Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_is_submitted_cust_2(self):
     """tests if a form is submitted in case of POST request"""        
     with self.app.test_request_context('/feedback/', method='POST', data=dict(name="Johnny Miller",email="*****@*****.**",
         form = MyTestForm(request.values)
Exemplo n.º 2
def metrics(**args):
    Entry point of input for Metrics: form to input bibcodes
#     query = request.args.get('q', None)
    form = MetricsInputForm()
    bibcodes = []
    results = None
    format = ''
    if 'bibcodes' in args:
        bibcodes = args['bibcodes']
        format = 'json'
    if is_submitted_cust(form):
        # the form was submitted, so get the contents from the submit box
        # make sure we have a list of what seem to be bibcodes
        bibcodes = map(lambda a: str(a).strip(), form.bibcodes.data.strip().split('\n'))
        bibcodes = filter(lambda a: len(a) == 19, bibcodes)
        # no bibcodes? display message and re-display input form
        if len(bibcodes) == 0:
            flash('Metrics returned no results. Reason: No valid bibcodes were supplied')
            return render_template('metrics.html', form=form)
    if len(bibcodes) > 0:
        # we have a list of bibcodes, so start working
            results = generate_metrics(bibcodes=bibcodes, types='statistics,histograms,metrics,series', fmt=format)
        except Exception, err:
            app.logger.error('ID %s. Unable to get results! (%s)' % (g.user_cookie_id,err))
Exemplo n.º 3
def activate():
    User activation form
    #if the user is logged in he needs to logout before signup as another user
    if current_user.is_authenticated():
        flash('Please, <a href="%s">logout</a> before activate another user' % url_for('user.logout'), 'warn')
        return redirect(generate_redirect_url())
    #if everything looks fine, it's time to proceed
    form_params_creation ={'csrf_enabled':False}
    if request.method == 'GET' and request.values.get('id'):
        #need to specify the value to initialize the form because it cannot find this value in request.form
        form_params_creation.update({'id': request.values.get('id')})    
    form = ActivateUserForm(**form_params_creation)

    if is_submitted_cust(form):
        if form.validate():
            success, message, message_type = activate_user(form.id.data)
            if not success:
                flash('Activation failed: %s' % message, message_type)
                flash('Your account is now active.', 'success')
                session['user_login_email'] = None
                return redirect(generate_redirect_url(url_for('user.login')))
    elif not session.get('user_login_email'):
        #if there is no email in the session, the user needs to provide it
        pre_form = PreActivateUserForm(csrf_enabled=False)
        if not is_submitted_cust(pre_form) or not pre_form.validate():
            return render_template('activate.html', form=pre_form, pre_activation=True)
        #if there is the email as input, check if the user exists locally and is not active
        if not login_exists_local(pre_form.act_em.data):
            if not login_exists_classic(pre_form.act_em.data):
                flash('There is no user with the provided email. Please sign up first.', 'error')
                return redirect(generate_redirect_url(url_for('user.signup')))
                flash('The user is already active. Please log in.', 'warn')
                return redirect(generate_redirect_url(url_for('user.login')))
        elif login_is_active(pre_form.act_em.data):
            flash('The user is already active. Please log in.', 'warn')
            return redirect(generate_redirect_url(url_for('user.login')))
        #if everything looks fine with the user login email, it can be stored in the session
        session['user_login_email'] = pre_form.act_em.data
    return render_template('activate.html', form=form, pre_activation=False)
Exemplo n.º 4
def citation_helper(**args):
    Entry point of input for Citation Helper: form to input bibcodes
    form = CitationHelperInputForm()
    # If we were called from results form, get bibcodes
    # from URL
        bibcodes = request.args.getlist('bibcode')
        bibcodes = []
    results = None
    format = ''
    # check if we were called with bibcodes
    if 'bibcodes' in args:
        bibcodes = args['bibcodes']
        format = 'json'
    if 'Nsuggest' in args:
        number_of_suggestions = args['Nsuggest']
        number_of_suggestions = config.BIBUTILS_DEFAULT_SUGGESTIONS
    if is_submitted_cust(form):
        # the form was submitted, so get the contents from the submit box
        # make sure we have a list of what seem to be bibcodes
        bibcodes = map(lambda a: str(a).strip(), form.bibcodes.data.strip().split('\n'))
        bibcodes = filter(lambda a: len(a) == 19, bibcodes)
        # no bibcodes? display message and re-display input form
        if len(bibcodes) == 0:
            flash('Citation Helper returned no results. Reason: No bibcodes were supplied')
            return render_template('citation_helper.html', form=form)
        # get the maximum number of suggestions
            number_of_suggestions = int(form.return_nr.data)
            number_of_suggestions = config.BIBUTILS_DEFAULT_SUGGESTIONS
        layout = form.layout.data or "NO"
        app.logger.info('ID %s. Requesting %s suggestions. Input: %s'%(g.user_cookie_id,number_of_suggestions,str(bibcodes)))
    if len(bibcodes) > 0:
        # we have all we need, so it's time to get the suggestions
            suggestions = get_suggestions(bibcodes=bibcodes,Nsuggest=number_of_suggestions)
        except CitationHelperCannotGetResults, e:
            # if we end up here, something went boink during data retrieval
            app.logger.error('ID %s. Unable to get results! (%s)' % (g.user_cookie_id,e))
        # if we got results, return them, otherwise say that we did not find any,
        # and re-display the input form.
        # no suggestions are possible if there are no 'friends-of-friends'
        if len(suggestions) > 0:
            app.logger.info('ID %s. Found %s suggestions. Suggestions: %s'%(g.user_cookie_id,len(suggestions),str(suggestions)))
            if format == 'json':
                return jsonify(suggestions=suggestions)
                return render_template('citation_helper_results.html', page_var='Citation Helper Results', results=suggestions, include_layout=layout)
            app.logger.info('ID %s. No suggestions found.'%g.user_cookie_id)
            if layout == 'NO':
                return render_template('citation_helper_no_results.html')
                flash('Citation Helper returned no results. Reason: No suggestions were found.')
Exemplo n.º 5
def suggestions(cookie,format):
    Get personal suggestions from recently viewed articles
    bibcodes = []
    if not cookie: cookie = None
    form = SuggestionsInputForm()
    if is_submitted_cust(form):
        # the form was submitted, so get the contents from the submit box
        # make sure we have a list of what seem to be bibcodes
        bibcodes = map(lambda a: str(a).strip(), form.bibcodes.data.strip().split('\n'))
        bibcodes = filter(lambda a: len(a) == 19, bibcodes)
        # no bibcodes? display message and re-display input form
        if len(bibcodes) == 0:
            flash('No bibcodes were supplied')
            return render_template('suggestions.html', form=form)
    elif not cookie and len(bibcodes) == 0:
        return render_template('suggestions.html', form=form)
        results = get_suggestions(cookie=cookie,bibcodes=bibcodes)
    except RecommenderCannotGetResults, e:
        app.logger.error('ID %s. Unable to get results! (%s)' % (g.user_cookie_id,e))
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_is_submitted_cust_1(self):
     """tests if a form is submitted in case of GET request"""
     with self.app.test_request_context('/feedback/?name=Johnny+Miller&[email protected]&feedback_type=bug&feedback_text=foobar'):
         form = MyTestForm(request.values)
Exemplo n.º 7
            'Content-Type': 'text/xls; charset=UTF-8',
            'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename=\"Metrics.xls\";',
            'Content-Transfer-Encoding': 'binary',
            'Content-Length': len(response.data)
            response.headers = response_headers
            response.set_cookie('fileDownload', 'true', path='/')
            return response

    results = None
    format = ''
    layout = 'YES'
    if 'bibcodes' in args:
        bibcodes = args['bibcodes']
        format = 'json'
    if is_submitted_cust(form):
            layout = form.layout.data
            layout = 'NO'
        # the form was submitted, so get the contents from the submit box
        # make sure we have a list of what seem to be bibcodes
        bibcodes = map(lambda a: str(a).strip(), form.bibcodes.data.strip().split('\n'))
        bibcodes = filter(lambda a: len(a) == 19, bibcodes)
        # no bibcodes? display message and re-display input form
        if len(bibcodes) == 0:
            flash('Metrics returned no results. Reason: No valid bibcodes were supplied')
            return render_template('metrics.html', form=form)
    if len(bibcodes) > 0:
        # we have a list of bibcodes, so start working
Exemplo n.º 8
def citation_helper(**args):
    Entry point of input for Citation Helper: form to input bibcodes
    form = CitationHelperInputForm()
    # If we were called from results form, get bibcodes
    # from URL
        bibcodes = request.args.getlist('bibcode')
        bibcodes = []
    results = None
    format = ''
    # check if we were called with bibcodes
    if 'bibcodes' in args:
        bibcodes = args['bibcodes']
        format = 'json'
    if 'Nsuggest' in args:
        number_of_suggestions = args['Nsuggest']
        number_of_suggestions = config.BIBUTILS_DEFAULT_SUGGESTIONS
    if is_submitted_cust(form):
            number_of_records = int(form.numRecs.data)
            number_of_records = config.MAX_EXPORTS['citation_helper']
        # the form was submitted, so get the contents from the submit box
        # make sure we have a list of what seem to be bibcodes
        bibcodes = map(lambda a: str(a).strip(), form.bibcodes.data.strip().split('\n'))
        bibcodes = filter(lambda a: len(a) == 19, bibcodes)
        list_type = request.values.get('list_type', None)
        if len(bibcodes) == 0:
                query_par = str(form.current_search_parameters.data.strip())
                query = json.loads(query_par)['q']
                sort  = json.loads(query_par).get('sort', None)
                bigquery_id = form.bigquery.data
                if sort is None:
                    # this might be an abstract citation/reference list view so get the sort from config
                    if list_type is not None and list_type in config.ABS_SORT_OPTIONS_MAP:
                        sort = [config.ABS_SORT_OPTIONS_MAP[list_type]]
                        sort = []
                bibcodes = get_publications_from_query(query, sort, list_type, bigquery_id)[:number_of_records]
                bibcodes = []
        # no bibcodes? display message and re-display input form
        if len(bibcodes) == 0:
            flash('Citation Helper returned no results. Reason: No bibcodes were supplied')
            return render_template('citation_helper.html', form=form)
        # get the maximum number of suggestions
            number_of_suggestions = int(form.return_nr.data)
            number_of_suggestions = config.BIBUTILS_DEFAULT_SUGGESTIONS
        layout = form.layout.data or "NO"
        app.logger.info('ID %s. Requesting %s suggestions. Input: %s'%(g.user_cookie_id,number_of_suggestions,str(bibcodes)))
    if len(bibcodes) > 0:
        # we have all we need, so it's time to get the suggestions
            suggestions = get_suggestions(bibcodes=bibcodes,Nsuggest=number_of_suggestions)
        except CitationHelperCannotGetResults, e:
            # if we end up here, something went boink during data retrieval
            app.logger.error('ID %s. Unable to get results! (%s)' % (g.user_cookie_id,e))
        # if we got results, return them, otherwise say that we did not find any,
        # and re-display the input form.
        # no suggestions are possible if there are no 'friends-of-friends'
        if len(suggestions) > 0:
            app.logger.info('ID %s. Found %s suggestions. Suggestions: %s'%(g.user_cookie_id,len(suggestions),str(suggestions)))
            if format == 'json':
                return jsonify(suggestions=suggestions)
                return render_template('citation_helper_results.html', page_var='Citation Helper Results', results=suggestions, include_layout=layout)
            app.logger.info('ID %s. No suggestions found.'%g.user_cookie_id)
            if layout == 'NO':
                return render_template('citation_helper_no_results.html')
                flash('Citation Helper returned no results. Reason: No suggestions were found.')