Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_get_first_and_last_line_in_file(self):

        line1 = '/ASDC_PROC2/FM3.119_2/EVT/agql2004151750_2004151850.EVT__FM.gz 514057762.000000 514061362.000000 EVT\n'
        line2 = '/ASDC_PROC2/FM3.119_2/EVT/agql2004152249_2004160008.EVT__FM.gz 514075704.000000 514080437.000000 EVT\n'
        line3 = '/ASDC_PROC2/FM3.119_2/EVT/agql2004160008_2004160045.EVT__FM.gz 514080437.000000 514082644.000000 EVT\n'

        # I test: 1 line
        test_file = self.tmpDir.joinpath("test_file1.txt")
        with open(test_file, "w") as f:
        (first, last) = Utils._getFirstAndLastLineInFile(test_file)
        assert first == line1
        assert last == line1

        # II test: 2 lines
        test_file = self.tmpDir.joinpath("test_file2.txt")
        with open(test_file, "w") as f:
        (first, last) = Utils._getFirstAndLastLineInFile(test_file)
        assert first == line1
        assert last == line2

        # III test: 3 lines
        test_file = self.tmpDir.joinpath("test_file3.txt")
        with open(test_file, "w") as f:
        (first, last) = Utils._getFirstAndLastLineInFile(test_file)
        assert first == line1
        assert last == line3
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _validateTimeInIndex(confDict):
        errors = {}

        if (confDict["input"]["userestapi"] == True):
            return errors

         last) = Utils._getFirstAndLastLineInFile(confDict["input"]["evtfile"])

        idxTmin = Utils._extractTimes(first)[0]
        idxTmax = Utils._extractTimes(last)[1]

        userTmin = confDict["selection"]["tmin"]
        userTmax = confDict["selection"]["tmax"]
        timetype = confDict["selection"]["timetype"]

        if timetype == "MJD":
            userTmin = AstroUtils.time_mjd_to_agile_seconds(userTmin)
            userTmax = AstroUtils.time_mjd_to_agile_seconds(userTmax)

        if float(userTmin) < float(idxTmin):
            errors["input/tmin"]="tmin: {} is outside the time range of {} (tmin < indexTmin). Index file time range: [{}, {}]" \
                                  .format(userTmin, confDict["input"]["evtfile"], idxTmin, idxTmax)

        if float(userTmin) > float(idxTmax):
            errors["input/tmin"]="tmin: {} is outside the time range of {} (tmin > indexTmax). Index file time range: [{}, {}]" \
                                  .format(userTmin, confDict["input"]["evtfile"], idxTmin, idxTmax)

        if float(userTmax) > float(idxTmax):
            errors["input/tmax"]="tmax: {} is outside the time range of {} (tmax > indexTmax). Index file time range: [{}, {}]" \
                                  .format(userTmax, confDict["input"]["evtfile"], idxTmin, idxTmax)

        if float(userTmax) < float(idxTmin):
            errors["input/tmax"]="tmax: {} is outside the time range of {} (tmax < indexTmin). Index file time range: [{}, {}]" \
                                  .format(userTmax, confDict["input"]["evtfile"], idxTmin, idxTmax)

        return errors