def get_link_context(self, context, obj, admin_site, querystring):
        Adds a `link` and `verbose_name` to the context, if

        :param context: Hopefully, a :class:`~django.template.RequestContext`
                        otherwise :meth:`~adminlinks.templatetags.adminlinks_buttons.BaseAdminLink.is_valid`
                        is unlikely to be :data:`True`
        :param obj: the :class:`~django.db.models.Model` class to link to.
                    Must have :class:`~django.db.models.Options`
                    from which we can retrieve a
        :param admin_site: name of the admin site to use; defaults to **"admin"**
        :param querystring: a querystring to include in the link output.
                            Defaults to "_popup=1"
        :return: the link values.
        :rtype: dictionary.
        return _add_link_to_context(admin_site, context['request'],
                                    obj._meta, 'add', None, query=querystring)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def maybe_fix_redirection(self, request, response, obj=None):
        This is basically a middleware for admin responses from add/edit

        Inspect's a URL, and adds in our required fields if they're not there.
        eg: if a URL has no querystring, or the querystring does not contain
        `content_id`, `content_type` and `region` it will attempt to insert
        them, and if `_autoclose` was in the requesting URL, it should be
        resp = super(ChunkAdmin, self).maybe_fix_redirection(request,
                                                             response, obj)
        return_early = (
            not resp.has_header('location'),
            not hasattr(resp, 'redirect_parts'),
            hasattr(resp, 'canonical'),  # something wants to be *final*
            obj is None,
        if any(return_early):
            resp['X-Chunkadmin-Response'] = 'early'
            return resp

        # get the modeladmin in question, from the URL provided.
        func = resolve(resp.redirect_parts[2]).func
        # python 3
        if hasattr(func, '__closure__'):
            func = func.__closure__
        else:  # python 2
            func = func.func_closure
        func = func[0].cell_contents

        # it doesn't look like a chunk admin, so we can't know we need to
        # redirect back to the parent.
        if (not hasattr(func, 'response_max')
                and not hasattr(func, 'render_into_region')):
            resp['X-Chunkadmin-Response'] = 'not-chunkadmin'
            return resp

        # set up reasons to go back to the parent object's edit view.
        redirect_to_parent_if = (
            not self.wants_to_autoclose(request),
            not self.wants_to_continue_editing(request)
        # we don't want to autoclose, and we don't want to save a new
        # or add another, so we're hopefully inside a bare add/change view
        # so we probably ought to go back to the parent object's edit view.
        if all(redirect_to_parent_if):
            abuse_adminlink = _add_link_to_context(
      , request=request,
                opts=obj.content_object._meta, permname='change',
                url_params=[obj.content_id], query=resp.redirect_parts[3])
            resp.redirect_parts = list(urlsplit(abuse_adminlink['link']))
            resp['Location'] = urlunsplit(resp.redirect_parts)
            resp['X-Chunkadmin-Response'] = 'redirect-to-parent'
            return resp

        # we either wanted to autoclose, or we wanted to continue/add another
        # etc, so we don't want to redirect elsewhere, we just want to
        # update the querystring with fields required by the ChunkAdmin
        querystring = QueryDict(resp.redirect_parts[3], mutable=True)

        # delete any values which could be wrong [but shouldn't be!]
            if x in querystring:
                del querystring[x]
        querystring.update({REQUEST_VAR_ID: obj.content_id,
                            REQUEST_VAR_CT: obj.content_type_id,
                            REQUEST_VAR_REGION: obj.region})
        resp.redirect_parts[3] = querystring.urlencode()
        resp['Location'] = urlunsplit(resp.redirect_parts)
        resp['X-Chunkadmin-Response'] = 'autoclose'
        return resp