Exemplo n.º 1
    def _remove_tp_filters(self, tp):
        Transforms a triple pattern that may contain filters to a new one with both subject and object bounded
        to variables
        :param tp: The triple pattern to be filtered
        :return: Filtered triple pattern

        def __create_var(elm, predicate):
            if elm in self._filter_mapping.values():
                elm = list(filter(lambda x: self._filter_mapping[x] == elm, self._filter_mapping)).pop()
            elif predicate(elm):
                v = '?{}'.format(uuid())
                self._filter_mapping[v] = elm
                elm = v
            return elm

        s, p, o = tp_parts(tp)
        s = __create_var(s, lambda x: '<' in x and '>' in x)
        o = __create_var(o, lambda x: '"' in x or ('<' in x and '>' in x))
        return '{} {} {}'.format(s, p, o)
Exemplo n.º 2
def _query(fid, gp):
    Query the fragment using the original request graph pattern
    :param gp:
    :param fid:
    :return: The query result

    def __build_query_from(x, depth=0):
        def build_pattern_query((u, v, data)):
            return '\nOPTIONAL { %s %s %s %s }' % (u, data['predicate'], v, __build_query_from(v, depth + 1))

        out_edges = list(gp_graph.out_edges_iter(x, data=True))
        out_edges = reversed(sorted(out_edges, key=lambda x: gp_graph.out_degree))
        if out_edges:
            return ' '.join([build_pattern_query(x) for x in out_edges])
        return ''

    gp_parts = [tp_parts(tp) for tp in gp]

    blocks = []
    gp_graph = nx.DiGraph()
    for gp_part in gp_parts:
        gp_graph.add_edge(gp_part[0], gp_part[2], predicate=gp_part[1])

    roots = filter(lambda x: gp_graph.in_degree(x) == 0, gp_graph.nodes())

    blocks += ['%s a stoa:Root\nOPTIONAL { %s }' % (root, __build_query_from(root)) for root in roots]

    where_gp = ' .\n'.join(blocks)
    q = """SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { %s }""" % where_gp

    result = []
        log.info('Querying fragment {}:\n{}'.format(fid, q))
        result = fragment_graph(fid).query(q)
    except Exception as e:  # ParseException from query
    return result
Exemplo n.º 3
def graph_from_gp(gp):
    gp_graph = nx.DiGraph()
    gp_parts = [tp_parts(tp) for tp in gp]
    for gp_part in gp_parts:
        gp_graph.add_edge(gp_part[0], gp_part[2], predicate=gp_part[1])
    return gp_graph