msg:
        print i18n.get('severe_parse_error').format(fileName)
        print str(msg)
Exemplo n.º 17
def doTransformations(styles, styleTransform, styleParams, toProcess, rule, dirObj, paramDict=None):
    Function that given a style transformation, a set of style parameters, a
    list of pairs (parameter dicitonaries, suffix), and a list of files to
    process, applies the transformation to every file, every local dictionary
    and every language.."""

    if paramDict == None:
        paramDict = [({}, "")]

        # Obtain languages and language prefix/suffix.
    languages = dirObj.getProperty(rule, "languages").split()
    language_as = dirObj.getProperty(rule, "language_as").split()

    # If languages is empty, insert an empty string to force one execution
    if languages == []:
        languages = [""]

    # Remember if the execution is multilingual
    multilingual = len(languages) > 1

    # Make sure the given styles are absolute paths
    styles = map(lambda x: os.path.abspath(x), styles)

    # Obtain the file extension to use
    outputFormat = processOuputFormat(rule, dirObj)

    # Loop over all source files to process (processing one source file over
    # several languages gives us a huge speedup because the XML tree of the
    # source is built only once for all languages.
    dstDir = dirObj.getProperty(rule, "dst_dir")
    for datafile in toProcess:
        adagio.logDebug(rule, dirObj, " EXEC " + datafile)

        # If file not found, terminate
        if not os.path.isfile(datafile):
            print i18n.get("file_not_found").format(datafile)

        # Variable holding the data tree to be processed. Used to recycle the
        # same tree through the paramDict and language iteration.
        dataTree = None

        # Loop over the param dictionaries
        for (pdict, psuffix) in paramDict:
            # fold the values of pdict on styleParams, but in a way that they
            # can be reversed.
            reverseDict = {}
            for (n, v) in pdict.items():
                reverseDict[n] = styleParams.get(n)
                styleParams[n] = v

            # Loop over languages
            for language in languages:
                # If processing multilingual, create the appropriate suffix
                lang_name = ""
                if multilingual:
                    if language_as == "suffix":
                        lang_name = language + "_"
                        lang_name = "_" + language

                # Insert the appropriate language parameters
                styleParams["profile.lang"] = "'" + language + "'"
                styleParams["l10n.gentext.language"] = "'" + language + "'"

                # Derive the destination file name
                if language_as == "suffix":
                    dstFile = lang_name + os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(datafile))[0] + psuffix + outputFormat
                    dstFile = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(datafile))[0] + lang_name + psuffix + outputFormat

                dstFile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dstDir, dstFile))

                # Apply style and store the result, get the data tree to recycle
                # it
                dataTree = singleStyleApplication(
                    datafile, styles, styleTransform, styleParams, dstFile, rule, dirObj, dataTree
            # End of for language loop

            # Restore the original content of styleParam
            for (n, v) in reverseDict.items():
                if v == None:
                    # Remove the value from the dictionary
                    styleParams.pop(n, None)
                    # Replace the value by the old one
                    styleParams[n] = v
Exemplo n.º 18
def Execute(rule, dirObj):
    Execute the rule in the given directory

    global has_executable

    if has_executable == '':
	has_executable = adagio.findExecutable(rule, dirObj)

    # If the executable is not present, notify and terminate
    if not has_executable:
        print i18n.get('no_executable').format(dirObj.options.get(rule, 'exec'))
        if dirObj.options.get(rule, 'partial') == '0':

    # Get the files to process, if empty, terminate
    toProcess = rules.getFilesToProcess(rule, dirObj)
    if toProcess == []:
        adagio.logDebug(rule, dirObj, i18n.get('no_file_to_process'))

    # Get geometry
    geometries = dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'geometry').split()
    if geometries == []:
        print i18n.get('no_var_value').format('geometry')

    # Loop over all source files to process
    executable = dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'exec')
    extraArgs = dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'extra_arguments')
    convertCrop = dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'crop_option')
    dstDir = dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'dst_dir')
    for datafile in toProcess:
        adagio.logDebug(rule, dirObj, ' EXEC ' + datafile)

        # If file not found, terminate
        if not os.path.isfile(datafile):
            print i18n.get('file_not_found').format(datafile)

        # Loop over formats
        for geometry in geometries:
            # Derive the destination file name
            (fn, ext) = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(datafile))
            dstFile = fn + '_' + geometry + ext
            dstFile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dstDir, dstFile))

            # Creat the command to execute (slightly non-optimal, because the
            # following function might NOT execute the process due to
            # dependencies
            command = [executable, '-scale', geometry]

            # Perform the execution
            rules.doExecution(rule, dirObj, command, datafile, dstFile,

Exemplo n.º 19
def Execute(rule, dirObj):
    Execute the rule in the given directory

    global has_executable

    if has_executable == '':
	has_executable = adagio.findExecutable(rule, dirObj)

    # If the executable is not present, notify and terminate
    if not has_executable:
        print i18n.get('no_executable').format(dirObj.options.get(rule, 'exec'))
        if dirObj.options.get(rule, 'partial') == '0':

    # Get the files to process, if empty, terminate
    toProcess = rules.getFilesToProcess(rule, dirObj)
    if toProcess == []:

    executable = dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'exec')
    outputFormat = dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'output_format')
    if not outputFormat in set(['dvi', 'pdf', 'dvipdf']):
        print i18n.get('program_incorrect_format').format(executable,

    # Prepare the command to execute
    dstDir = dirObj.getProperty(rule, 'dst_dir')
    commandPrefix = [executable, '-output-directory=' + dstDir,
    if outputFormat != 'dvipdf':
        commandPrefix.append('-output-format=' + outputFormat)

    # Loop over all source files to process
    for datafile in toProcess:
        adagio.logDebug(rule, dirObj, ' EXEC ' + datafile)

        # If file not found, terminate
        if not os.path.isfile(datafile):
            print i18n.get('file_not_found').format(datafile)

        # Derive the destination file name
        baseName = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(datafile))[0]
        if outputFormat != 'dvipdf':
            dstFile = baseName + '.' + outputFormat
            dstFile = baseName + '.dvi'
            pdfFile = baseName + '.pdf'
        dstFile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dstDir, dstFile))

        # Add the input file to the command
        command = commandPrefix + [datafile]

        # Perform the execution
        rules.doExecution(rule, dirObj, command, datafile, dstFile,
        if outputFormat == 'dvipdf':
            rules.doExecution(rule, dirObj, ['dvipdf', dstFile], datafile,
                              pdfFile, adagio.userLog)
Exemplo n.º 20
            print str(e)

        # If the destination file is up to date, skip the execution
        if dependency.isUpToDate(dstFile):
            print i18n.get('file_uptodate').format(os.path.basename(dstFile))
        # Notify the production
        print i18n.get('producing').format(os.path.basename(dstFile))
        if datafile != None:
            print i18n.get('processing').format(os.path.basename(datafile))
            print i18n.get('processing').format(os.path.basename(dirObj.current_dir))

    adagio.logDebug(rule, dirObj, 'Popen: ' + ' '.join(command))

        pr = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin = stdin, stdout = adagio.userLog,
                              stderr = stderr)
    except Exception, e:
        print i18n.get('severe_exec_error').format(command[0])
        print i18n.get('exec_line').format(' '.join(command))
        print e

    # If dstFile is given, update dependencies
    if dstFile != None:
        # If dstFile does not exist, something went wrong
        if not os.path.exists(dstFile):
Exemplo n.º 21
    def Execute(self, rules = [], pad = ''):
        properties.ddo has been parsed into a ConfigParse. Loop over the rules
        and execute all of them.

        adagio.logInfo('Directory', self, 'Execute in ' + self.current_dir)

        # Change directory to the current one
        self.previous_dir = os.getcwd()

        # Print a line flagging the start of the execution showing the maximum
        # suffix of the current directory up to 80 chars.
        showCurrentDir = self.current_dir[len(pad) + 3 - 80:]
        if len(self.current_dir) > (77 - len(pad)):
            showCurrentDir = '...' + showCurrentDir[3:]

        print pad + '++ ' + showCurrentDir

        # Make sure no circular execution is produced
        if self.executing:
            print i18n.get('circular_execute_directory').format(self.current_dir)
        self.executing = True

        # If no rules are given, choose the default ones, that is, ignore:
        # - adagio
        # - clean*
        # - local*
        toExecRules = [x for x in self.rule_list
                         if not re.match('^adagio$', x) and
                         not re.match('^clean(\.?\S+)?$', x) and
                         not re.match('^local(\.?\S+)?$', x) and
                         not re.match('^rsync(\.?\S+)?$', x)]

        # If no rule is given, execute all except the filtered ones
        if rules == []:
            rules = toExecRules

        # If any of the rules is help, vars or clean, expand the current rules
        # to add them that suffix, otherwise simply accumulate
        finalRules = []
        for rule in rules:
            if rule == 'deepclean':
                # Get all the rules
                finalRules.extend([x + '.deepclean' for x in toExecRules])
            elif rule == 'clean':
                # Get all the rules except the "gotodir" ones
                finalRules.extend([x + '.clean'
                                     for x in toExecRules])
            elif rule == 'help':
                finalRules.extend([x + '.help' for x in toExecRules])
            elif rule == 'vars':
                finalRules.extend([x + '.vars' for x in toExecRules])
            elif rule == 'local':
                finalRules.extend([x for x in toExecRules
                                     if not x.startswith('gotodir')])

        adagio.logDebug('Directory', self, '  Rules: ' + str(finalRules))

        # If after all these preparations, finalRules is empty, help is
        # needed, hardwire the rule to adagio.help.
        if finalRules == []:
            finalRules = ['adagio.help']

        adagio.logDebug('Directory', self,
                     ' to execute ' + ' '.join(finalRules))

        # Set the XML resolver

        # Loop over all the rules and execute them
        for rule_name in finalRules:

            # Check the cache to see if rule has already been executed
            if rule_name in self.executed_rules:
                adagio.logInfo('Directory', self,
                            'Rule HIT: ' + self.current_dir + ': ' + \

            # Execute the rule
            adagio.Execute(rule_name, self, pad)

            # Insert executed rule in cache

        self.executing = False
        adagio.logDebug('Directory', self,
                     ' Executed Rules: ' + str(self.executed_rules))

        print pad + '-- ' +  showCurrentDir

        # Change directory to the current one

Exemplo n.º 22
            # Insert the new assignment in options of the directory
            properties.setProperty(self.options, sn, on, ov)

        # Compare Adagio versions to see if execution is allowed
        if not self.isCorrectAdagioVersion():
            version = self.options.get(adagio.module_prefix, 'version')
            adagio.logError('Directory', None, \
                             'ERROR: Incorrect Adagio Version (' + version + ')')
            print i18n.get('incorrect_version').format(version)

        self.current_rule = None

        # Dump a debug message showing the list of rules detected in the
        # config file
        adagio.logDebug('Directory', None,
                     'Rules: ' + ', '.join(self.rule_list))


    def __del__(self):
        Object no longer needed

    def isCorrectAdagioVersion(self):
        Method to check if the curren adagio version is within the potentially
        limited values specified in variables adagio.minimum_version,
        adagio.maximum_version and adagio.exact_version
Exemplo n.º 23
def doCopy(rule, dirObj, toProcess, srcDir, dstDir):
    Effectively perform the copy. The functionality is in this function because
    it is used also by the export rule.

    # Identical source and destination, useless operation
    if os.path.abspath(srcDir) == os.path.abspath(dstDir):

    # Loop over all source files to process
    for datafile in toProcess:
        # Normalize to avoid surprises
        datafile = os.path.normpath(datafile)

        # Remember if the source is a directory
        isDirectory = os.path.isdir(datafile)

        adagio.logDebug(rule, dirObj, ' EXEC ' + datafile)

        # If source is not found, terminate
        if not os.path.exists(datafile):
            print i18n.get('file_not_found').format(datafile)

        # Remove the srcDir prefix
        dstFile = datafile.replace(os.path.normpath(srcDir), '', 1)
        # If the result has a slash (could be a directory to copy or a file with
        # a directory path), remove it
        if dstFile[0] == os.sep:
            dstFile = dstFile[1:]

        # Derive the destination file name
        dstFile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dstDir, dstFile))

        # Check for dependencies!
            sources = set([datafile])
            dependency.update(dstFile, sources)
        except etree.XMLSyntaxError, e:
            print i18n.get('severe_parse_error').format(fName)
            print str(e)

        # Copying the file/dir
        adagio.logDebug(rule, dirObj, 'Copy? ' + datafile + ' ' +

        # If the destination file is up to date, skip the execution
        if (not isDirectory) and dependency.isUpToDate(dstFile):
            print i18n.get('file_uptodate').format(os.path.basename(dstFile))

        # Proceed with the execution of copy
        print i18n.get('copying').format(os.path.basename(dstFile))

        # Copying the file/dir
        adagio.logDebug(rule, dirObj, 'Copy ' + datafile + ' ' +

        if os.path.isdir(datafile):
            # Copy source tree to dst tree
            distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(datafile, dstFile)
            # It is a regular file, make sure the dirs leading to it are created
            dirPrefix = os.path.dirname(dstFile)
            if not os.path.exists(dirPrefix):

            # Proceed wih the copy
            shutil.copyfile(datafile, dstFile)

        # Update the dependencies of the newly created file
        if not isDirectory:
            except etree.XMLSyntaxError, e:
                print i18n.get('severe_parse_error').format(fName)
                print str(e)