"xpra/wait_for_x_server.c", "xpra/vpx/codec.c", "xpra/x264/codec.c", "xpra/rencode/rencode.c", "etc/xpra/xpra.conf", "wimpiggy/lowlevel/constants.pxi", "wimpiggy/lowlevel/bindings.c" ] if 'clean' in sys.argv: CLEAN_FILES.append("xpra/build_info.py") for x in CLEAN_FILES: filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), x.replace("/", os.path.sep)) if os.path.exists(filename): print("removing Cython/build generated file: %s" % x) os.unlink(filename) if "clean" not in sys.argv: # Add build info to build_info.py file: import add_build_info add_build_info.main() #******************************************************************************* if sys.platform.startswith("win"): # The Microsoft C library DLLs: # Unfortunately, these files cannot be re-distributed legally :( # So here is the md5sum so you can find the right version: # (you can find them in various packages, including Visual Studio 2008, # pywin32, etc...) import md5 md5sums = { "Microsoft.VC90.CRT/Microsoft.VC90.CRT.manifest": "37f44d535dcc8bf7a826dfa4f5fa319b", "Microsoft.VC90.CRT/msvcm90.dll": "4a8bc195abdc93f0db5dab7f5093c52f", "Microsoft.VC90.CRT/msvcp90.dll": "6de5c66e434a9c1729575763d891c6c2", "Microsoft.VC90.CRT/msvcr90.dll": "e7d91d008fe76423962b91c43c88e4eb",
] cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext} else: ext_modules = [] cmdclass = {} import wimpiggy import parti import xpra assert wimpiggy.__version__ == parti.__version__ == xpra.__version__ # Add build info to build_info.py file: import add_build_info try: add_build_info.main() except: traceback.print_exc() print("failed to update build_info") wimpiggy_desc = "A library for writing window managers, using GTK+" parti_desc = "A tabbing/tiling window manager using GTK+" xpra_desc = "'screen for X' -- a tool to detach/reattach running X programs" full_desc = """This package contains several sub-projects: wimpiggy: %s parti: %s xpra: