def ipf_config_run(db, synthesis_type, control_variables, dimensions, pumano,
                   tract, bg):
    dbc = db.cursor()
    # Creating objective joint distributions to match the resulting sunthetic populations against
        db, synthesis_type, control_variables, dimensions, pumano, tract, bg)
    adjusting_pums_joint_distribution.adjust_weights(db, synthesis_type,
                                                     control_variables, pumano,
                                                     tract, bg)
    order_dummy = adjusting_pums_joint_distribution.create_aggregation_string(
        'select frequency from %s_%s_joint_dist where tract = %s and bg = %s order by %s'
        % (synthesis_type, pumano, tract, bg, order_dummy))
    objective_frequency = numpy.asarray(dbc.fetchall())
    # Creating the joint distributions corrected for Zero-cell and Zero-marginal problems
    # Example puma x composite_type adjustment for the synthesis type obtained as a parameter
        db, synthesis_type, control_variables, dimensions, pumano, tract, bg)
        db, synthesis_type, control_variables, pumano, tract, bg)
    adjusting_pums_joint_distribution.adjust_weights(db, synthesis_type,
                                                     control_variables, pumano,
                                                     tract, bg)
        'select frequency from %s_%s_joint_dist where tract = %s and bg = %s order by %s'
        % (synthesis_type, pumano, tract, bg, order_dummy))
    estimated_constraint = numpy.asarray(dbc.fetchall())
    return objective_frequency, estimated_constraint
Exemplo n.º 2
def ipf_config_run (db, synthesis_type, control_variables, dimensions, pumano, tract, bg):
    dbc = db.cursor()
# Creating objective joint distributions to match the resulting sunthetic populations against
    adjusting_pums_joint_distribution.create_joint_dist(db, synthesis_type, control_variables, dimensions, pumano, tract, bg)
    adjusting_pums_joint_distribution.adjust_weights(db, synthesis_type, control_variables, pumano, tract, bg)
    order_dummy = adjusting_pums_joint_distribution.create_aggregation_string(control_variables)
    dbc.execute('select frequency from %s_%s_joint_dist where tract = %s and bg = %s order by %s'%(synthesis_type, pumano, tract, bg, order_dummy))
    objective_frequency = numpy.asarray(dbc.fetchall())
# Creating the joint distributions corrected for Zero-cell and Zero-marginal problems
# Example puma x composite_type adjustment for the synthesis type obtained as a parameter
    adjusting_pums_joint_distribution.create_joint_dist(db, synthesis_type, control_variables, dimensions, pumano, tract, bg)
    adjusting_pums_joint_distribution.create_adjusted_frequencies(db, synthesis_type, control_variables, pumano, tract, bg)
    adjusting_pums_joint_distribution.adjust_weights(db, synthesis_type, control_variables, pumano, tract, bg)
    dbc.execute('select frequency from %s_%s_joint_dist where tract = %s and bg = %s order by %s'%(synthesis_type, pumano, tract, bg, order_dummy))
    estimated_constraint = numpy.asarray(dbc.fetchall())
    return objective_frequency, estimated_constraint
Exemplo n.º 3
def configure_and_run(index_matrix, p_index_matrix, geoid):
    pumano = int(geoid[0])
    tract = int(geoid[1])
    bg = int(geoid[2])

    print '------------------------------------------------------------------'
    print 'Geography: PUMA ID- %s, Tract ID- %0.2f, BG ID- %s' \
                                                                         %(pumano, float(tract)/100, bg)
    print '------------------------------------------------------------------'
    db = MySQLdb.connect(host = 'localhost', user = '******', passwd = '1234', db = 'ncpopsyn')
    dbc = db.cursor()
    tii = time.clock()
    ti = time.clock()

# Identifying the number of housing units in the disaggregate sample
# Make Sure that the file is sorted by hhid
    dbc.execute('select * from housing_pums')
    housing_pums = numpy.asarray(dbc.fetchall())[:,1:]
    housing_units = dbc.rowcount

# Identifying the control variables for the households, gq's, and persons
    hhld_control_variables = adjusting_pums_joint_distribution.choose_control_variables(db, 'hhld')
    gq_control_variables = adjusting_pums_joint_distribution.choose_control_variables(db, 'gq')
    person_control_variables = adjusting_pums_joint_distribution.choose_control_variables(db, 'person')

# Identifying the number of categories within each control variable for the households, gq's, and persons
    hhld_dimensions = numpy.asarray(adjusting_pums_joint_distribution.create_dimensions(db, 'hhld', hhld_control_variables))
    gq_dimensions = numpy.asarray(adjusting_pums_joint_distribution.create_dimensions(db, 'gq', gq_control_variables))
    person_dimensions = numpy.asarray(adjusting_pums_joint_distribution.create_dimensions(db, 'person', person_control_variables))

# Creating the sparse array
    dbc.execute('select * from sparse_matrix1_%s' %(0))
    sp_matrix = numpy.asarray(dbc.fetchall())

# Running IPF for Households
    print 'Step 1A: Running IPF procedure for Households... '
    hhld_objective_frequency, hhld_estimated_constraint = ipf.ipf_config_run(db, 'hhld', hhld_control_variables, hhld_dimensions, pumano, tract, bg)
    print 'IPF procedure for Households completed in %.2f sec \n'%(time.clock()-ti)
    ti = time.clock()

# Running IPF for GQ
    print 'Step 1B: Running IPF procedure for Gqs... '
    gq_objective_frequency, gq_estimated_constraint = ipf.ipf_config_run(db, 'gq', gq_control_variables, gq_dimensions, pumano, tract, bg)
    print 'IPF procedure for GQ was completed in %.2f sec \n'%(time.clock()-ti)
    ti = time.clock()
# Running IPF for Persons
    print 'Step 1C: Running IPF procedure for Persons... '
    person_objective_frequency, person_estimated_constraint = ipf.ipf_config_run(db, 'person', person_control_variables, person_dimensions, pumano, tract, bg)
    print 'IPF procedure for Persons completed in %.2f sec \n'%(time.clock()-ti)
    ti = time.clock()
# Creating the weights array
    print 'Step 2: Running IPU procedure for obtaining weights that satisfy Household and Person type constraints... '
    dbc.execute('select rowno from sparse_matrix1_%s group by rowno'%(0))
    result = numpy.asarray(dbc.fetchall())[:,0]
    weights = numpy.ones((1,housing_units), dtype = float)[0] * -99
# Creating the control array
    total_constraint = numpy.hstack((hhld_estimated_constraint[:,0], gq_estimated_constraint[:,0], person_estimated_constraint[:,0]))
# Running the heuristic algorithm for the required geography
    weights, conv_crit_array, wts_array = heuristic_algorithm.heuristic_adjustment(db, 0, index_matrix, weights, total_constraint, sp_matrix)

    print 'IPU procedure was completed in %.2f sec\n'%(time.clock()-ti)
    ti = time.clock()
    print 'Step 3: Creating the synthetic households and individuals...'
# creating whole marginal values
    hhld_order_dummy = adjusting_pums_joint_distribution.create_aggregation_string(hhld_control_variables)
    hhld_frequencies = drawing_households.create_whole_frequencies(db, 'hhld', hhld_order_dummy, pumano, tract, bg)

    gq_order_dummy = adjusting_pums_joint_distribution.create_aggregation_string(gq_control_variables)
    gq_frequencies = drawing_households.create_whole_frequencies(db, 'gq', gq_order_dummy, pumano, tract, bg)
    frequencies = numpy.hstack((hhld_frequencies[:,0], gq_frequencies[:,0]))
# Sampling Households and choosing the draw with the best match with with the objective distribution
    dbc.execute('select * from person_pums')
    person_pums = numpy.asarray(dbc.fetchall())[:,1:]

    p_value = 0
    max_p = 0
    min_chi = 1e10
    draw_count = 0
    while(p_value < 0.9999 and draw_count < 25):
        draw_count = draw_count + 1
        synthetic_housing_units = drawing_households.drawing_housing_units(db, frequencies, weights, index_matrix, sp_matrix, 0)

# Creating synthetic hhld, and person attribute tables
        synthetic_housing_attributes, synthetic_person_attributes = drawing_households.synthetic_population_properties(db, synthetic_housing_units, p_index_matrix, housing_pums, person_pums)
        synth_person_stat, count_person, person_estimated_frequency = drawing_households.checking_against_joint_distribution(person_objective_frequency, 
                                                                                                                                    synthetic_person_attributes, person_dimensions, 
                                                                                                                                     pumano, tract, bg)
        stat = synth_person_stat
        dof = count_person - 1

        p_value = scipy.stats.stats.chisqprob(stat, dof)
        if p_value > max_p or stat < min_chi: 
            max_p = p_value
            max_p_housing_attributes = synthetic_housing_attributes
            max_p_person_attributes = synthetic_person_attributes
            min_chi = stat

    if draw_count >=25:
        print 'Max Iterations reached for drawing households with the best draw having a p-value of %.4f' %(max_p)
        print 'Population with desirable p-value of %.4f was obtained in %d iterations' %(max_p, draw_count)

    drawing_households.storing_synthetic_attributes(db, 'housing', max_p_housing_attributes, pumano, tract, bg)
    drawing_households.storing_synthetic_attributes(db, 'person', max_p_person_attributes, pumano, tract, bg)

    dbc.execute('select hhtotal from housing_marginals where pumano = %s and tract = %s and bg = %s'%(pumano, tract, bg))
    housingtotal = dbc.fetchall()[0][0]

    dbc.execute('select sum(gender1 + gender2) from person_marginals where pumano = %s and tract = %s and bg = %s'%(pumano, tract, bg))
    persontotal = dbc.fetchall()[0][0]

    print 'Number of Synthetic Household - %d, and given Household total from the Census SF - %d' %(sum(max_p_housing_attributes[:,-2]), housingtotal)
    print 'Number of Synthetic Persons - %d and given Person total from the Census SF - %d' %(sum(max_p_person_attributes[:,-1]), persontotal)
    print 'Synthetic households created for the geography in %.2f\n' %(time.clock()-ti)

Exemplo n.º 4
def configure_and_run(index_matrix, p_index_matrix, geoid):
    pumano = int(geoid[0])
    tract = int(geoid[1])
    bg = int(geoid[2])

    print '------------------------------------------------------------------'
    print 'Geography: PUMA ID- %s, Tract ID- %0.2f, BG ID- %s' \
                                                                         %(pumano, float(tract)/100, bg)
    print '------------------------------------------------------------------'

    db = MySQLdb.connect(host='localhost',
    dbc = db.cursor()

    tii = time.clock()
    ti = time.clock()

    # Identifying the number of housing units in the disaggregate sample
    # Make Sure that the file is sorted by hhid
    dbc.execute('select * from housing_pums')
    housing_pums = numpy.asarray(dbc.fetchall())[:, 1:]
    housing_units = dbc.rowcount

    # Identifying the control variables for the households, gq's, and persons
    hhld_control_variables = adjusting_pums_joint_distribution.choose_control_variables(
        db, 'hhld')
    gq_control_variables = adjusting_pums_joint_distribution.choose_control_variables(
        db, 'gq')
    person_control_variables = adjusting_pums_joint_distribution.choose_control_variables(
        db, 'person')

    # Identifying the number of categories within each control variable for the households, gq's, and persons
    hhld_dimensions = numpy.asarray(
            db, 'hhld', hhld_control_variables))
    gq_dimensions = numpy.asarray(
            db, 'gq', gq_control_variables))
    person_dimensions = numpy.asarray(
            db, 'person', person_control_variables))

    # Creating the sparse array
    dbc.execute('select * from sparse_matrix1_%s' % (0))
    sp_matrix = numpy.asarray(dbc.fetchall())

    # Running IPF for Households
    print 'Step 1A: Running IPF procedure for Households... '
    hhld_objective_frequency, hhld_estimated_constraint = ipf.ipf_config_run(
        db, 'hhld', hhld_control_variables, hhld_dimensions, pumano, tract, bg)
    print 'IPF procedure for Households completed in %.2f sec \n' % (
        time.clock() - ti)
    ti = time.clock()

    # Running IPF for GQ
    print 'Step 1B: Running IPF procedure for Gqs... '
    gq_objective_frequency, gq_estimated_constraint = ipf.ipf_config_run(
        db, 'gq', gq_control_variables, gq_dimensions, pumano, tract, bg)
    print 'IPF procedure for GQ was completed in %.2f sec \n' % (time.clock() -
    ti = time.clock()

    # Running IPF for Persons
    print 'Step 1C: Running IPF procedure for Persons... '
    person_objective_frequency, person_estimated_constraint = ipf.ipf_config_run(
        db, 'person', person_control_variables, person_dimensions, pumano,
        tract, bg)
    print 'IPF procedure for Persons completed in %.2f sec \n' % (
        time.clock() - ti)
    ti = time.clock()
    # Creating the weights array
    print 'Step 2: Running IPU procedure for obtaining weights that satisfy Household and Person type constraints... '
    dbc.execute('select rowno from sparse_matrix1_%s group by rowno' % (0))
    result = numpy.asarray(dbc.fetchall())[:, 0]
    weights = numpy.ones((1, housing_units), dtype=float)[0] * -99
    weights[result] = 1
    # Creating the control array
    total_constraint = numpy.hstack(
        (hhld_estimated_constraint[:, 0], gq_estimated_constraint[:, 0],
         person_estimated_constraint[:, 0]))
    # Running the heuristic algorithm for the required geography
    weights, conv_crit_array, wts_array = heuristic_algorithm.heuristic_adjustment(
        db, 0, index_matrix, weights, total_constraint, sp_matrix)

    print 'IPU procedure was completed in %.2f sec\n' % (time.clock() - ti)
    ti = time.clock()
    print 'Step 3: Creating the synthetic households and individuals...'
    # creating whole marginal values
    hhld_order_dummy = adjusting_pums_joint_distribution.create_aggregation_string(
    hhld_frequencies = drawing_households.create_whole_frequencies(
        db, 'hhld', hhld_order_dummy, pumano, tract, bg)

    gq_order_dummy = adjusting_pums_joint_distribution.create_aggregation_string(
    gq_frequencies = drawing_households.create_whole_frequencies(
        db, 'gq', gq_order_dummy, pumano, tract, bg)

    frequencies = numpy.hstack((hhld_frequencies[:, 0], gq_frequencies[:, 0]))
    # Sampling Households and choosing the draw with the best match with with the objective distribution
    dbc.execute('select * from person_pums')
    person_pums = numpy.asarray(dbc.fetchall())[:, 1:]

    p_value = 0
    max_p = 0
    min_chi = 1e10
    draw_count = 0
    while (p_value < 0.9999 and draw_count < 25):
        draw_count = draw_count + 1
        synthetic_housing_units = drawing_households.drawing_housing_units(
            db, frequencies, weights, index_matrix, sp_matrix, 0)

        # Creating synthetic hhld, and person attribute tables
        synthetic_housing_attributes, synthetic_person_attributes = drawing_households.synthetic_population_properties(
            db, synthetic_housing_units, p_index_matrix, housing_pums,
        synth_person_stat, count_person, person_estimated_frequency = drawing_households.checking_against_joint_distribution(
            person_objective_frequency, synthetic_person_attributes,
            person_dimensions, pumano, tract, bg)
        stat = synth_person_stat
        dof = count_person - 1

        p_value = scipy.stats.stats.chisqprob(stat, dof)
        if p_value > max_p or stat < min_chi:
            max_p = p_value
            max_p_housing_attributes = synthetic_housing_attributes
            max_p_person_attributes = synthetic_person_attributes
            min_chi = stat

    if draw_count >= 25:
        print 'Max Iterations reached for drawing households with the best draw having a p-value of %.4f' % (
        print 'Population with desirable p-value of %.4f was obtained in %d iterations' % (
            max_p, draw_count)

    drawing_households.storing_synthetic_attributes(db, 'housing',
                                                    pumano, tract, bg)
    drawing_households.storing_synthetic_attributes(db, 'person',
                                                    pumano, tract, bg)

        'select hhtotal from housing_marginals where pumano = %s and tract = %s and bg = %s'
        % (pumano, tract, bg))
    housingtotal = dbc.fetchall()[0][0]

        'select sum(gender1 + gender2) from person_marginals where pumano = %s and tract = %s and bg = %s'
        % (pumano, tract, bg))
    persontotal = dbc.fetchall()[0][0]

    print 'Number of Synthetic Household - %d, and given Household total from the Census SF - %d' % (
        sum(max_p_housing_attributes[:, -2]), housingtotal)
    print 'Number of Synthetic Persons - %d and given Person total from the Census SF - %d' % (
        sum(max_p_person_attributes[:, -1]), persontotal)
    print 'Synthetic households created for the geography in %.2f\n' % (
        time.clock() - ti)
