async def timer(ctx): global timer1 global timer2 await ctx.send("time starts now") async def warning(): await ctx.send("5 seconds remaining") async def time(): await ctx.send("time") timer1 = Timer(17, warning) timer2 = Timer(22, time)
async def timer_task(): try: await update_status() except: pass global timer timer = Timer(10, timer_task)
async def timer_task_sec(): try: await ping_secondary() except: pass global timer_sec timer_sec = Timer(20, timer_task_sec)
async def end_timer_callback(self, channel): """ Regulary checks whether everyone in the vc should be muted :param channel: The voice channel the author is in """ self.end_timer = Timer(END_TIMEOUT * MINUTES, self.unmute, callback_args=(channel, ))
async def on_ready(): channel = await bot.fetch_channel(STATUS_CHANNEL_ID) global message message = await channel.fetch_message(STATUS_MESSAGE_ID) global timer, timer_sec global sec1_online, sec1_motd global sec2_online, sec2_motd if SEC1_IP: sec1_motd = SEC_PINGING_TEXT if SEC2_IP: sec2_motd = SEC_PINGING_TEXT try: await update_status() await ping_secondary() except: pass timer = Timer(10, timer_task) timer_sec = Timer(20, timer_task_sec)
async def game(ctx): ''' Start a game of mahjong ''' if str( == "private": await ctx.send("This command does not work in DMs") else: global pending_games msg = await ctx.send("React to this message with ✅ to join the game. You cannot join a game while participating in another one.") pending_games[] = [] await msg.add_reaction('✅') timer = Timer(1800, remove_react, callback_args = (msg,))
async def start_new_level(self, ctx, team, embeds): """ Send the codes for the next level. Used on a timer So the next level is sent out after a predetermined Break time after the previous level was completed. Then, starts the timer for the level to end """ for embed in embeds: await ctx.send(embed=embed) timer = Timer(constants.TIME_LIMIT, self.send_times_up_message, callback_args=(ctx, team, self.current_level[team]), callback_async=True) return
async def start_new_level(self, ctx, channel, embeds): """Send the codes for the next level. Used on a timer So the next level is sent out after a predetermined Break time after the previous level was completed. Then, starts the timer for the level to end """ for embed in embeds: await ctx.send(embed=embed) timer = Timer( cipher_race_utils.compute_level_time( self.current_races[channel][cipher_race_constants.LEVEL]), self.send_times_up_message, callback_args=( ctx, channel, self.current_races[channel][cipher_race_constants.LEVEL]), callback_async=True) return
async def startrace(self, ctx, sheet: str = cipher_race_constants.HP): """ Start your race! You will have 60 seconds per level to solve the codes Usage: ~startrace <optional sheet> where sheet is {hp, challenge, common} """ logging_utils.log_command("startrace",, channel = if channel in self.current_races: print("startrace called from a channel that's already racing!!") embed = discord_utils.create_embed() embed.add_field( name="Already Racing!", value= f"Stop trying to start a new race while you have one going!", inline=False) await ctx.send(embed=embed) return # Create entry in current_races self.current_races[channel] = dict() self.current_races[channel][cipher_race_constants.LEVEL] = 1 # ~startrace challenge gives you 1000 random english word sheet # ~startrace hp gives you the harry potter sheet # ~startrace common gives you 1000 very common english words if sheet not in self.sheet_map: sheet = cipher_race_constants.HP self.current_races[channel][ cipher_race_constants.CODE] = self.sheet_map[sheet] embeds, self.current_races[channel][ cipher_race_constants. ANSWERS] = cipher_race_utils.create_code_embed( self.current_races[channel][cipher_race_constants.LEVEL], self.current_races[channel][cipher_race_constants.CODE], ctx.prefix) await ctx.send(embed=cipher_race_utils.get_opening_statement(sheet)) # In a short time, send the codes time = Timer(cipher_race_constants.BREAK_TIME, self.start_new_level, callback_args=(ctx, channel, embeds), callback_async=True)
async def startpuzzle(self, ctx): """ Start your race! You will have 60 seconds per level to solve the codes Usage: ~startrace """ team = self.get_team( if team < 0: print("startrace called from an invalid channel!") embed = utils.create_embed() embed.add_field( name="Can't do that!", value="Cannot solve that puzzle from this channel.") await ctx.send(embed=embed) return # Housekeeping print(f"Received startrace from team {self.team_names[team]}") if self.currently_puzzling[team]: return else: self.reset_code(team) self.currently_puzzling[team] = True # Creates the embeds containing the codes for that level as well as updates the IDs we're using and the acceptable answers for the level embeds, self.used_code_ids[team], self.current_answers[ team] = utils.create_code_embed(1,, self.used_code_ids) self.current_answers[team] = [ answer.replace(' ', '') for answer in self.current_answers[team] ] await ctx.send(embed=utils.get_opening_statement(self.team_names[team]) ) # In a short time, send the codes time = Timer(constants.BREAK_TIME, self.start_new_level, callback_args=(ctx, team, embeds), callback_async=True)
async def answer(self, ctx, *args): """ Check your answer Usage: ~answer <your answer> """ channel = logging_utils.log_command("answer",, # if the team isn't puzzling then we need to instruct them to use startpuzzle command first. if channel not in self.current_races: embed = discord_utils.create_embed() embed.add_field( name="No race!", value= "This channel doesn't have a race going on. You can't answer anything!", inline=False) embed.add_field( name="Start Race", value=f"To start a race, use {ctx.prefix}startrace", inline=False) await ctx.send(embed=embed) return print( f"All current answers: {self.current_races[channel][cipher_race_constants.ANSWERS]}" ) # Remove the command and whitespace from the answer. user_answer = ''.join(args) result = cipher_race_utils.get_answer_result( user_answer, self.current_races[channel][cipher_race_constants.ANSWERS]) if result == cipher_race_constants.CORRECT: await ctx.message.add_reaction( EMOJIS[cipher_race_constants.CORRECT_EMOJI]) else: await ctx.message.add_reaction( EMOJIS[cipher_race_constants.INCORRECT_EMOJI]) # We pop off the correct answers as they are given, so at some point current_answers will be an empty list. # If there are more answers left, don't do any of that level complete nonsense. if len(self.current_races[channel][ cipher_race_constants.ANSWERS]) >= 1: return # If there are no answers left for the round, then the team has completed the level # Create the next level prep embed embed = cipher_race_utils.create_level_prep_embed( self.current_races[channel][cipher_race_constants.LEVEL]) # Proceed to next level. Perform computation ahead of time. self.current_races[channel][cipher_race_constants.LEVEL] += 1 # Creates all cipher_race embeds, updates used cipher_race IDS, and refreshes current answers for the next level. if cipher_race_constants.CODE in self.current_races[channel]: embeds, self.current_races[channel][ cipher_race_constants. ANSWERS] = cipher_race_utils.create_code_embed( self.current_races[channel][cipher_race_constants.LEVEL], self.current_races[channel][cipher_race_constants.CODE], ctx.prefix) else: embeds, self.current_races[channel][ cipher_race_constants. ANSWERS] = cipher_race_utils.create_code_embed( self.current_races[channel][cipher_race_constants.LEVEL],, ctx.prefix) await ctx.send(embed=embed) Timer(cipher_race_constants.BREAK_TIME, self.start_new_level, callback_args=(ctx, channel, embeds), callback_async=True)
async def answer(self, ctx): """ Check your answer Usage: ~answer <your answer> """ team = self.get_team( if team < 0: print("answer called from an invalid channel!") embed = utils.create_embed() embed.add_field( name="Can't do that!", value="Cannot solve that puzzle from this channel.") await ctx.send(embed=embed) return # log command in console print(f"Received answer from {self.team_names[team]}") print(f"All current answers: {self.current_answers}") # if the team isn't puzzling then we need to instruct them to use startpuzzle command first. if not self.currently_puzzling[team]: embed = utils.create_no_code_embed() await ctx.send(embed=embed) return # Remove the command and whitespace from the answer. user_answer = ctx.message.content.replace( f'{constants.BOT_PREFIX}answer', '').replace(' ', '') result = utils.get_answer_result(team, user_answer, self.current_answers[team]) if result == constants.CORRECT: await ctx.message.add_reaction(EMOJIS[constants.CORRECT_EMOJI]) else: await ctx.message.add_reaction(EMOJIS[constants.INCORRECT_EMOJI]) # We pop off the correct answers as they are given, so at some point current_answers will be an empty list. # If there are more answers left, don't do any of that level complete nonsense. if len(self.current_answers[team]) >= 1: return # If there are no answers left for the round, then either the team has completed the level, or the team has completed the entire puzzle. if self.current_level[team] >= 5: # Congratulate Team for solving the puzzle embed = utils.create_solved_embed(self.team_names[team], self.answer) self.currently_puzzling[team] = False print(f"{self.team_names[team]} has solved the puzzle!") await ctx.send(embed=embed) return else: # Create the next level prep embed embed = utils.create_level_prep_embed(self.current_level[team], self.team_names[team]) # Proceed to next level. Perform computation ahead of time. self.current_level[team] += 1 # Creates all code embeds, updates used code IDS, and refreshes current answers for the next level. embeds, self.used_code_ids[team], self.current_answers[ team] = utils.create_code_embed(self.current_level[team],, self.used_code_ids[team]) await ctx.send(embed=embed) time = Timer(constants.BREAK_TIME, self.start_new_level, callback_args=(ctx, team, embeds), callback_async=True)