Exemplo n.º 1
def valueIteration(discountFactor):
	# all locations in grid
	alllocations = [ (x,y) for x in range(11) for y in range(11)]

	# initialize values
	values = {}
	bestMoves = {}
	for predloc in alllocations:
			for preyloc in alllocations:
				if preyloc != predloc:
					values[(predloc,preyloc)] = 0

	agent = Agent(0,0)

	deltas = []
	epsilon = 0.01
	delta = 1
	numIt = 0
	# perform value iteration according to pseud-code
	while delta > epsilon:
		delta = 0
		newValues = {}
		# loop over all states
		for predloc in alllocations:
			for preyloc in alllocations:
				if predloc == preyloc:
				prey = Prey(*preyloc)
				temp = values[(predloc,preyloc)]
				# find optimal value according to current values
				bestVal = 0
				bestMove = (0,0)
				for prob, predMove in agent.getMoveList():
					preySum = 0
					newPredloc = ((predloc[0] + predMove[0])%11,(predloc[1] + predMove[1])%11)
					if newPredloc == preyloc :
						preySum += 10.0
						for preyProb, newPreyloc in prey.expand(newPredloc):
							preySum += preyProb * discountFactor * values[(newPredloc,newPreyloc)]
					if bestVal <= preySum:
						bestVal = preySum
						bestMove = predMove
				newValues[(predloc,preyloc)] = bestVal
				bestMoves[(predloc,preyloc)] = bestMove
				delta = max(delta, np.abs(bestVal - temp))
		values = newValues
	# greedy policy to the optimal values computed above
	def policy(state):
		predloc, preyloc = state
		prey = Prey(*preyloc)
		return bestMoves[(predloc,preyloc)]
	return numIt, values, policy
Exemplo n.º 2
def valueIteration():

	alldiffs = [ (x,y) for x in range(-5,6) for y in range(-5,6)]

	# the relative positions vary from -5 up to 5, in both dimensions
	values = {}
	for x in range(-5,6):
		for y in range(-5,6):
			values[(x,y)] = 0

	bestMoves = {}
	agent = Agent(0,0)

	deltas = []
	discountFactor = 0.8
	epsilon = 0.01
	delta = 1
	while delta > epsilon:
		delta = 0
		newValues = {}
		for diff in alldiffs:
			# we place the predator in the middle of the world,
			# we are allowed to do this, since the positions are encoded relatively
			predloc = (5,5)
			preyloc = (predloc[0]+diff[0],predloc[1]+diff[1])
			curKey  = rewriteStates(predloc,preyloc)
			prey = Prey(*preyloc)
			temp = values[curKey]
			bestVal = 0
			bestMove = (0,0)
			for prob, predMove in agent.getMoveList():
				preySum = 0
				newPredloc = agent.locAfterMove(predMove)
				if newPredloc == preyloc :
					preySum += 10.0
					for preyProb, newPreyloc in prey.expand(newPredloc):
						# using rewriteStates we use relative positions
						preySum += preyProb * discountFactor * values[rewriteStates(newPredloc,newPreyloc)]
				if bestVal <= preySum:
					bestVal = preySum
					bestMove = predMove
			newValues[curKey] = bestVal
			bestMoves[curKey] = bestMove
			delta = max(delta, np.abs(bestVal - temp))
		values = newValues

	def policy(state):
		predloc, preyloc = state
		prey = Prey(*preyloc)
		return bestMoves[rewriteStates(predloc,preyloc)]
	return policy