Exemplo n.º 1
 def write_http(request, expected):
     body = TLV.encode_list(request)
     logging.debug("write message: %s",
     connection.putrequest("POST", "/pair-setup", skip_accept_encoding=True)
     connection.putheader("Content-Type", "application/pairing+tlv8")
     connection.putheader("Content-Length", len(body))
     resp = connection.getresponse()
     response_tlv = TLV.decode_bytes(resp.read(), expected)
     logging.debug("response: %s", TLV.to_string(response_tlv))
     return response_tlv
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_filter(self):
        example = bytes(bytearray.fromhex("060103" + "010203"))
        expected = [
            [6, bytearray(b"\x03")],

        data = TLV.decode_bytes(example, expected=[6])
        self.assertListEqual(data, expected)
Exemplo n.º 3
 async def post_tlv(self, target, body, expected=None):
         response = await self.post(
     except HttpErrorResponse as e:
         response = e.response
     body = TLV.decode_bytes(response.body, expected=expected)
     return body
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_long_values_decode_bytes_to_list(self):
        example = bytes(
            bytearray.fromhex("060103" +
                              ("09FF" + 255 * "61" + "092D" + 45 * "61") +
        expected = [
            [6, bytearray(b"\x03")],
            [9, bytearray(300 * b"a")],
            [1, bytearray(b"hello")],

        data = TLV.decode_bytes(example)
        self.assertListEqual(data, expected)
Exemplo n.º 5
def validate_mfi(session_key, response_tlv):
    # If pairing method is PairSetupWithAuth there should be an EncryptedData TLV in M4
    # It should have a signature and a certificate from an Apple secure co-processor.
    decrypted = ChaCha20Poly1305Decryptor(session_key).decrypt(
        bytes([0, 0, 0, 0]),

    if not decrypted:
            "Device returned kTLVType_EncryptedData during M4 but could not decrypt"

    sub_tlv = TLV.decode_bytes(decrypted)

    if TLV.kTLVType_Signature not in sub_tlv:
            "QUIRK: M4: Device returned kTLVType_EncryptedData, but did not contain kTLVType_Signature"

    if TLV.kTLVType_Certificate not in sub_tlv:
            "QUIRK: M4: Device returned kTLVType_Signature but not kTLVType_Certificate"

    # Certificate appears to be X509 in DER format but with some sort of PKCS7 pre-amble.
    # cryptography doesn't seem to support that yet.

        "Found seemingly valid MFI kTLVType_Signature; we don't validate this yet"
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_session_keys(
    pairing_data: Dict[str, Union[str, int, List[Any]]]
) -> Generator[Union[Tuple[List[Union[Tuple[int, bytearray], Tuple[
        int, bytes]]], List[int]], Tuple[List[Tuple[
            int, bytearray]], List[int]], ], None, Tuple[bytes, bytes], ]:
    HomeKit Controller state machine to perform a pair verify operation as described in chapter 4.8 page 47 ff.
    :param pairing_data: the paring data as returned by perform_pair_setup
    :return: tuple of the session keys (controller_to_accessory_key and  accessory_to_controller_key)
    :raises InvalidAuthTagError: if the auth tag could not be verified,
    :raises IncorrectPairingIdError: if the accessory's LTPK could not be found
    :raises InvalidSignatureError: if the accessory's signature could not be verified
    :raises AuthenticationError: if the secured session could not be established

    # Step #1 ios --> accessory (send verify start Request) (page 47)
    ios_key = x25519.X25519PrivateKey.generate()
    ios_key_pub = ios_key.public_key().public_bytes(

    request_tlv = [(TLV.kTLVType_State, TLV.M1),
                   (TLV.kTLVType_PublicKey, ios_key_pub)]

    step2_expectations = [
    response_tlv = yield (request_tlv, step2_expectations)

    # Step #3 ios --> accessory (send SRP verify request)  (page 49)
    response_tlv = TLV.reorder(response_tlv, step2_expectations)
    assert (response_tlv[0][0] == TLV.kTLVType_State
            and response_tlv[0][1] == TLV.M2), "get_session_keys: not M2"
    assert (response_tlv[1][0] == TLV.kTLVType_PublicKey
            ), "get_session_keys: no public key"
    assert (response_tlv[2][0] == TLV.kTLVType_EncryptedData
            ), "get_session_keys: no encrypted data"

    # 1) generate shared secret
    accessorys_session_pub_key_bytes = bytes(response_tlv[1][1])
    accessorys_session_pub_key = x25519.X25519PublicKey.from_public_bytes(
    shared_secret = ios_key.exchange(accessorys_session_pub_key)

    # 2) derive session key
    session_key = hkdf_derive(shared_secret, "Pair-Verify-Encrypt-Salt",

    # 3) verify auth tag on encrypted data and 4) decrypt
    encrypted = response_tlv[2][1]
    decrypted = chacha20_aead_decrypt(bytes(),
                                      session_key, "PV-Msg02".encode(),
                                      bytes([0, 0, 0, 0]), encrypted)
    if type(decrypted) == bool and not decrypted:
        raise InvalidAuthTagError("step 3")
    d1 = TLV.decode_bytes(decrypted)
    d1 = TLV.reorder(d1, [TLV.kTLVType_Identifier, TLV.kTLVType_Signature])
    assert d1[0][
        0] == TLV.kTLVType_Identifier, "get_session_keys: no identifier"
    assert d1[1][0] == TLV.kTLVType_Signature, "get_session_keys: no signature"

    # 5) look up pairing by accessory name
    accessory_name = d1[0][1].decode()

    if pairing_data["AccessoryPairingID"] != accessory_name:
        raise IncorrectPairingIdError("step 3")

    accessory_ltpk = ed25519.Ed25519PublicKey.from_public_bytes(

    # 6) verify accessory's signature
    accessory_sig = d1[1][1]
    accessory_session_pub_key_bytes = response_tlv[1][1]
    accessory_info = (accessory_session_pub_key_bytes +
                      accessory_name.encode() + ios_key_pub)
        accessory_ltpk.verify(bytes(accessory_sig), bytes(accessory_info))
    except cryptography_exceptions.InvalidSignature:
        raise InvalidSignatureError("step 3")

    # 7) create iOSDeviceInfo
    ios_device_info = (ios_key_pub + pairing_data["iOSPairingId"].encode() +

    # 8) sign iOSDeviceInfo with long term secret key
    ios_device_ltsk_h = pairing_data["iOSDeviceLTSK"]
    # ios_device_ltpk_h = pairing_data["iOSDeviceLTPK"]

    ios_device_ltsk = ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey.from_private_bytes(
    # ios_device_ltsk = ed25519.SigningKey(
    #    bytes.fromhex(ios_device_ltsk_h) + bytes.fromhex(ios_device_ltpk_h)
    # )
    ios_device_signature = ios_device_ltsk.sign(ios_device_info)

    # 9) construct sub tlv
    sub_tlv = TLV.encode_list([
        (TLV.kTLVType_Identifier, pairing_data["iOSPairingId"].encode()),
        (TLV.kTLVType_Signature, ios_device_signature),

    # 10) encrypt and sign
    encrypted_data_with_auth_tag = chacha20_aead_encrypt(
        bytes(), session_key, "PV-Msg03".encode(), bytes([0, 0, 0, 0]),

    # 11) create tlv
    request_tlv = [
        (TLV.kTLVType_State, TLV.M3),
        (TLV.kTLVType_EncryptedData, encrypted_data_with_auth_tag),

    step3_expectations = [TLV.kTLVType_State, TLV.kTLVType_Error]
    response_tlv = yield (request_tlv, step3_expectations)

    #   Post Step #4 verification (page 51)
    response_tlv = TLV.reorder(response_tlv, step3_expectations)
    assert (response_tlv[0][0] == TLV.kTLVType_State
            and response_tlv[0][1] == TLV.M4), "get_session_keys: not M4"
    if len(response_tlv) == 2 and response_tlv[1][0] == TLV.kTLVType_Error:
        error_handler(response_tlv[1][1], "verification")

    # calculate session keys

    controller_to_accessory_key = hkdf_derive(shared_secret, "Control-Salt",

    accessory_to_controller_key = hkdf_derive(shared_secret, "Control-Salt",

    return controller_to_accessory_key, accessory_to_controller_key
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_session_keys(
    pairing_data: dict[str, str | int | list[Any]]
) -> Generator[
        tuple[list[tuple[int, bytearray] | tuple[int, bytes]], list[int]]
        | tuple[list[tuple[int, bytearray]], list[int]]
    Callable[[str, str], bytes],
    HomeKit Controller state machine to perform a pair verify operation as described in chapter 4.8 page 47 ff.
    :param pairing_data: the paring data as returned by perform_pair_setup
    :return: tuple of the session keys (controller_to_accessory_key and  accessory_to_controller_key)
    :raises InvalidAuthTagError: if the auth tag could not be verified,
    :raises IncorrectPairingIdError: if the accessory's LTPK could not be found
    :raises InvalidSignatureError: if the accessory's signature could not be verified
    :raises AuthenticationError: if the secured session could not be established

    # Step #1 ios --> accessory (send verify start Request) (page 47)
    ios_key = x25519.X25519PrivateKey.generate()
    ios_key_pub = ios_key.public_key().public_bytes(
        encoding=serialization.Encoding.Raw, format=serialization.PublicFormat.Raw

    request_tlv = [(TLV.kTLVType_State, TLV.M1), (TLV.kTLVType_PublicKey, ios_key_pub)]

    step2_expectations = [
    response_tlv = yield (request_tlv, step2_expectations)

    # Step #3 ios --> accessory (send SRP verify request)  (page 49)
    response_tlv = dict(response_tlv)
    handle_state_step(response_tlv, TLV.M2)

    if TLV.kTLVType_PublicKey not in response_tlv:
        raise InvalidError("M2: Missing public key")

    if TLV.kTLVType_EncryptedData not in response_tlv:
        raise InvalidError("M2: Missing encrypted data")

    # 1) generate shared secret
    accessorys_session_pub_key_bytes = bytes(response_tlv[TLV.kTLVType_PublicKey])
    accessorys_session_pub_key = x25519.X25519PublicKey.from_public_bytes(
    shared_secret = ios_key.exchange(accessorys_session_pub_key)

    # 2) derive session key
    session_key = hkdf_derive(
        shared_secret, "Pair-Verify-Encrypt-Salt", "Pair-Verify-Encrypt-Info"

    # 3) verify auth tag on encrypted data and 4) decrypt
    encrypted = response_tlv[TLV.kTLVType_EncryptedData]
    decrypted = ChaCha20Poly1305Decryptor(session_key).decrypt(
        bytes(), b"PV-Msg02", bytes([0, 0, 0, 0]), encrypted
    if type(decrypted) == bool and not decrypted:
        raise InvalidAuthTagError("step 3")
    d1 = dict(TLV.decode_bytes(decrypted))

    if TLV.kTLVType_Identifier not in d1:
        raise InvalidError("M2: Encrypted data did not contain identifier")

    if TLV.kTLVType_Signature not in d1:
        raise InvalidError("M2: Encrypted data did not contain signature")

    # 5) look up pairing by accessory name
    accessory_name = d1[TLV.kTLVType_Identifier].decode()

    if pairing_data["AccessoryPairingID"] != accessory_name:
        raise IncorrectPairingIdError("step 3")

    accessory_ltpk = ed25519.Ed25519PublicKey.from_public_bytes(

    # 6) verify accessory's signature
    accessory_sig = d1[TLV.kTLVType_Signature]
    accessory_session_pub_key_bytes = response_tlv[TLV.kTLVType_PublicKey]
    accessory_info = (
        accessory_session_pub_key_bytes + accessory_name.encode() + ios_key_pub
        accessory_ltpk.verify(bytes(accessory_sig), bytes(accessory_info))
    except cryptography_exceptions.InvalidSignature:
        raise InvalidSignatureError("step 3")

    # 7) create iOSDeviceInfo
    ios_device_info = (
        + pairing_data["iOSPairingId"].encode()
        + accessorys_session_pub_key_bytes

    # 8) sign iOSDeviceInfo with long term secret key
    ios_device_ltsk_h = pairing_data["iOSDeviceLTSK"]
    # ios_device_ltpk_h = pairing_data["iOSDeviceLTPK"]

    ios_device_ltsk = ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey.from_private_bytes(
    # ios_device_ltsk = ed25519.SigningKey(
    #    bytes.fromhex(ios_device_ltsk_h) + bytes.fromhex(ios_device_ltpk_h)
    # )
    ios_device_signature = ios_device_ltsk.sign(ios_device_info)

    # 9) construct sub tlv
    sub_tlv = TLV.encode_list(
            (TLV.kTLVType_Identifier, pairing_data["iOSPairingId"].encode()),
            (TLV.kTLVType_Signature, ios_device_signature),

    # 10) encrypt and sign
    encrypted_data_with_auth_tag = ChaCha20Poly1305Encryptor(session_key).encrypt(
        bytes(), b"PV-Msg03", bytes([0, 0, 0, 0]), sub_tlv

    # 11) create tlv
    request_tlv = [
        (TLV.kTLVType_State, TLV.M3),
        (TLV.kTLVType_EncryptedData, encrypted_data_with_auth_tag),

    step3_expectations = [TLV.kTLVType_State, TLV.kTLVType_Error]
    response_tlv = yield (request_tlv, step3_expectations)

    #   Post Step #4 verification (page 51)
    response_tlv = dict(response_tlv)
    handle_state_step(response_tlv, TLV.M4)

    # return function to calculate session keys
    def derive(salt, info):
        return hkdf_derive(shared_secret, salt, info)

    return derive
Exemplo n.º 8
def check_convert_value(val: str, char: Characteristic) -> Any:
    Checks if the given value is of the given type or is convertible into the type. If the value is not convertible, a
    HomeKitTypeException is thrown.

    :param val: the original value
    :param char: the characteristic
    :return: the converted value
    :raises FormatError: if the input value could not be converted to the target type

    if char.format == CharacteristicFormats.bool:
            val = strtobool(str(val))
        except ValueError:
            raise FormatError('"{v}" is no valid "{t}"!'.format(v=val,

        # We have seen iPhone's sending 1 and 0 for True and False
        # This is in spec
        # It is also *required* for Ecobee Switch+ devices (as at Mar 2020)
        return 1 if val else 0

    if char.format in NUMBER_TYPES:
            val = Decimal(val)
        except ValueError:
            raise FormatError('"{v}" is no valid "{t}"!'.format(v=val,

        if char.minValue is not None:
            val = max(Decimal(char.minValue), val)

        if char.maxValue is not None:
            val = min(Decimal(char.maxValue), val)

        # Honeywell T6 Pro cannot handle arbritary precision, the values we send
        # *must* respect minStep
        # See https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/37083
        if char.minStep is not None:
            with localcontext() as ctx:
                ctx.prec = 6

                # Python3 uses bankers rounding by default, so 28.5 rounds to 28, not 29.
                # This is surprising for most people
                ctx.rounding = ROUND_HALF_UP

                val = Decimal(val)
                offset = Decimal(
                    char.minValue if char.minValue is not None else 0)
                min_step = Decimal(char.minStep)

                # We use to_integral_value() here rather than round as it respsects
                # ctx.rounding
                val = offset + ((
                    (val - offset) / min_step).to_integral_value() * min_step)

        if char.format in INTEGER_TYPES:
            val = int(val.to_integral_value())
            val = float(val)

    if char.format == CharacteristicFormats.data:
        except binascii.Error:
            raise FormatError('"{v}" is no valid "{t}"!'.format(v=val,

    if char.format == CharacteristicFormats.tlv8:
            tmp_bytes = base64.decodebytes(val.encode())
        except (binascii.Error, TlvParseException):
            raise FormatError('"{v}" is no valid "{t}"!'.format(v=val,

    return val