Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_bb_sed_luminosity(self, T_dt):
     """test that the luminosity of the DT BB SED is the same as xi_dt * L_disk,
     create DTs with different temperatrues (and radii)"""
     xi_dt = 0.5
     L_dt = xi_dt * L_disk_test
     dt = RingDustTorus(L_disk_test, xi_dt, T_dt)
     # compute the SEDs, assume a random redshift
     z = 0.23
     nu = np.logspace(10, 20, 100) * u.Hz
     sed = dt.sed_flux(nu, z)
     # compute back the luminosity
     d_L = Distance(z=z).to("cm")
     F_nu = sed / nu
     L = 4 * np.pi * np.power(d_L, 2) * np.trapz(F_nu, nu, axis=0)
     assert u.isclose(L, L_dt, atol=0 * u.Unit("erg s-1"), rtol=1e-2)
Exemplo n.º 2
# T_dt/=10
# L_disk/=100

blob1 = Blob(r0, z, delta_D, Gamma, B0, norm, spectrum_dict, xi=xi)
dt1 = RingDustTorus(L_disk, xi_dt, T_dt, R_dt=R_dt)

# energy density of DT radiation field in the blob
u_dt1 = dt1.u_ph(h, blob1)
u_synch1 = blob1.u_ph_synch
    "energy density in the blob, DT radiation: ",
    "synchrotron photons: ",
dt1_sed = dt1.sed_flux(nu, z)
# energy density was set to be the same

synch1 = Synchrotron(blob1, ssa=False)
synch1_sed = synch1.sed_flux(nu)

ssc1 = SynchrotronSelfCompton(blob1, synch1)
ssc1_sed = ssc1.sed_flux(nu)

ec_dt1 = ExternalCompton(blob1, dt1, h)
ec_dt1_sed = ec_dt1.sed_flux(nu)

ssc1_total = (np.trapz(ssc1_sed / nu, nu)).to("erg cm-2 s-1")
ec_dt1_total = (np.trapz(ec_dt1_sed / nu, nu)).to("erg cm-2 s-1")
print("SSC total=", ssc1_total, ", EC DT total=", ec_dt1_total)
# similar density of radiation but there is a factor of ~1.4 difference in the integrated flux