Exemplo n.º 1
def test_fun():
    prog = dsl_parse("((defvar x (un val int) 3)"
                     "(defun foo (un val bool) ((y (un val bool))) y )"
                     "(apply foo x)"
    with pytest.raises(tc_err.TypeMismatchError):
        ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_ref_borrow3():
    prog = dsl_parse("(   (defvar x (lin val int) 3)"
                     "    (defvar xref (un ref (lin val int)) (mkref x))"
                     "    (defvar xref2 (un ref (lin val int)) xref)"
    with pytest.raises(tc_err.UnusedLinVariableError):
        ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog, descope=True)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_ref_fun():
    prog = dsl_parse(
        "((defvar x (un val int) 3)"
        "(defvar xref (un ref (un val int)) (mkref x)) "
        "(defun foo (un val unit) ((y (un ref (un val int)))) (setrefval y (apply + (deref y) 1)))) )"
        "(apply foo xref)"
    ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_reference_borrows():
    prog = dsl_parse("("
                     "(defvar x (un val int) 3)"
                     "(defvar xref (un ref (un val int)) (mkref x))"
    with pytest.raises(tc_err.LinAffineVariableReuseError):
        ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_reference_borrow_under_scope():
    prog = dsl_parse("("
                     "(defvar x (un val int) 3)"
                     "(scope "
                     "    (defvar xref (un ref (un val int)) (mkref x))"
    ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_env_copy_works():
    prog = dsl_parse("(  "
                     "    (defvar x (un val int) 0) "
                     "    (defvar y (un val int) 0)  "
                     "    (while (apply < x 3) 0 ((set x (apply + x 1)) x))"
    env = base_tcheck_env()
    ATC.type_check(env, prog, descope=False)
    env_cp = deepcopy_env(env)
    assert env == env_cp
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_recursive_fun():
    prog = dsl_parse(
        "(defun fib (un val int) ((n (un val int))) "
        "    (defvar ret (un val int) 0) "
        "    (if (apply = 0 n) (set ret 0) "
        "    (if (apply = 1 n) (set ret 1) "
        "            (set ret (apply +  (apply fib (apply - n 1))  (apply fib (apply - n 2))  ))))"
        "     ret"
        "(apply fib 0)"
    ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog)
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_working_with_files():
    prog = dsl_parse("(" "(defvar f (lin val file) (apply fopen 123))" ")")
    with pytest.raises(tc_err.UnusedLinVariableError):
        ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog, descope=True)

    prog = dsl_parse("("
                     "(defvar f (lin val file) (apply fopen 123))"
                     "(apply fclose f)"
    ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog, descope=True)

    prog = dsl_parse("("
                     "(defvar f (lin val file) (apply fopen 123))"
                     "(scope (defvar fref (un ref (lin val file)) (mkref f))"
                     "       (apply fwrite fref 100)"
                     "(apply fclose f)"
    ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog, descope=True)

    prog = dsl_parse("("
                     "(defvar f (lin val file) (apply fopen 123))"
                     "(scope (defvar fref (un ref (lin val file)) (mkref f))"
                     "       (apply fwrite fref 100)"
                     "(apply fclose f)"
    ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog, descope=True)
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_unrestricted_variables():

    # Declaring an unrestricted value works...
    prog = dsl_parse("(defvar x (un val int) 3)")
    env = base_tcheck_env()
    ret_type = ATC.type_check(env, prog)
    assert ret_type == lang.T_UNIT
    assert env.get_bind_val('x') == dslT.tparse(dsl_parse("(un val int)"))

    # But you're not allowed to defvar a name twice, even with same type
    prog = dsl_parse("((defvar x (un val int) 3) (defvar x (un val int) 4))")
    env = base_tcheck_env()
    with pytest.raises(tc_err.BindingRedefinitionError):
        ATC.type_check(env, prog)

    # Unrestricted values can be used multiple times
    prog = dsl_parse("((defvar x (un val int) 3) x x)")
    env = base_tcheck_env()
    ret_type = ATC.type_check(env, prog)
    assert ret_type == lang.T_INT

    # Can turn an unrestricted value into an affine one
    prog = dsl_parse("((defvar x (aff val int) 3))")
    env = base_tcheck_env()
    ret_type = ATC.type_check(env, prog)
    assert ret_type == lang.T_UNIT

    # But you can't make an affine value unrestricted
    prog = dsl_parse("((defvar x (aff val int) 3) (defvar y (un val int) x))")
    env = base_tcheck_env()
    with pytest.raises(tc_err.TypeMismatchError):
        ATC.type_check(env, prog)
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_reference():
    prog = dsl_parse("("
                     "(defvar x (un val int) 0)"
                     "(defvar xref (un ref (un val int)) (mkref x))"
    env = base_tcheck_env()
    T = ATC.type_check(env, prog)
    assert isinstance(T, dslT.RefType)
    assert T.referenced_type() == lang.T_INT
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_linear_variables():
    # Linear stuff #

    # Linear variables must be used *exactly* once, so just declaring it won't work
    prog = dsl_parse("((defvar x (lin val int) 3))")
    env = base_tcheck_env()
    with pytest.raises(tc_err.UnusedLinVariableError):
        # We have to make sure that the type-checker knows top-level environment will be descoped
        ATC.type_check(env, prog, descope=True)

    # But declaring and then using it actually will
    prog = dsl_parse("((defvar x (lin val int) 3) (apply + 42 x))")
    env = base_tcheck_env()
    ATC.type_check(env, prog, descope=True)

    # Declaring and then using it twice, on the other hand, is a big no-no
    prog = dsl_parse(
        "((defvar x (lin val int) 3) (apply + 42 x) (apply + 42 x))")
    env = base_tcheck_env()
    with pytest.raises(tc_err.LinAffineVariableReuseError):
        ATC.type_check(env, prog, descope=True)
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_variables_redeclare():
    with pytest.raises(tc_err.BindingRedefinitionError):
        prog = dsl_parse(
            "((defvar x (un val int) 3) (defvar x (un val int) 3) )")
        ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog)
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_decl_var1():
    prog = dsl_parse("((defvar x (un val int) 3) (defvar y (un val int) 3) )")
    ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog)
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_nonexistent_ref():
    prog = dsl_parse(
        "((defvar x (lin val int) 3) (defvar badref (un ref (un val int)) (mkref y))))"
    with pytest.raises(tc_err.BindingUndefinedError):
        ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog)
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_decl_var4():
    prog = dsl_parse("((defvar x (un val int) 3) (set x 3) (set x (+ x 1)))")
    t = ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog)
    assert t == lang.T_UNIT
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_ref_borrow4():
    prog = dsl_parse("(   (defvar x (lin val int) 3)"
                     "  (scope  (defvar xref (un ref (lin val int)) (mkref x))"
                     "    (defvar xref2 (un ref (lin val int)) xref))"
                     "(apply + 3 x))")
    ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog)
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_if_lin2():
    prog = dsl_parse(
        "((defvar x (lin val int) 3) (if true ((apply + x 1) (apply + x 1)) (apply + x 2)))"
    with pytest.raises(tc_err.LinAffineVariableReuseError):
        ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog)
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_unused_linint_errs():
    prog = dsl_parse("(defvar x (lin val int) 3)")
    with pytest.raises(tc_err.UnusedLinVariableError):
        ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog, descope=True)
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_twouse_affint_errs():
    prog = dsl_parse("((defvar x (aff val int) 3) x x)")
    with pytest.raises(tc_err.LinAffineVariableReuseError):
        ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog, descope=True)
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_scope_descopes():
    prog = dsl_parse("(3" "(scope (defvar x (lin val int) 3)))" ")")

    with pytest.raises(tc_err.UnusedLinVariableError):
        ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog)
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_nested_fun():
    prog = dsl_parse(
        "( (defun add-3 (un val int) ((x (un val int))) (apply + x 3))  "
        "(defun add-4 (un val int) ((x (un val int))) (apply add-3 (apply + x 1)))"
        "(apply add-4 6) )")
    ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog)
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_reference_no_effect():
    prog = dsl_parse("(" "(defvar x (un val int) 0)" "(mkref x)" ")")
    env = base_tcheck_env()
    with pytest.raises(tc_err.ReferenceNoEffectError):
        ATC.type_check(env, prog)
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_if1():
    prog = dsl_parse("(if true (defvar x (un val int) 3) x)")
    with pytest.raises(tc_err.BindingUndefinedError):
        ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog, descope=True)
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_function_typechecking_correct_args():
    prog = dsl_parse("(apply + 3 3)")
    ret_type = ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog)
    assert ret_type == lang.T_INT
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_if_lin3():
    prog = dsl_parse(
        "((defvar x (lin val int) 3) (if true (3) (apply + x 2)))")
    with pytest.raises(tc_err.EnvironmentMismatchError):
        ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog)
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_plus_type_checks_incorrect_args():
    prog = dsl_parse("(apply + true 3)")
    with pytest.raises(tc_err.TypeMismatchError):
        ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog)
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_oneuse_affint_fine():
    prog = dsl_parse("((defvar x (aff val int) 3) x)")
    ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog, descope=True)
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_while():
    prog = dsl_parse(
        "((defvar x (un val int) 0) (while (apply < x 3) -2 ((set x (apply + x 1)) x)))"
    ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog, descope=False)
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_if_lin():
    prog = dsl_parse(
        "((defvar x (lin val int) 3) (if true (set x (apply + x 1)) (set x (apply + x 0))) (apply + x 1))"
    ATC.type_check(base_tcheck_env(), prog, descope=True)