Exemplo n.º 1
# AIML files, or load a precompiled "brain" that was created from a
# previous run. If no brain file is available, we force a reload of
# the AIML files.
brainLoaded = False
forceReload = False
while not brainLoaded:
    if forceReload or (len(sys.argv) >= 2 and sys.argv[1] == "reload"):
        # Use the Kernel's bootstrap() method to initialize the Kernel. The
        # optional learnFiles argument is a file (or list of files) to load.
        # The optional commands argument is a command (or list of commands)
        # to run after the files are loaded.
        kern.bootstrap(learnFiles="std-startup.xml", commands="load aiml b")
        brainLoaded = True
        # Now that we've loaded the brain, save it to speed things up for
        # next time.
        # Attempt to load the brain file.  If it fails, fall back on the Reload
        # method.
            # The optional branFile argument specifies a brain file to load.
            brainLoaded = True
            forceReload = True

# Enter the main input/output loop.
print("\nINTERACTIVE MODE (ctrl-c to exit)")
while (True):
    inpt = input("> ")
Exemplo n.º 2
class ChatterBot(commands.Cog):

    # Init with the bot reference, and a reference to the settings var
    def __init__(self, bot, settings, prefix: str = '$'):
        self.bot = bot
        self.settings = settings
        self.prefix = prefix
        self.waitTime = 4  # Wait time in seconds
        self.botDir = 'standard'
        self.botBrain = 'standard.brn'
        self.botList = []
        self.ownerName = "CorpNewt"
        self.ownerGender = "man"
        self.timeout = 3
        self.chatBot = Kernel()
        global Utils, DisplayName
        Utils = self.bot.get_cog("Utils")
        DisplayName = self.bot.get_cog("DisplayName")

    def _load(self):
        # We're ready - let's load the bots
        if not os.path.exists(self.botBrain):
            # No brain, let's learn and create one
            files = os.listdir(self.botDir)
            for file in files:
                # Omit files starting with .
                if file.startswith("."):
                self.chatBot.learn(self.botDir + '/' + file)
            # Save brain
            # Already have a brain - load it
        # Learned by this point - let's set our owner's name/gender
        # Start the convo
        # Bot asks for our Name
        self.chatBot.respond('My name is {}'.format(self.ownerName))
        # Bot asks for our gender
        self.chatBot.respond('I am a {}'.format(self.ownerGender))

    def canChat(self, server):
        if not server: return True  # No settings to check here
        # Check if we can chat
        lastTime = int(self.settings.getServerStat(server, "LastChat", 0))
        threshold = int(self.waitTime)
        currentTime = int(time.time())

        if currentTime < (int(lastTime) + int(threshold)):
            return False

        # If we made it here - set the LastPicture method
        self.settings.setServerStat(server, "LastChat", int(time.time()))
        return True

    async def killcheck(self, message):
        ignore = False
        for cog in self.bot.cogs:
            real_cog = self.bot.get_cog(cog)
            if real_cog == self:
                # Don't check ourself
                check = await real_cog.test_message(message)
            except AttributeError:
                    check = await real_cog.message(message)
                except AttributeError:
            if not type(check) is dict:
                # Force it to be a dict
                check = {}
                if check['Ignore']:
                    ignore = True
            except KeyError:
        return ignore

    async def message(self, message):
        # Check the message and see if we should allow it - always yes.
        # This module doesn't need to cancel messages.
        msg = message.content
        chatChannel = self.settings.getServerStat(message.guild, "ChatChannel")
        the_prefix = await self.bot.command_prefix(self.bot, message)
        if chatChannel and not message.author.id == self.bot.user.id and not msg.startswith(
            # We have a channel
            # Now we check if we're hungry/dead and respond accordingly
            if await self.killcheck(message):
                return {"Ignore": True, "Delete": False}
            if str(message.channel.id) == str(chatChannel):
                # We're in that channel!
                #ignore = True
                # Strip prefix
                msg = message.content
                ctx = await self.bot.get_context(message)
                await self._chat(ctx, msg)
        return {'Ignore': False, 'Delete': False}

    async def setchatchannel(self,
                             channel: discord.TextChannel = None):
        """Sets the channel for bot chatter."""
        if not await Utils.is_admin_reply(ctx): return

        if channel == None:
            self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.guild, "ChatChannel", "")
            msg = 'Chat channel removed - must use the `{}chat [message]` command to chat.'.format(
            await ctx.send(msg)

        # If we made it this far - then we can add it
        self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.guild, "ChatChannel", channel.id)
        msg = 'Chat channel set to **{}**.'.format(channel.name)
        await ctx.send(msg)

    async def setchatchannel_error(self, error, ctx):
        # do stuff
        msg = 'setchatchannel Error: {}'.format(error)
        await ctx.send(msg)

    async def chat(self, ctx, *, message=None):
        """Chats with the bot."""
        await self._chat(ctx, message)

    async def _chat(self, ctx, message):
        # Check if we're suppressing @here and @everyone mentions
        message = DisplayName.clean_message(message,
        if message == None:
        if not self.canChat(ctx.guild):
        await ctx.trigger_typing()

        msg = self.chatBot.respond(message)
        msg = msg if msg else "I don't know what to say..."
        await ctx.send(msg)
Exemplo n.º 3
def create_brain():
    kernel = Kernel()
    kernel.bootstrap(learnFiles="startup.xml", commands="load aiml b")
Exemplo n.º 4
from aiml import Kernel
import os
import ast

kernel = Kernel()

# read bot properties from files
bot_properties = ast.literal_eval(open('bot.properties', 'r', encoding="utf-8").read())
kernel._botPredicates = bot_properties

# read brain file if availble, else learn aiml file
#brain_file = "bot_brain_alice.brn"
brain_file = "bot_brain_standard.brn"
if os.path.isfile(brain_file):
    kernel.bootstrap(learnFiles="std-startup.xml", commands="load aiml b")
def reply(text, sessionId = 2215):
    return kernel.respond(text, sessionId)
Exemplo n.º 5
a log file is highly recommended.

# import aiml
from aiml import Kernel # Use PyAiml dev

# Create the kernels
kern1 = Kernel()
kern2 = Kernel()

# Initialize the kernels
print("Initializing Kernel #1")
kern1.bootstrap(learnFiles="std-startup.xml", commands="load aiml b")
print("\nInitializing Kernel #2")

# Start the bots off with some basic input.
response = "askquestion"

# Off they go!
while True:
    response = kern1.respond(response).strip()
    print("1:", response)
    response = kern2.respond(response).strip()
    print("2:", response)
    # If the robots have run out of things to say, force one of them
    # to break the ice.
    if response == "":
Exemplo n.º 6
class ChatterBot(commands.Cog):

    # Init with the bot reference, and a reference to the settings var
    def __init__(self, bot, settings, prefix: str = '$'):
        self.bot = bot
        self.settings = settings
        self.prefix = prefix
        self.waitTime = 4  # Wait time in seconds
        self.botDir = 'standard'
        self.botBrain = 'standard.brn'
        self.botList = []
        self.ownerName = "NvStar"
        self.ownerGender = "man"
        self.timeout = 3
        self.chatBot = Kernel()
        global Utils, DisplayName
        Utils = self.bot.get_cog("Utils")
        DisplayName = self.bot.get_cog("DisplayName")

    def _load(self):
        # We're ready - let's load the bots
        if not os.path.exists(self.botBrain):
            # No brain, let's learn and create one
            files = os.listdir(self.botDir)
            for file in files:
                # Omit files starting with .
                if file.startswith("."):
                self.chatBot.learn(self.botDir + '/' + file)
            # Save brain
            # Already have a brain - load it
        # Learned by this point - let's set our owner's name/gender
        # Start the convo
        # Bot asks for our Name
        self.chatBot.respond('My name is {}'.format(self.ownerName))
        # Bot asks for our gender
        self.chatBot.respond('I am a {}'.format(self.ownerGender))

    def canChat(self, server):
        if not server: return True  # No settings to check here
        # Check if we can chat
        lastTime = int(self.settings.getServerStat(server, "LastChat", 0))
        threshold = int(self.waitTime)
        currentTime = int(time.time())

        if currentTime < (int(lastTime) + int(threshold)):
            return False

        # If we made it here - set the LastPicture method
        self.settings.setServerStat(server, "LastChat", int(time.time()))
        return True

    async def killcheck(self, message):
        ignore = False
        for cog in self.bot.cogs:
            real_cog = self.bot.get_cog(cog)
            if real_cog == self:
                # Don't check ourself
                check = await real_cog.test_message(message)
            except AttributeError:
                    check = await real_cog.message(message)
                except AttributeError:
            if not type(check) is dict:
                # Force it to be a dict
                check = {}
                if check['Ignore']:
                    ignore = True
            except KeyError:
        return ignore

    async def message(self, message):
        # Check the message and see if we should allow it - always yes.
        # This module doesn't need to cancel messages.
        msg = message.content
        chatChannel = self.settings.getServerStat(message.guild, "ChatChannel")
        the_prefix = await self.bot.command_prefix(self.bot, message)
        if chatChannel and not message.author.id == self.bot.user.id and not msg.startswith(
            # We have a channel
            # Now we check if we're hungry/dead and respond accordingly
            if await self.killcheck(message):
                return {"Ignore": True, "Delete": False}
            if str(message.channel.id) == str(chatChannel):
                # We're in that channel!
                #ignore = True
                # Strip prefix
                msg = message.content
                ctx = await self.bot.get_context(message)
                await self._chat(ctx, msg)
        return {'Ignore': False, 'Delete': False}

    async def setchatchannel(self,
                             channel: discord.TextChannel = None):
        """Set channel untuk chatting dengan bot (admin-only).
        Bot hanya merespon dengan bahasa inggris

        Fitur ini belum sempurna karena masih berbahasa inggris.
        Tapi masih bisa di coba.

        Chat bot ini di adopsi dari A.L.I.C.E
        Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity"""
        if not await Utils.is_admin_reply(ctx): return

        # isOwner = self.settings.isOwner(ctx.author)

        # if isOwner == None:
        #     msg = 'Aku belum ada owner.'
        #     return await ctx.send(msg)
        # elif isOwner == False:
        #     msgText = ["Siapa yaa?\nKamu bukan owner ku",
        #                "Kamu bukan owner ku",
        #                "Hus hus, jangan main main sama command ini",
        #                "Command ini bahaya loh dek, jangan main main!",
        #                "ikjdfahguiyaewgkljasdcbngiuefabhg\nkamu bukan owner ku!!!"]
        #     msg = random.choice(msgText)

        if channel == None:
            self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.guild, "ChatChannel", "")
            msg = 'Chat channel removed - must use the `{}chat [message]` command to chat.'.format(
            await ctx.send(msg)

        # If we made it this far - then we can add it
        self.settings.setServerStat(ctx.guild, "ChatChannel", channel.id)
        msg = 'Chat channel set to **{}**.'.format(channel.name)
        await ctx.send(msg)

    async def setchatchannel_error(self, error, ctx):
        # do stuff
        msg = 'setchatchannel Error: {}'.format(error)
        await ctx.send(msg)

    async def chat(self, ctx, *, message=None):
        """Chat dengat bot.
        Bot hanya merespon dengan bahasa inggris

        Fitur ini belum sempurna karena masih berbahasa inggris.
        Tapi masih bisa di coba.

        Chat bot ini di adopsi dari A.L.I.C.E
        Artificial Linguistic Internet Computer Entity"""
        await self._chat(ctx, message)

    async def _chat(self, ctx, message):
        # Check if we're suppressing @here and @everyone mentions
        message = DisplayName.clean_message(message,
        if message == None:
        if not self.canChat(ctx.guild):
        await ctx.trigger_typing()

        msg = self.chatBot.respond(message)
        msg = msg if msg else "I don't know what to say..."
        if len(msg) > 2000: msg = msg[:1997] + "..."  # Fix for > 2000 chars
        await ctx.send(msg)