Exemplo n.º 1
 def _flatten_pose(self):
     du = self.pose.map(Point(0, 0, 1)) - self.pose.T
     R = \
         Rotation.from_axis_angle(Angle(atan2(du.y, du.x) - pi / 2.0), Point(0, 0, 1)) + \
         Rotation.from_axis_angle(-pi / 2.0, Point(1, 0, 0))
     flat_pose = Pose(T=Point(self.pose.T.x, self.pose.T.y, 50), R=R)
     self._flatten_pose = lambda: None
Exemplo n.º 2
def gen_view_points(ex, camera, task_params, scene_points):
    Generate the solution space as the list of viewpoints.

    @param camera: The camera name in the model.
    @type camera: C{str}
    @param task_params: Task parameters.
    @type task_params: C{dict}
    @param scene_points: A list of scene points in the task model.
    @type scene_points: C{list} of L{adolphus.geometry.DirectionalPoint}
    @return: A pair of lists containing the viewpoints and their poses.
    @rtype: C{list}
    view_point_poses = []
    hull = ex.model[camera].gen_frustum_hull(task_params)
    standoff = (hull[0][2] + hull[-1][2]) / 2.0
    for point in scene_points:
        x = point.x + (standoff * sin(point.rho) * cos(point.eta))
        y = point.y + (standoff * sin(point.rho) * sin(point.eta))
        z = point.z + (standoff * cos(point.rho))
        rho = point.rho + pi
        eta = point.eta
        point = DirectionalPoint(x, y, z, rho, eta)
        normal = point.direction_unit()
        angle = Point(0, 0, 1).angle(normal)
        axis = Point(0, 0, 1).cross(normal)
        if abs(angle) < 1e-4 and axis == Point(0,0,0):
            pose = Pose()
            pose = Pose(Point(x, y, z), Rotation.from_axis_angle(angle, axis))
    return view_point_poses
Exemplo n.º 3
def modify_camera(model, camera, lut, x, h, d, beta):
    if model[camera].negative_side:
        y = -d * sin(beta) + model[model.active_laser].pose.T.y
        z = d * cos(beta) + h
        R = Rotation.from_axis_angle(pi + beta, Point(1, 0, 0))
        y = d * sin(beta) + model[model.active_laser].pose.T.y
        z = d * cos(beta) + h
        R = Rotation.from_axis_angle(pi, Point(0, 1, 0)) + \
            Rotation.from_axis_angle(-beta, Point(-1, 0, 0))
    T = Point(x, y, z)
    model[camera].set_absolute_pose(Pose(T, R))
    f, ou, ov, A = lut.parameters(d)
    model[camera].setparam('zS', d)
    model[camera].setparam('f', f)
    model[camera].setparam('o', [ou, ov])
    model[camera].setparam('A', A)
Exemplo n.º 4
def modify_camera(model, camera, lut, x, h, d, beta):
    if model[camera].negative_side:
        y = -d * sin(beta) + model[model.active_laser].pose.T.y
        z = d * cos(beta) + h
        R = Rotation.from_axis_angle(pi + beta, Point(1, 0, 0))
        y = d * sin(beta) + model[model.active_laser].pose.T.y
        z = d * cos(beta) + h
        R = Rotation.from_axis_angle(pi, Point(0, 1, 0)) + \
            Rotation.from_axis_angle(-beta, Point(-1, 0, 0))
    T = Point(x, y, z)
    model[camera].set_absolute_pose(Pose(T, R))
    f, ou, ov, A = lut.parameters(d)
    model[camera].setparam('zS', d)
    model[camera].setparam('f', f)
    model[camera].setparam('o', [ou, ov])
    model[camera].setparam('A', A)
Exemplo n.º 5
def pose_from_dp(x, y, z, rho, eta):
    point = DirectionalPoint(x, y, z, rho, eta)
    normal = point.direction_unit()
    angle = Point(0, 0, 1).angle(normal)
    axis = Point(0, 0, 1).cross(normal)
    if angle < 1e-4:
        return Pose()
        return Pose(Point(x, y, z), Rotation.from_axis_angle(angle, axis))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_occlusion_cache(self):
     key = self.model._update_occlusion_cache(self.tasks['R1'].params)
     self.assertTrue(all([t.mapped_triangle() in self.model._occlusion_cache[key]['C'].values() for t in self.model['P1'].triangles]))
     self.assertFalse(any([t.mapped_triangle() in self.model._occlusion_cache[key]['C'].values() for t in self.model['P2'].triangles]))
     self.model['C'].set_absolute_pose(Pose(R=Rotation.from_axis_angle(-pi / 2.0, Point(1, 0, 0))))
     key = self.model._update_occlusion_cache(self.tasks['R1'].params)
     self.assertFalse(any([t.mapped_triangle() in self.model._occlusion_cache[key]['C'].values() for t in self.model['P1'].triangles]))
     self.assertTrue(all([t.mapped_triangle() in self.model._occlusion_cache[key]['C'].values() for t in self.model['P2'].triangles]))
     self.model['C'].set_absolute_pose(Pose(R=Rotation.from_axis_angle(pi, Point(1, 0, 0))))
     key = self.model._update_occlusion_cache(self.tasks['R1'].params)
     self.assertFalse(any([t.mapped_triangle() in self.model._occlusion_cache[key]['C'].values() for t in self.model['P1'].triangles]))
     self.assertFalse(any([t.mapped_triangle() in self.model._occlusion_cache[key]['C'].values() for t in self.model['P2'].triangles]))
     key = self.model._update_occlusion_cache(self.tasks['R1'].params)
     self.assertTrue(all([t.mapped_triangle() in self.model._occlusion_cache[key]['C'].values() for t in self.model['P1'].triangles]))
     self.model['C'].setparam('zS', 600.0)
     key = self.model._update_occlusion_cache(self.tasks['R1'].params)
     self.assertFalse(any([t.mapped_triangle() in self.model._occlusion_cache[key]['C'].values() for t in self.model['P1'].triangles]))
     self.assertFalse(any([t.mapped_triangle() in self.model._occlusion_cache[key]['C'].values() for t in self.model['P2'].triangles]))
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_strength(self):
     p1 = Point(0, 0, 1000)
     p2 = Point(0, 0, 1200)
     self.assertEqual(self.model.strength(p1, self.tasks['R1'].params), self.model['C'].strength(p1, self.tasks['R1'].params))
     self.assertTrue(self.model.strength(p1, self.tasks['R1'].params))
     self.assertFalse(self.model.strength(p2, self.tasks['R1'].params))
     self.model['C'].set_absolute_pose(Pose(T=Point(1000, 0, 0)))
     self.assertFalse(self.model.strength(p1, self.tasks['R1'].params))
     self.model['C'].set_absolute_pose(Pose(R=Rotation.from_axis_angle(pi, Point(1, 0, 0))))
     self.assertFalse(self.model.strength(p1, self.tasks['R1'].params))
Exemplo n.º 8
def find_convex_group(ex, sceneobj, vertex):
    Find the set of faces that form a convex set with respect to a given vertex.

    @param sceneobj: The name of the object in the scene.
    @type sceneobj: C{str}
    @param vertex: The vertex.
    @type vertex: L{adolphus.geometry.Point}
    @return: List of indices of the list of faces of the scene object.
    @rtype: C{list} of C{int}
    solid = ex.model[sceneobj]
    faces = solid.faces_of_vertex(vertex)
    normals_v = [solid.normals[face] for face in faces]
    direction = avg_points(normals_v)
    angle = Point(0, 0, 1).angle(direction)
    axis = Point(0, 0, 1).cross(direction)
    pose = Pose(vertex, Rotation.from_axis_angle(angle, axis)).inverse()
    vertices = solid.vertex_neighbors(vertex)
    v_map = pose.map(vertex)
    mapped = []
    for point in vertices:
    convex_indices = [solid.vertices.index(vertex)]
    for i in range(len(mapped)):
        if mapped[i].z >= v_map.z:
    candidates = combinations(convex_indices, 3)
    convex_set = []
    for item in candidates:
        tri = solid.flook(solid.vertices[item[0]], \
                          solid.vertices[item[1]], \
        if tri != None:
    return convex_set
Exemplo n.º 9
    def gen_view_points(self, scene_points, mode='flat'):
        Generate the solution space as the list of viewpoints.

        @param scene_points: The list of scene points in the task model.
        @type scene_points: C{list}
        @param mode: Select whether to position all cameras flat, vertical, or
            alternate between flat and vertical. Options: C{flat}, C{alternate},
        @type mode: C{str}
        @return: A pair of lists containing the viewpoints and their poses.
        @rtype: C{list}
        view_points = []
        view_point_poses = []
        flat = True
        # Standoff calculation as described in Scott 2009, Section 4.4.3.
        f_d = 1.02
        R_o = max(self.cam.zres(self.task_par['res_max'][1]), \
            self.cam.zc(self.task_par['blur_max'][1] * \
        e = 1e9
        for zS in self.lens_dict['zS']:
            if abs(zS - (f_d * R_o)) < e:
                e = abs(zS - (f_d * R_o))
                index = self.lens_dict['zS'].index(zS)
        # Updating the camera after computing the camera standoff distance simulates
        # the action of focusing the lens.
        # This implementation assumes that the camera is mounted on the laser
        # and it is in fact the laser that moves.
        z_lim = [max(self.cam.zres(self.task_par['res_max'][1]),
                     self.cam.zc(self.task_par['blur_max'][1] * \
                     self.cam.zc(self.task_par['blur_max'][1] * \
        cam_standoff = z_lim[1] * 0.9
        self.laser.mount = self.cam
        T = Point(0, cam_standoff * tan(0.7853), 0)
        R = Rotation.from_euler('zyx', (Angle(-0.7853), Angle(0), Angle(0)))
        self.laser.set_relative_pose(Pose(T, R))
        # The camera standoff.
        standoff = cam_standoff
        for point in scene_points:
            x = point.x + (standoff * sin(point.rho) * cos(point.eta))
            y = point.y + (standoff * sin(point.rho) * sin(point.eta))
            z = point.z + (standoff * cos(point.rho))
            rho = point.rho + pi
            eta = point.eta
            point = DirectionalPoint(x, y, z, rho, eta)
            normal = point.direction_unit()
            angle = Point(0, 0, 1).angle(normal)
            axis = Point(0, 0, 1).cross(normal)
            pose = Pose(Point(x, y, z), Rotation.from_axis_angle(angle, axis))
            angles = pose.R.to_euler_zyx()
            if mode == 'flat':
                if y >= 0:
                    new_angles = (angles[0], angles[1], Angle(pi))
                elif y < 0:
                    new_angles = (angles[0], angles[1], Angle(0))
            elif mode == 'vertical':
                new_angles = (angles[0], angles[1], Angle(0))
            elif mode == 'alternate':
                if flat:
                    new_angles = (angles[0], angles[1], Angle(1.5707))
                    flat = False
                elif not flat:
                    new_angles = (angles[0], angles[1], Angle(0))
                    flat = True
            new_pose = Pose(Point(x,y,z), Rotation.from_euler('zyx', new_angles))
        return view_points, view_point_poses
Exemplo n.º 10
def gaussian_yz_pose_error(pose, tsigma, rsigma):
    T, R = pose.T, pose.R
    T = Point(gauss(T.x, tsigma), gauss(T.y, tsigma), gauss(T.z, tsigma))
    R += Rotation.from_axis_angle(Angle(gauss(0, rsigma)), Point(1, 0, 0))
    return Pose(T=T, R=R)
Exemplo n.º 11
def gaussian_yz_pose_error(pose, tsigma, rsigma):
    T, R = pose.T, pose.R
    T = Point(gauss(T.x, tsigma), gauss(T.y, tsigma), gauss(T.z, tsigma))
    R += Rotation.from_axis_angle(Angle(gauss(0, rsigma)), Point(1, 0, 0))
    return Pose(T=T, R=R)
Exemplo n.º 12
    task_points[DirectionalPoint(-32.5, 110, 1660, 1.570796327, 1.570796327)] = 1
    task_points[DirectionalPoint(32.5, 110, 1660, 1.570796327, 1.570796327)] = 1
    task_points[Point(-225, 0, 1500)] = 1
    task_points[Point(225, 0, 1500)] = 1
    task_points[Point(0, 225, 1500)] = 1
    ex.tasks['T'] = Task(task_par, task_points, mount=ex.model['human'])

    # Run the demo.
    line = ""
    pitch = float(args.interpolate)
    i = 0
    for t in range(1, args.interpolate * (len(points) - 1)):
        if ex.exit:
        # Set target pose.
        normal = -(path(t / pitch) - path((t - 1) / pitch)).unit()
        angle = Point(0, -1, 0).angle(normal)
        axis = Point(0, -1, 0).cross(normal)
        R = Rotation.from_axis_angle(angle, axis)
        ex.model['human'].pose = Pose(T=path(t / pitch), R=R)
        line += str(i) + '\t' + str(ex.model.performance(ex.tasks['T'])) + '\n'
        i += 1
        if args.vis:

    with open('result.txt', 'w') as file:

    print "Done.\n"
Exemplo n.º 13
            for occ_t in occ_triangles:
                if occ_t.intersection(t, p, True):
                    occluded = True
            if occluded:
            vector = p - t
            if abs(vector.magnitude() - half_hull) > ((hull[-1][2] - hull[0][2]) * .1):
            normal = vector.unit()
            angle = Point(0, 0, 1).angle(normal)
            axis = Point(0, 0, 1).cross(normal)
            if angle < 1e-4:
                pose = Pose()
                pose = Pose(Point(t.x, t.y, t.z), Rotation.from_axis_angle(angle, axis))

    print "Size of the solution space:", len(view_point_poses)

    # Deploy camera network.

    # Generate the measurability matrix.
    visual_m = gen_visual_matrix(ex, view_point_poses, scene_points,
        [cam_par, task_par])
    # Generate overlap graph.
    o_graph = gen_overlap_graph(visual_m, 0.05)
    # Select viewpoints.
    indices = select_view_points(visual_m, o_graph)
    selection = []
    for i in indices:
Exemplo n.º 14
         with open('vgraph.pickle', 'w') as vgf:
             pickle.dump(vision_graph, vgf)
     except ImportError:
         vision_graph = None
 # Run demo.
 best = None
 for t in range(1, args.interpolate * (len(points) - 1)):
     if ex.exit:
     # Set target pose.
     normal = -(path(t / float(args.interpolate)) - path((t - 1) \
              / float(args.interpolate))).unit()
     angle = Point(0, -1, 0).angle(normal)
     axis = Point(0, -1, 0).cross(normal)
     R = Rotation.from_axis_angle(angle, axis)
         Pose(T=path(t / float(args.interpolate)), R=R))
     # Compute best view.
     current = best
     best, score = ex.model.best_view(
         current=(current and frozenset([current]) or None),
     best = set(best).pop()
     if current != best:
         ex.execute('select %s' % best)
             ex.execute('guide %s target' % current)