Exemplo n.º 1
def compute_true_residuals(subspace, rvals, rvecs, epair_mask):
    Compute the true residuals and residual norms (and not the ones estimated from
    the Lanczos subspace).
    V = subspace.subspace
    AV = subspace.matrix_product

    def form_residual(rval, rvec):
        coefficients = np.hstack((rvec, -rval * rvec))
        return lincomb(coefficients, AV + V, evaluate=True)

    residuals = [
        form_residual(rvals[i], rvec)
        for i, rvec in enumerate(np.transpose(rvecs)) if i in epair_mask
    eigenvectors = [
        lincomb(rvec, V, evaluate=True)
        for i, rvec in enumerate(np.transpose(rvecs)) if i in epair_mask
    rnorms = np.array([np.sqrt(r @ r) for r in residuals])

    # Note here the actual residual norm (and not the residual norm squared)
    # is returned.
    return eigenvectors, residuals, rnorms
Exemplo n.º 2
def amend_true_residuals(state, subspace, rvals, rvecs, epair_mask):
    Compute the true residuals and residual norms (and not the ones estimated from
    the Lanczos subspace) and amend the `state` accordingly.
    V = subspace.subspace
    AV = subspace.matrix_product

    def form_residual(rval, rvec):
        coefficients = np.hstack((rvec, -rval * rvec))
        return lincomb(coefficients, AV + V, evaluate=True)
    state.residuals = [form_residual(rvals[i], rvec)
                       for i, rvec in enumerate(np.transpose(rvecs))
                       if i in epair_mask]
    state.eigenvectors = [lincomb(rvec, V, evaluate=True)
                          for i, rvec in enumerate(np.transpose(rvecs))
                          if i in epair_mask]

    rnorms = np.array([np.sqrt(r @ r) for r in state.residuals])
    state.residual_norms = rnorms

    # TODO For consistency with the Davidson the residual norms are
    #      squared again to give output in the same order of magnitude.
    state.residual_norms = state.residual_norms**2
    return state
Exemplo n.º 3
    def orthogonalise_against(self, vector, subspace):
        Orthogonalise the passed vector against a subspace. The latter is assumed
        to only consist of orthonormal vectors. Effectively computes
        ``(1 - SS * SS^T) * vector`.

            Vector to make orthogonal to the subspace
        subspace : list
            Subspace of orthonormal vectors.
        # Project out the components of the current subspace
        # That is form (1 - SS * SS^T) * vector = vector + SS * (-SS^T * vector)
        for _ in range(self.n_rounds):
            coefficients = np.hstack(([1], -(vector @ subspace)))
            vector = lincomb(coefficients, [vector] + subspace, evaluate=True)
            if self.explicit_symmetrisation is not None:
        return vector
Exemplo n.º 4
 def matrix_product(self):
     Return the reconstructed matrix-vector product for all subspace vectors
     (using the Lanczos relation).
     r, T = self.residual, self.subspace_matrix
     # b = self.rayleigh_extension; V = self.subspace
     # Form AV  = V * T + r * b'
     AV = []
     for i in range(len(self.subspace)):
         # Compute AV[:, i]
         coefficients = []
         vectors = []
         for (j, v) in enumerate(self.subspace):
             if T[j, i] != 0:
                 coefficients.append(T[j, i])
         if i >= len(self.subspace) - self.n_block:
             ires = i - (len(self.subspace) - self.n_block)
         AV.append(lincomb(np.array(coefficients), vectors, evaluate=True))
     return AV
Exemplo n.º 5
 def form_residual(rval, rvec):
     coefficients = np.hstack((rvec, -rval * rvec))
     return lincomb(coefficients, AV + V, evaluate=True)
Exemplo n.º 6
def lanczos_iterations(iterator,
    """Drive the Lanczos iterations

    iterator : LanczosIterator
        Iterator generating the Lanczos subspace (contains matrix, guess,
        residual, Ritz pairs from restart, symmetrisation and orthogonalisation)
    n_ep : int
        Number of eigenpairs to be computed
    min_subspace : int
        Subspace size to collapse to when performing a thick restart.
    max_subspace : int
        Maximal subspace size
    conv_tol : float, optional
        Convergence tolerance on the l2 norm squared of residuals to consider
        them converged
    which : str, optional
        Which eigenvectors to converge to (e.g. LM, LA, SM, SA)
    max_iter : int, optional
        Maximal number of iterations
    callback : callable, optional
        Callback to run after each iteration
    debug_checks : bool, optional
        Enable some potentially costly debug checks
        (Loss of orthogonality etc.)
    if callback is None:

        def callback(state, identifier):

    # TODO For consistency with the Davidson the conv_tol is interpreted
    #      as the residual norm *squared*. Arnoldi, however, uses the actual norm
    #      to check for convergence and so on. See also the comment in Davidson
    #      around the line computing state.residual_norms
    #      See also the squaring of the residual norms below
    tol = np.sqrt(conv_tol)

    if state is None:
        state = LanczosState(iterator)
        callback(state, "start")
        n_applies_offset = 0
        n_applies_offset = state.n_applies

    for subspace in iterator:
        b = subspace.rayleigh_extension
        with state.timer.record("rayleigh_ritz"):
            rvals, rvecs = np.linalg.eigh(subspace.subspace_matrix)

        if debug_checks:
            eps = np.finfo(float).eps
            orthotol = max(tol / 1000, subspace.n_problem * eps)
            orth = subspace.check_orthogonality(orthotol)
            state.subspace_orthogonality = orth

        is_rval_converged, eigenpair_error = check_convergence(
            subspace, rvals, rvecs, tol)

        # Update state
        state.n_iter += 1
        state.n_applies = subspace.n_applies + n_applies_offset
        state.converged = False
        state.eigenvectors = None  # Not computed in Lanczos
        state.subspace_vectors = subspace.subspace
        state.subspace_residual = subspace.residual

        epair_mask = select_eigenpairs(rvals, n_ep, which)
        state.eigenvalues = rvals[epair_mask]
        state.residual_norms = eigenpair_error[epair_mask]
        converged = np.all(is_rval_converged[epair_mask])

        # TODO For consistency with the Davidson the residual norms are squared
        #      again to give output in the same order of magnitude.
        state.residual_norms = state.residual_norms**2

        callback(state, "next_iter")

        if converged:
            state = amend_true_residuals(state, subspace, rvals, rvecs,
            state.converged = True
            callback(state, "is_converged")
            return state

        if state.n_iter >= max_iter:
                    f"Maximum number of iterations (== {max_iter}) "
                    "reached in lanczos procedure."))
            state = amend_true_residuals(state, subspace, rvals, rvecs,
            state.converged = False
            return state

        if len(rvecs) + subspace.n_block > max_subspace:
            callback(state, "restart")

            epair_mask = select_eigenpairs(rvals, min_subspace, which)
            V = subspace.subspace
            vn, betan = subspace.ortho.qr(subspace.residual)

            Y = [
                lincomb(rvec, V, evaluate=True)
                for i, rvec in enumerate(np.transpose(rvecs))
                if i in epair_mask
            Theta = rvals[epair_mask]
            Sigma = rvecs[:, epair_mask].T @ b @ betan.T

            iterator = LanczosIterator(
            state.n_restart += 1
            return lanczos_iterations(iterator, n_ep, min_subspace,
                                      max_subspace, conv_tol, which, max_iter,
                                      callback, debug_checks, state)

    state = amend_true_residuals(state, subspace, rvals, rvecs, epair_mask)
    state.converged = False
            "Lanczos procedure found maximal subspace possible. Iteration cannot be "
            "continued like this and will be aborted without convergence. "
            "Try a different guess."))
    return state
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __next__(self):
        """Advance the iterator, i.e. extend the Lanczos subspace"""
        if self.n_iter == 0:
            # Initialise Lanczos subspace
            v = self.ortho.orthogonalise(self.residual)
            self.lanczos_subspace = v
            r = evaluate(self.matrix @ v)
            alpha = np.empty((self.n_block, self.n_block))
            for p in range(self.n_block):
                alpha[p, :] = v[p] @ r

            # r = r - v * alpha - Y * Sigma
            Sigma, Y = self.ritz_overlaps, self.ritz_vectors
            r = [
                lincomb(np.hstack(([1], -alpha[:, p], -Sigma[:, p])),
                        [r[p]] + v + Y,
                        evaluate=True) for p in range(self.n_block)

            # r = r - Y * Y'r (Full reorthogonalisation)
            for p in range(self.n_block):
                r[p] = self.ortho.orthogonalise_against(
                    r[p], self.ritz_vectors)

            self.residual = r
            self.n_iter = 1
            self.n_applies = self.n_block
            self.alphas = [alpha]  # Diagonal matrix block of subspace matrix
            self.betas = []  # Side-diagonal matrix blocks
            return LanczosSubspace(self)

        # Iteration 1 and onwards:
        q = self.lanczos_subspace[-self.n_block:]
        v, beta = self.ortho.qr(self.residual)
        if np.linalg.norm(beta) < np.finfo(float).eps * self.n_problem:
            # No point to go on ... new vectors will be decoupled from old ones
            raise StopIteration()

        # r = A * v - q * beta^T
        self.n_applies += self.n_block
        r = self.matrix @ v
        r = [
            lincomb(np.hstack(([1], -(beta.T)[:, p])), [r[p]] + q,
                    evaluate=True) for p in range(self.n_block)

        # alpha = v^T * r
        alpha = np.empty((self.n_block, self.n_block))
        for p in range(self.n_block):
            alpha[p, :] = v[p] @ r

        # r = r - v * alpha
        r = [
            lincomb(np.hstack(([1], -alpha[:, p])), [r[p]] + v, evaluate=True)
            for p in range(self.n_block)

        # Full reorthogonalisation
        for p in range(self.n_block):
            r[p] = self.ortho.orthogonalise_against(
                r[p], self.lanczos_subspace + self.ritz_vectors)

        # Commit results
        self.n_iter += 1
        self.residual = r
        return LanczosSubspace(self)
Exemplo n.º 8
def davidson_iterations(matrix,
    """Drive the davidson iterations

        Matrix to diagonalise
        DavidsonState containing the eigenvector guess
    max_subspace : int or NoneType, optional
        Maximal subspace size
    max_iter : int, optional
        Maximal number of iterations
    n_ep : int or NoneType, optional
        Number of eigenpairs to be computed
        Function to test for convergence
    callback : callable, optional
        Callback to run after each iteration
    which : str, optional
        Which eigenvectors to converge to. Needs to be chosen such that
        it agrees with the selected preconditioner.
        Preconditioner (type or instance)
    preconditioning_method : str, optional
        Precondititoning method. Valid values are "Davidson"
        or "Sleijpen-van-der-Vorst"
    debug_checks : bool, optional
        Enable some potentially costly debug checks
        (Loss of orthogonality etc.)
    residual_min_norm : float or NoneType, optional
        Minimal norm a residual needs to have in order to be accepted as
        a new subspace vector
        (defaults to 2 * len(matrix) * machine_expsilon)
        Explicit symmetrisation to apply to new subspace vectors before
        adding them to the subspace. Allows to correct for loss of index
        or spin symmetries (type or instance)
    if preconditioning_method not in ["Davidson", "Sleijpen-van-der-Vorst"]:
        raise ValueError("Only 'Davidson' and 'Sleijpen-van-der-Vorst' "
                         "are valid preconditioner methods")
    if preconditioning_method == "Sleijpen-van-der-Vorst":
        raise NotImplementedError("Sleijpen-van-der-Vorst preconditioning "
                                  "not yet implemented.")

    if callback is None:

        def callback(state, identifier):

    # The problem size
    n_problem = matrix.shape[1]

    # The block size
    n_block = len(state.subspace_vectors)

    # The current subspace size
    n_ss_vec = n_block

    # The current subspace
    SS = state.subspace_vectors

    # The matrix A projected into the subspace
    # as a continuous array. Only the view
    # Ass[:n_ss_vec, :n_ss_vec] contains valid data.
    Ass_cont = np.empty((max_subspace, max_subspace))

    eps = np.finfo(float).eps
    if residual_min_norm is None:
        residual_min_norm = 2 * n_problem * eps

    callback(state, "start")

    with state.timer.record("projection"):
        # Initial application of A to the subspace
        Ax = evaluate(matrix @ SS)
        state.n_applies += n_ss_vec

    while state.n_iter < max_iter:
        state.n_iter += 1

        assert len(SS) >= n_block
        assert len(SS) <= max_subspace

        # Project A onto the subspace, keeping in mind
        # that the values Ass[:-n_block, :-n_block] are already valid,
        # since they have been computed in the previous iterations already.
        with state.timer.record("projection"):
            Ass = Ass_cont[:n_ss_vec, :n_ss_vec]  # Increase the work view size
            for i in range(n_block):
                Ass[:, -n_block + i] = Ax[-n_block + i] @ SS
            Ass[-n_block:, :] = np.transpose(Ass[:, -n_block:])

        # Compute the which(== largest, smallest, ...) eigenpair of Ass
        # and the associated ritz vector as well as residual
        with state.timer.record("rayleigh_ritz"):
            if Ass.shape == (n_block, n_block):
                rvals, rvecs = la.eigh(Ass)  # Do a full diagonalisation
                # TODO Maybe play with precision a little here
                # TODO Maybe use previous vectors somehow
                v0 = None
                rvals, rvecs = sla.eigsh(Ass, k=n_block, which=which, v0=v0)

        with state.timer.record("residuals"):
            # Form residuals, A * SS * v - λ * SS * v = Ax * v + SS * (-λ*v)
            def form_residual(rval, rvec):
                coefficients = np.hstack((rvec, -rval * rvec))
                return lincomb(coefficients, Ax + SS, evaluate=True)

            residuals = [
                form_residual(rvals[i], v)
                for i, v in enumerate(np.transpose(rvecs))
            assert len(residuals) == n_block

            # Update the state's eigenpairs and residuals
            epair_mask = select_eigenpairs(rvals, n_ep, which)
            state.eigenvalues = rvals[epair_mask]
            state.residuals = [residuals[i] for i in epair_mask]
            state.residual_norms = np.array([r @ r for r in state.residuals])
            # TODO This is misleading ... actually residual_norms contains
            #      the norms squared. That's also the used e.g. in adcman to
            #      check for convergence, so using the norm squared is fine,
            #      in theory ... it should just be consistent. I think it is
            #      better to go for the actual norm (no squared) inside the code
            #      If this adapted, also change the conv_tol to tol conversion
            #      inside the Lanczos procedure.

        callback(state, "next_iter")
        if is_converged(state):
            # Build the eigenvectors we desire from the subspace vectors:
            state.eigenvectors = [
                lincomb(v, SS, evaluate=True)
                for i, v in enumerate(np.transpose(rvecs)) if i in epair_mask

            state.converged = True
            callback(state, "is_converged")
            return state

        if state.n_iter == max_iter:
                    f"Maximum number of iterations (== {max_iter}) "
                    "reached in davidson procedure."))
            state.eigenvectors = [
                lincomb(v, SS, evaluate=True)
                for i, v in enumerate(np.transpose(rvecs)) if i in epair_mask
            state.converged = False
            return state

        if n_ss_vec + n_block > max_subspace:
            callback(state, "restart")
            with state.timer.record("projection"):
                # The addition of the preconditioned vectors goes beyond max.
                # subspace size => Collapse first, ie keep current Ritz vectors
                # as new subspace
                SS = [
                    lincomb(v, SS, evaluate=True) for v in np.transpose(rvecs)
                state.subspace_vectors = SS
                Ax = [
                    lincomb(v, Ax, evaluate=True) for v in np.transpose(rvecs)
                n_ss_vec = len(SS)

                # Update projection of ADC matrix A onto subspace
                Ass = Ass_cont[:n_ss_vec, :n_ss_vec]
                for i in range(n_ss_vec):
                    Ass[:, i] = Ax[i] @ SS
            # continue to add residuals to space

        with state.timer.record("preconditioner"):
            if preconditioner:
                if hasattr(preconditioner, "update_shifts"):
                    # Epsilon factor to make sure that 1 / (shift - diagonal)
                    # does not become ill-conditioned as soon as the shift
                    # approaches the actual diagonal values (which are the
                    # eigenvalues for the ADC(2) doubles part if the coupling
                    # block are absent)
                    rvals_eps = 1e-6
                    preconditioner.update_shifts(rvals - rvals_eps)

                preconds = evaluate(preconditioner @ residuals)
                preconds = residuals

            # Explicitly symmetrise the new vectors if requested
            if explicit_symmetrisation:

        # Project the components of the preconditioned vectors away
        # which are already contained in the subspace.
        # Then add those, which have a significant norm to the subspace.
        with state.timer.record("orthogonalisation"):
            n_ss_added = 0
            for i in range(n_block):
                pvec = preconds[i]
                # Project out the components of the current subspace
                # That is form (1 - SS * SS^T) * pvec = pvec + SS * (-SS^T * pvec)
                coefficients = np.hstack(([1], -(pvec @ SS)))
                pvec = lincomb(coefficients, [pvec] + SS, evaluate=True)
                pnorm = np.sqrt(pvec @ pvec)
                if pnorm > residual_min_norm:
                    # Extend the subspace
                    SS.append(evaluate(pvec / pnorm))
                    n_ss_added += 1
                    n_ss_vec = len(SS)

            if debug_checks:
                orth = np.array([[SS[i] @ SS[j] for i in range(n_ss_vec)]
                                 for j in range(n_ss_vec)])
                orth -= np.eye(n_ss_vec)
                state.subspace_orthogonality = np.max(np.abs(orth))
                if state.subspace_orthogonality > n_problem * eps:
                            "Subspace in davidson has lost orthogonality. "
                            "Expect inaccurate results."))

        if n_ss_added == 0:
            state.converged = False
            state.eigenvectors = [
                lincomb(v, SS, evaluate=True)
                for i, v in enumerate(np.transpose(rvecs)) if i in epair_mask
                    "Davidson procedure could not generate any further vectors for "
                    "the subspace. Iteration cannot be continued like this and will "
                    "be aborted without convergence. Try a different guess."))
            return state

        with state.timer.record("projection"):
            Ax.extend(matrix @ SS[-n_ss_added:])
            state.n_applies += n_ss_added