Exemplo n.º 1
    async def test_it_only_keeps_a_reference_to_the_loop_after_the_first_log_call(
        logger = Logger.with_default_handlers()
        self.assertIs(logger._loop, get_running_loop())

        await logger.info("Xablau")
        self.assertIs(logger._loop, get_running_loop())
Exemplo n.º 2
    async def do_rollover(self):
        do a rollover; in this case, a date/time stamp is appended to the filename
        when the rollover happens.  However, you want the file to be named for the
        start of the interval, not the current time.  If there is a backup count,
        then we have to get a list of matching filenames, sort them and remove
        the one with the oldest suffix.
        if self.stream:
            await self.stream.close()
            self.stream = None
        # get the time that this sequence started at and make it a TimeTuple
        current_time = int(time.time())
        dst_now = time.localtime(current_time)[-1]
        t = self.rollover_at - self.interval
        if self.utc:
            time_tuple = time.gmtime(t)
            time_tuple = time.localtime(t)
            dst_then = time_tuple[-1]
            if dst_now != dst_then:
                if dst_now:
                    addend = ONE_HOUR_IN_SECONDS
                    addend = -ONE_HOUR_IN_SECONDS
                time_tuple = time.localtime(t + addend)
        destination_file_path = self.rotation_filename(
            self.absolute_file_path + "." +
            time.strftime(self.suffix, time_tuple))
        loop = get_running_loop()
        if await loop.run_in_executor(
                None, lambda: os.path.exists(destination_file_path)):
            await loop.run_in_executor(
                None, lambda: os.unlink(destination_file_path))
        await self.rotate(self.absolute_file_path, destination_file_path)
        if self.backup_count > 0:
            files_to_delete = await self.get_files_to_delete()
            if files_to_delete:
                await self._delete_files(files_to_delete)

        await self._init_writer()
        new_rollover_at = self.compute_rollover(current_time)
        while new_rollover_at <= current_time:
            new_rollover_at = new_rollover_at + self.interval
        # If DST changes and midnight or weekly rollover, adjust for this.
        if (self.when == RolloverInterval.MIDNIGHT
                or self.when in RolloverInterval.WEEK_DAYS) and not self.utc:
            dst_at_rollover = time.localtime(new_rollover_at)[-1]
            if dst_now != dst_at_rollover:
                if not dst_now:
                    # DST kicks in before next rollover, so we need to deduct an hour
                    addend = -ONE_HOUR_IN_SECONDS
                    # DST bows out before next rollover, so we need to add an hour
                    addend = ONE_HOUR_IN_SECONDS
                new_rollover_at += addend
        self.rollover_at = new_rollover_at
Exemplo n.º 3
    async def _init_writer(self) -> StreamWriter:
        async with self._initialization_lock:
            if self.writer is not None:
                return self.writer

            loop = get_running_loop()
            transport, protocol = await loop.connect_write_pipe(
                self.protocol_class, self.stream)

            self.writer = StreamWriter(  # type: ignore # https://github.com/python/typeshed/pull/2719
            return self.writer
Exemplo n.º 4
 async def get_files_to_delete(self) -> List[str]:
     Determine the files to delete when rolling over.
     dir_name, base_name = os.path.split(self.absolute_file_path)
     loop = get_running_loop()
     file_names = await loop.run_in_executor(None,
                                             lambda: os.listdir(dir_name))
     result = []
     prefix = base_name + "."
     plen = len(prefix)
     for file_name in file_names:
         if file_name[:plen] == prefix:
             suffix = file_name[plen:]
             if self.ext_match.match(suffix):
                 result.append(os.path.join(dir_name, file_name))
     if len(result) < self.backup_count:
         return []
         result.sort(reverse=True)  # os.listdir order is not defined
         return result[:len(result) - self.backup_count]
Exemplo n.º 5
    async def rotate(self, source: str, dest: str):
        When rotating, rotate the current log.

        The default implementation calls the 'rotator' attribute of the
        handler, if it's callable, passing the source and dest arguments to
        it. If the attribute isn't callable (the default is None), the source
        is simply renamed to the destination.

        :param source: The source filename. This is normally the base
                       filename, e.g. 'test.log'
        :param dest:   The destination filename. This is normally
                       what the source is rotated to, e.g. 'test.log.1'.
        if self.rotator is None:
            # logging issue 18940: A file may not have been created if delay is True.
            loop = get_running_loop()
            if await loop.run_in_executor(None,
                                          lambda: os.path.exists(source)):
                await loop.run_in_executor(  # type: ignore
                    None, lambda: os.rename(source, dest))
            self.rotator(source, dest)
Exemplo n.º 6
 async def _delete_files(self, file_paths: List[str]):
     loop = get_running_loop()
     delete_tasks = (loop.run_in_executor(None,
                                          lambda: os.unlink(file_path))
                     for file_path in file_paths)
     await asyncio.gather(*delete_tasks)