Exemplo n.º 1
 def stackTower():
     spacer = aecSpacer()
     levels = randint(5, 70)
     floor = randomFloor(aecPoint(0, 0, 0))
     if not floor: return
     height = floor.height
     floors = [floor] + spacer.stack(floor, levels - 1)
     if uniform(1, 3) == 1:
         plinth = aecSpace()
         plinthLevels = randint(1, 3)
         plinthHeight = height * plinthLevels
         plinth.height = plinthHeight
         pScale = uniform(1, 2)
         plinth.scale(pScale, pScale, 1)
         floors = floors[plinthLevels:]
         floors = [plinth] + floors
     colors = [aecColor.blue, aecColor.green]
     tower = aecSpaceGroup()
     tower.spaces = floors
     tower.setColor(colors[randint(0, 1)])
     tower.rotate(uniform(0, 360))
     if levels >= 10:
         index = 10
         while index < levels:
             tower.scale(0.8, 0.8, 1, index=index)
             index += 1
     if levels >= 30:
         index = 30
         while index < levels:
             tower.scale(0.8, 0.8, 1, index=index)
             index += 1
     return tower.spaces
def siteDevelopment(diameter: float = 100, targetArea: float = 100000):
    spacer = aecSpacer()        
    sitWest = aecSpace()
    sitEast = aecSpace()
    sitWest.boundary = siteWest
    sitEast.boundary = siteEast
    sitWest.height = 20    
    sitWest.level = -20
    sitEast.height = 20   
    sitEast.level = -20
    mesh = sitWest.mesh_graphic
    model.add_triangle_mesh(mesh.vertices, mesh.normals, mesh.indices, colorSand)  
    mesh = sitEast.mesh_graphic
    model.add_triangle_mesh(mesh.vertices, mesh.normals, mesh.indices, colorSand)      
    spcGroup = aecSpaceGroup()
    allLevels = 0
    area = 0
    for building in buildings:
        if randint(0, 1) == 0 : site = sitWest
        else: site = sitEast
        boundary = site.points_floor
        point = site.point_ceiling
        xSize = diameter * uniform(1, 3)
        ySize = diameter * uniform(1, 3)
        targetArea = uniform((targetArea - 20000), (targetArea + 20000))        
        space = None
        while not space:
            space = makeSpace(building, point, xSize, ySize)
            if not space.fitWithin(boundary): 
                point = site.point_ceiling
                space = None
        space.height = 15
        build = [space] + spacer.stackToArea(space, targetArea)
        levels = spcGroup.count
        allLevels += levels
        area += spcGroup.area
        if building['name'] != 'parking':
            if levels >= 10:
                index = 10
                while index < levels:
                    spcGroup.scale(0.8, 0.8, 1, index = index)
                    index += 1
            if levels >= 20:
                index = 20
                while index < levels:
                    spcGroup.scale(0.8, 0.8, 1, index = index)
                    index += 1                   
            if levels >= 30:
                index = 30
                while index < levels:
                    spcGroup.scale(0.8, 0.8, 1, index = index)
                    index += 1      
        build = spcGroup.spaces
        color = building['color']
        for space in build:
            mesh = space.mesh_graphic
            model.add_triangle_mesh(mesh.vertices, mesh.normals, mesh.indices, color)                  
    return {"model": model.save_base64(), 'computed':{'floors':allLevels, 'area':area}}   
def placeBuilding():
    spacer = aecSpacer()  
    shaper = aecShaper()      
    site = aecSpace()
    sitePoints = siteBoundary["coordinates"]
    sitePoints = [aecPoint(pnt[0], pnt[1], 0) for pnt in sitePoints]
    site.boundary = sitePoints
    site.color = aecColor.green
    site.height = 0.1
    site.level = -0.1
    spaces = [site]
    building = buildings[0]
    xWidth = building['diameter'][random.randint(0, 1)]
    yDepth = xWidth * 1.618
    space = aecSpace()
    space.boundary = shaper.makeCross(origin = aecPoint(0, 0, 0), 
                                      xSize = xWidth, 
                                      ySize = yDepth)
    space.rotate(random.uniform(0, 270))
    orientation = [
    if spacer.placeOnLine(space, site, orientation):
        space.height = building['height']
        space.level= building['level']
        space.color = building['color']
        spaces += [space]
        space2 = spacer.stackToArea(space, building['area'])
        spaces += space2
    return spaces
Exemplo n.º 4
def develop():
    spacer = aecSpacer()
    sitWest = aecSpace()
    sitEast = aecSpace()
    sitWest.boundary = siteWest
    sitEast.boundary = siteEast
    sitWest.color = aecColor.sand
    sitEast.color = aecColor.sand
    spaces = [sitWest, sitEast]
    spcGroup = aecSpaceGroup()
    for building in buildings:
        if randint(0, 1) == 0: site = sitWest
        else: site = sitEast
        boundary = site.points_floor
        point = site.point_ceiling
        xWidth = randint(building['diameter'][0], building['diameter'][1])
        yDepth = randint(building['diameter'][0], building['diameter'][1])
        space = None
        while not space:
            space = makeSpace(building, point, xWidth, yDepth)
            if not space.fitWithin(boundary):
                point = site.point_ceiling
                space = None
        space.height = building['height']
        space.level = building['level']
        space.color = building['color']
        area = randint(building['area'][0], building['area'][1])
        if building['name'] == 'parking':
            build = [space] + spacer.stackToArea(space, area)
            build = [space] + spacer.stackToArea(space, area)
        levels = spcGroup.count
        if building['name'] != 'parking':
            if levels >= 10:
                index = 10
                while index < levels:
                    spcGroup.scale(0.8, 0.8, 1, index=index)
                    index += 1
            if levels >= 20:
                index = 20
                while index < levels:
                    spcGroup.scale(0.8, 0.8, 1, index=index)
                    index += 1
            if levels >= 30:
                index = 30
                while index < levels:
                    spcGroup.scale(0.8, 0.8, 1, index=index)
                    index += 1
        build = spcGroup.spaces
        spaces += build
    return spaces
Exemplo n.º 5
def makeBuilding(site: aecSpace, length: float, width: float, height: float,
                 rotation: float, area: float):
    spacer = aecSpacer()
    building = aecSpace()
    shaper = aecShaper()
    points = shaper.makeBox(aecPoint(0, 0, 0), xSize=length, ySize=width)
    building.boundary = points
    if spacer.placeWithin(building, site):
        building.level = 0
        building.height = height
        building = [building]
        building += spacer.stackToArea(building[0], area)
    return building
def modularHousing(xUnits: int = 1, bedBath = 0):
    module = 4130    
    space = aecSpace()
    spacer = aecSpacer()
    space.boundary = shaper.makeBox(aecPoint(), module, module)
    space.height = 2750
    rooms = \
    rotations = [0, 90, 180, 270]
    spaces = spacer.row(space, xUnits)
    spaces += [space]
    extSpaces = []
    for unit in spaces:
        yUnits = randint(0, 3)
        if yUnits > 0: extSpaces += spacer.row(space = unit, copies = yUnits, xAxis = False)
    spaces += extSpaces
    for unit in spaces:
        room = rooms[randint(0, len(rooms) - 1)]
        rotation = rotations[randint(0, 3)]
        if room == "Living":
            placeFurniture(unit, rotation)
        if room == "Bath":
            placeBathFixtures(unit, rotation)
        if room == "Kitchen":
            placeKitchen(unit, rotation)
        if room == "Bed":
            placeBed(unit, rotation, bedBath)
        if room == "Hall": 
            mesh = unit.mesh_graphic
            model.add_triangle_mesh(mesh.vertices, mesh.normals, mesh.indices, colorYellow)            
    modules = len(spaces)
    return {"model": model.save_base64(), 'computed':{'Total modules':modules}}   
def placeBuilding():
    spacer = aecSpacer()
    shaper = aecShaper()        
    site = aecSpace()
    site.boundary = [aecPoint(pnt[0], pnt[1]) for pnt in siteBoundary["coordinates"]]
    site.color = aecColor.green
    site.height = 0.1
    site.level = -0.1
    spaces = [site]
    building = buildings[0]
    xWidth = building['diameter'][random.randint(0, 1)]
    yDepth = xWidth * 1.618
    space = aecSpace()
    space.boundary = shaper.makeCross(aecPoint(0, 0, 0), xWidth, yDepth)
    space.rotate(random.uniform(0, 360))
    if spacer.placeWithin(space, site):
        space.height = building['height']
        space.level = building['level']
        space.color = building['color']
        spaces += [space]
        space2 = spacer.stackToArea(space, building['area'])
        spaces += space2          
    return spaces
Exemplo n.º 8
from hypar import glTF
from random import randint, uniform
from typing import List

from aecSpace.aecPoint import aecPoint
from aecSpace.aecShaper import aecShaper
from aecSpace.aecSpace import aecSpace
from aecSpace.aecSpaceGroup import aecSpaceGroup
from aecSpace.aecSpacer import aecSpacer

spacer = aecSpacer()
shaper = aecShaper()

model = glTF()
colorAqua = model.add_material(0.3, 0.72, 0.392, 1.0, 0.8, "Aqua")
colorBlue = model.add_material(0.0, 0.631, 0.945, 1.0, 0.8, "Blue")
colorBrown = model.add_material(0.5, 0.2, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5, "Brown")
colorGray = model.add_material(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.8, "Gray")
colorGranite = model.add_material(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 1.0, 0.8, "Granite")
colorGreen = model.add_material(0.486, 0.733, 0.0, 1.0, 0.8, "Green")
colorOrange = model.add_material(0.964, 0.325, 0.078, 1.0, 0.8, "Orange")
colorPurple = model.add_material(0.75, 0.07, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8, "Purple")
colorSand = model.add_material(1.0, 0.843, 0.376, 1.0, 0.8, "Sand") 
colorSilver = model.add_material(0.75, 0.75, 0.75, 1.0, 1.0, "Silver")
colorWhite = model.add_material(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8, "White")
colorYellow = model.add_material(1.0, 0.733, 0.0, 1.0, 0.8, "Yellow")

def getColor(color: int = 0):
    if color == 0: return colorAqua
    if color == 1: return colorBlue
    if color == 2: return colorBrown
Exemplo n.º 9
def makeTowerShell(xSize: float = 60,
                   ySize: float = 60,
                   levels: int = 10,
                   floorType: int = 1):
    def randomFloor(point, xSize, ySize):
            floor = aecSpace()
            shaper = aecShaper()
            if floorType == 1:
                floor.boundary = shaper.makeBox(point, xSize, ySize)
                floor.rotate(uniform(0, 360))
                x = 0
                boundaries = uniform(1, 5)
                tempFloor = aecSpace()
                while x < boundaries:
                    tempFloor.boundary = shaper.makeBox(origin=point,
                                                        xSize=uniform(65, 100),
                                                        ySize=uniform(65, 100))
                    tempFloor.rotate(uniform(0, 360))
                    x += 1
            if floorType == 2:
                floor.boundary = shaper.makeCylinder(aecPoint(
                    point.x + (xSize * 0.5), point.y + (ySize * 0.5)),
                                                     radius=(xSize * 0.5))
            if floorType > 2 and floorType < 9:
                floor.boundary = shaper.makePolygon(aecPoint(
                    point.x + (xSize * 0.5), point.y + (ySize * 0.5)),
                                                    radius=(xSize * 0.5),
            if floorType == 9:
                floor.boundary = shaper.makeCross(point,
            if floorType == 10:
                floor.boundary = shaper.makeH(point, xSize=xSize, ySize=ySize)
            if floorType == 11:
                floor.boundary = shaper.makeU(point, xSize=xSize, ySize=ySize)
            floor.height = 15
            return floor
            return False

    spacer = aecSpacer()
    floor = randomFloor(aecPoint(0, 0, 0), xSize, ySize)
    floors = [floor] + spacer.stack(floor, levels - 1)
    if uniform(1, 3) == 1:
        plinth = aecSpace()
        plinthLevels = randint(1, 3)
        plinthHeight = 15 * plinthLevels
        plinth.height = plinthHeight
        plinth.scale(1.25, 1.25, 1)
        floors = floors[plinthLevels:]
        floors = [plinth] + floors
    colors = [aecColor.blue, aecColor.green, aecColor.white]
    tower = aecSpaceGroup()
    tower.spaces = floors
    tower.setColor(colors[randint(0, 2)])
    if levels >= 10:
        index = 10
        while index < levels:
            tower.scale(0.8, 0.8, 1, index=index)
            index += 1
    if levels >= 30:
        index = 30
        while index < levels:
            tower.scale(0.8, 0.8, 1, index=index)
            index += 1

    model = glTF()
    colorBlue = model.add_material(0.0, 0.631, 0.945, 0.5, 0.8, "Blue")
    colorWhite = model.add_material(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.8, "White")
    colorIndex = randint(0, 1)
    if colorIndex == 0: color = colorBlue
    if colorIndex == 1: color = colorWhite
    area = 0
    for space in floors:
        area += space.area
        spaceMesh = space.mesh_graphic
        model.add_triangle_mesh(spaceMesh.vertices, spaceMesh.normals,
                                spaceMesh.indices, color)
    return {
        "model": model.save_base64(),
        'computed': {
            'floors': levels,
            'area': area
Exemplo n.º 10
class aecCorridor():
    Represents architectural corridors of various configurations.
    __dimensionError = "Critical corridor dimension exceeds floor boundary."
    __minPersons = 3
    __personWidth = 2
    __geometry = aecGeometry()
    __shaper = aecShaper()
    __spacer = aecSpacer()

    # Defines a series of constants indicating corridor types.

    Unknown, H, I, L, T, U, X = range(0, 7)

    __slots__ = \

    def __init__(self,
                 corridor: int = 1,
                 origin: aecPoint = aecPoint(),
                 xSize: float = 5,
                 ySize: float = 5,
                 persons: int = 3):
        self.__compass = self.__geometry.compass
        self.__corridor = aecSpace()
        self.__persons = self.__minPersons
        self.__shape = self.Unknown
        self.__width = self.__minPersons * self.__personWidth
        if persons > self.__minPersons:
            self.__persons = persons = int(persons)
            persons -= self.__minPersons
            self.__width += (persons * self.__personWidth)
        self.__space = aecSpace()

    def persons(self) -> int:
        Returns the capacity of the corridor as the quantity of 
        persons who can pass along its length simultaneously.
        Returns None on failure.
            return self.__persons
        except Exception:
            return None

    def persons(self, value: int = 3) -> int:
        Sets the capacity of the corridor as the quantity of 
        persons who can pass along its length simultaneously.
        Returns None on failure.
            value = abs(int(value))
            if value < self.__minPersons: value = self.__minPersons
            self.__persons = value
            if value > self.__minPersons: value -= self.__minPersons
            self.__width += self.__personWidth * value
        except Exception:

    def space(self) -> aecSpace:
        Returns the aecSpace object.
        Returns None on failure.
            return self.__space
        except Exception:
            return None

    def width(self) -> float:
        Returns the corridor width.
        Returns None on failure.
            return self.__width
        except Exception:
            return None

    def addLobby(self, lobby: aecSpace) -> bool:
        Attempts to join a lobby to the corridor

    def makeH(self,
              floor: aecSpace,
              margin: float = 0.0,
              rotate: float = 0.0) -> bool:
        Sets the corridor to an H shape within the specified
        margin of the delivered floor's bounding box.
        Returns True on success.
        Returns False on Failure.
            if (self.width * 2) >= floor.size_x or \
                self.width >= floor.size_y:
                raise ValueError
            self.space.height = floor.height - 0.25
            self.space.level = floor.level
            floorBox = floor.points_box
            xPnt = floorBox.SW.x + margin
            yPnt = floorBox.SW.y + margin
            origin = aecPoint(xPnt, yPnt)
            xSize = abs((floorBox.SE.x - margin) - xPnt)
            ySize = abs((floorBox.NW.y - margin) - yPnt)
            points = self.__shaper.makeH(origin=origin,
            if not points: raise Exception
            self.__space.boundary = points
            return self.space.fitWithin(floor.points_floor)
        except ValueError:
            return False
        except Exception:
            return False

    def makeL(self,
              floor: aecSpace,
              margin: float = 0.0,
              rotate: float = 0.0) -> bool:
        Sets the corridor to an L shape within the specified
        margin of the delivered floor's bounding box.
        Returns True on success.
        Returns False on Failure.
            if self.width >= floor.size_x or \
               self.width >= floor.size_y:
                raise ValueError
            self.space.height = floor.height - 0.25
            self.space.level = floor.level
            floorBox = floor.points_box
            xPnt = floorBox.SW.x + margin
            yPnt = floorBox.SW.y + margin
            origin = aecPoint(xPnt, yPnt)
            xSize = abs((floorBox.SE.x - margin) - xPnt)
            ySize = abs((floorBox.NW.y - margin) - yPnt)
            points = self.__shaper.makeL(origin=origin,
            if not points: raise Exception
            self.__space.boundary = points
            return self.space.fitWithin(floor.points_floor)
        except ValueError:
            return False
        except Exception:
            return False

    def makeT(self,
              floor: aecSpace,
              margin: float = 0.0,
              rotate: float = 0.0) -> bool:
        Sets the corridor to an T shape within the specified
        margin of the delivered floor's bounding box.
        Returns True on success.
        Returns False on Failure.
            if self.width >= floor.size_x or \
               self.width >= floor.size_y:
                raise ValueError
            self.space.height = floor.height - 0.25
            self.space.level = floor.level
            floorBox = floor.points_box
            xPnt = floorBox.SW.x + margin
            yPnt = floorBox.SW.y + margin
            origin = aecPoint(xPnt, yPnt)
            xSize = abs((floorBox.SE.x - margin) - xPnt)
            ySize = abs((floorBox.NW.y - margin) - yPnt)
            points = self.__shaper.makeT(origin=origin,
            if not points: raise Exception
            self.__space.boundary = points
            return self.space.fitWithin(floor.points_floor)
        except ValueError:
            return False
        except Exception:
            return False

    def makeU(self,
              floor: aecSpace,
              margin: float = 0.0,
              rotate: float = 0.0) -> bool:
        Sets the corridor to a U shape within the specified
        margin of the delivered floor's bounding box.
        Returns True on success.
        Returns False on Failure.
            if (self.width * 2) >= floor.size_x or \
                self.width >= floor.size_y:
                raise ValueError
            self.space.height = floor.height - 0.25
            self.space.level = floor.level
            floorBox = floor.points_box
            xPnt = floorBox.SW.x + margin
            yPnt = floorBox.SW.y + margin
            origin = aecPoint(xPnt, yPnt)
            xSize = abs((floorBox.SE.x - margin) - xPnt)
            ySize = abs((floorBox.NW.y - margin) - yPnt)
            points = self.__shaper.makeU(origin=origin,
            if not points: raise Exception
            self.__space.boundary = points
            return self.space.fitWithin(floor.points_floor)
        except ValueError:
            return False
        except Exception:
            return False

    def makeX(self,
              floor: aecSpace,
              margin: float = 0.0,
              rotate: float = 0.0) -> bool:
        Sets the corridor to a cross shape within the
        margin of the delivered floor's bounding box.
        Returns True on success.
        Returns False on Failure.
            if self.width >= floor.size_x or \
               self.width >= floor.size_y:
                raise ValueError
            self.space.height = floor.height - 0.25
            self.space.level = floor.level
            floorBox = floor.points_box
            xPnt = floorBox.SW.x + margin
            yPnt = floorBox.SW.y + margin
            origin = aecPoint(xPnt, yPnt)
            xSize = abs((floorBox.SE.x - margin) - xPnt)
            ySize = abs((floorBox.NW.y - margin) - yPnt)
            points = self.__shaper.makeCross(origin=origin,
            if not points: raise Exception
            self.space.boundary = points
            return self.space.fitWithin(floor.points_floor)
        except ValueError:
            return False
        except Exception:
            return False
Exemplo n.º 11
def makeTower():

    # Create class instances.
    space = aecSpace()
    spacer = aecSpacer()
    # Hard code footprint coordinates for the three major elements
    # of the model: the site, core, plinth, and tower.
    # TODO: make this variable without editing code.
    siteCoord = \
        aecPoint(-30, -30), 
        aecPoint(50, -30), 
        aecPoint(60, 60), 
        aecPoint(50, 80), 
        aecPoint(-30, 80)
    plinthCoord = \
        aecPoint(-20, -20), 
        aecPoint(40, -20), 
        aecPoint(50, 50), 
        aecPoint(40, 70), 
        aecPoint(-20, 70)
    towerCoord = \
        aecPoint(0, 0), 
        aecPoint(20, 0), 
        aecPoint(30, 30, 0), 
        aecPoint(20, 50, 0), 
        aecPoint(0, 50, 0)
    # Set the perimeter of the tower so we can use its polygon to find
    # the tower centroid. We'll base the offset core's position on the 
    # discovered coordinate.
    space.boundary = towerCoord
    spaceCentroid = space.centroid_floor
    # Offset the core footprint corner origin from the tower centroid.
    # TODO: make this variable without editing code.
    originX = spaceCentroid.x - 20
    originY = spaceCentroid.y - 10
    # Create the core as an aecSpace and set its perimeter.
    # TODO: make this variable without editing code.
    core = aecSpace()
    core.boundary = \
         aecPoint(originX, originY), 
         aecPoint(originX + 20, originY), 
         aecPoint(originX + 20, originY + 10), 
         aecPoint(originX, originY + 10)
    # Create the site as an aecSpace and set its perimeter
    # TODO: make this variable without editing code.
    site = aecSpace()
    site.boundary = siteCoord
    # Set heights of everything we've created so far.
    # TODO: make this variable without editing code.
    space.height = 7
    space.level = 0
    core.height = (7.75 * 21)
    site.height = 0.1
    site.level = -0.1
    # Create copies of the initial aecSpace and stack them vertically.
    # The first numeric argument is the quantity of copies to stack
    # sequentially above the delivered aecSpace.
    # The second numeric argument indicates the amoount of offset to
    # add the space's height, leaving a plenum between stackd spaces
    # if greater than 0.
    # TODO: make these variable without editing code.
    spaces = [space] + spacer.stack(space, 19, 1)
    # Since we stacked the aecSpaces upward, the first two aecSpaces
    # in the spaces list will be the first and second floors of our
    # building, whose perimeters we'll expand to become our retail plinth.
    # For the sake of some efficiency in code, since we need to iterate over
    # this list anyway, we'll also set the color and transparency of the 
    # aecSpaces at the same time.
    # TODO: make these variable without editing code.
    plinth = spaces[0 : 2]
    for floor in plinth:
        floor.boundary = plinthCoord
        floor.color = aecColor.green
        floor.color.alpha = 127
    # The remainder of the stacked aecSpaces will become our tower.
    tower = spaces[2:]
    # Set up functional sections of the tower.
    # TODO: make these variable without editing code.
    towerCommercial = tower[0: 5]
    towerHospitality = tower[5: 11]
    towerResidential = tower[11:]
    # Rotate each tower space around its centroid. 
    # Comment out this section if you'd like a straight tower.
    # TODO: make this variable without editing code.
    rotate = 0
    for floor in tower:
        rotate += 10
    # Set all the tower floors to the same transparency as the plinth.
    # TODO: make this variable without editing code.
    for floor in tower:
        floor.color.alpha = 127
    # Set colors for different tower functions.
    for floor in towerCommercial:
        floor.color = aecColor.blue
    for floor in towerHospitality:
        floor.color = aecColor.purple
    for floor in towerResidential:
        floor.color = aecColor.yellow
    # Set the colors of our core and site.
    # TODO: make this variable without editing code.
    core.color = aecColor.gray
    site.color = aecColor.granite
    # The following code adds shells around the plinth and the tower.
    # If you're happy with the spaces representing your tower, you can
    # comment out this section.
    # TODO: make this variable without editing code.
    # First gather up all the 2D points of the aecSpace perimeters
    # as projected onto the zero plane.
    floorPoints = []
    for floor in tower:
        floorPoints += floor.points_floor
    # Construct the tower shell by setting the boundary to an outermost
    # wrap of all the collected exterior points.
    towerShell = aecSpace()
    # Scale the new aecSpace slightly outward and upward
    # to fully enclose the tower floors.
    towerShell.scale(1.1, 1.1, 1.1)
    # Set the shell level, height, color, and  higher transparency.
    towerShell.level = (7 * 2.2)
    towerShell.height = (7 * 20.8)
    towerShell.color = aecColor.blue
    towerShell.color.alpha = 200
    # Copy the lowest floor of the plinth to start constructing our plinth shell.
    plinthShell = spacer.copy(plinth[0])
    # Scale the new aecSpace slightly outward and upward
    # to fully enclose the plinth floors.
    plinthShell.scale(1.1, 1.1, 1)
    # Set the shell height, color, and  higher transparency.
    plinthShell.height = (7 * 2.2)
    plinthShell.color = aecColor.blue
    plinthShell.color.alpha = 200
    # Add the new aecSpace objects to the total list of spaces for
    # delivery to the pythonOCC visualization environment.
    return spaces
Exemplo n.º 12
def makeTower(bldgWidth: float = 20,
              bldgDepth: float = 20,
              floorHeight: float = 3,
              bldgLevels: int = 10,
              plinthScale: float = 1.1):
    Constructs a series of tower space distibution examples from a 
    combination of fixed and randomly set values and floor divisions.
    spacer = aecSpacer()
    shaper = aecShaper()

    def full(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight, level):
        floor = aecSpace()
        floor.boundary = shaper.makeBox(point, xWidth, yDepth)
        floor.height = zHeight
        floor.level = level
        return [floor]

    def halfDepth(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight, level):
        depth = yDepth * 0.5
        half1 = aecSpace()
        half1.boundary = shaper.makeBox(point, xWidth, depth)
        half1.height = zHeight
        half1.level = level
        halfSpaces = [half1] + spacer.row(half1, xAxis=False)
        return halfSpaces

    def halfWidth(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight, level):
        width = xWidth * 0.5
        half1 = aecSpace()
        half1.boundary = shaper.makeBox(point, width, yDepth)
        half1.height = zHeight
        half1.level = level
        halfSpaces = [half1] + spacer.row(half1)
        return halfSpaces

    def quarterDepth(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight, level):
        if randint(0, 1) == 0:
            depth = yDepth * 0.25
            scale = 3
            depth = yDepth * 0.75
            scale = 0.333333333
        half1 = aecSpace()
        half1.boundary = shaper.makeBox(point, xWidth, depth)
        half1.height = zHeight
        half1.level = level
        halfSpaces = [half1] + spacer.row(half1, xAxis=False)
        halfSpaces[1].scale(1, scale, 1, halfSpaces[1].points_floor[0])
        return halfSpaces

    def quarterWidth(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight, level):
        if randint(0, 1) == 0:
            width = xWidth * 0.25
            scale = 3
            width = xWidth * 0.75
            scale = 0.333333333
        half1 = aecSpace()
        half1.boundary = shaper.makeBox(point, width, yDepth)
        half1.height = zHeight
        half1.level = level
        halfSpaces = [half1] + spacer.row(half1)
        halfSpaces[1].scale(scale, 1, 1, halfSpaces[1].points_floor[0])
        return halfSpaces

    def setColors(halfSpaces):
        colors = [
            aecColor.blue, aecColor.orange, aecColor.purple, aecColor.yellow
        colorPick = randint(0, 3)
        halfSpaces[0].color = colors[colorPick]
        if len(halfSpaces) == 1: return
        halfSpaces[1].color = colors[colorPick]

    def makeFloor(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight, level):
        floorType = randint(0, 4)
        if floorType == 0:
            floorSpaces = full(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight, level)
        if floorType == 1:
            floorSpaces = halfDepth(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight, level)
        if floorType == 2:
            floorSpaces = halfWidth(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight, level)
        if floorType == 3:
            floorSpaces = quarterDepth(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight, level)
        if floorType == 4:
            floorSpaces = quarterWidth(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight, level)
        return floorSpaces

    def makeCore(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight):
        xCoord = (point.x - 5) + (xWidth * 0.5)
        yCoord = (point.y + (yDepth * (randint(0, 9) * 0.1)))
        point = aecPoint(xCoord, yCoord, point.z)
        core = aecSpace()
        core.boundary = shaper.makeBox(point, 10, 20)
        core.height = zHeight
        core.color = aecColor.gray
        return core

    plinth = aecSpace()
    point = aecPoint()
    plinth.boundary = shaper.makeBox(point, bldgWidth, bldgDepth)
    plinth.scale(plinthScale, plinthScale, 2, plinth.centroid_floor)
    plinth.height = (floorHeight * 2)
    plinth.color = aecColor.green
    core = makeCore(point, bldgWidth, bldgDepth,
                    floorHeight * (bldgLevels + 3))
    level = (floorHeight * 2)
    x = 0
    floors = []
    while x < bldgLevels:
        floors = floors + makeFloor(point, bldgWidth, bldgDepth, floorHeight,
        level += floorHeight
        x += 1
    model = glTF()
    colorBlue = model.add_material(0.0, 0.631, 0.945, 0.9, 0.8, "Blue")
    colorGray = model.add_material(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.9, 0.8, "Gray")
    colorGreen = model.add_material(0.486, 0.733, 0.0, 0.9, 0.8, "Green")
    colorOrange = model.add_material(0.964, 0.325, 0.078, 0.9, 0.8, "Orange")
    colorPurple = model.add_material(0.75, 0.07, 1.0, 0.9, 0.8, "Purple")
    colorYellow = model.add_material(1.0, 0.733, 0.0, 0.9, 0.8, "Yellow")
    mesh = core.mesh_graphic
    model.add_triangle_mesh(mesh.vertices, mesh.normals, mesh.indices,
    mesh = plinth.mesh_graphic
    model.add_triangle_mesh(mesh.vertices, mesh.normals, mesh.indices,
    area = 0
    levels = 0
    for space in floors:
        area += space.area
        levels += 1
        spaceMesh = space.mesh_graphic
        colorIndex = randint(0, 3)
        if colorIndex == 0: color = colorBlue
        if colorIndex == 1: color = colorOrange
        if colorIndex == 2: color = colorPurple
        if colorIndex == 3: color = colorYellow
        model.add_triangle_mesh(spaceMesh.vertices, spaceMesh.normals,
                                spaceMesh.indices, color)
    return {
        "model": model.save_base64(),
        'computed': {
            'floors': levels,
            'area': area
Exemplo n.º 13
def aecSpaceRandomTowers():
    Constructs a series of tower space distibution examples from a 
    combination of fixed and randomly set values and floor divisions.
    origin = aecPoint(0, 0, 0)
    displace = 175
    spacer = aecSpacer()
    shaper = aecShaper()
    def full(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight, level):
        floor = aecSpace()
        floor.boundary = shaper.makeBox(point, xWidth, yDepth)
        floor.height = zHeight
        floor.level = level
        return [floor]
    def halfDepth(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight, level):
        depth = yDepth * 0.5
        half1 = aecSpace()  
        half1.boundary = shaper.makeBox(point, xWidth, depth)
        half1.height = zHeight
        half1.level = level
        halfSpaces = [half1] + spacer.row(half1, xAxis = False)
        return halfSpaces
    def halfWidth(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight, level):
        width = xWidth * 0.5
        half1 = aecSpace()  
        half1.boundary = shaper.makeBox(point, width, yDepth)
        half1.height = zHeight
        half1.level = level
        halfSpaces = [half1] + spacer.row(half1)
        return halfSpaces
    def quarterDepth(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight, level):
        if randint(0, 1) == 0:
            depth = yDepth * 0.25
            scale = 3
            depth = yDepth * 0.75
            scale = 0.333333333       
        half1 = aecSpace()  
        half1.boundary = shaper.makeBox(point, xWidth, depth)
        half1.height = zHeight
        half1.level = level        
        halfSpaces = [half1] + spacer.row(half1, xAxis = False)
        halfSpaces[1].scale(1, scale, 1, halfSpaces[1].points_floor[0])
        return halfSpaces
    def quarterWidth(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight, level):
        if randint(0, 1) == 0:
            width = xWidth * 0.25
            scale = 3
            width = xWidth * 0.75
            scale = 0.333333333       
        half1 = aecSpace()  
        half1.boundary = shaper.makeBox(point, width, yDepth)
        half1.height = zHeight
        half1.level = level        
        halfSpaces = [half1] + spacer.row(half1)
        halfSpaces[1].scale(scale, 1, 1, halfSpaces[1].points_floor[0])
        return halfSpaces
    def setColors(halfSpaces):
        colors = [aecColor.blue, aecColor.orange, aecColor.purple, aecColor.yellow]
        colorPick = randint(0, 3)
        halfSpaces[0].color = colors[colorPick]
        if len(halfSpaces) == 1: return
        halfSpaces[1].color = colors[colorPick]
    def makeFloor(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight, level):
        floorType = randint(0, 4)
        if floorType == 0: floorSpaces = full(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight, level)
        if floorType == 1: floorSpaces = halfDepth(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight, level)
        if floorType == 2: floorSpaces = halfWidth(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight, level)
        if floorType == 3: floorSpaces = quarterDepth(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight, level)
        if floorType == 4: floorSpaces = quarterWidth(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight, level)
        return floorSpaces
    def makeCore(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight): 
        xCoord = (point.x - 5) + (xWidth * 0.5)
        yCoord = (point.y + (yDepth * (randint(0, 9) * 0.1)))
        point = aecPoint(xCoord, yCoord, point.z)
        core = aecSpace()
        core.boundary = shaper.makeBox(point, 10, 20)
        core.height = zHeight
        core.color = aecColor.gray
        return [core]
    def makeTower(point):
        floors = []
        xWidth = uniform(20, 60)
        yDepth = uniform(20, 60)
        levels = randint(5, 50)
        zHeight = uniform(3, 6)
        plinth = aecSpace()
        plinth.boundary = shaper.makeBox(point, xWidth, yDepth)
        plinthScaleX = (uniform(1, 2.5))
        plinthScaleY = (uniform(1, 2.5))
        plinth.scale(plinthScaleX, plinthScaleY, 2, plinth.centroid_floor)
        plinth.height = (zHeight * 2)
        plinth.color = aecColor.green
        floors = floors + makeCore(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight * (levels + 3))
        level = (zHeight * 2)
        x = 0
        while x < levels:
            floors = floors + makeFloor(point, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight, level)
            level += zHeight
            x += 1       
        return floors
    def makeTowerRow(point, columns, displacement):
        towers = []
        towers = towers + makeTower(point)
        x = 0
        while x < columns:
            point.x += displacement
            towers = towers + makeTower(point)
            x += 1
        return towers
    def makeTowerRows(point, displacement, columns, rows):
        towers = []
        x = 0
        while x < rows:
            towers = towers + makeTowerRow(point, columns, displacement)
            point.x = 0
            point.y += displacement
            x += 1
        return towers
    return makeTowerRows(origin, displace, 4, 5)
Exemplo n.º 14
class aecFloor():
    Represents the spatial configuration of a single floor.
    __dimensionError = "Critical corridor dimension exceeds floor boundary."
    __minSpace = 1000
    __geometry = aecGeometry()
    __shaper = aecShaper()
    __spacer = aecSpacer()

    __slots__ = \

    def __init__(self):
        self.__corridor = aecCorridor()
        self.__floor = aecSpace()
        self.__rooms = aecSpaceGroup()
        points = self.__shaper.makeBox(xSize=15000, ySize=10000)
        if points:
            self.__floor.boundary = points
            self.__floor.height = 4000
            self.__floor.level = 0.0
            self.__corridor.space.height = 4000

    def corridor(self) -> aecSpace:
        Returns the corridor space..
        Returns None on failure.
            return self.__corridor
        except Exception:
            return None

    def floor(self) -> aecSpace:
        Returns the floor space..
        Returns None on failure.
            return self.__floor
        except Exception:
            return None

    def rooms(self) -> aecSpaceGroup:
        Returns the spaceGroup containing all the occupiable spaces.
        Returns None on failure.
            return self.__rooms
        except Exception:
            return None

    def makeI(self,
              offset: float = 0,
              rotation: float = 0,
              roomsWest: int = 2,
              roomsEast: int = 2,
              roomsNorth: int = 0,
              roomsNorthSize: float = 3000,
              roomsSouth: int = 0,
              roomsSouthSize: float = 3000) -> bool:
        Sets the corridor to a centered box shape within the specified
        north and south margins of the delivered floor's bounding box.
        Populates the perimeter of the cooridor with the specified
        number of rooms in each compass quadrant and records the 
        list of room spaces in anticlockwise order, starting either
        from the southwestern room (if it exists) or the southeastern room.
        Returns None on Failure.
            # Copy the incomming floor to avoid changing the original

            floor = self.__spacer.copy(self.floor)

            # Test and perform initial rotation.

            rotate = 0
            if abs(rotation) <= aecGeometry.pi * 2:
                rotation = aecGeometry.toDegrees(rotation)
            if rotation < 0: rotate = abs(rotation)
            if rotation > 0: rotate = 0.0 - rotation
            if rotate != 0: floor.rotate(rotate)
            if self.corridor.width >= floor.size_x: raise ValueError

            # Test proposed room quantities for feasibility

            roomsWest = abs(int(roomsWest))
            roomsEast = abs(int(roomsEast))
            roomsNorth = abs(int(roomsNorth))
            roomsSouth = abs(int(roomsSouth))
            if roomsNorth <= 0:
                roomsNorth = 0
                roomsNorthSize = 0
            if roomsSouth <= 0:
                roomsSouth = 0
                roomsSouthSize = 0
            if roomsNorth > 2: roomsNorth = 2
            if roomsSouth > 2: roomsSouth = 2
            if roomsNorth > 0 and roomsNorthSize < self.__minSpace:
                roomsNorthSize = self.__minSpace
            if roomsSouth > 0 and roomsSouthSize < self.__minSpace:
                roomsSouthSize = self.__minSpace
            if floor.size_y <= (roomsNorthSize + roomsSouthSize):
                raise ValueError

            # Determine corridor origin

            floorBox = floor.points_box
            xPnt = self.__geometry.getMidpoint(
                floorBox.SW, floorBox.SE).x - (self.corridor.width * 0.5)
            xMin = floorBox.SW.x
            xMax = floorBox.SE.x - (self.corridor.width + self.__minSpace)
            xPnt += offset
            if xPnt < xMin: xPnt = xMin
            if xPnt > xMax: xPnt = xMax
            if xPnt == xMin: roomsWest = 0
            if xPnt == xMax: roomsEast = 0
            yPnt = floorBox.SW.y
            if roomsSouth > 0: yPnt += roomsSouthSize

            # Create the corridor

            self.corridor.space.level = floor.level
            origin = aecPoint(xPnt, yPnt)
            if roomsNorth > 0:
                ySize = abs((floorBox.NW.y - roomsNorthSize) - yPnt)
                ySize = abs(floorBox.NW.y - yPnt)
            points = self.__shaper.makeBox(origin=origin,
            if not points: raise Exception
            self.corridor.space.boundary = points
            if not self.corridor.space.fitWithin(floor.points_floor):
                return None

            # Create the Western rooms

            westRooms = None
            if roomsWest > 0:
                xRoom = abs(origin.x - floorBox.SW.x)
                yRoom = ySize / roomsWest
                xPnt = floorBox.SW.x
                yPnt = origin.y
                oRoom = aecPoint(xPnt, yPnt)
                points = self.__shaper.makeBox(origin=oRoom,
                if not points: raise Exception
                room = aecSpace()
                room.boundary = points
                westRooms = [room] + self.__spacer.place(
                    room, roomsWest - 1, y=yRoom)

            # Create the Eastern rooms

            eastRooms = None
            if roomsEast > 0:
                xRoom = abs(floorBox.SE.x - (origin.x + self.corridor.width))
                yRoom = ySize / roomsEast
                xPnt = origin.x + self.corridor.width
                oRoom = aecPoint(xPnt, yPnt)
                points = self.__shaper.makeBox(origin=oRoom,
                if not points: raise Exception
                room = aecSpace()
                room.boundary = points
                eastRooms = [room] + self.__spacer.place(
                    room, roomsEast - 1, y=yRoom)

            # Create the North rooms

            northRooms = None
            if roomsNorth > 0:
                xPnt = floorBox.NW.x
                yPnt = floorBox.NW.y - roomsNorthSize
                oRoom = aecPoint(xPnt, yPnt)
                xRoom = abs(floorBox.NE.x - floorBox.NW.x)
                yRoom = roomsNorthSize
                if roomsNorth == 2: xRoom *= 0.5
                points = self.__shaper.makeBox(origin=oRoom,
                if not points: raise Exception
                room = aecSpace()
                room.boundary = points
                northRooms = []
                if roomsNorth == 2:
                    northRooms.append(self.__spacer.copy(room, x=xRoom))

            # Create the South rooms

            southRooms = None
            if roomsSouth > 0:
                xPnt = floorBox.SW.x
                yPnt = floorBox.SW.y
                oRoom = aecPoint(xPnt, yPnt)
                xRoom = abs(floorBox.NE.x - floorBox.NW.x)
                yRoom = roomsSouthSize
                if roomsSouth == 2: xRoom *= 0.5
                points = self.__shaper.makeBox(origin=oRoom,
                if not points: raise Exception
                room = aecSpace()
                room.boundary = points
                southRooms = []
                if roomsSouth == 2:
                    southRooms.append(self.__spacer.copy(room, x=xRoom))

            # Create list of all rooms

            testRooms = []
            if southRooms: testRooms += southRooms
            if eastRooms: testRooms += eastRooms
            if northRooms: testRooms += northRooms
            if westRooms: testRooms += westRooms

            # Test all rooms for inclusion in floor boundary and corridor adjacency

            finalRooms = []
            index = 0
            while index < len(testRooms):
                if not self.__geometry.areAdjacent(testRooms[index].points_floor,
                                                   self.corridor.space.points_floor) or \
                                                   testRooms[index].area < self.__minSpace:
                    testRooms[(index + 1) % len(testRooms)].add(
                index += 1
            for room in testRooms:
                if room.fitWithin(floor.points_floor) and \
                self.__geometry.areAdjacent(room.points_floor, self.corridor.space.points_floor) and \
                room.area >= self.__minSpace:

            # Complete corridor rotation

            if rotation != 0:
                self.corridor.space.rotate(rotation, floor.center_floor)
                self.rooms.rotate(rotation, floor.center_floor)
            return True
        except ValueError:
            if rotate != 0: floor.rotate(rotate)
            return None
        except Exception:
            return None
Exemplo n.º 15
def makeHouse(point, module):
    space = aecSpace()
    spacer = aecSpacer()
    space.boundary = shaper.makeBox(point, module, module)
    space.height = 2750
    baths = []
    beds = []
    closets = []
    fixtures = []
    furniture = []
    kitchens = []
    space.color.alpha = 125
    colors = \
    rotations = [0, 90, 180]
    row = random.randint(1, 3)
    spaces = spacer.row(space, row)
    spaces += [space]
    extSpaces = []
    for unit in spaces:
        row = random.randint(0, 3)
        if row > 0:
            extSpaces += spacer.row(unit, row, gap=0, xAxis=False)
    spaces += extSpaces
    for unit in spaces:
        color = colors[random.randint(0, len(colors) - 1)]
        if color == aecColor.aqua:
            tmpFurn = placeFurniture(unit)
            rotation = rotations[random.randint(0, 2)]
            for furn in tmpFurn:
                furn.rotate(rotation, unit.center_floor)
            furniture += tmpFurn
        if color == aecColor.blue:
            tmpFurn = placeBathFixtures(unit)
            rotation = rotations[random.randint(0, 2)]
            for furn in tmpFurn:
                furn.rotate(rotation, unit.center_floor)
            fixtures += tmpFurn
        if color == aecColor.purple:
            tmpFurn = placeKitchen(unit)
            rotation = rotations[random.randint(0, 2)]
            for furn in tmpFurn:
                furn.rotate(rotation, unit.center_floor)
            kitchens += tmpFurn
        if color == aecColor.green:
            tmpFurn = placeBed(unit)
            rotation = rotations[random.randint(0, 2)]
            for furn in tmpFurn:
                furn.rotate(rotation, unit.center_floor)
            beds += tmpFurn
            if random.randint(0, 1) == 0:
                tmpFurn = placeCloset(unit)
                for furn in tmpFurn:
                    furn.rotate(rotation, unit.center_floor)
                closets += tmpFurn
            if random.randint(0, 2) == 0:
                tmpFurn = placeBath(unit)
                for furn in tmpFurn:
                    furn.rotate(rotation, unit.center_floor)
                baths += tmpFurn
        if color == aecColor.yellow:
        unit.color = color
        unit.color.alpha = 125
    return spaces + baths + beds + closets + fixtures + furniture + kitchens
Exemplo n.º 16
class aecCorridor():
    Represents architectural corridors of various configurations.
    __dimensionError = "Critical corridor dimension exceeds floor boundary."
    __minPersons = 3
    __minWidth = 1700
    __personWidth = 570
    __geometry = aecGeometry()
    __shaper = aecShaper()
    __spacer = aecSpacer()

    # Defines a series of constants indicating corridor types.

    Cross, Equatorial, H, L, Polar, T, U = range(0, 7)

    __slots__ = \

    def __init__(self,
                 corridor: int = 1,
                 origin: aecPoint = aecPoint(),
                 xSize: float = 1700,
                 ySize: float = 1700,
                 persons: int = 3):
        Constructor by default creates an Equatorial corridor.       
        self.__corridor = self.Equatorial
        self.__persons = self.__minPersons
        self.__width = self.__minWidth
        if persons > 3:
            self.__persons = persons = int(persons)
            persons -= self.__minPersons
            self.__width += (persons * self.__minWidth)
        self.__space = aecSpace()

    def persons(self) -> int:
        Returns the capacity of the corridor as the quantity of 
        persons who can pass along its length simultaneously.
        Returns None on failure.
            return self.__passage
        except Exception:
            return None

    def persons(self, value: int = 3) -> int:
        Sets the capacity of the corridor as the quantity of 
        persons who can pass along its length simultaneously.
        Returns None on failure.
            value = abs(int(value))
            if value < self.__minPersons: value = self.__minPersons
            self.__persons = value
            if value > self.__minPersons: value -= self.__minPersons
            self.__width = self.__minWidth + (self.__personWidth * value)
        except Exception:

    def space(self) -> aecSpace:
        Returns the aecSpace object.
        Returns None on failure.
            return self.__space
        except Exception:
            return None

    def width(self) -> float:
        Returns the corridor width.
        Returns None on failure.
            return self.__width
        except Exception:
            return None

    def makeCross(self,
                  floor: aecSpace,
                  margin: float = 0.0,
                  rotate: float = 0.0) -> bool:
        Sets the corridor to a cross shape within the
        margin of the delivered floor's bounding box.
        Returns True on success.
        Returns False on Failure.
            if self.width >= floor.size_x or \
               self.width >= floor.size_y:
                raise ValueError
            self.space.height = floor.height - 0.25
            self.space.level = floor.level
            floorBox = floor.points_box
            xPnt = floorBox.SW.x + margin
            yPnt = floorBox.SW.y + margin
            origin = aecPoint(xPnt, yPnt)
            xSize = abs((floorBox.SE.x - margin) - xPnt)
            ySize = abs((floorBox.NW.y - margin) - yPnt)
            points = self.__shaper.makeCross(origin=origin,
            if not points: raise Exception
            self.space.boundary = points
            return self.space.fitWithin(floor.points_floor)
        except ValueError:
            return False
        except Exception:
            return False

    def makeEquatorial(self,
                       floor: aecSpace,
                       marginWest: float = 0.0,
                       marginEast: float = 0.0,
                       rotate: float = 0.0) -> bool:
        Sets the corridor to an vertically centered box shape within
        the specified margin of the delivered floor's bounding box.
        Returns True on success.
        Returns False on Failure.
            if self.width >= floor.size_y: raise ValueError
            self.space.height = floor.height - 0.25
            self.space.level = floor.level
            floorBox = floor.points_box
            xPnt = floorBox.SW.x + marginWest
            yPnt = self.__geometry.getMidpoint(
                floorBox.SW, floorBox.NW).y - (self.__width * 0.5)
            origin = aecPoint(xPnt, yPnt)
            xSize = abs((floorBox.SE.x - marginEast) - xPnt)
            points = self.__shaper.makeBox(origin=origin,
            if not points: raise Exception
            self.space.boundary = points
            return self.space.fitWithin(floor.points_floor)
        except ValueError:
            return False
        except Exception:
            return False

    def makeH(self,
              floor: aecSpace,
              margin: float = 0.0,
              rotate: float = 0.0) -> bool:
        Sets the corridor to an H shape within the specified
        margin of the delivered floor's bounding box.
        Returns True on success.
        Returns False on Failure.
            if (self.width * 2) >= floor.size_x or \
                self.width >= floor.size_y:
                raise ValueError
            self.space.height = floor.height - 0.25
            self.space.level = floor.level
            floorBox = floor.points_box
            xPnt = floorBox.SW.x + margin
            yPnt = floorBox.SW.y + margin
            origin = aecPoint(xPnt, yPnt)
            xSize = abs((floorBox.SE.x - margin) - xPnt)
            ySize = abs((floorBox.NW.y - margin) - yPnt)
            points = self.__shaper.makeH(origin=origin,
            if not points: raise Exception
            self.__space.boundary = points
            return self.space.fitWithin(floor.points_floor)
        except ValueError:
            return False
        except Exception:
            return False

    def makeL(self,
              floor: aecSpace,
              margin: float = 0.0,
              rotate: float = 0.0) -> bool:
        Sets the corridor to an L shape within the specified
        margin of the delivered floor's bounding box.
        Returns True on success.
        Returns False on Failure.
            if self.width >= floor.size_x or \
               self.width >= floor.size_y:
                raise ValueError
            self.space.height = floor.height - 0.25
            self.space.level = floor.level
            floorBox = floor.points_box
            xPnt = floorBox.SW.x + margin
            yPnt = floorBox.SW.y + margin
            origin = aecPoint(xPnt, yPnt)
            xSize = abs((floorBox.SE.x - margin) - xPnt)
            ySize = abs((floorBox.NW.y - margin) - yPnt)
            points = self.__shaper.makeL(origin=origin,
            if not points: raise Exception
            self.__space.boundary = points
            return self.space.fitWithin(floor.points_floor)
        except ValueError:
            return False
        except Exception:
            return False

    def makePolar(self,
                  floor: aecSpace,
                  roomsWest: int = 2,
                  roomsEast: int = 2,
                  roomsNorth: int = 0,
                  roomsNorthSize: float = 3000,
                  roomsSouth: int = 0,
                  roomsSouthSize: float = 3000) -> bool:
        Sets the corridor to a horizontally centered box shape within
        the specified margin of the delivered floor's bounding box.
        Populates the perimeter of the cooridor with the specified
        number of rooms in each compass quadrant and returns the 
        list of room spaces in anticlockwise order, starting either
        from the southwestern room (if it exists) or the southeastern room.
        Returns None on Failure.
            if self.width >= floor.size_x: raise ValueError
            roomsWest = abs(int(roomsWest))
            roomsEast = abs(int(roomsEast))
            if roomsWest < 1: roomsWest = 1
            if roomsEast < 1: roomsEast = 1
            roomsNorth = abs(int(roomsNorth))
            roomsSouth = abs(int(roomsSouth))
            if roomsNorth <= 0:
                roomsNorth = 0
                roomsNorthSize = 0
            if roomsSouth <= 0:
                roomsSouth = 0
                roomsSouthSize = 0
            if roomsNorth > 2: roomsNorth = 2
            if roomsSouth > 2: roomsSouth = 2
            if roomsNorth > 0 and roomsNorthSize < 1000: roomsNorthSize = 1000
            if roomsSouth > 0 and roomsSouthSize < 1000: roomsSouthSize = 1000
            if floor.size_y <= (roomsNorthSize + roomsSouthSize):
                raise ValueError
            self.space.level = floor.level
            floorBox = floor.points_box
            xPnt = self.__geometry.getMidpoint(
                floorBox.SW, floorBox.SE).x - (self.width * 0.5)
            yPnt = floorBox.SW.y
            if roomsSouth: yPnt += roomsSouthSize
            origin = aecPoint(xPnt, yPnt)
            if roomsNorth > 0:
                ySize = abs((floorBox.NW.y - roomsNorthSize) - yPnt)
                ySize = abs(floorBox.NW.y - yPnt)
            points = self.__shaper.makeBox(origin=origin,
            if not points: raise Exception
            self.space.boundary = points
            if not self.space.fitWithin(floor.points_floor): return False
            xRoom = abs(origin.x - floorBox.SW.x)
            yRoom = ySize / roomsWest
            xPnt = floorBox.SW.x
            yPnt = origin.y
            oRoom = aecPoint(xPnt, yPnt)
            points = self.__shaper.makeBox(origin=oRoom,
            room = aecSpace()
            room.boundary = points
            westRooms = [room] + self.__spacer.place(
                room, roomsWest - 1, y=yRoom)
            xRoom = abs(floorBox.SE.x - (origin.x + self.width))
            yRoom = ySize / roomsEast
            xPnt = origin.x + self.width
            oRoom = aecPoint(xPnt, yPnt)
            points = self.__shaper.makeBox(origin=oRoom,
            room = aecSpace()
            room.boundary = points
            eastRooms = [room] + self.__spacer.place(
                room, roomsEast - 1, y=yRoom)
            rooms = []
            if roomsNorth > 0:
                xPnt = floorBox.NW.x
                yPnt = floorBox.NW.y - roomsNorthSize
                oRoom = aecPoint(xPnt, yPnt)
                xRoom = abs(floorBox.NE.x - floorBox.NW.x)
                yRoom = roomsNorthSize
                if roomsNorth == 2: xRoom *= 0.5
                points = self.__shaper.makeBox(origin=oRoom,
                room = aecSpace()
                room.boundary = points
                northRooms = []
                if roomsNorth == 2:
                    northRooms.append(self.__spacer.copy(room, x=xRoom))
            if roomsSouth > 0:
                xPnt = floorBox.SW.x
                yPnt = floorBox.SW.y
                oRoom = aecPoint(xPnt, yPnt)
                xRoom = abs(floorBox.NE.x - floorBox.NW.x)
                yRoom = roomsSouthSize
                if roomsSouth == 2: xRoom *= 0.5
                points = self.__shaper.makeBox(origin=oRoom,
                room = aecSpace()
                room.boundary = points
                southRooms = []
                if roomsSouth == 2:
                    southRooms.append(self.__spacer.copy(room, x=xRoom))
                rooms = southRooms
            rooms += eastRooms
            if roomsNorth: rooms += northRooms
            rooms += westRooms
            for room in rooms:
            return rooms
        except ValueError:
            return None
        except Exception:
            return None

    def makeT(self,
              floor: aecSpace,
              margin: float = 0.0,
              rotate: float = 0.0) -> bool:
        Sets the corridor to an T shape within the specified
        margin of the delivered floor's bounding box.
        Returns True on success.
        Returns False on Failure.
            if self.width >= floor.size_x or \
               self.width >= floor.size_y:
                raise ValueError
            self.space.height = floor.height - 0.25
            self.space.level = floor.level
            floorBox = floor.points_box
            xPnt = floorBox.SW.x + margin
            yPnt = floorBox.SW.y + margin
            origin = aecPoint(xPnt, yPnt)
            xSize = abs((floorBox.SE.x - margin) - xPnt)
            ySize = abs((floorBox.NW.y - margin) - yPnt)
            points = self.__shaper.makeT(origin=origin,
            if not points: raise Exception
            self.__space.boundary = points
            return self.space.fitWithin(floor.points_floor)
        except ValueError:
            return False
        except Exception:
            return False

    def makeU(self,
              floor: aecSpace,
              margin: float = 0.0,
              rotate: float = 0.0) -> bool:
        Sets the corridor to a U shape within the specified
        margin of the delivered floor's bounding box.
        Returns True on success.
        Returns False on Failure.
            if (self.width * 2) >= floor.size_x or \
                self.width >= floor.size_y:
                raise ValueError
            self.space.height = floor.height - 0.25
            self.space.level = floor.level
            floorBox = floor.points_box
            xPnt = floorBox.SW.x + margin
            yPnt = floorBox.SW.y + margin
            origin = aecPoint(xPnt, yPnt)
            xSize = abs((floorBox.SE.x - margin) - xPnt)
            ySize = abs((floorBox.NW.y - margin) - yPnt)
            points = self.__shaper.makeU(origin=origin,
            if not points: raise Exception
            self.__space.boundary = points
            return self.space.fitWithin(floor.points_floor)
        except ValueError:
            return False
        except Exception:
            return False