def create_pixel_img( self, scale, text, color, ): '''Creats a new canvas and draws text onto it if overridin''' font = Font(self.new_txt_color(color), self.font, self.font_size) bg_color = self.new_bg_color(color) img = Draw('RGB', scale, bg_color) img.text((0, 7), text, font) return img
def create_pixel_img(self, scale, text, color): '''Creats a new canvas and draws text onto it if overridin''' #define the font and the blank canvas font = Font(self.new_txt_color(color), self.font, self.font_size) #defines the background color of the canvas bg_color = self.new_bg_color(color) img = Draw('RGB', scale, bg_color) #draw text on to the canvas by default only one line of text is drawn #this method can be overriden to draw as much text as you want #Note that the if the scale is not large enough not all the text will be displayed img.text((0, 0), text, font) return img
def draw_text(frame, x, y, text, size=16, color='white'): im = Image.fromarray(frame) draw = Draw(im) _, fh = draw.size font = Font(color, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), './Reith.ttf'), DRAW_SCALE_FACTOR) text_w, text_h = draw.textsize(text, font) y -= text_h draw.text((x + 2, y + 4), text, font) draw.flush() return np.array(im)
def create_pixel_img( self, scale, text, color, ): '''Creats a new canvas and draws text onto it if overridin''' font = Font(self.new_txt_color(color), self.font, self.font_size) bg_color = self.new_bg_color(color) img = Draw('RGB', scale, bg_color) img.text((8, 0), text[:5], font) img.text((8, 10), text[5:10], font) img.text((8, 20), text[10:15], font) img.text((8, 30), text[15:20], font) img.text((8, 40), text[20:], font) return img
class Canvas(CanvasBase): # fonts appear smaller in aggdraw than with cairo # fix that here: fontScale = 1.2 def __init__(self, img=None, imageType=None, # determines file type fileName=None, # if set determines output file name size=None, ): if img is None: try: import Image except ImportError: from PIL import Image if size is None: raise ValueError('please provide either an image or a size') img ='RGBA', size, "white") self.image = img self.draw = Draw(img) self.draw.setantialias(True) if size is None: self.size = self.draw.size else: self.size = size if imageType and imageType not in ('png', 'jpg'): raise ValueError('unsupported image type for agg canvas') self.drawType = imageType self.fileName = fileName def _doLine(self, p1, p2, pen, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('dash', (0, 0)) == (0, 0): self.draw.line((p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1]), pen) else: dash = kwargs['dash'] pts = self._getLinePoints(p1, p2, dash) currDash = 0 dashOn = True while currDash < (len(pts) - 1): if dashOn: p1 = pts[currDash] p2 = pts[currDash + 1] self.draw.line((p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1]), pen) currDash += 1 dashOn = not dashOn def addCanvasLine(self, p1, p2, color=(0, 0, 0), color2=None, **kwargs): if color2 and color2 != color: mp = (p1[0] + p2[0]) / 2., (p1[1] + p2[1]) / 2. color = convertColor(color) self._doLine(p1, mp, Pen(color, kwargs.get('linewidth', 1)), **kwargs) color2 = convertColor(color2) self._doLine(mp, p2, Pen(color2, kwargs.get('linewidth', 1)), **kwargs) else: color = convertColor(color) self._doLine(p1, p2, Pen(color, kwargs.get('linewidth', 1)), **kwargs) def addCanvasText(self, text, pos, font, color=(0, 0, 0), **kwargs): orientation = kwargs.get('orientation', 'E') color = convertColor(color) aggFont = Font(color, faceMap[font.face], size=font.size * self.fontScale) blocks = list(re.finditer(r'\<(.+?)\>(.+?)\</\1\>', text)) w, h = 0, 0 supH = 0 subH = 0 if not len(blocks): w, h = self.draw.textsize(text, aggFont) tw, th = w, h offset = w * pos[2] dPos = pos[0] - w / 2. + offset, pos[1] - h / 2. self.draw.text(dPos, text, aggFont) else: dblocks = [] idx = 0 for block in blocks: blockStart, blockEnd = block.span(0) if blockStart != idx: # untagged text: tblock = text[idx:blockStart] tw, th = self.draw.textsize(tblock, aggFont) w += tw h = max(h, th) dblocks.append((tblock, '', tw, th)) fmt = block.groups()[0] tblock = block.groups()[1] if fmt in ('sub', 'sup'): lFont = Font(color, faceMap[font.face], size=0.8 * font.size * self.fontScale) else: lFont = aggFont tw, th = self.draw.textsize(tblock, lFont) w += tw if fmt == 'sub': subH = max(subH, th) elif fmt == 'sup': supH = max(supH, th) else: h = max(h, th) dblocks.append((tblock, fmt, tw, th)) idx = blockEnd if idx != len(text): # untagged text: tblock = text[idx:] tw, th = self.draw.textsize(tblock, aggFont) w += tw h = max(h, th) dblocks.append((tblock, '', tw, th)) supH *= 0.5 subH *= 0.5 h += supH + subH offset = w * pos[2] if orientation == 'W': dPos = [pos[0] - w + offset, pos[1] - h / 2.] elif orientation == 'E': dPos = [pos[0] + offset, pos[1] - h / 2.] else: dPos = [pos[0] - w / 2. + offset, pos[1] - h / 2.] if supH: dPos[1] += supH for txt, fmt, tw, th in dblocks: tPos = dPos.copy() if fmt == 'sub': tPos[1] += subH elif fmt == 'sup': tPos[1] -= supH if fmt in ('sub', 'sup'): lFont = Font(color, faceMap[font.face], size=0.8 * font.size * self.fontScale) else: lFont = aggFont self.draw.text(tPos, txt, lFont) dPos[0] += tw return (tw + th * .4, th + th * .4, offset) def addCanvasPolygon(self, ps, color=(0, 0, 0), fill=True, stroke=False, **kwargs): if not fill and not stroke: return dps = [] for p in ps: dps.extend(p) color = convertColor(color) brush = None pen = None if fill: brush = Brush(color) if stroke: pen = Pen(color) self.draw.polygon(dps, pen, brush) def addCanvasDashedWedge(self, p1, p2, p3, dash=(2, 2), color=(0, 0, 0), color2=None, **kwargs): pen = Pen(color, kwargs.get('linewidth', 1)) dash = (3, 3) pts1 = self._getLinePoints(p1, p2, dash) pts2 = self._getLinePoints(p1, p3, dash) if len(pts2) < len(pts1): pts2, pts1 = pts1, pts2 for i in range(len(pts1)): self.draw.line((pts1[i][0], pts1[i][1], pts2[i][0], pts2[i][1]), pen) def flush(self): self.draw.flush() if self.fileName:
class Canvas(CanvasBase): # fonts appear smaller in aggdraw than with cairo # fix that here: fontScale=1.2 def __init__(self, img=None, imageType=None, # determines file type fileName=None, # if set determines output file name size=None, ): if img is None: import Image if size is None: raise ValueError,'please provide either an image or a size' img ='RGBA',size,"white") self.image = img self.draw = Draw(img) self.draw.setantialias(True) if size is None: self.size = self.draw.size else: self.size = size if imageType and imageType not in ('png','jpg'): raise ValueError,'unsupported image type for agg canvas' self.drawType=imageType self.fileName=fileName def _doLine(self, p1, p2, pen, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('dash',(0,0)) == (0,0): self.draw.line((p1[0],p1[1],p2[0],p2[1]),pen) else: dash = kwargs['dash'] pts = self._getLinePoints(p1,p2,dash) currDash = 0 dashOn = True while currDash<(len(pts)-1): if dashOn: p1 = pts[currDash] p2 = pts[currDash+1] self.draw.line((p1[0],p1[1],p2[0],p2[1]),pen) currDash+=1 dashOn = not dashOn def addCanvasLine(self, p1, p2, color=(0,0,0), color2=None, **kwargs): if color2 and color2!=color: mp = (p1[0]+p2[0])/2.,(p1[1]+p2[1])/2. color = convertColor(color) self._doLine(p1,mp,Pen(color,kwargs.get('linewidth',1)),**kwargs) color2 = convertColor(color2) self._doLine(mp,p2,Pen(color2,kwargs.get('linewidth',1)),**kwargs) else: color = convertColor(color) self._doLine(p1,p2,Pen(color,kwargs.get('linewidth',1)),**kwargs) def addCanvasText(self,text,pos,font,color=(0,0,0),**kwargs): orientation=kwargs.get('orientation','E') color = convertColor(color) aggFont = Font(color,faceMap[font.face],size=font.size*self.fontScale) blocks = list(re.finditer(r'\<(.+?)\>(.+?)\</\1\>',text)) w,h = 0,0 supH=0 subH=0 if not len(blocks): w,h=self.draw.textsize(text,aggFont) bw,bh=w*1.1,h*1.1 dPos = pos[0]-bw/2.,pos[1]-bh/2. bgColor=kwargs.get('bgColor',(1,1,1)) bgColor = convertColor(bgColor) self.draw.rectangle((dPos[0],dPos[1],dPos[0]+bw,dPos[1]+bh), None,Brush(bgColor)) dPos = pos[0]-w/2.,pos[1]-h/2. self.draw.text(dPos,text,aggFont) else: dblocks=[] idx=0 for block in blocks: blockStart,blockEnd=block.span(0) if blockStart != idx: # untagged text: tblock = text[idx:blockStart] tw,th=self.draw.textsize(tblock,aggFont) w+=tw h = max(h,th) dblocks.append((tblock,'',tw,th)) fmt = block.groups()[0] tblock = block.groups()[1] if fmt in ('sub','sup'): lFont = Font(color,faceMap[font.face],size=0.8*font.size*self.fontScale) else: lFont = aggFont tw,th=self.draw.textsize(tblock,lFont) w+=tw if fmt == 'sub': subH = max(subH,th) elif fmt=='sup': supH = max(supH,th) else: h = max(h,th) dblocks.append((tblock,fmt,tw,th)) idx = blockEnd if idx!=len(text): # untagged text: tblock = text[idx:] tw,th=self.draw.textsize(tblock,aggFont) w+=tw h = max(h,th) dblocks.append((tblock,'',tw,th)) supH *= 0.25 subH *= 0.25 h += supH + subH bw,bh=w*1.1,h #dPos = pos[0]-bw/2.,pos[1]-bh/2. dPos = [pos[0]-w/2.,pos[1]-h/2.] if orientation=='W': dPos = [pos[0]-w,pos[1]-h/2.] elif orientation=='E': dPos = [pos[0],pos[1]-h/2.] else: dPos = [pos[0]-w/2,pos[1]-h/2.] bgColor=kwargs.get('bgColor',(1,1,1)) bgColor = convertColor(bgColor) self.draw.rectangle((dPos[0],dPos[1],dPos[0]+bw,dPos[1]+bh), None,Brush(bgColor)) if supH: dPos[1]+=supH for txt,fmt,tw,th in dblocks: tPos = dPos[:] if fmt=='sub': tPos[1]+=subH elif fmt=='sup': tPos[1]-=supH if fmt in ('sub','sup'): lFont = Font(color,faceMap[font.face],size=0.8*font.size*self.fontScale) else: lFont = aggFont self.draw.text(tPos,txt,lFont) dPos[0]+=tw def addCanvasPolygon(self,ps,color=(0,0,0),fill=True,stroke=False,**kwargs): if not fill and not stroke: return dps = [] for p in ps: dps.extend(p) color = convertColor(color) brush=None pen=None if fill: brush = Brush(color) if stroke: pen = Pen(color) self.draw.polygon(dps,pen,brush) def addCanvasDashedWedge(self,p1,p2,p3,dash=(2,2),color=(0,0,0), color2=None,**kwargs): pen = Pen(color,kwargs.get('linewidth',1)) dash = (3,3) pts1 = self._getLinePoints(p1,p2,dash) pts2 = self._getLinePoints(p1,p3,dash) if len(pts2)<len(pts1): pts2,pts1=pts1,pts2 for i in range(len(pts1)): self.draw.line((pts1[i][0],pts1[i][1],pts2[i][0],pts2[i][1]),pen) def flush(self): self.draw.flush() if self.fileName: