Exemplo n.º 1
    def is_overparen(self):

        trs = find_valid_elements(self.html_string, '<tr', flags=re.I)
        if len(trs) != 2:
            return False

        tds = find_valid_elements(trs[0], '<td', flags=re.I)
        if len(tds) != 1:
            return False

        if '<table' in tds[0]:
            return False

        _keys1 = [
        _keys2 = ['/part/94.png']

        if self.md5 is True:
            if not _is_in(_keys2 + _keys1, tds[0]):
                return False
            if not _is_in(_keys1 + _keys2, tds[0]):
                return False

        tds = find_valid_elements(trs[1], '<td', with_tag=False, flags=re.I)
        if len(tds) != 1:
            raise ParseFormatError('[is_overparen]:{}'.format(

        self.node_format = r'\overparen{{{}}}'
        self.value_strs = tds
        return True
Exemplo n.º 2
    def is_subsup2(self):
        trs = find_valid_elements(self.html_string, '<tr', flags=re.I)
        if len(trs) != 2:
            return False

        tds = find_valid_elements(self.html_string, '<td', flags=re.I)
        if len(tds) != 2:
            return False

        index1 = tds[1].find('>') + 1
        if 'style="font-size:90%"' not in tds[1][:index1]:
            return False

        tds0 = remove_start_tag(tds[0])
        trs2 = find_valid_elements(tds0, '<tr', flags=re.I)
        if len(trs2) != 2:
            return False

        if 'style="font-size: 90%"' not in trs2[0]:
            return False

        tds2 = find_valid_elements(tds0, '<td', with_tag=False, flags=re.I)
        if len(tds2) != 2:
            return False

        if '<table' in tds2[1]:
            return False

        tds1 = remove_start_tag(tds[1])

        self.node_format = '{}^{{{}}}_{{{}}}'
        self.value_strs = [tds2[1], tds2[0], tds1]
        return True
Exemplo n.º 3
    def is_sqrt_n(self):

        trs = find_valid_elements(self.html_string, '<tr', flags=re.I)
        if len(trs) != 2:
            return False

        tds = find_valid_elements(trs[1], '<td', flags=re.I)
        if len(tds) != 1:
            return False

        if '<table' in tds[0]:
            return False

        _keys1 = [
        _keys2 = ['/part/8730D.png']

        if self.md5 is True:
            if not _is_in(_keys1 + _keys2, tds[0]):
                return False
            if not _is_in(_keys2 + _keys1, tds[0]):
                return False

        tds = find_valid_elements(trs[0], '<td', with_tag=False, flags=re.I)
        if len(tds) != 2:
            raise ParseFormatError('[is_sqrt_n]:{}'.format(self.html_string))

        self.node_format = r'\sqrt[{}]{{{}}}'
        self.value_strs = tds
        return True
Exemplo n.º 4
    def is_underset(self):

        trs = find_valid_elements(self.html_string, '<tr', flags=re.I)
        if len(trs) != 2:
            return False

        tds = find_valid_elements(self.html_string, '<td', flags=re.I)
        if len(tds) != 2:
            return False

        index = tds[1].find('>') + 1
        if 'style="font-size: 90%"' not in tds[1][:index]:
            return False

        # for uncommon integral
        _keys1 = [
        _keys2 = ['/part/8747.png']

        if _is_in((_keys1 + _keys2, _keys2 + _keys1)[self.md5 is False],
            if '<table' not in tds[0]:
                tds = [remove_start_tag(td) for td in tds]
                self.node_format = '\\underset{{{}}}{{\int}}'
                self.value_strs = tds[-1:]
                return True

        tds = [remove_start_tag(td) for td in tds]
        self.node_format = '\\underset{{{}}}{{{}}}'
        self.value_strs = tds[::-1]
        return True
Exemplo n.º 5
    def is_sqrt(self):

        trs = find_valid_elements(self.html_string, '<tr', flags=re.I)
        if len(trs) != 1:
            return False

        tds = find_valid_elements(trs[0], '<td', with_tag=False, flags=re.I)
        if tds and len(tds) == 2:
            _keys1 = [
            _keys2 = ['/part/8730D.png']
            if self.md5 is True:
                if not _is_in(_keys1 + _keys2, tds[0]):
                    return False
                if not _is_in(_keys2 + _keys1, tds[0]):
                    return False
            return False

        self.node_format = r'\sqrt{{{}}}'
        self.value_strs = [tds[1]]
        return True
Exemplo n.º 6
    def is_underbrace(self, html_string=None):
        html_string = html_string or self.html_string

        trs = find_valid_elements(html_string, '<tr>', flags=re.I)
        if len(trs) != 2:
            return False

        tds = find_valid_elements(html_string, '<td', flags=re.I)

        if len(tds) != 2:
            return False

        _keys1 = [
        _keys2 = ['/part/H123U.png']
        if self.md5 is True:
            if not _is_in(_keys1 + _keys2, tds[1]):
                return False
            if not _is_in(_keys2 + _keys1, tds[1]):
                return False

        td = remove_start_tag(tds[0])
        self.node_format = '\\underbrace{{{}}}'
        self.value_strs = [td]
        return True
Exemplo n.º 7
    def is_overrightarrow(self):

        trs = find_valid_elements(self.html_string, '<tr', flags=re.I)
        if len(trs) != 2:
            return False

        tds = find_valid_elements(trs[0], '<td', flags=re.I)
        if len(tds) != 1:
            return False

        if '<table' in tds[0]:
            return False

        _keys1 = [
        _keys2 = ['/part/8594.png']

        if self.md5 is True:
            if not _is_in(_keys2 + _keys1, tds[0]):
                return False
            if not _is_in(_keys1 + _keys2, tds[0]):
                return False

        tds = find_valid_elements(trs[1], '<td', with_tag=False, flags=re.I)
        if len(tds) != 1:
            raise ParseFormatError('[is_overrightarrow]:{}'.format(

        self.node_format = r'\overrightarrow{{{}}}'
        self.value_strs = tds
        return True
Exemplo n.º 8
    def is_stackrel(self):

        trs = find_valid_elements(self.html_string, '<tr', flags=re.I)
        if len(trs) != 2:
            return False

        tds = find_valid_elements(self.html_string, '<td', flags=re.I)
        if len(tds) != 2:
            return False

        index1 = tds[0].find('>') + 1
        if 'style="font-size: 90%"' not in tds[0][:index1]:
            return False

        # is_underrightarrow
        # change to is_xrightarrow
        if '<table' not in tds[1]:

            _keys1 = [
            _keys2 = ['/part/8594.png']

            if _is_in((_keys1 + _keys2, _keys2 + _keys1)[self.md5 is False],
                td = remove_start_tag(tds[0])
                self.node_format = '\\xrightarrow{{{}}}'
                self.value_strs = [td]
                return True

        # is_xrightleftharpoons
        # for case, http://www.jyeoo.com/bio2/ques/detail/7003bd54-0861-4152-985a-3c7678ade246
        # {{
        _keys1 = [
        _keys2 = ['/part/8652L.png']

        if _is_in((_keys1 + _keys2, _keys2 + _keys1)[self.md5 is False],
            if '<table' in tds[1]:
                return False

            td = remove_start_tag(tds[0])
            self.node_format = '\\xrightleftharpoons{{{}}}'
            self.value_strs = [td]
            return True
        # }}

        tds = [remove_start_tag(td) for td in tds]
        self.node_format = r'\stackrel{{{}}}{{{}}}'
        self.value_strs = tds
        return True
Exemplo n.º 9
    def is_xrightarrow(self):
        trs = find_valid_elements(self.html_string, '<tr', flags=re.I)
        if len(trs) != 3:
            return False

        tds = find_valid_elements(self.html_string,
        if len(tds) != 3:
            return False

        _keys1 = [
        _keys2 = ['/part/8594.png']

        if _is_in((_keys1 + _keys2, _keys2 + _keys1)[self.md5 is False],
            if '<table' in tds[1]:
                return False

            if tds[2].strip():
                self.node_format = '\\xrightarrow[{}]{{{}}}'
                self.value_strs = [tds[2], tds[0]]
                self.node_format = '\\xrightarrow{{{}}}'
                self.value_strs = tds[:1]
            return True

        # is_xrightleftharpoons
        # \xrightleftharpoons is defined as:
        # \Newextarrow{\xrightleftharpoons}{10,10}{0x21CC}
        # \Newextarrow is at "extpfeil.js"
        # {{
        _keys1 = [
        _keys2 = ['/part/8652L.png']

        if _is_in((_keys1 + _keys2, _keys2 + _keys1)[self.md5 is False],
            if '<table' in tds[1]:
                return False

            self.node_format = '\\xrightleftharpoons[{}]{{{}}}'
            self.value_strs = [tds[2], tds[0]]
            return True
        # }}

        return False
Exemplo n.º 10
    def is_sum(self):

        trs = find_valid_elements(self.html_string, '<tr', flags=re.I)
        if len(trs) != 3:
            return False

        tds = find_valid_elements(self.html_string,
        if len(tds) != 3:
            return False

        if '<table' in tds[1]:
            return False

        # is_lim
        # {{
        if tds[1] == 'lim':
            self.node_format = r'\lim\limits_{{{}}}'
            self.value_strs = [tds[2]]
            return True
        # }}

        # is_sum
        # {{
        _keys1 = [
        _keys2 = ['/part/8721.png']

        if _is_in((_keys1 + _keys2, _keys2 + _keys1)[self.md5 is False],
            self.node_format = r'\sum^{{{}}}_{{{}}}'
            self.value_strs = [tds[0], tds[2]]
            return True
        # }}

        # is_prod
        # {{
        _keys1 = [
        _keys2 = ['/part/8719.png']

        if _is_in((_keys1 + _keys2, _keys2 + _keys1)[self.md5 is False],
            self.node_format = r'\prod^{{{}}}_{{{}}}'
            self.value_strs = [tds[0], tds[2]]
            return True
        # }}

        return False
Exemplo n.º 11
    def get_sub_nodes(self, value_str):
        sub_nodes = list()

        elems = find_valid_elements(value_str, '<table', flags=re.I)
        begin = 0
        for elem in elems:
            index = value_str.find(elem, begin)
            html_elem = value_str[begin:index]
            if html_elem.strip():
                sub_node = Node()
                sub_node.md5 = self.md5
                sub_node.html_string = latex_excape(html_elem)
                sub_node.is_str = True
                sub_node.node_format = '{}'

            begin = index + len(elem)

            sub_node = Node()
            sub_node.md5 = self.md5
            sub_node.html_string = elem

        html_elem = value_str[begin:]
        if html_elem.strip():
            sub_node = Node()
            sub_node.md5 = self.md5
            sub_node.html_string = latex_excape(html_elem)
            sub_node.is_str = True
            sub_node.node_format = '{}'

        return sub_nodes
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_find_valid_elements(self):

        es = find_valid_elements(self.html_string)
        self.assertEqual(es, [
            '<p> p1 <div id="div">\n        <p> target </p> </div> <pre>\n        code</pre> </p>',
            '<b> </b>'
Exemplo n.º 13
    def is_integral(self):

        trs = find_valid_elements(self.html_string, '<tr', flags=re.I)
        if len(trs) != 2:
            return False

        tds = find_valid_elements(self.html_string, '<td', flags=re.I)
        if len(tds) != 2:
            return False

        index = tds[1].find('>') + 1
        if 'style="font-size: 90%"' not in tds[1][:index]:
            return False

        tds = [remove_start_tag(td) for td in tds]
        self.node_format = '\\underset{{{}}}{{{}}}'
        self.value_strs = tds[::-1]
        return True
Exemplo n.º 14
 def record_questions(self, html_string, subj):
     qss = find_valid_elements(html_string, '<table ')
     n = 0
     for qs in qss:
         mod = re_qid.search(qs)
         if mod:
             qid = mod.group(1)
             key = 'manfen5_zujuan_qs_' + qid
             save_html(key, qs, {'subj': subj})
             n += 1
     return n
Exemplo n.º 15
def get_spans(html_string):
    imgs = get_html_element('<img ', html_string, only_tag=True)
    for img in imgs:
        html_string = html_string.replace(img, img + '</img>')

    rs = []
    spans = find_valid_elements(html_string, '<(span|img) ', with_tag=True, regex=True)
    for span in spans:

    # format_spans(rs)
    return rs
Exemplo n.º 16
    def is_align(self):
        e.g. \(\begin{align} -CAGGATCCC & - \\ -GTCCTAGGG & - \end{align}\)

        trs = find_valid_elements(self.html_string, '<tr', flags=re.I)
        if len(trs) != 1:
            return False

        tds = find_valid_elements(self.html_string,
        if len(tds) != 3:
            return False

        if not (tds[0] == '' and tds[2] == ''):
            return False

        if not tds[1].startswith('<table'):
            return False

        index = tds[1].find('>') + 1
        if 'text-align: left' not in tds[1][:index]:
            return False

        trs = find_valid_elements(tds[1], '<tr', flags=re.I)
        value_strs = list()
        rows = list()
        for tr in trs:
            tds = find_valid_elements(tr, '<td', with_tag=False, flags=re.I)
            value_strs += tds
            rows.append(' & '.join(['{}'] * len(tds)))

        self.node_format = '\\begin{{align}} %s \\end{{align}}' % ' \\\\ '.join(
        self.value_strs = value_strs
        return True
Exemplo n.º 17
    def is_xlongequal2(self, html_string=None):
        # case http://www.jyeoo.com/chemistry/ques/detail/b6e8a3b9-d9e5-48ae-903d-40fd3f05e969

        html_string = html_string or self.html_string

        tds = find_valid_elements(html_string, '<td', flags=re.I)
        if len(tds) == 2:
            if tds[1] == '<td style="font-size: 90%"><div style="border-top:1px solid black;line-height:1px">.</div></td>' \
                    or tds[1] == '<td style="font-size:90%"><div style="border-top:1px solid black;line-height:1px">.</div></td>':
                td = remove_start_tag(tds[0])
                self.node_format = '\\xlongequal{{{}}}'
                self.value_strs = [td]
                return True
        return False
Exemplo n.º 18
    def is_subsup(self):

        trs = find_valid_elements(self.html_string, '<tr', flags=re.I)
        if len(trs) != 1:
            return False

        tds = find_valid_elements(trs[0], '<td', with_tag=True, flags=re.I)
        tds = [remove_start_tag(td) for td in tds]
        if len(tds) != 2:
            return False

        if '"msubsup' not in tds[1]:
            return False

        divs = find_valid_elements(tds[1],
                                   '<div [^<>]+"msubsup',
        if len(divs) != 2:
            raise ParseFormatError('[is_subsup]:{}'.format(self.html_string))

        e = tds[0]
        sub = ''
        sup = ''
        for div in divs:
            index = div.find('>') + 1
            if 'msubsup_sup' in div[:index]:
                sup = remove_start_tag(div)
            elif 'msubsup_sub' in div[:index]:
                sub = remove_start_tag(div)
                raise ParseFormatError('[is_subsup][not sub or sup]:{}'.format(

        self.node_format = '{{{}}}^{{{}}}_{{{}}}'
        self.value_strs = [e, sup, sub]
        return True
Exemplo n.º 19
def _discard_mathml_displaystyle_for_subsup(mathml):
    # fractions that are in sub/sup are not needed to display

    remove displaystyle in which of sub/sup

    subsups = find_valid_elements(mathml, '<msu(b|p)',
                                  regex=True, with_tag=False)
    subsups = list(set(subsups))
    subsups = sort_by_len(subsups, reverse=True)
    for subsup in subsups:
        subsup_t = remove_tag('<mstyle displaystyle', subsup, all=False)
        mathml = mathml.replace(subsup, subsup_t, 1)
    return mathml
Exemplo n.º 20
def _restore_latex(html_string):
    replace <latextag> </latextag> to \( \) at only outsider of latex

    latextags = find_valid_elements(html_string, '<latextag>')
    for latextag in latextags:
        latextag_t = latextag.replace('<latextag>',
                                      '').replace('</latextag>', '')
        latextag_t = '<span class="afanti-latex">\(##delspace##{}\)</span>'.format(
        #        latextag_t = '##wsq##\({}\)##wsq##'.format(latextag_t)
        html_string = html_string.replace(latextag, latextag_t)

    return html_string
Exemplo n.º 21
    def is_lim(self):

        trs = find_valid_elements(self.html_string, '<tr', flags=re.I)
        if len(trs) != 2:
            return False

        tds = find_valid_elements(trs[0], '<td', flags=re.I)
        if len(tds) != 1:
            return False

        if '<table' in tds[0]:
            return False

        if '<td>lim</td>' not in tds[0]:
            return False

        tds = find_valid_elements(trs[1], '<td', with_tag=False, flags=re.I)
        if len(tds) != 1:
            raise ParseFormatError('[is_lim]:{}'.format(self.html_string))

        self.node_format = r'\lim\limits_{{{}}}'
        # self.value_strs = [tds[0].replace('→', r'\to ')]
        self.value_strs = [tds[0]]
        return True
Exemplo n.º 22
def find_table_options(html_string):
    找 <td> 内容已 ABCD... 开头的 <table>

    tables = find_valid_elements(html_string, '<table', flags=re.I)

    rs = []
    for table in tables:
        tds = get_html_element('<td', table, with_tag=False, flags=re.I)
        if len(tds) < 3:
        _tds = [re_tag.sub('', td).strip() for td in tds]
        if _startswith_abcd(_tds):
            rs.append([table, tds])
    return rs
Exemplo n.º 23
    def no_table_format(html_string):
        if '<img' in html_string:
            html_string = convert_img_to_latex(html_string)

        html_string = html_string.replace('∏limit{s}', '\prod\limits ')
        html_string = html_string.replace('πlimit{s}', '\prod\limits ')
        html_string = html_string.replace('∑limit{s}', '\sum\limits ')
        html_string = html_string.replace('∫limit{s}', '\int\limits ')

        html_string = html_string.replace('%', ' \\%')

        if 'underpoint' in html_string:
            underpoints = get_html_element('<bdo [^<>]+underpoint',

            for underpoint in set(underpoints):
                t = remove_start_tag(underpoint)
                underpoint_tex = '\\underset{{˙}}{{{}}}'.format(t)
                html_string = html_string.replace(underpoint, underpoint_tex)

        while True:
            spans = find_valid_elements(html_string, '<span ', flags=re.I)
            if not spans:
            for span in spans:
                index = span.find('>') + 1
                if 'vertical-align:sub' in span[:index]:
                    n_span = remove_start_tag(span)
                    html_string = html_string.replace(span, '_{%s}' % n_span,
                elif 'vertical-align:sup' in span[:index]:
                    n_span = remove_start_tag(span)
                    html_string = html_string.replace(span, '^{%s}' % n_span,

        html_string = re.sub(r'<(span|font)>', '', html_string, flags=re.I)
        html_string = re.sub(r'</(span|font)>', '', html_string, flags=re.I)

        return html_string
Exemplo n.º 24
def subsup_to_latex(html_string):
    convert sub/sup to latex "_{}" / "^{}"

    html_string must be unicode literals

    html_string = unity_brackets(html_string)

    while True:
        s_tags = find_valid_elements(html_string,
                                     flags=re.I | re.U)

        if not s_tags:
            html_string = _restore_latex(html_string)
            return html_string

        for s_tag in s_tags:
            index = html_string.find(s_tag)
            which_pre = ''
                which_pre = _find_which_pre(html_string[:index])
            except Exception as err:
                logging.error('[_find_which_pre]: {}'.format(err))
                which_pre = _find_first_not_empty(html_string[:index])

            item = remove_start_tag(s_tag).strip(' \xa0').rstrip('\\').strip(
                ' \xa0')

            if s_tag.lower().startswith('<sub'):
                tex = '<latextag>{{{}}}_{{{}}}</latextag>'.format(
                    which_pre.strip(' \xa0'), item)
                tex = '<latextag>{{{}}}^{{ {} ##addspace##}}</latextag>'.format(
                    which_pre.strip(' \xa0'), item)

            html_string = (html_string[:index - len(which_pre)] + tex +
                           html_string[index + len(s_tag):])
Exemplo n.º 25
    def parse(self, html_string, url, info):
        self.url = url
        cols = dict()

        tds = find_valid_elements(html_string, '<td')

        question_html      = self.get_question_html(tds[3])
        jieda              = self.get_jieda(tds[4])
        kps                = self.get_kps(tds[2])
        question_type_name = self.get_question_type_name(tds[0])

        # format question object
        _question = Question(question_body = question_html,
                             jieda         = jieda)
        # unity question style
        unity_question = _question.normialize()

        cols['question_html']      = unity_question['question_body']
        cols['jieda']              = unity_question['jieda']

        cols['knowledge_point']    = kps
        cols['question_type_name'] = question_type_name

        cols['subject']            = self.get_subject(info)
        cols['fenxi']              = ''
        cols['dianping']           = ''
        cols['answer_all_html']    = ''
        cols['option_html']        = ''

        cols['difficulty']         = 0
        cols['zhuanti']            = ''
        cols['spider_url']         = url
        cols['spider_source']      = 80
        cols['question_type']      = 0
        cols['question_quality']   = 0
        cols['exam_year']          = 0
        cols['exam_city']          = ''

        return cols
Exemplo n.º 26
    def is_matrix_g(self, key, matrix_t):

        trs = find_valid_elements(self.html_string, '<tr', flags=re.I)
        if len(trs) != 1:
            return False

        _tds = find_valid_elements(trs[0], '<td', with_tag=True, flags=re.I)
        if len(_tds) != 3:
            return False

        if '<table' in _tds[0]:
            return False

        if key not in _tds[0] and key not in _tds[2]:
            return False

        td = remove_start_tag(_tds[1])
        trs = find_valid_elements(td, '<tr>', with_tag=True, flags=re.I)
        trs = [remove_start_tag(tr) for tr in trs]
        row_size = len(trs)
        if not row_size:
            raise ParseFormatError('[is_{}][not row]:{}'.format(
                matrix_t, self.html_string))

        rows = list()
        for tr in trs:
            tds = find_valid_elements(tr, '<td', with_tag=True, flags=re.I)
            tds = [remove_start_tag(td) for td in tds]

        if not rows:
            raise ParseFormatError('[is_{}][not col]:{}'.format(
                matrix_t, self.html_string))

        buckets = list()
        for row in rows:
            buckets.append(' & '.join(['{}'] * len(row)))
        bucket = r' \\ '.join(buckets)
        cols = max([len(row) for row in rows])

        for row in rows:
            self.value_strs += row

        # unformated case
        # e.g. http://www.jyeoo.com/math2/ques/detail/80c73320-61e5-4df3-bab7-3134bd8bf834
        # https://kogler.wordpress.com/2008/03/21/latex-multiline-equations-systems-and-matrices/
        pare_l = '.'
        pare_r = '.'
        if matrix_t == 'pmatrix':
            pare_l = '('
            pare_r = ')'
        elif matrix_t == 'bmatrix':
            pare_l = '['
            pare_r = ']'
        elif matrix_t == 'vmatrix':
            pare_l = '|'
            pare_r = '|'

        if key in _tds[0] and key in _tds[2]:
            self.node_format = r'\begin{{%s}} ' % matrix_t + bucket + ' \end{{%s}}' % matrix_t
        elif key in _tds[0] and key not in _tds[2]:
            self.node_format = r'\left%s \begin{{array}}{{%s}} ' % (
                pare_l, 'c' * cols) + bucket + r' \end{{array}} \right.'
        elif key not in _tds[0] and key in _tds[2]:
            self.node_format = r'\left. \begin{{array}}{{%s}} ' % 'c' * cols + bucket + r' \end{{array}} \right%s' % pare_r

        return True
Exemplo n.º 27
    def is_frac(self):
        # or is_overline

        trs = find_valid_elements(self.html_string, '<tr>', flags=re.I)
        if len(trs) != 2:
            return False

        tds = find_valid_elements(self.html_string, '<td', flags=re.I)

        if len(tds) != 2:
            return False

        index = tds[0].find('>') + 1
        if 'border-bottom' in tds[0][:index]:

            # is_xlongequal
            # {{
            td = remove_start_tag(tds[0])
            if td.startswith('<table '):
                tables = find_valid_elements(td, '<table ', flags=re.I)
                if len(tables) == 1:
                    tds_t = find_valid_elements(tables[0], '<td', flags=re.I)
                    if len(tds_t) == 2:
                        if tds_t[1] == '<td style="font-size: 90%"><div style="border-top:1px solid black;line-height:1px">.</div></td>' \
                                or tds_t[1] == '<td style="font-size:90%"><div style="border-top:1px solid black;line-height:1px">.</div></td>':
                            td = remove_start_tag(tds_t[0])
                            td2 = remove_start_tag(tds[1])
                            self.node_format = '\\xlongequal[{}]{{{}}}'
                            self.value_strs = [td2, td]
                            return True
            # }}

            self.node_format = r'\frac{{{}}}{{{}}}'
            tds = [remove_start_tag(td) for td in tds]

            self.value_strs = tds
            return True

        if '<table' not in tds[0]:

            # is_overline
            # {{
            if 'border-top' in tds[0]:
                self.node_format = r'\overline{{{}}}'
                tds = [remove_start_tag(td) for td in tds]
                self.value_strs = tds[1:]
                return True
            # }}

            # is_sub if not is_underbrace
            # {{
            index = tds[1].find('>') + 1
            td1 = remove_start_tag(tds[1])
            _keys1 = [
            _keys2 = ['/part/H123U.png']
            if not _is_in(_keys1 + _keys2, td1):
                if 'style="font-size:90%"' in tds[1][:index]:
                    td0 = remove_start_tag(tds[0])
                    self.node_format = r'{}_{{{}}}'
                    self.value_strs = [td0, td1]
                    return True
            # }}

        # is_underbrace
        # {{
        # case http://www.jyeoo.com/math/ques/detail/2fe3a71c-3616-441f-aa05-30f90f58310b
        td0 = remove_start_tag(tds[0])
        if self.is_underbrace(html_string=td0):
            if tds[1].startswith('<td style="font-size:90%">'):
                td1 = remove_start_tag(tds[1])
                self.node_format = '{}_{{{}}}'
                self.value_strs = [td0, td1]
                return True
        # }}

        # is_xlongequal 2
        # {{
        if td0.startswith('<table ') and self.is_xlongequal2(html_string=td0):
            if tds[1] == '<td style="font-size: 90%"><div style="border-top:1px solid black;line-height:1px">.</div></td>' \
                or tds[1] == '<td style="font-size:90%"><div style="border-top:1px solid black;line-height:1px">.</div></td>':
                return True
                self.node_format = None
                self.value_strs = []
        # }}

        return False
Exemplo n.º 28
    def is_equations(self):

        trs = find_valid_elements(self.html_string, '<tr', flags=re.I)
        if len(trs) != 1:
            return False

        # trs[0] = re.sub(r'<td[^<>]*/>', '<td></td>', trs[0], flags=re.I)
        tds = find_valid_elements(trs[0], '<td', with_tag=True, flags=re.I)
        if len(tds) != 3:
            return False

        # brace is at left
        _keys1 = [
        _keys2 = ['/part/123L.png']

        if _is_in((_keys1 + _keys2, _keys2 + _keys1)[self.md5 is False],

            if '<table' in tds[0]:
                return False

            td = remove_start_tag(tds[1])
            trs = find_valid_elements(td, '<tr', with_tag=False, flags=re.I)
            rows = list()

            for tr in trs:
                tds = find_valid_elements(tr,
                if tds:

            if not rows:
                raise ParseFormatError('[is_equations]:{}'.format(

            cols = ' \\\\ '.join(
                [' & '.join(['{}'] * len(tds)) for tds in rows])
            self.node_format = (r'\begin{{cases}} ' + cols + r' \end{{cases}}')

            for row in rows:
                self.value_strs += row

            return True

        # brace is at right
        elif _is_in((_keys1 + _keys2, _keys2 + _keys1)[self.md5 is False],

            if '<table' in tds[2]:
                return False

            td = remove_start_tag(tds[1])
            trs = find_valid_elements(td, '<tr', with_tag=False, flags=re.I)
            rows = list()

            for tr in trs:
                tds = find_valid_elements(tr,
                if tds:

            if not rows:
                raise ParseFormatError('[is_equations]:{}'.format(

            cols = ' \\\\ '.join(
                [' & '.join(['{}'] * len(tds)) for tds in rows])
            self.node_format = (r'\left.' + r'\begin{{array}}{{l}} ' + cols +
                                r' \end{{array}}' + r' \right\}}')

            for row in rows:
                self.value_strs += row

            return True

            return False