Exemplo n.º 1
def _build_reply_templates():
    :return: Accept and Failure message templates
    accepted = CGraph()
    failure = CGraph()
    response_node = BNode()
    agent_node = BNode()
    accepted.add((response_node, RDF.type, STOA.Root))
    accepted.add((response_node, RDF.type, STOA.Accepted))
    accepted.add((agent_node, RDF.type, FOAF.Agent))
    accepted.add((response_node, STOA.responseNumber, Literal("0", datatype=XSD.unsignedLong)))
    accepted.add((response_node, STOA.submittedBy, agent_node))
        (agent_node, STOA.agentId, LIT_AGENT_ID))
    accepted.bind('types', TYPES)
    accepted.bind('stoa', STOA)
    accepted.bind('foaf', FOAF)

    for triple in accepted:
    failure.set((response_node, RDF.type, STOA.Failure))
    for (prefix, ns) in accepted.namespaces():
        failure.bind(prefix, ns)

    return accepted, failure
Exemplo n.º 2
def build_reply(template, reply_to, comment=None):
    :param template: A specific message template graph
    :param reply_to: Recipient Agent UUID
    :param comment: Optional comment
    :return: The reply graph
    reply_graph = CGraph()
    root_node = None
    for (s, p, o) in template:
        if o == STOA.Root:
            root_node = s
            reply_graph.add((s, p, o))

    reply_graph.add((root_node, STOA.responseTo, Literal(reply_to, datatype=TYPES.UUID)))
    reply_graph.set((root_node, STOA.submittedOn, Literal(datetime.now())))
    reply_graph.set((root_node, STOA.messageId, Literal(str(uuid.uuid4()), datatype=TYPES.UUID)))
    if comment is not None:
        reply_graph.set((root_node, RDFS.comment, Literal(comment, datatype=XSD.string)))
    for (prefix, ns) in template.namespaces():
        reply_graph.bind(prefix, ns)
    return reply_graph