Exemplo n.º 1
def handle_search_signal(sender, **kwargs):
    catches the search signal sent from the flask-solrquery extension,
    extracts some event data and sends it to the appropriate logger.
    TODO: figure out a way to push the logic of which event stream
    (e.g., 'api' or 'search') should handle the event out of here and into
    the actual blueprints. I tried and failed to come up with a solution.

    resp = kwargs.pop('response')

    # common search event data
    log_data = {
        'q': resp.get_query(),
        'hits': resp.get_hits(),
        'count': resp.get_count(),
        'start': resp.get_start_count(),
        'qtime': resp.get_qtime(),
        'results': resp.get_doc_values('bibcode', 0, config.SEARCH_DEFAULT_ROWS),
        'error_msg': resp.get_error_message(),
        'http_status': resp.get_http_status(),
        'solr_url': resp.request.url,

    if hasattr(g, 'api_user'):
        log_data['dev_key'] = g.api_user.get_dev_key()
        log_event('api', **log_data)
    elif hasattr(g, 'user_cookie_id'):
        log_data['user_cookie_id'] = g.user_cookie_id
        log_event('search', **log_data)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def solrquery_exception(error):
     msg = "Search service error: %s" % error
     dev_key = hasattr(g, 'api_user') and g.api_user.get_dev_key() or None
     exc_info = error.exc_info
     exc_str = traceback.format_exception(*exc_info)
     current_app.logger.error("%s: (%s, %s) %s" % (msg, exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]))
     log_event('api', msg=msg, dev_key=dev_key, exception=exc_str)
     return {'error': msg},500,None
Exemplo n.º 3
def solrquery_exception(error):
    msg = "Search service error: %s" % error
    user_cookie_id = hasattr(g, 'user_cookie_id') and g.user_cookie_id or None
    exc_info = error.exc_info
    exc_str = traceback.format_exception(*exc_info)
    current_app.logger.error("%s: (%s, %s) %s" % (msg, exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]))
    log_event('search', msg=msg, user_cookie_id=user_cookie_id, exception=exc_str)
    flash(msg, 'error')