Exemplo n.º 1
 def infer_shape(self, fgraph, node, in_shapes):
     shape_a = in_shapes[0]
     n = node.inputs[1]
     axis = node.inputs[2]
     if len(shape_a) == 1:
         return [(n, )]
     elif isinstance(axis, TensorConstant):
         out_shape = (list(shape_a[0:axis.data.item()]) + [n] +
                      list(shape_a[axis.data + 1:]))
         l = len(shape_a)
         shape_a = stack(shape_a)
         out_shape = concatenate((shape_a[0:axis], [n], shape_a[axis + 1:]))
         n_splits = [1] * l
         out_shape = split(out_shape, n_splits, l)
         out_shape = [a[0] for a in out_shape]
     return [out_shape]
Exemplo n.º 2
def neibs2images(neibs, neib_shape, original_shape, mode="valid"):
    Function :func:`neibs2images <aesara.sandbox.neighbours.neibs2images>`
    performs the inverse operation of
    :func:`images2neibs <aesara.sandbox.neighbours.neibs2images>`. It inputs
    the output of :func:`images2neibs <aesara.sandbox.neighbours.neibs2images>`
    and reconstructs its input.

    neibs : 2d tensor
        Like the one obtained by
        :func:`images2neibs <aesara.sandbox.neighbours.neibs2images>`.
        `neib_shape` that was used in
        :func:`images2neibs <aesara.sandbox.neighbours.neibs2images>`.
        Original shape of the 4d tensor given to
        :func:`images2neibs <aesara.sandbox.neighbours.neibs2images>`

        Reconstructs the input of
        :func:`images2neibs <aesara.sandbox.neighbours.neibs2images>`,
        a 4d tensor of shape `original_shape`.

    Currently, the function doesn't support tensors created with
    `neib_step` different from default value. This means that it may be
    impossible to compute the gradient of a variable gained by
    :func:`images2neibs <aesara.sandbox.neighbours.neibs2images>` w.r.t.
    its inputs in this case, because it uses
    :func:`images2neibs <aesara.sandbox.neighbours.neibs2images>` for
    gradient computation.

    Example, which uses a tensor gained in example for
    :func:`images2neibs <aesara.sandbox.neighbours.neibs2images>`:

    .. code-block:: python

        im_new = neibs2images(neibs, (5, 5), im_val.shape)
        # Aesara function definition
        inv_window = aesara.function([neibs], im_new)
        # Function application
        im_new_val = inv_window(neibs_val)

    .. note:: The code will output the initial image array.

    neibs = as_tensor_variable(neibs)
    neib_shape = as_tensor_variable(neib_shape)
    original_shape = as_tensor_variable(original_shape)

    new_neib_shape = stack(
        [original_shape[-1] // neib_shape[1], neib_shape[1]])
    output_2d = images2neibs(neibs.dimshuffle("x", "x", 0, 1),

    if mode == "ignore_borders":
        # We use set_subtensor to accept original_shape we can't infer
        # the shape and still raise error when it don't have the right
        # shape.
        valid_shape = original_shape
        valid_shape = set_subtensor(
            valid_shape[2], (valid_shape[2] // neib_shape[0]) * neib_shape[0])
        valid_shape = set_subtensor(
            valid_shape[3], (valid_shape[3] // neib_shape[1]) * neib_shape[1])
        output_4d = output_2d.reshape(valid_shape, ndim=4)
        # padding the borders with zeros
        for d in (2, 3):
            pad_shape = list(output_4d.shape)
            pad_shape[d] = original_shape[d] - valid_shape[d]
            output_4d = concatenate([output_4d, zeros(pad_shape)], axis=d)
    elif mode == "valid":
        # TODO: we do not implement all mode with this code.
        # Add a check for the good cases.
        output_4d = output_2d.reshape(original_shape, ndim=4)
        raise NotImplementedError(f"neibs2images do not support mode={mode}")

    return output_4d