Exemplo n.º 1
 def handler_01(self, node):
     """Example handler returing ExitCode 100."""
     handlers_called = node.get_attribute(attribute_key, default=[])
     node.set_attribute(attribute_key, handlers_called)
     return ProcessHandlerReport(False, ExitCode(100))
Exemplo n.º 2
 class SomeWorkChain(BaseRestartWorkChain):
         exit_codes=[ExitCode(400, 'a'),
                     ExitCode(401, 'b')])
     def _(self, node):
Exemplo n.º 3
 class SomeWorkChain(BaseRestartWorkChain):
     @process_handler(exit_codes=ExitCode(400, 'Some exit code'))
     def _(self, node):
Exemplo n.º 4
 class SomeWorkChain(BaseRestartWorkChain):
     @process_handler(ExitCode())  # pylint: disable=too-many-function-args
     def _(self, node):
Exemplo n.º 5
class PwBaseWorkChain(BaseRestartWorkChain):
    """Workchain to run a Quantum ESPRESSO pw.x calculation with automated error handling and restarts."""

    # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods

    _process_class = PwCalculation

    defaults = AttributeDict({
        'qe': qe_defaults,
        'delta_threshold_degauss': 30,
        'delta_factor_degauss': 0.1,
        'delta_factor_mixing_beta': 0.8,
        'delta_factor_max_seconds': 0.95,
        'delta_factor_nbnd': 0.05,
        'delta_minimum_nbnd': 4,

    def define(cls, spec):
        """Define the process specification."""
        # yapf: disable
        spec.expose_inputs(PwCalculation, namespace='pw', exclude=('kpoints',))
        spec.input('pw.metadata.options.resources', valid_type=dict, required=False)
        spec.input('kpoints', valid_type=orm.KpointsData, required=False,
            help='An explicit k-points list or mesh. Either this or `kpoints_distance` has to be provided.')
        spec.input('kpoints_distance', valid_type=orm.Float, required=False,
            help='The minimum desired distance in 1/Å between k-points in reciprocal space. The explicit k-points will '
                 'be generated automatically by a calculation function based on the input structure.')
        spec.input('kpoints_force_parity', valid_type=orm.Bool, required=False,
            help='Optional input when constructing the k-points based on a desired `kpoints_distance`. Setting this to '
                 '`True` will force the k-point mesh to have an even number of points along each lattice vector except '
                 'for any non-periodic directions.')
        spec.input('pseudo_family', valid_type=orm.Str, required=False,
            help='An alternative to specifying the pseudo potentials manually in `pseudos`: one can specify the name '
                 'of an existing pseudo potential family and the work chain will generate the pseudos automatically '
                 'based on the input structure.')
        spec.input('automatic_parallelization', valid_type=orm.Dict, required=False,
            help='When defined, the work chain will first launch an initialization calculation to determine the '
                 'dimensions of the problem, and based on this it will try to set optimal parallelization flags.')


        spec.output('automatic_parallelization', valid_type=orm.Dict, required=False,
            help='The results of the automatic parallelization analysis if performed.')

        spec.exit_code(201, 'ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_PSEUDO_POTENTIALS',
            message='The explicit `pseudos` or `pseudo_family` could not be used to get the necessary pseudos.')
        spec.exit_code(202, 'ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_KPOINTS',
            message='Neither the `kpoints` nor the `kpoints_distance` input was specified.')
        spec.exit_code(203, 'ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_RESOURCES',
            message='Neither the `options` nor `automatic_parallelization` input was specified.')
            message='The `metadata.options` did not specify both `resources.num_machines` and `max_wallclock_seconds`.')
            message='Required key for `automatic_parallelization` was not specified.')
            message='Unrecognized keys were specified for `automatic_parallelization`.')
        spec.exit_code(300, 'ERROR_UNRECOVERABLE_FAILURE',
            message='The calculation failed with an unidentified unrecoverable error.')
        spec.exit_code(310, 'ERROR_KNOWN_UNRECOVERABLE_FAILURE',
            message='The calculation failed with a known unrecoverable error.')
            message='The initialization calculation failed.')
            message='Then ionic minimization cycle converged but the thresholds are exceeded in the final SCF.')

    def setup(self):
        """Call the `setup` of the `BaseRestartWorkChain` and then create the inputs dictionary in `self.ctx.inputs`.

        This `self.ctx.inputs` dictionary will be used by the `BaseRestartWorkChain` to submit the calculations in the
        internal loop.
        self.ctx.restart_calc = None
        self.ctx.inputs = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(PwCalculation, 'pw'))

    def validate_parameters(self):
        """Validate inputs that might depend on each other and cannot be validated by the spec.

        Also define dictionary `inputs` in the context, that will contain the inputs for the calculation that will be
        launched in the `run_calculation` step.
        self.ctx.inputs.parameters = self.ctx.inputs.parameters.get_dict()
        self.ctx.inputs.settings = self.ctx.inputs.settings.get_dict() if 'settings' in self.ctx.inputs else {}

        if 'parent_folder' in self.ctx.inputs:
            self.ctx.restart_calc = self.ctx.inputs.parent_folder.creator

        self.ctx.inputs.parameters.setdefault('CONTROL', {})
        self.ctx.inputs.parameters['CONTROL'].setdefault('calculation', 'scf')

    def validate_kpoints(self):
        """Validate the inputs related to k-points.

        Either an explicit `KpointsData` with given mesh/path, or a desired k-points distance should be specified. In
        the case of the latter, the `KpointsData` will be constructed for the input `StructureData` using the
        `create_kpoints_from_distance` calculation function.
        if all([key not in self.inputs for key in ['kpoints', 'kpoints_distance']]):
            return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_KPOINTS

            kpoints = self.inputs.kpoints
        except AttributeError:
            inputs = {
                'structure': self.inputs.pw.structure,
                'distance': self.inputs.kpoints_distance,
                'force_parity': self.inputs.get('kpoints_force_parity', orm.Bool(False)),
                'metadata': {'call_link_label': 'create_kpoints_from_distance'}
            kpoints = create_kpoints_from_distance(**inputs)  # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg

        self.ctx.inputs.kpoints = kpoints

    def validate_pseudos(self):
        """Validate the inputs related to pseudopotentials.

        Either the pseudo potentials should be defined explicitly in the `pseudos` namespace, or alternatively, a family
        can be defined in `pseudo_family` that will be used together with the input `StructureData` to generate the
        required mapping.
        structure = self.ctx.inputs.structure
        pseudos = self.ctx.inputs.get('pseudos', None)
        pseudo_family = self.inputs.get('pseudo_family', None)

            self.ctx.inputs.pseudos = validate_and_prepare_pseudos_inputs(structure, pseudos, pseudo_family)
        except ValueError as exception:
            return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_PSEUDO_POTENTIALS

    def validate_resources(self):
        """Validate the inputs related to the resources.

        One can omit the normally required `options.resources` input for the `PwCalculation`, as long as the input
        `automatic_parallelization` is specified. If this is not the case, the `metadata.options` should at least
        contain the options `resources` and `max_wallclock_seconds`, where `resources` should define the `num_machines`.
        if 'automatic_parallelization' not in self.inputs and 'options' not in self.ctx.inputs.metadata:
            return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_RESOURCES

        # If automatic parallelization is not enabled, we better make sure that the options satisfy minimum requirements
        if 'automatic_parallelization' not in self.inputs:
            num_machines = self.ctx.inputs.metadata.options.get('resources', {}).get('num_machines', None)
            max_wallclock_seconds = self.ctx.inputs.metadata.options.get('max_wallclock_seconds', None)

            if num_machines is None or max_wallclock_seconds is None:
                return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INVALID_INPUT_RESOURCES_UNDERSPECIFIED


    def set_max_seconds(self, max_wallclock_seconds):
        """Set the `max_seconds` to a fraction of `max_wallclock_seconds` option to prevent out-of-walltime problems.

        :param max_wallclock_seconds: the maximum wallclock time that will be set in the scheduler settings.
        max_seconds_factor = self.defaults.delta_factor_max_seconds
        max_seconds = max_wallclock_seconds * max_seconds_factor
        self.ctx.inputs.parameters['CONTROL']['max_seconds'] = max_seconds

    def should_run_init(self):
        """Return whether an initialization calculation should be run.

        :return: boolean, `True` if `automatic_parallelization` was specified in the inputs, `False` otherwise.
        return 'automatic_parallelization' in self.inputs

    def validate_init_inputs(self):
        """Validate the inputs that are required for the initialization calculation.

        The `automatic_parallelization` input expects a `Dict` node with the following keys:

            * max_wallclock_seconds
            * target_time_seconds
            * max_num_machines

        If any of these keys are not set or any superfluous keys are specified, the workchain will abort.
        parallelization = self.inputs.automatic_parallelization.get_dict()

        expected_keys = ['max_wallclock_seconds', 'target_time_seconds', 'max_num_machines']
        received_keys = [(key, parallelization.get(key, None)) for key in expected_keys]
        remaining_keys = [key for key in parallelization.keys() if key not in expected_keys]

        for key, value in [(key, value) for key, value in received_keys if value is None]:
            self.report('required key "{}" in automatic_parallelization input not found'.format(key))

        if remaining_keys:
            self.report('detected unrecognized keys in the automatic_parallelization input: {}'.format(
                ' '.join(remaining_keys)))

        # Add the calculation mode to the automatic parallelization dictionary
        self.ctx.automatic_parallelization = {
            'max_wallclock_seconds': parallelization['max_wallclock_seconds'],
            'target_time_seconds': parallelization['target_time_seconds'],
            'max_num_machines': parallelization['max_num_machines'],
            'calculation_mode': self.ctx.inputs.parameters['CONTROL']['calculation']

        options = self.ctx.inputs.metadata['options']
        options.setdefault('resources', {})['num_machines'] = parallelization['max_num_machines']
        options['max_wallclock_seconds'] = parallelization['max_wallclock_seconds']

    def run_init(self):
        """Run an initialization `PwCalculation` that will exit after the preamble.

        In the preamble, all the relevant dimensions of the problem are computed which allows us to make an estimate of
        the required resources and what parallelization flags need to be set.
        inputs = self.ctx.inputs

        # Set the initialization flag and the initial default options
        inputs.settings['ONLY_INITIALIZATION'] = True
        inputs.metadata['options'] = update_mapping(inputs.metadata['options'], get_default_options())

        # Prepare the final input dictionary
        inputs = prepare_process_inputs(PwCalculation, inputs)
        running = self.submit(PwCalculation, **inputs)

        self.report('launching initialization {}<{}>'.format(running.pk, self.ctx.process_name))

        return ToContext(calculation_init=running)

    def inspect_init(self):
        """Use the initialization `PwCalculation` to determine the required resource and parallelization settings."""
        calculation = self.ctx.calculation_init

        if not calculation.is_finished_ok:
            return self.exit_codes.ERROR_INITIALIZATION_CALCULATION_FAILED

        # Get automated parallelization settings
        parallelization = get_pw_parallelization_parameters(calculation, **self.ctx.automatic_parallelization)

        # Note: don't do this at home, we are losing provenance here. This should be done by a calculation function
        node = orm.Dict(dict=parallelization).store()
        self.out('automatic_parallelization', node)
        self.report('results of automatic parallelization in {}<{}>'.format(node.__class__.__name__, node.pk))

        options = self.ctx.inputs.metadata['options']
        base_resources = options.get('resources', {})
        goal_resources = parallelization['resources']

        scheduler = calculation.computer.get_scheduler()
        resources = create_scheduler_resources(scheduler, base_resources, goal_resources)

        cmdline = self.ctx.inputs.settings.get('cmdline', [])
        cmdline = cmdline_remove_npools(cmdline)
        cmdline.extend(['-nk', str(parallelization['npools'])])

        # Set the new cmdline setting and resource options
        self.ctx.inputs.settings['cmdline'] = cmdline
        self.ctx.inputs.metadata['options'] = update_mapping(options, {'resources': resources})

        # Remove the only initialization flag


    def prepare_process(self):
        """Prepare the inputs for the next calculation.

        If a `restart_calc` has been set in the context, its `remote_folder` will be used as the `parent_folder` input
        for the next calculation and the `restart_mode` is set to `restart`. Otherwise, no `parent_folder` is used and
        `restart_mode` is set to `from_scratch`.
        if self.ctx.restart_calc:
            self.ctx.inputs.parameters['CONTROL']['restart_mode'] = 'restart'
            self.ctx.inputs.parent_folder = self.ctx.restart_calc.outputs.remote_folder
            self.ctx.inputs.parameters['CONTROL']['restart_mode'] = 'from_scratch'
            self.ctx.inputs.pop('parent_folder', None)

    def report_error_handled(self, calculation, action):
        """Report an action taken for a calculation that has failed.

        This should be called in a registered error handler if its condition is met and an action was taken.

        :param calculation: the failed calculation node
        :param action: a string message with the action taken
        arguments = [calculation.process_label, calculation.pk, calculation.exit_status, calculation.exit_message]
        self.report('{}<{}> failed with exit status {}: {}'.format(*arguments))
        self.report('Action taken: {}'.format(action))

    def sanity_check_insufficient_bands(self, calculation):
        """Perform a sanity check on the band occupations of a  successfully converged calculation.

        Verify that the occupation of the last band is below a certain threshold, unless `occupations` was explicitly
        set to `fixed` in the input parameters. If this is violated, the calculation used too few bands and cannot be
        trusted. The number of bands is increased and the calculation is restarted, starting from the last.
        from aiida_quantumespresso.utils.bands import get_highest_occupied_band

        # Only skip the check on the highest band occupation if `occupations` was explicitly set to `fixed`.
        if calculation.inputs.parameters.get_attribute('SYSTEM', {}).get('occupations', None) == 'fixed':

            bands = calculation.outputs.output_band
        except AttributeError:
            args = [self.ctx.process_name, calculation.pk]
            self.report('{}<{}> does not have `output_band` output, skipping sanity check.'.format(*args))

        except ValueError as exception:
            args = [self.ctx.process_name, calculation.pk]
            self.report('{}<{}> run with smearing and highest band is occupied'.format(*args))
            self.report('BandsData<{}> has invalid occupations: {}'.format(bands.pk, exception))
            self.report('{}<{}> had insufficient bands'.format(calculation.process_label, calculation.pk))

            nbnd_cur = calculation.outputs.output_parameters.get_dict()['number_of_bands']
            nbnd_new = nbnd_cur + max(int(nbnd_cur * self.defaults.delta_factor_nbnd), self.defaults.delta_minimum_nbnd)

            self.ctx.inputs.parameters.setdefault('SYSTEM', {})['nbnd'] = nbnd_new

            self.report('Action taken: increased number of bands to {} and restarting from scratch'.format(nbnd_new))
            return ProcessHandlerReport(True)

    def handle_unrecoverable_failure(self, calculation):
        """Handle calculations with an exit status below 400 which are unrecoverable, so abort the work chain."""
        if calculation.is_failed and calculation.exit_status < 400:
            self.report_error_handled(calculation, 'unrecoverable error, aborting...')
            return ProcessHandlerReport(True, self.exit_codes.ERROR_UNRECOVERABLE_FAILURE)

    @process_handler(priority=590, exit_codes=[
    def handle_known_unrecoverable_failure(self, calculation):
        """Handle calculations with an exit status that correspond to a known failure mode that are unrecoverable.

        These failures may always be unrecoverable or at some point a handler may be devised.
        self.report_error_handled(calculation, 'known unrecoverable failure detected, aborting...')
        return ProcessHandlerReport(True, self.exit_codes.ERROR_KNOWN_UNRECOVERABLE_FAILURE)

    @process_handler(priority=580, exit_codes=[
    def handle_out_of_walltime(self, calculation):
        """Handle `ERROR_OUT_OF_WALLTIME` exit code: calculation shut down neatly and we can simply restart."""
            self.ctx.inputs.structure = calculation.outputs.output_structure
        except exceptions.NotExistent:
            self.ctx.restart_calc = calculation
            self.report_error_handled(calculation, 'simply restart from the last calculation')
            self.ctx.restart_calc = None
            self.report_error_handled(calculation, 'out of walltime: structure changed so restarting from scratch')

        return ProcessHandlerReport(True)

    @process_handler(priority=570, exit_codes=[
    def handle_vcrelax_converged_except_final_scf(self, calculation):

        Convergence reached in `vc-relax` except thresholds exceeded in final scf: consider as converged.
        self.ctx.is_finished = True
        self.ctx.restart_calc = calculation
        action = 'ionic convergence thresholds met except in final scf: consider structure relaxed.'
        self.report_error_handled(calculation, action)
        self.results()  # Call the results method to attach the output nodes
        return ProcessHandlerReport(True, self.exit_codes.ERROR_IONIC_CONVERGENCE_REACHED_EXCEPT_IN_FINAL_SCF)

    @process_handler(priority=560, exit_codes=[
    def handle_relax_recoverable_ionic_convergence_error(self, calculation):
        """Handle various exit codes for recoverable `relax` calculations with failed ionic convergence.

        These exit codes signify that the ionic convergence thresholds were not met, but the output structure is usable,
        so the solution is to simply restart from scratch but from the output structure.
        self.ctx.restart_calc = None
        self.ctx.inputs.structure = calculation.outputs.output_structure
        action = 'no ionic convergence but clean shutdown: restarting from scratch but using output structure.'
        self.report_error_handled(calculation, action)
        return ProcessHandlerReport(True)

    @process_handler(priority=550, exit_codes=[
    def handle_relax_recoverable_electronic_convergence_error(self, calculation):
        """Handle various exit codes for recoverable `relax` calculations with failed electronic convergence.

        These exit codes signify that the electronic convergence thresholds were not met, but the output structure is
        usable, so the solution is to simply restart from scratch but from the output structure.
        factor = self.defaults.delta_factor_mixing_beta
        mixing_beta = self.ctx.inputs.parameters.get('ELECTRONS', {}).get('mixing_beta', self.defaults.qe.mixing_beta)
        mixing_beta_new = mixing_beta * factor

        self.ctx.restart_calc = None
        self.ctx.inputs.parameters.setdefault('ELECTRONS', {})['mixing_beta'] = mixing_beta_new
        self.ctx.inputs.structure = calculation.outputs.output_structure
        action = 'no electronic convergence but clean shutdown: reduced beta mixing from {} to {} restarting from ' \
                 'scratch but using output structure.'.format(mixing_beta, mixing_beta_new)
        self.report_error_handled(calculation, action)
        return ProcessHandlerReport(True)

    @process_handler(priority=410, exit_codes=[
    def handle_electronic_convergence_not_achieved(self, calculation):
        """Handle `ERROR_ELECTRONIC_CONVERGENCE_NOT_REACHED`: decrease the mixing beta and restart from scratch."""
        factor = self.defaults.delta_factor_mixing_beta
        mixing_beta = self.ctx.inputs.parameters.get('ELECTRONS', {}).get('mixing_beta', self.defaults.qe.mixing_beta)
        mixing_beta_new = mixing_beta * factor

        self.ctx.restart_calc = calculation
        self.ctx.inputs.parameters.setdefault('ELECTRONS', {})['mixing_beta'] = mixing_beta_new

        action = 'reduced beta mixing from {} to {} and restarting from the last calculation'.format(
            mixing_beta, mixing_beta_new
        self.report_error_handled(calculation, action)
        return ProcessHandlerReport(True)
Exemplo n.º 6
    """Raised when a calculation job has failed for an unexpected or unrecognized reason."""

ErrorHandler = namedtuple('ErrorHandler', 'priority method')
"""A namedtuple to define an error handler for a :class:`~aiida.engine.processes.workchains.workchain.WorkChain`.
The priority determines in which order the error handling methods are executed, with
the higher priority being executed first. The method defines an unbound WorkChain method
that takes an instance of a :class:`~aiida.orm.CalcJobNode`
as its sole argument. If the condition of the error handler is met, it should return an :class:`.ErrorHandlerReport`.
:param priority: integer denoting the error handlers priority
:param method: the workchain class method

ErrorHandlerReport = namedtuple('ErrorHandlerReport',
                                'is_handled do_break exit_code')
ErrorHandlerReport.__new__.__defaults__ = (False, False, ExitCode())
A namedtuple to define an error handler report for a :class:`~aiida.engine.processes.workchains.workchain.WorkChain`.
This namedtuple should be returned by an error handling method of a workchain instance if
the condition of the error handling was met by the failure mode of the calculation.
If the error was appriopriately handled, the 'is_handled' field should be set to `True`,
and `False` otherwise. If no further error handling should be performed after this method
the 'do_break' field should be set to `True`
:param is_handled: boolean, set to `True` when an error was handled, default is `False`
:param do_break: boolean, set to `True` if no further error handling should be performed, default is `False`
:param exit_code: an instance of the :class:`~aiida.engine.processes.exit_code.ExitCode` tuple

def prepare_process_inputs(process, inputs):
    """Prepare the inputs for submission for the given process, according to its spec.