Exemplo n.º 1
    def _send_commit_request(self, retry_delay=None, attempt=None):
        """Send a commit request with our last_processed_offset"""
        # If there's a _commit_call, and it's not active, clear it, it probably
        # just called us...
        if self._commit_call and not self._commit_call.active():
            self._commit_call = None

        # Make sure we only have one outstanding commit request at a time
        if self._commit_req is not None:
            raise OperationInProgress(self._commit_req)

        # Handle defaults
        if retry_delay is None:
            retry_delay = self.retry_init_delay
        if attempt is None:
            attempt = 1

        # Create new OffsetCommitRequest with the latest processed offset
        commit_offset = self._last_processed_offset
        commit_request = OffsetCommitRequest(
            self.topic, self.partition, commit_offset,
            TIMESTAMP_INVALID, self.commit_metadata)
        log.debug("Committing off=%d grp=%s tpc=%s part=%s req=%r",
                  self._last_processed_offset, self.consumer_group,
                  self.topic, self.partition, commit_request)

        # Send the request, add our callbacks
        self._commit_req = d = self.client.send_offset_commit_request(
            self.consumer_group, [commit_request])

            self._update_committed_offset, self._handle_commit_error,
            errbackArgs=(retry_delay, attempt))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_commit_fetch_offsets(self):
        Commit offsets, then fetch them to verify that the commit succeeded.
        # RANT: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/A+Guide+To+The+Kafka+Protocol
        # implies that the metadata supplied with the commit will be returned by
        # the fetch, but under with a API_version of 0, it's not. Switch
        # to using the V1 API and it works.
        c_group = "CG_1"
        metadata = "My_Metadata_{}".format(random_string(10)).encode('ascii')
        offset = random.randint(0, 1024)
        log.debug("Committing offset: %d metadata: %s for topic: %s part: 0",
                  offset, metadata, self.topic)
        req = OffsetCommitRequest(self.topic, 0, offset, -1, metadata)
        # We have to retry, since the client doesn't, and Kafka will
        # create the topic on the fly, but the first request will fail
        [resp] = yield self.retry_while_broker_errors(
            self.client.send_offset_commit_request, c_group, [req])
        self.assertEqual(getattr(resp, 'error', -1), 0)

        req = OffsetFetchRequest(self.topic, 0)
        [resp] = yield self.client.send_offset_fetch_request(c_group, [req])
        self.assertEqual(resp.error, 0)
        self.assertEqual(resp.offset, offset)
        # Check we received the proper metadata in the response
        self.assertEqual(resp.metadata, metadata)
        log.debug("test_commit_fetch_offsets: Test Complete.")
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_encode_offset_commit_request(self):
        header = b"".join([
            struct.pack('>h', 8),  # Message type = offset commit
            struct.pack('>h', 1),  # API version
            struct.pack('>i', 42),  # Correlation ID
            struct.pack('>h9s', 9, b"client_id"),  # The client ID
            struct.pack('>h8s', 8, b"group_id"),  # The group to commit for
            struct.pack('>i', 996),  # Group generation ID
            struct.pack('>h11s', 11, b'consumer_id'),  # Consumer ID
            struct.pack('>i', 2),  # Num topics

        topic1 = b"".join([
            struct.pack(">h6s", 6, b"topic1"),  # Topic for the request
            struct.pack(">i", 2),  # Two partitions
            struct.pack(">i", 0),  # Partition 0
            struct.pack(">q", 123),  # Offset 123
            struct.pack(">q", 1437585816816),  # Timestamp in ms > epoch
            struct.pack(">h", -1),  # Null metadata
            struct.pack(">i", 1),  # Partition 1
            struct.pack(">q", 234),  # Offset 234
            struct.pack(">q", 1436981054199),  # Timestamp in ms > epoch
            struct.pack(">h11s", 11, b'My_Metadata'),  # Null metadata

        topic2 = b"".join([
            struct.pack(">h6s", 6, b"topic2"),  # Topic for the request
            struct.pack(">i", 1),  # One partition
            struct.pack(">i", 2),  # Partition 2
            struct.pack(">q", 345),  # Offset 345
            struct.pack(">q", -1),  # Timestamp 'invalid-time'
            struct.pack(">h", -1),  # Null metadata

        # A dict is used, so we can't predict the order of the topics...
        expected1 = b"".join([header, topic1, topic2])
        expected2 = b"".join([header, topic2, topic1])

        encoded = KafkaCodec.encode_offset_commit_request(
            b"client_id", 42, b"group_id", 996, b'consumer_id', [
                OffsetCommitRequest(b"topic1", 0, 123, 1437585816816, None),
                OffsetCommitRequest(b"topic1", 1, 234, 1436981054199,
                OffsetCommitRequest(b"topic2", 2, 345, -1, None),

        self.assertIn(encoded, [expected1, expected2])
    def test_commit_fetch_offsets(self):

        RANT: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/A+Guide+To+The+Kafka+Protocol
        implies that the metadata supplied with the commit will be returned by
        the fetch, but under with a API_version of 0, it's not. Switch
        to using the V1 API and it works.
        """  # noqa
        resp = {}
        c_group = "CG_1"
        metadata = "My_Metadata_{}".format(random_string(10))
        offset = random.randint(0, 1024)
        log.debug("Commiting offset: %d metadata: %s for topic: %s part: 0",
                  offset, metadata, self.topic)
        req = OffsetCommitRequest(self.topic, 0, offset, -1, metadata)
        # We have to retry, since the client doesn't, and Kafka will
        # create the topic on the fly, but the first request will fail
        for attempt in range(20):
            log.debug("test_commit_fetch_offsets: Commit Attempt: %d", attempt)
                (resp, ) = yield self.client.send_offset_commit_request(
                    c_group, [req])
            except ConsumerCoordinatorNotAvailableError:
                    "No Coordinator for Consumer Group: %s Attempt: %d of 20",
                    c_group, attempt)
            except NotCoordinatorForConsumerError:  # pragma: no cover
                # Kafka seems to have a timing issue: If we ask broker 'A' who
                # the ConsumerCoordinator is for a auto-created, not extant
                # topic, the assigned broker may not realize it's been so
                # designated by the time we find out and make our request.
                    "Coordinator is not coordinator!!: %s Attempt: %d of 20",
                    c_group, attempt)
        self.assertEqual(getattr(resp, 'error', -1), 0)

        req = OffsetFetchRequest(self.topic, 0)
        (resp, ) = yield self.client.send_offset_fetch_request(c_group, [req])
        self.assertEqual(resp.error, 0)
        self.assertEqual(resp.offset, offset)
        # Check we received the proper metadata in the response
        self.assertEqual(resp.metadata, metadata)
        log.debug("test_commit_fetch_offsets: Test Complete.")