Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(
        config = Configuration().Plugins.PrometheusMonitoring

        self._port = config.port
        self._addr = config.addr

        self._svr_started = False
        self._drones = {}

        self._svr = Service()

        self._gauges = {
            ResourceStatus.Booting: Gauge("booting", "Booting drones"),
            ResourceStatus.Running: Gauge("running", "Running drones"),
            ResourceStatus.Stopped: Gauge("stopped", "Stopped drones"),
            ResourceStatus.Deleted: Gauge("deleted", "Deleted drones"),
            ResourceStatus.Error: Gauge("error", "Drones in error state"),

        for gauge in self._gauges.values():
            gauge.set({}, 0)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot):
        self.bot = bot

        self.registry = Registry()
        self.service = Service(self.registry)

        self.events = Counter("events", "Discord API event counts.")

        self.latency = Histogram("latency", "Discord API latency.")

        self.gc_started: typing.Optional[float] = None
        self.gc_latency = Histogram(
            "gc_latency", "CPython garbage collector execution times."
        self.gc_stats = Counter("gc_stats", "CPython garbage collector stats.")

        self.process = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
        self.resources = Gauge("resources", "Process resource usage gauges.")

        self.update_gc_and_resource_stats.start()  # pylint: disable=no-member
        self.serve.start()  # pylint: disable=no-member
        self.update_latency.start()  # pylint: disable=no-member
Exemplo n.º 3
    def setUp(self):
        self.data = {
            'name': "hdd_disk_used",
            'doc': "Disk space used",
            'const_labels': {"server": "1.db.production.my-app"},

        self.g = Gauge(**self.data)
Exemplo n.º 4
    async def test_gauge(self):
        """ check gauge metric export """

        # Add some metrics
        data = (
                "data": 1
            }, 100),
                "data": "2"
            }, 200),
                "data": 3
            }, 300),
                "data": 1
            }, 400),
        g = Gauge("test_gauge", "Test Gauge.", {"test": "test_gauge"})

        for i in data:
            g.set(i[0], i[1])

        expected_data = """# HELP test_gauge Test Gauge.
# TYPE test_gauge gauge
test_gauge{data="1",test="test_gauge"} 400
test_gauge{data="2",test="test_gauge"} 200
test_gauge{data="3",test="test_gauge"} 300

        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:

            # Fetch as text
            async with session.get(self.metrics_url,
                                            text.TEXT_CONTENT_TYPE}) as resp:
                self.assertEqual(resp.status, 200)
                content = await resp.read()
                self.assertEqual(expected_data, content.decode())

            # Fetch as binary
            async with session.get(self.metrics_url,
                                       ACCEPT: binary.BINARY_CONTENT_TYPE
                                   }) as resp:
                self.assertEqual(resp.status, 200)
                content = await resp.read()
                metrics = pmp.decode(content)
                self.assertEqual(len(metrics), 1)
                mf = metrics[0]
                self.assertIsInstance(mf, pmp.MetricFamily)
                self.assertEqual(mf.type, pmp.GAUGE)
                self.assertEqual(len(mf.metric), 3)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def setUp(self):
        self.data = {
            "name": "hdd_disk_used",
            "doc": "Disk space used",
            "const_labels": {
                "server": "1.db.production.my-app"

        self.g = Gauge(**self.data)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_gauge_format_with_const_labels(self):

        self.data = {
            "name": "logged_users_total",
            "doc": "Logged users in the application",
            "const_labels": {"app": "my_app"},
        g = Gauge(**self.data)

        counter_data = (
            ({"country": "sp", "device": "desktop"}, 520),
            ({"country": "us", "device": "mobile"}, 654),
            ({"country": "uk", "device": "desktop"}, 1001),
            ({"country": "de", "device": "desktop"}, 995),
            ({"country": "zh", "device": "desktop"}, 520),
            ({"country": "ch", "device": "mobile"}, 654),
            ({"country": "ca", "device": "desktop"}, 1001),
            ({"country": "jp", "device": "desktop"}, 995),
            ({"country": "au", "device": "desktop"}, 520),
            ({"country": "py", "device": "mobile"}, 654),
            ({"country": "ar", "device": "desktop"}, 1001),
            ({"country": "pt", "device": "desktop"}, 995),

        valid_result = (
            "# HELP logged_users_total Logged users in the application",
            "# TYPE logged_users_total gauge",
            'logged_users_total{app="my_app",country="ch",device="mobile"} 654',
            'logged_users_total{app="my_app",country="zh",device="desktop"} 520',
            'logged_users_total{app="my_app",country="jp",device="desktop"} 995',
            'logged_users_total{app="my_app",country="de",device="desktop"} 995',
            'logged_users_total{app="my_app",country="pt",device="desktop"} 995',
            'logged_users_total{app="my_app",country="ca",device="desktop"} 1001',
            'logged_users_total{app="my_app",country="sp",device="desktop"} 520',
            'logged_users_total{app="my_app",country="au",device="desktop"} 520',
            'logged_users_total{app="my_app",country="uk",device="desktop"} 1001',
            'logged_users_total{app="my_app",country="py",device="mobile"} 654',
            'logged_users_total{app="my_app",country="us",device="mobile"} 654',
            'logged_users_total{app="my_app",country="ar",device="desktop"} 1001',

        # Add data to the collector
        for i in counter_data:
            g.set_value(i[0], i[1])

        # Select format
        f = TextFormatter()
        result = f.marshall_lines(g)

        result = sorted(result)
        valid_result = sorted(valid_result)

        self.assertEqual(valid_result, result)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot = bot

        self.msvr = Service()

        if platform.system() == "Linux":
            self.platform = platform
            self.pid = os.path.join("/proc", "self")
            self.pagesize = resource.getpagesize()
            self.ticks = os.sysconf("SC_CLK_TCK")
            self.btime = 0

            with open(os.path.join("/proc", "stat"), "rb") as stat:
                for line in stat:
                    if line.startswith(b"btime "):
                        self.btime = float(line.split()[1])

        self.vmem = Gauge("process_virtual_memory_bytes",
                          "Virtual memory size in bytes.")
        self.rss = Gauge("process_resident_memory_bytes",
                         "Resident memory size in bytes.")
        self.start_time = Gauge(
            "Start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds.")
        self.cpu = Counter("process_cpu_seconds",
                           "Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds.")
        self.fds = Gauge("process_open_fds",
                         "Number of open file descriptors.")

        self.info = Gauge("python_info", "Python platform information.")
        self.collected = Counter("python_gc_objects_collected",
                                 "Objects collected during GC.")
        self.uncollectable = Counter("python_gc_objects_uncollectable",
                                     "Uncollectable objects found during GC.")
        self.collections = Counter(
            "Number of times this generation was collected.")

        self.http = Counter("modmail_http_requests",
                            "The number of http requests sent to Discord.")
        self.commands = Counter(
            "The total number of commands used on the bot.")
        self.tickets = Counter(
            "The total number of tickets created by the bot.")
        self.tickets_message = Counter(
            "The total number of messages sent in tickets.")
Exemplo n.º 8
def get_or_create_gauge(registry, name, description=""):
    if name in registry.collectors:
        return registry.collectors[name]
        gauge = Gauge(name, description)
        return gauge
Exemplo n.º 9
def configure_prometheus_metrics_exporter(app: Starlette):
    app.add_middleware(MetricsMiddleware, webapp=app)

    app.registry = Registry()

    const_labels = {
        "host": socket.gethostname(),
        "name": "service1",
        "version": "1"

    app.counter_gauge = Gauge("counter",
                              "Current count.",

    app.svc_requests_total = Counter("svc_requests_total",
                                     "Count of service HTTP requests",

    app.svc_responses_total = Counter("svc_responses_total",
                                      "Count of service HTTP responses",

    app.svc_internal_error_total = Counter(
        "Histogram of internal errors by method, path and type of error",
Exemplo n.º 10
    async def test_gauge(self):
        """ check gauge metric export """

        # Add some metrics
        data = (
            ({"data": 1}, 100),
            ({"data": "2"}, 200),
            ({"data": 3}, 300),
            ({"data": 1}, 400),
        g = Gauge("test_gauge", "Test Gauge.", {"test": "test_gauge"})

        for i in data:
            g.set(i[0], i[1])

        expected_data = """# HELP test_gauge Test Gauge.
# TYPE test_gauge gauge
test_gauge{data="1",test="test_gauge"} 400
test_gauge{data="2",test="test_gauge"} 200
test_gauge{data="3",test="test_gauge"} 300

        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:

            # Fetch as text
            async with session.get(
                self.metrics_url, headers={ACCEPT: TEXT_CONTENT_TYPE}
            ) as resp:
                self.assertEqual(resp.status, 200)
                content = await resp.read()
                self.assertEqual(TEXT_CONTENT_TYPE, resp.headers.get(CONTENT_TYPE))
                self.assertEqual(expected_data, content.decode())

            # Fetch as binary
            async with session.get(
                self.metrics_url, headers={ACCEPT: BINARY_CONTENT_TYPE}
            ) as resp:
                self.assertEqual(resp.status, 200)
                content = await resp.read()
                self.assertEqual(BINARY_CONTENT_TYPE, resp.headers.get(CONTENT_TYPE))
                metrics = pmp.decode(content)
                self.assertEqual(len(metrics), 1)
                mf = metrics[0]
                self.assertIsInstance(mf, pmp.MetricFamily)
                self.assertEqual(mf.type, pmp.GAUGE)
                self.assertEqual(len(mf.metric), 3)
    def test_gauge_format_with_const_labels(self):
        data = {
            'name': "logged_users_total",
            'doc': "Logged users in the application",
            'const_labels': {
                "app": "my_app"
        g = Gauge(**data)

        gauge_data = (
                'country': "sp",
                "device": "desktop"
            }, 520),
                'country': "us",
                "device": "mobile"
            }, 654),
                'country': "uk",
                "device": "desktop"
            }, 1001),
                'country': "de",
                "device": "desktop"
            }, 995),
                'country': "zh",
                "device": "desktop"
            }, 520),

        # Construct the result to compare
        valid_result = self._create_protobuf_object(data, gauge_data,

        # Add data to the collector
        for i in gauge_data:
            g.set_value(i[0], i[1])

        f = BinaryFormatter()

        result = f.marshall_collector(g)

        self.assertTrue(self._protobuf_metric_equal(valid_result, result))
Exemplo n.º 12
    def setUp(self):
        self.data = {
            "name": "hdd_disk_used",
            "doc": "Disk space used",
            "const_labels": {"server": "1.db.production.my-app"},

        self.g = Gauge(**self.data)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_gauge_format_with_timestamp(self):
        self.data = {
            "name": "logged_users_total",
            "doc": "Logged users in the application",
            "const_labels": {},
        g = Gauge(**self.data)

        counter_data = ({"country": "ch", "device": "mobile"}, 654)

        g.set_value(counter_data[0], counter_data[1])

        result_regex = r"""# HELP logged_users_total Logged users in the application
# TYPE logged_users_total gauge
logged_users_total{country="ch",device="mobile"} 654 \d*(?:.\d*)?$"""

        f_with_ts = TextFormatter(True)
        result = f_with_ts.marshall_collector(g)

        self.assertTrue(re.match(result_regex, result))
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_gauge_format_with_timestamp(self):
        self.data = {
            "name": "logged_users_total",
            "doc": "Logged users in the application",
            "const_labels": {},
        g = Gauge(**self.data)

        counter_data = ({"country": "ch", "device": "mobile"}, 654)

        g.set_value(counter_data[0], counter_data[1])

        result_regex = r"""# HELP logged_users_total Logged users in the application
# TYPE logged_users_total gauge
logged_users_total{country="ch",device="mobile"} 654 \d*(?:.\d*)?$"""

        f_with_ts = text.TextFormatter(True)
        result = f_with_ts.marshall_collector(g)

        self.assertTrue(re.match(result_regex, result))
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_registry_marshall_gauge(self):

        gauge_data = (({"g_sample": "1", "g_subsample": "b"}, 800), )

        gauge = Gauge("gauge_test", "A gauge.", const_labels={"type": "gauge"})

        for labels, value in gauge_data:
            gauge.set(labels, value)

        registry = Registry()

        valid_result = (b'U\n\ngauge_test\x12\x08A gauge.\x18\x01";'

        f = binary.BinaryFormatter()

        self.assertEqual(valid_result, f.marshall(registry))
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self):
        config = Configuration().Plugins.PrometheusMonitoring

        self._port = config.port
        self._addr = config.addr

        self._svr_started = False
        self._drones = {}

        self._svr = Service()

        self._gauges = {
            ResourceStatus.Booting: Gauge("booting", "Booting drones"),
            ResourceStatus.Running: Gauge("running", "Running drones"),
            ResourceStatus.Stopped: Gauge("stopped", "Stopped drones"),
            ResourceStatus.Deleted: Gauge("deleted", "Deleted drones"),
            ResourceStatus.Error: Gauge("error", "Drones in error state"),

        for gauge in self._gauges.values():
            gauge.set({}, 0)
Exemplo n.º 17
    async def test_inprogress(self):
        m = Gauge("metric_label", "metric help")

        # decorator should work methods as well as functions
        @inprogress(m, {"kind": "function"})
        async def a():

        await a()

        m_function_value = m.get({"kind": "function"})
        self.assertEqual(m_function_value, 0)

        # decorator should work methods as well as functions
        class B(object):

            @inprogress(m, {"kind": "method"})
            async def b(self, arg1, arg2=None):
                return arg1 == "b_arg", arg2 == "arg_2"

        b = B()
        results = await b.b("b_arg", arg2="arg_2")

        m_method_value = m.get({"kind": "method"})
        self.assertEqual(m_method_value, 0)

        # Only Gauge metric type can be used with @timer, others should
        # raise an exception.
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
            m = Counter("metric_label", "metric help")

            async def c():

            "inprogess decorator expects a Gauge metric but got:", str(cm.exception)
Exemplo n.º 18
    async def test_gauge(self):

        # Add some metrics
        data = (
                'data': 1
            }, 100),
                'data': "2"
            }, 200),
                'data': 3
            }, 300),
                'data': 1
            }, 400),
        g = Gauge("test_gauge", "Test Gauge.", {'test': "test_gauge"})

        for i in data:
            g.set(i[0], i[1])

        expected_data = """# HELP test_gauge Test Gauge.
# TYPE test_gauge gauge
test_gauge{data="1",test="test_gauge"} 400
test_gauge{data="2",test="test_gauge"} 200
test_gauge{data="3",test="test_gauge"} 300

        with aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=self.loop) as session:
            headers = {ACCEPT: 'text/plain; version=0.0.4'}
            async with session.get(self.metrics_url, headers=headers) as resp:
                assert resp.status == 200
                content = await resp.read()
                self.assertEqual("text/plain; version=0.0.4; charset=utf-8",
                self.assertEqual(200, resp.status)
                self.assertEqual(expected_data, content.decode())
Exemplo n.º 19
    async def test_inprogress(self):
        m = Gauge('metric_label', 'metric help')

        # decorator should work methods as well as functions
        @inprogress(m, {'kind': 'function'})
        async def a():

        await a()

        m_function_value = m.get({'kind': 'function'})
        self.assertEqual(m_function_value, 0)

        # decorator should work methods as well as functions
        class B(object):

            @inprogress(m, {'kind': 'method'})
            async def b(self, arg1, arg2=None):
                return arg1 == 'b_arg', arg2 == 'arg_2'

        b = B()
        results = await b.b('b_arg', arg2='arg_2')

        m_method_value = m.get({'kind': 'method'})
        self.assertEqual(m_method_value, 0)

        # Only Gauge metric type can be used with @timer, others should
        # raise an exception.
        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
            m = Counter('metric_label', 'metric help')

            async def c():
            "inprogess decorator expects a Gauge metric but got:",
    def test_registry_marshall_gauge(self):
        format_times = 10

        gauge_data = (({'g_sample': '1', 'g_subsample': 'b'}, 800), )

        registry = Registry()
        gauge = Gauge("gauge_test", "A gauge.", {'type': "gauge"})

        # Add data
        [gauge.set(g[0], g[1]) for g in gauge_data]


        valid_result = (b'U\n\ngauge_test\x12\x08A gauge.\x18\x01";'

        f = BinaryFormatter()

        # Check multiple times to ensure multiple marshalling requests
        for i in range(format_times):
            self.assertEqual(valid_result, f.marshall(registry))
Exemplo n.º 21
    def test_single_gauge_format_text(self):

        name = "prometheus_local_storage_indexing_queue_capacity"
        doc = "The capacity of the indexing queue."

        valid_result = """# HELP prometheus_local_storage_indexing_queue_capacity The capacity of the indexing queue.
# TYPE prometheus_local_storage_indexing_queue_capacity gauge
prometheus_local_storage_indexing_queue_capacity 16384"""

        data = ((None, 16384),)

        # Create the counter
        g = Gauge(name=name, doc=doc, const_labels={})

        for i in data:
            g.set_value(i[0], i[1])

        # Select format
        f = TextFormatter()

        result = f.marshall_collector(g)

        self.assertEqual(valid_result, result)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def test_single_gauge_format_text(self):

        name = "prometheus_local_storage_indexing_queue_capacity"
        doc = "The capacity of the indexing queue."

        valid_result = """# HELP prometheus_local_storage_indexing_queue_capacity The capacity of the indexing queue.
# TYPE prometheus_local_storage_indexing_queue_capacity gauge
prometheus_local_storage_indexing_queue_capacity 16384"""

        data = ((None, 16384), )

        # Create the counter
        g = Gauge(name=name, doc=doc, const_labels={})

        for i in data:
            g.set_value(i[0], i[1])

        # Select format
        f = text.TextFormatter()

        result = f.marshall_collector(g)

        self.assertEqual(valid_result, result)
Exemplo n.º 23
class TestGauge(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.data = {
            "name": "hdd_disk_used",
            "doc": "Disk space used",
            "const_labels": {"server": "1.db.production.my-app"},

        self.g = Gauge(**self.data)

    def test_set(self):
        data = (
            {"labels": {"max": "500G", "dev": "sda"}, "values": range(0, 500, 50)},
            {"labels": {"max": "1T", "dev": "sdb"}, "values": range(0, 1000, 100)},
            {"labels": {"max": "10T", "dev": "sdc"}, "values": range(0, 10000, 1000)},

        for i in data:
            for j in i["values"]:
                self.g.set(i["labels"], j)

        self.assertEqual(len(data), len(self.g.values))

    def test_get(self):
        data = (
            {"labels": {"max": "500G", "dev": "sda"}, "values": range(0, 500, 50)},
            {"labels": {"max": "1T", "dev": "sdb"}, "values": range(0, 1000, 100)},
            {"labels": {"max": "10T", "dev": "sdc"}, "values": range(0, 10000, 1000)},

        for i in data:
            for j in i["values"]:
                self.g.set(i["labels"], j)
                self.assertEqual(j, self.g.get(i["labels"]))

        for i in data:
            self.assertEqual(max(i["values"]), self.g.get(i["labels"]))

    def test_set_get_without_labels(self):
        data = {"labels": {}, "values": range(100)}

        for i in data["values"]:
            self.g.set(data["labels"], i)

        self.assertEqual(1, len(self.g.values))

        self.assertEqual(max(data["values"]), self.g.get(data["labels"]))

    def test_inc(self):
        iterations = 100
        labels = {"max": "10T", "dev": "sdc"}

        for i in range(iterations):
            self.assertEqual(i + 1, self.g.get(labels))

        self.assertEqual(iterations, self.g.get(labels))

    def test_dec(self):
        iterations = 100
        labels = {"max": "10T", "dev": "sdc"}
        self.g.set(labels, iterations)

        for i in range(iterations):
            self.assertEqual(iterations - (i + 1), self.g.get(labels))

        self.assertEqual(0, self.g.get(labels))

    def test_add(self):
        iterations = 100
        labels = {"max": "10T", "dev": "sdc"}

        for i in range(iterations):
            self.g.add(labels, i)

        self.assertEqual(sum(range(iterations)), self.g.get(labels))

    def test_add_negative(self):
        iterations = 100
        labels = {"max": "10T", "dev": "sdc"}

        for i in range(iterations):
            self.g.add(labels, -i)

        self.assertEqual(sum(map(lambda x: -x, range(iterations))), self.g.get(labels))

    def test_sub(self):
        iterations = 100
        labels = {"max": "10T", "dev": "sdc"}

        for i in range(iterations):
            self.g.sub(labels, i)

        self.assertEqual(sum(map(lambda x: -x, range(iterations))), self.g.get(labels))

    def test_sub_positive(self):
        iterations = 100
        labels = {"max": "10T", "dev": "sdc"}

        for i in range(iterations):
            self.g.sub(labels, -i)

        self.assertEqual(sum(range(iterations)), self.g.get(labels))
Exemplo n.º 24
if __name__ == "__main__":
    LISTEN_PORT = getenv("PENDLESSH_PORT", default=2222)
    LISTEN_ADDRESS = getenv("PENDLESSH_ADDRESS", default="")
    MESSAGE_MAX_DELAY = int(getenv("PENDLESSH_MAX_DELAY", default=30))

    log.info(f"Starting server on {LISTEN_ADDRESS}:{LISTEN_PORT} "
             f"with {MESSAGE_MAX_DELAY}s max delay")

    const_labels = {
        "host": PROMETHEUS_HOSTNAME,
        "app": f"{sys.argv[0].split('/')[-1].replace('.py', '')}",
    PromConnectionCounter = Counter(
        "Number of connections received",
    PromActiveConnectionGauge = Gauge(
        "Number of currently active connections",

    PromServer = Service()

Exemplo n.º 25
    def test_gauge_format_binary(self):

        g = Gauge(name=self.gauge_metric_name, doc=self.gauge_metric_help)

        # Add data to the collector
        for labels, values in self.gauge_metric_data:
            g.set_value(labels, values)

        f = binary.BinaryFormatter()

        result = f.marshall_collector(g)
        self.assertIsInstance(result, pmp.MetricFamily)

        # Construct the result to expected to receive when the gauge
        # collector is marshalled.
        expected_result = pmp.create_gauge(self.gauge_metric_name,

        self.assertEqual(result, expected_result)


        # Check metric with constant labels
        g = Gauge(

        # Add data to the collector
        for labels, values in self.gauge_metric_data:
            g.set_value(labels, values)

        f = binary.BinaryFormatter()

        result = f.marshall_collector(g)
        self.assertIsInstance(result, pmp.MetricFamily)

        # Construct the result to expected to receive when the gauge
        # collector is marshalled.
        expected_result = pmp.create_gauge(

        self.assertEqual(result, expected_result)


        # Check metric with timestamps
        with unittest.mock.patch.object(pmp.utils,

            g = Gauge(name=self.gauge_metric_name, doc=self.gauge_metric_help)

            # Add data to the collector
            for labels, values in self.gauge_metric_data:
                g.set_value(labels, values)

            f = binary.BinaryFormatter(timestamp=True)

            result = f.marshall_collector(g)
            self.assertIsInstance(result, pmp.MetricFamily)

            # Construct the result to expected to receive when the gauge
            # collector is marshalled.
            expected_result = pmp.create_gauge(

            self.assertEqual(result, expected_result)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def __init__(
        metrics_port: int = 5000,
        loop: BaseEventLoop = None,

        self.metrics_host = metrics_host
        self.metrics_port = metrics_port
        self.loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
        self.timer = None  # type: asyncio.Handle

        # Create application metrics and metrics service

        # Create a metrics server. The server will create a metrics collector
        # registry if one is not specifically created and passed in.
        self.msvr = Service()

        # Define some constant labels that need to be added to all metrics
        const_labels = {
            "host": socket.gethostname(),
            "app": f"{self.__class__.__name__}-{uuid.uuid4().hex}",

        # Create metrics collectors

        # Create a counter metric to track requests
        self.requests_metric = Counter(
            "requests", "Number of requests.", const_labels=const_labels

        # Collectors must be registered with the registry before they
        # get exposed.

        # Create a gauge metrics to track memory usage.
        self.ram_metric = Gauge(
            "memory_usage_bytes", "Memory usage in bytes.", const_labels=const_labels

        # Create a gauge metrics to track CPU.
        self.cpu_metric = Gauge(
            "cpu_usage_percent", "CPU usage percent.", const_labels=const_labels

        self.payload_metric = Summary(
            "Request payload size in bytes.",
            invariants=[(0.50, 0.05), (0.99, 0.001)],

        self.latency_metric = Histogram(
            "Request latency in seconds",
            buckets=[0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0],
Exemplo n.º 27
    def test_registry_marshall(self):

        format_times = 3

        counter_data = (
            ({"c_sample": "1"}, 100),
            ({"c_sample": "2"}, 200),
            ({"c_sample": "3"}, 300),
            ({"c_sample": "1", "c_subsample": "b"}, 400),

        gauge_data = (
            ({"g_sample": "1"}, 500),
            ({"g_sample": "2"}, 600),
            ({"g_sample": "3"}, 700),
            ({"g_sample": "1", "g_subsample": "b"}, 800),

        summary_data = (
            ({"s_sample": "1"}, range(1000, 2000, 4)),
            ({"s_sample": "2"}, range(2000, 3000, 20)),
            ({"s_sample": "3"}, range(3000, 4000, 13)),
            ({"s_sample": "1", "s_subsample": "b"}, range(4000, 5000, 47)),

        registry = Registry()
        counter = Counter("counter_test", "A counter.", {"type": "counter"})
        gauge = Gauge("gauge_test", "A gauge.", {"type": "gauge"})
        summary = Summary("summary_test", "A summary.", {"type": "summary"})

        # Add data
        [counter.set(c[0], c[1]) for c in counter_data]
        [gauge.set(g[0], g[1]) for g in gauge_data]
        [summary.add(i[0], s) for i in summary_data for s in i[1]]


        valid_regex = r"""# HELP counter_test A counter.
# TYPE counter_test counter
counter_test{c_sample="1",type="counter"} 100
counter_test{c_sample="2",type="counter"} 200
counter_test{c_sample="3",type="counter"} 300
counter_test{c_sample="1",c_subsample="b",type="counter"} 400
# HELP gauge_test A gauge.
# TYPE gauge_test gauge
gauge_test{g_sample="1",type="gauge"} 500
gauge_test{g_sample="2",type="gauge"} 600
gauge_test{g_sample="3",type="gauge"} 700
gauge_test{g_sample="1",g_subsample="b",type="gauge"} 800
# HELP summary_test A summary.
# TYPE summary_test summary
summary_test{quantile="0.5",s_sample="1",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test{quantile="0.9",s_sample="1",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test{quantile="0.99",s_sample="1",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test_count{s_sample="1",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test_sum{s_sample="1",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test{quantile="0.5",s_sample="2",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test{quantile="0.9",s_sample="2",type="summary"} 2\d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test{quantile="0.99",s_sample="2",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test_count{s_sample="2",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test_sum{s_sample="2",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test{quantile="0.5",s_sample="3",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test{quantile="0.9",s_sample="3",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test{quantile="0.99",s_sample="3",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test_count{s_sample="3",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test_sum{s_sample="3",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test{quantile="0.5",s_sample="1",s_subsample="b",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test{quantile="0.9",s_sample="1",s_subsample="b",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test{quantile="0.99",s_sample="1",s_subsample="b",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test_count{s_sample="1",s_subsample="b",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test_sum{s_sample="1",s_subsample="b",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
        f = TextFormatter()
        self.maxDiff = None
        # Check multiple times to ensure multiple calls to marshalling
        # produce the same results
        for i in range(format_times):
            self.assertTrue(re.match(valid_regex, f.marshall(registry).decode()))
Exemplo n.º 28
.. code-block:: console

    $ curl :8000/metrics
    # HELP request_in_progress Number of requests in progress
    # TYPE request_in_progress gauge
    request_in_progress{route="/"} 1


import asyncio
import random

from aioprometheus import Service, Gauge, inprogress

# Create a metric to track requests currently in progress.
REQUESTS = Gauge('request_in_progress', 'Number of requests in progress')

# Decorate function with metric.
@inprogress(REQUESTS, {'route': '/'})
async def handle_request(duration):
    ''' A dummy function that takes some time '''
    await asyncio.sleep(duration)

async def handle_requests():
    # Start up the server to expose the metrics.
    await svr.start(port=8000)
    # Generate some requests.
    while True:
        await handle_request(random.random())
Exemplo n.º 29
class ExampleApp(object):
    An example application that demonstrates how ``aioprometheus`` can be
    integrated and used within a Python application built upon asyncio.

    This application attempts to simulate a long running distributed system
    process, say a socket relay or some kind of message adapter. It is
    intentionally not hosting an existing web service in the application.

    In this case the aioprometheus.Service object is used to provide a
    new HTTP endpoint that can be used to expose Prometheus metrics on.

    If this application was a web service (i.e. already had an existing web
    interface) then the aioprometheus.Service object could be used as before
    to add another web interface or a different approach could be used that
    provides a metrics handler function for use with the existing web service.

    def __init__(
        metrics_port: int = 5000,
        loop: BaseEventLoop = None,

        self.metrics_host = metrics_host
        self.metrics_port = metrics_port
        self.loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
        self.timer = None  # type: asyncio.Handle

        # Create application metrics and metrics service

        # Create a metrics server. The server will create a metrics collector
        # registry if one is not specifically created and passed in.
        self.msvr = Service()

        # Define some constant labels that need to be added to all metrics
        const_labels = {
            "host": socket.gethostname(),
            "app": f"{self.__class__.__name__}-{uuid.uuid4().hex}",

        # Create metrics collectors

        # Create a counter metric to track requests
        self.requests_metric = Counter(
            "requests", "Number of requests.", const_labels=const_labels

        # Collectors must be registered with the registry before they
        # get exposed.

        # Create a gauge metrics to track memory usage.
        self.ram_metric = Gauge(
            "memory_usage_bytes", "Memory usage in bytes.", const_labels=const_labels

        # Create a gauge metrics to track CPU.
        self.cpu_metric = Gauge(
            "cpu_usage_percent", "CPU usage percent.", const_labels=const_labels

        self.payload_metric = Summary(
            "Request payload size in bytes.",
            invariants=[(0.50, 0.05), (0.99, 0.001)],

        self.latency_metric = Histogram(
            "Request latency in seconds",
            buckets=[0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0],

    async def start(self):
        """ Start the application """
        await self.msvr.start(addr=self.metrics_host, port=self.metrics_port)
        logger.debug("Serving prometheus metrics on: %s", self.msvr.metrics_url)

        # Schedule a timer to update internal metrics. In a realistic
        # application metrics would be updated as needed. In this example
        # application a simple timer is used to emulate things happening,
        # which conveniently allows all metrics to be updated at once.
        self.timer = self.loop.call_later(1.0, self.on_timer_expiry)

    async def stop(self):
        """ Stop the application """
        await self.msvr.stop()
        if self.timer:
        self.timer = None

    def on_timer_expiry(self):
        """ Update application to simulate work """

        # Update memory metrics
        self.ram_metric.set({"type": "virtual"}, psutil.virtual_memory().used)
        self.ram_metric.set({"type": "swap"}, psutil.swap_memory().used)

        # Update cpu metrics
        for c, p in enumerate(psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1, percpu=True)):
            self.cpu_metric.set({"core": c}, p)

        # Incrementing a requests counter to emulate webserver app
        self.requests_metric.inc({"path": "/"})

        # Monitor request payload data to emulate webserver app
        self.payload_metric.add({"path": "/data"}, random.random() * 2 ** 10)

        # Monitor request latency to emulate webserver app
        self.latency_metric.add({"path": "/data"}, random.random() * 5)

        # re-schedule another metrics update
        self.timer = self.loop.call_later(1.0, self.on_timer_expiry)
Exemplo n.º 30
    def __init__(
        metrics_port: int = 5000,
        loop: BaseEventLoop = None,

        self.metrics_host = metrics_host
        self.metrics_port = metrics_port
        self.loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
        self.timer = None  # type: asyncio.Handle

        # Create application metrics and metrics service

        # Create a metrics server. The server will create a metrics collector
        # registry if one is not specifically created and passed in.
        self.msvr = Service()

        # Define some constant labels that need to be added to all metrics
        const_labels = {
            "host": socket.gethostname(),
            "app": f"{self.__class__.__name__}-{uuid.uuid4().hex}",

        # Create metrics collectors

        # Create a counter metric to track requests
        self.requests_metric = Counter(
            "requests", "Number of requests.", const_labels=const_labels

        # Collectors must be registered with the registry before they
        # get exposed.

        # Create a gauge metrics to track memory usage.
        self.ram_metric = Gauge(
            "memory_usage_bytes", "Memory usage in bytes.", const_labels=const_labels

        # Create a gauge metrics to track CPU.
        self.cpu_metric = Gauge(
            "cpu_usage_percent", "CPU usage percent.", const_labels=const_labels

        self.payload_metric = Summary(
            "Request payload size in bytes.",
            invariants=[(0.50, 0.05), (0.99, 0.001)],

        self.latency_metric = Histogram(
            "Request latency in seconds",
            buckets=[0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0],
Exemplo n.º 31
    def __init__(self, namespace=""):
        if namespace:
            ns = namespace + '_'
            ns = ""

        self._ticks = 100.0
            self._ticks = os.sysconf('SC_CLK_TCK')
        except (ValueError, TypeError, AttributeError):

        # This is used to test if we can access /proc.
        self._btime = 0
            self._btime = self._boot_time()
        except IOError:

        major, minor, patchlevel = platform.python_version_tuple()
        info = {
            "version": platform.python_version(),
            "implementation": platform.python_implementation(),
            "major": major,
            "minor": minor,
            "patchlevel": patchlevel

        self.process_metrics = {
            Gauge(ns + "python_info", "Python platform information."),
            Gauge(ns + "process_virtual_memory_bytes",
                  "Virtual memory size in bytes."),
            Gauge(ns + "process_resident_memory_bytes",
                  "Resident memory size in bytes."),
            Gauge(ns + "process_start_time_seconds",
                  "Start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds."),
            Counter(ns + "process_cpu_seconds_total",
                    "Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds."),
            Gauge(ns + "process_open_fds", "Number of open file descriptors."),
            Gauge(ns + "process_max_fds",
                  "Maximum number of open file descriptors.")

        # Only include these metrics if CPython and gc supports get_stats
        if hasattr(
                'get_stats') and platform.python_implementation() == 'CPython':
            self.process_metrics["collected"] = Counter(
                ns + "python_gc_objects_collected",
                "Objects collected during gc.")
            self.process_metrics["uncollectable"] = Counter(
                ns + "python_gc_objects_uncollectable",
                "Uncollectable object found during GC.")
            self.process_metrics["collections"] = Counter(
                ns + "python_gc_collections",
                "Number of times this generation was collected.")

        self.process_metrics["info"].set(info, 1.0)
Exemplo n.º 32
class TestGauge(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.data = {
            'name': "hdd_disk_used",
            'doc': "Disk space used",
            'const_labels': {"server": "1.db.production.my-app"},

        self.g = Gauge(**self.data)

    def test_set(self):
        data = (
                'labels': {'max': "500G", 'dev': "sda"},
                'values': range(0, 500, 50)
                'labels': {'max': "1T", 'dev': "sdb"},
                'values': range(0, 1000, 100)
                'labels': {'max': "10T", 'dev': "sdc"},
                'values': range(0, 10000, 1000)

        for i in data:
            for j in i['values']:
                self.g.set(i['labels'], j)

        self.assertEqual(len(data), len(self.g.values))

    def test_get(self):
        data = (
                'labels': {'max': "500G", 'dev': "sda"},
                'values': range(0, 500, 50)
                'labels': {'max': "1T", 'dev': "sdb"},
                'values': range(0, 1000, 100)
                'labels': {'max': "10T", 'dev': "sdc"},
                'values': range(0, 10000, 1000)

        for i in data:
            for j in i['values']:
                self.g.set(i['labels'], j)
                self.assertEqual(j, self.g.get(i['labels']))

        for i in data:
            self.assertEqual(max(i['values']), self.g.get(i['labels']))

    def test_set_get_without_labels(self):
        data = {
            'labels': {},
            'values': range(100)

        for i in data['values']:
            self.g.set(data['labels'], i)

        self.assertEqual(1, len(self.g.values))

        self.assertEqual(max(data['values']), self.g.get(data['labels']))

    def test_inc(self):
        iterations = 100
        labels = {'max': "10T", 'dev': "sdc"}

        for i in range(iterations):
            self.assertEqual(i + 1, self.g.get(labels))

        self.assertEqual(iterations, self.g.get(labels))

    def test_dec(self):
        iterations = 100
        labels = {'max': "10T", 'dev': "sdc"}
        self.g.set(labels, iterations)

        for i in range(iterations):
            self.assertEqual(iterations - (i + 1), self.g.get(labels))

        self.assertEqual(0, self.g.get(labels))

    def test_add(self):
        iterations = 100
        labels = {'max': "10T", 'dev': "sdc"}

        for i in range(iterations):
            self.g.add(labels, i)

        self.assertEqual(sum(range(iterations)), self.g.get(labels))

    def test_add_negative(self):
        iterations = 100
        labels = {'max': "10T", 'dev': "sdc"}

        for i in range(iterations):
            self.g.add(labels, -i)

        self.assertEqual(sum(map(lambda x: -x, range(iterations))),

    def test_sub(self):
        iterations = 100
        labels = {'max': "10T", 'dev': "sdc"}

        for i in range(iterations):
            self.g.sub(labels, i)

        self.assertEqual(sum(map(lambda x: -x, range(iterations))),

    def test_sub_positive(self):
        iterations = 100
        labels = {'max': "10T", 'dev': "sdc"}

        for i in range(iterations):
            self.g.sub(labels, -i)

        self.assertEqual(sum(range(iterations)), self.g.get(labels))
Exemplo n.º 33

class Ctx:
    def __init__(self):
        self.tracer = None
        self.tracer_current_span = None
        self.profile_grpc = None
        self.profile_http = None

ctx = Ctx()
const_labels = {
    'pod': socket.gethostname()  # corresponds to pod name
ctx.profile_grpc = (Gauge('grpc_requests_in_flight',
                          'Number of gRPC requests being served.',
                        'Histogram of gRPC request latencies in milliseconds',
                        buckets=[30, 50, 100, 200],
                            'Number of failed gRPC requests',
ctx.profile_http = (Gauge('http_requests_in_flight',
                          'Number of HTTP requests being served.',
Exemplo n.º 34
    def test_registry_marshall(self):

        format_times = 3

        counter_data = (
                "c_sample": "1"
            }, 100),
                "c_sample": "2"
            }, 200),
                "c_sample": "3"
            }, 300),
                "c_sample": "1",
                "c_subsample": "b"
            }, 400),

        gauge_data = (
                "g_sample": "1"
            }, 500),
                "g_sample": "2"
            }, 600),
                "g_sample": "3"
            }, 700),
                "g_sample": "1",
                "g_subsample": "b"
            }, 800),

        summary_data = (
                "s_sample": "1"
            }, range(1000, 2000, 4)),
                "s_sample": "2"
            }, range(2000, 3000, 20)),
                "s_sample": "3"
            }, range(3000, 4000, 13)),
                "s_sample": "1",
                "s_subsample": "b"
            }, range(4000, 5000, 47)),

        registry = Registry()
        counter = Counter("counter_test", "A counter.", {"type": "counter"})
        gauge = Gauge("gauge_test", "A gauge.", {"type": "gauge"})
        summary = Summary("summary_test", "A summary.", {"type": "summary"})

        # Add data
        [counter.set(c[0], c[1]) for c in counter_data]
        [gauge.set(g[0], g[1]) for g in gauge_data]
        [summary.add(i[0], s) for i in summary_data for s in i[1]]


        valid_regex = r"""# HELP counter_test A counter.
# TYPE counter_test counter
counter_test{c_sample="1",type="counter"} 100
counter_test{c_sample="2",type="counter"} 200
counter_test{c_sample="3",type="counter"} 300
counter_test{c_sample="1",c_subsample="b",type="counter"} 400
# HELP gauge_test A gauge.
# TYPE gauge_test gauge
gauge_test{g_sample="1",type="gauge"} 500
gauge_test{g_sample="2",type="gauge"} 600
gauge_test{g_sample="3",type="gauge"} 700
gauge_test{g_sample="1",g_subsample="b",type="gauge"} 800
# HELP summary_test A summary.
# TYPE summary_test summary
summary_test{quantile="0.5",s_sample="1",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test{quantile="0.9",s_sample="1",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test{quantile="0.99",s_sample="1",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test_count{s_sample="1",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test_sum{s_sample="1",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test{quantile="0.5",s_sample="2",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test{quantile="0.9",s_sample="2",type="summary"} 2\d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test{quantile="0.99",s_sample="2",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test_count{s_sample="2",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test_sum{s_sample="2",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test{quantile="0.5",s_sample="3",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test{quantile="0.9",s_sample="3",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test{quantile="0.99",s_sample="3",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test_count{s_sample="3",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test_sum{s_sample="3",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test{quantile="0.5",s_sample="1",s_subsample="b",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test{quantile="0.9",s_sample="1",s_subsample="b",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test{quantile="0.99",s_sample="1",s_subsample="b",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test_count{s_sample="1",s_subsample="b",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
summary_test_sum{s_sample="1",s_subsample="b",type="summary"} \d*(?:.\d*)?
        f = text.TextFormatter()
        self.maxDiff = None
        # Check multiple times to ensure multiple calls to marshalling
        # produce the same results
        for i in range(format_times):
Exemplo n.º 35
 def _create_gauge_metric(self, label, doc):
     gauge = Gauge('dump1090_{}'.format(label), doc)
     return gauge
Exemplo n.º 36
    def test_gauge_format_text(self):

        name = "container_memory_max_usage_bytes"
        doc = "Maximum memory usage ever recorded in bytes."

        valid_result = """# HELP container_memory_max_usage_bytes Maximum memory usage ever recorded in bytes.
# TYPE container_memory_max_usage_bytes gauge
container_memory_max_usage_bytes{id="4f70875bb57986783064fe958f694c9e225643b0d18e9cde6bdee56d47b7ce76",name="prometheus"} 0
container_memory_max_usage_bytes{id="89042838f24f0ec0aa2a6c93ff44fd3f3e43057d35cfd32de89558112ecb92a0",name="calendall_web_run_3"} 0
container_memory_max_usage_bytes{id="d11c6bc95459822e995fac4d4ae527f6cac442a1896a771dbb307ba276beceb9",name="db"} 0
container_memory_max_usage_bytes{id="e4260cc9dca3e4e50ad2bffb0ec7432442197f135023ab629fe3576485cc65dd",name="container-extractor"} 0
container_memory_max_usage_bytes{id="f30d1caaa142b1688a0684ed744fcae6d202a36877617b985e20a5d33801b311",name="calendall_db_1"} 0
container_memory_max_usage_bytes{id="f835d921ffaf332f8d88ef5231ba149e389a2f37276f081878d6f982ef89a981",name="cocky_fermat"} 0"""

        data = (
                    "id": "4f70875bb57986783064fe958f694c9e225643b0d18e9cde6bdee56d47b7ce76",
                    "name": "prometheus",
                    "id": "89042838f24f0ec0aa2a6c93ff44fd3f3e43057d35cfd32de89558112ecb92a0",
                    "name": "calendall_web_run_3",
                    "id": "d11c6bc95459822e995fac4d4ae527f6cac442a1896a771dbb307ba276beceb9",
                    "name": "db",
                    "id": "e4260cc9dca3e4e50ad2bffb0ec7432442197f135023ab629fe3576485cc65dd",
                    "name": "container-extractor",
                    "id": "f30d1caaa142b1688a0684ed744fcae6d202a36877617b985e20a5d33801b311",
                    "name": "calendall_db_1",
                    "id": "f835d921ffaf332f8d88ef5231ba149e389a2f37276f081878d6f982ef89a981",
                    "name": "cocky_fermat",

        # Create the counter
        g = Gauge(name=name, doc=doc, const_labels={})

        for i in data:
            g.set_value(i[0], i[1])

        # Select format
        f = TextFormatter()

        result = f.marshall_collector(g)

        self.assertEqual(valid_result, result)
Exemplo n.º 37
class ExampleApp(object):
    An example application that demonstrates how ``aioprometheus`` can be
    integrated and used within a Python application built upon asyncio.

    This application attempts to simulate a long running distributed system
    process, say a socket relay or some kind of message adapter. It is
    intentionally not hosting an existing web service in the application.

    In this case the aioprometheus.Service object is used to provide a
    new HTTP endpoint that can be used to expose Prometheus metrics on.

    If this application was a web service (i.e. already had an existing web
    interface) then the aioprometheus.Service object could be used as before
    to add another web interface or a different approach could be used that
    provides a metrics handler function for use with the existing web service.

    def __init__(
        metrics_port: int = 5000,
        loop: BaseEventLoop = None,

        self.metrics_host = metrics_host
        self.metrics_port = metrics_port
        self.loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
        self.timer = None  # type: asyncio.Handle

        # Create application metrics and metrics service

        # Create a metrics server. The server will create a metrics collector
        # registry if one is not specifically created and passed in.
        self.msvr = Service()

        # Define some constant labels that need to be added to all metrics
        const_labels = {
            "host": socket.gethostname(),
            "app": f"{self.__class__.__name__}-{uuid.uuid4().hex}",

        # Create metrics collectors

        # Create a counter metric to track requests
        self.requests_metric = Counter(
            "requests", "Number of requests.", const_labels=const_labels

        # Collectors must be registered with the registry before they
        # get exposed.

        # Create a gauge metrics to track memory usage.
        self.ram_metric = Gauge(
            "memory_usage_bytes", "Memory usage in bytes.", const_labels=const_labels

        # Create a gauge metrics to track CPU.
        self.cpu_metric = Gauge(
            "cpu_usage_percent", "CPU usage percent.", const_labels=const_labels

        self.payload_metric = Summary(
            "Request payload size in bytes.",
            invariants=[(0.50, 0.05), (0.99, 0.001)],

        self.latency_metric = Histogram(
            "Request latency in seconds",
            buckets=[0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0],

    async def start(self):
        """ Start the application """
        await self.msvr.start(addr=self.metrics_host, port=self.metrics_port)
        logger.debug("Serving prometheus metrics on: %s", self.msvr.metrics_url)

        # Schedule a timer to update internal metrics. In a realistic
        # application metrics would be updated as needed. In this example
        # application a simple timer is used to emulate things happening,
        # which conveniently allows all metrics to be updated at once.
        self.timer = self.loop.call_later(1.0, self.on_timer_expiry)

    async def stop(self):
        """ Stop the application """
        await self.msvr.stop()
        if self.timer:
        self.timer = None

    def on_timer_expiry(self):
        """ Update application to simulate work """

        # Update memory metrics
        self.ram_metric.set({"type": "virtual"}, psutil.virtual_memory().used)
        self.ram_metric.set({"type": "swap"}, psutil.swap_memory().used)

        # Update cpu metrics
        for c, p in enumerate(psutil.cpu_percent(interval=1, percpu=True)):
            self.cpu_metric.set({"core": c}, p)

        # Incrementing a requests counter to emulate webserver app
        self.requests_metric.inc({"path": "/"})

        # Monitor request payload data to emulate webserver app
        self.payload_metric.add({"path": "/data"}, random.random() * 2 ** 10)

        # Monitor request latency to emulate webserver app
        self.latency_metric.add({"path": "/data"}, random.random() * 5)

        # re-schedule another metrics update
        self.timer = self.loop.call_later(1.0, self.on_timer_expiry)
Exemplo n.º 38
    async def test_all(self):

        counter_data = (
            ({"c_sample": "1"}, 100),
            ({"c_sample": "2"}, 200),
            ({"c_sample": "3"}, 300),
            ({"c_sample": "1", "c_subsample": "b"}, 400),

        gauge_data = (
            ({"g_sample": "1"}, 500),
            ({"g_sample": "2"}, 600),
            ({"g_sample": "3"}, 700),
            ({"g_sample": "1", "g_subsample": "b"}, 800),

        summary_data = (
            ({"s_sample": "1"}, range(1000, 2000, 4)),
            ({"s_sample": "2"}, range(2000, 3000, 20)),
            ({"s_sample": "3"}, range(3000, 4000, 13)),
            ({"s_sample": "1", "s_subsample": "b"}, range(4000, 5000, 47)),

        histogram_data = (
            ({"h_sample": "1"}, [3, 14]),
            ({"h_sample": "2"}, range(1, 20, 2)),
            ({"h_sample": "3"}, range(1, 20, 2)),
            ({"h_sample": "1", "h_subsample": "b"}, range(1, 20, 2)),

        counter = Counter("counter_test", "A counter.", {"type": "counter"})
        gauge = Gauge("gauge_test", "A gauge.", {"type": "gauge"})
        summary = Summary("summary_test", "A summary.", {"type": "summary"})
        histogram = Histogram(
            "A histogram.",
            {"type": "histogram"},
            buckets=[5.0, 10.0, 15.0],


        # Add data
        [counter.set(c[0], c[1]) for c in counter_data]
        [gauge.set(g[0], g[1]) for g in gauge_data]
        [summary.add(i[0], s) for i in summary_data for s in i[1]]
        [histogram.observe(i[0], h) for i in histogram_data for h in i[1]]

        expected_data = """# HELP counter_test A counter.
# TYPE counter_test counter
counter_test{c_sample="1",type="counter"} 100
counter_test{c_sample="2",type="counter"} 200
counter_test{c_sample="3",type="counter"} 300
counter_test{c_sample="1",c_subsample="b",type="counter"} 400
# HELP gauge_test A gauge.
# TYPE gauge_test gauge
gauge_test{g_sample="1",type="gauge"} 500
gauge_test{g_sample="2",type="gauge"} 600
gauge_test{g_sample="3",type="gauge"} 700
gauge_test{g_sample="1",g_subsample="b",type="gauge"} 800
# HELP histogram_test A histogram.
# TYPE histogram_test histogram
histogram_test_bucket{h_sample="1",le="5.0",type="histogram"} 1.0
histogram_test_bucket{h_sample="1",le="10.0",type="histogram"} 1.0
histogram_test_bucket{h_sample="1",le="15.0",type="histogram"} 2.0
histogram_test_bucket{h_sample="1",le="+Inf",type="histogram"} 2.0
histogram_test_count{h_sample="1",type="histogram"} 2.0
histogram_test_sum{h_sample="1",type="histogram"} 17.0
histogram_test_bucket{h_sample="2",le="5.0",type="histogram"} 3.0
histogram_test_bucket{h_sample="2",le="10.0",type="histogram"} 5.0
histogram_test_bucket{h_sample="2",le="15.0",type="histogram"} 8.0
histogram_test_bucket{h_sample="2",le="+Inf",type="histogram"} 10.0
histogram_test_count{h_sample="2",type="histogram"} 10.0
histogram_test_sum{h_sample="2",type="histogram"} 100.0
histogram_test_bucket{h_sample="3",le="5.0",type="histogram"} 3.0
histogram_test_bucket{h_sample="3",le="10.0",type="histogram"} 5.0
histogram_test_bucket{h_sample="3",le="15.0",type="histogram"} 8.0
histogram_test_bucket{h_sample="3",le="+Inf",type="histogram"} 10.0
histogram_test_count{h_sample="3",type="histogram"} 10.0
histogram_test_sum{h_sample="3",type="histogram"} 100.0
histogram_test_bucket{h_sample="1",h_subsample="b",le="5.0",type="histogram"} 3.0
histogram_test_bucket{h_sample="1",h_subsample="b",le="10.0",type="histogram"} 5.0
histogram_test_bucket{h_sample="1",h_subsample="b",le="15.0",type="histogram"} 8.0
histogram_test_bucket{h_sample="1",h_subsample="b",le="+Inf",type="histogram"} 10.0
histogram_test_count{h_sample="1",h_subsample="b",type="histogram"} 10.0
histogram_test_sum{h_sample="1",h_subsample="b",type="histogram"} 100.0
# HELP summary_test A summary.
# TYPE summary_test summary
summary_test{quantile="0.5",s_sample="1",type="summary"} 1272.0
summary_test{quantile="0.9",s_sample="1",type="summary"} 1452.0
summary_test{quantile="0.99",s_sample="1",type="summary"} 1496.0
summary_test_count{s_sample="1",type="summary"} 250
summary_test_sum{s_sample="1",type="summary"} 374500.0
summary_test{quantile="0.5",s_sample="2",type="summary"} 2260.0
summary_test{quantile="0.9",s_sample="2",type="summary"} 2440.0
summary_test{quantile="0.99",s_sample="2",type="summary"} 2500.0
summary_test_count{s_sample="2",type="summary"} 50
summary_test_sum{s_sample="2",type="summary"} 124500.0
summary_test{quantile="0.5",s_sample="3",type="summary"} 3260.0
summary_test{quantile="0.9",s_sample="3",type="summary"} 3442.0
summary_test{quantile="0.99",s_sample="3",type="summary"} 3494.0
summary_test_count{s_sample="3",type="summary"} 77
summary_test_sum{s_sample="3",type="summary"} 269038.0
summary_test{quantile="0.5",s_sample="1",s_subsample="b",type="summary"} 4235.0
summary_test{quantile="0.9",s_sample="1",s_subsample="b",type="summary"} 4470.0
summary_test{quantile="0.99",s_sample="1",s_subsample="b",type="summary"} 4517.0
summary_test_count{s_sample="1",s_subsample="b",type="summary"} 22
summary_test_sum{s_sample="1",s_subsample="b",type="summary"} 98857.0

        async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:

            # Fetch as text
            async with session.get(
                self.metrics_url, headers={ACCEPT: TEXT_CONTENT_TYPE}
            ) as resp:
                self.assertEqual(resp.status, 200)
                content = await resp.read()
                self.assertEqual(TEXT_CONTENT_TYPE, resp.headers.get(CONTENT_TYPE))
                self.assertEqual(expected_data, content.decode())

            # Fetch as binary
            async with session.get(
                self.metrics_url, headers={ACCEPT: BINARY_CONTENT_TYPE}
            ) as resp:
                self.assertEqual(resp.status, 200)
                content = await resp.read()
                self.assertEqual(BINARY_CONTENT_TYPE, resp.headers.get(CONTENT_TYPE))
                metrics = pmp.decode(content)
                self.assertEqual(len(metrics), 4)
                for mf in metrics:
                    self.assertIsInstance(mf, pmp.MetricFamily)
                    if mf.type == pmp.COUNTER:
                        self.assertEqual(len(mf.metric), 4)
                    elif mf.type == pmp.GAUGE:
                        self.assertEqual(len(mf.metric), 4)
                    elif mf.type == pmp.SUMMARY:
                        self.assertEqual(len(mf.metric), 4)
                        self.assertEqual(len(mf.metric[0].summary.quantile), 3)
                    elif mf.type == pmp.HISTOGRAM:
                        self.assertEqual(len(mf.metric), 4)
                        self.assertEqual(len(mf.metric[0].histogram.bucket), 4)
Exemplo n.º 39
    def test_register_gauge(self):
        """ check registering a gauge collector """
        r = CollectorRegistry()

        self.assertEqual(1, len(r.collectors))
Exemplo n.º 40
    def test_gauge_format_with_const_labels(self):

        self.data = {
            "name": "logged_users_total",
            "doc": "Logged users in the application",
            "const_labels": {
                "app": "my_app"
        g = Gauge(**self.data)

        counter_data = (
                "country": "sp",
                "device": "desktop"
            }, 520),
                "country": "us",
                "device": "mobile"
            }, 654),
                "country": "uk",
                "device": "desktop"
            }, 1001),
                "country": "de",
                "device": "desktop"
            }, 995),
                "country": "zh",
                "device": "desktop"
            }, 520),
                "country": "ch",
                "device": "mobile"
            }, 654),
                "country": "ca",
                "device": "desktop"
            }, 1001),
                "country": "jp",
                "device": "desktop"
            }, 995),
                "country": "au",
                "device": "desktop"
            }, 520),
                "country": "py",
                "device": "mobile"
            }, 654),
                "country": "ar",
                "device": "desktop"
            }, 1001),
                "country": "pt",
                "device": "desktop"
            }, 995),

        valid_result = (
            "# HELP logged_users_total Logged users in the application",
            "# TYPE logged_users_total gauge",
            'logged_users_total{app="my_app",country="ch",device="mobile"} 654',
            'logged_users_total{app="my_app",country="zh",device="desktop"} 520',
            'logged_users_total{app="my_app",country="jp",device="desktop"} 995',
            'logged_users_total{app="my_app",country="de",device="desktop"} 995',
            'logged_users_total{app="my_app",country="pt",device="desktop"} 995',
            'logged_users_total{app="my_app",country="ca",device="desktop"} 1001',
            'logged_users_total{app="my_app",country="sp",device="desktop"} 520',
            'logged_users_total{app="my_app",country="au",device="desktop"} 520',
            'logged_users_total{app="my_app",country="uk",device="desktop"} 1001',
            'logged_users_total{app="my_app",country="py",device="mobile"} 654',
            'logged_users_total{app="my_app",country="us",device="mobile"} 654',
            'logged_users_total{app="my_app",country="ar",device="desktop"} 1001',

        # Add data to the collector
        for i in counter_data:
            g.set_value(i[0], i[1])

        # Select format
        f = text.TextFormatter()
        result = f.marshall_lines(g)

        result = sorted(result)
        valid_result = sorted(valid_result)

        self.assertEqual(valid_result, result)
Exemplo n.º 41
class Prometheus:
    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot = bot

        self.msvr = Service()

        if platform.system() == "Linux":
            self.platform = platform
            self.pid = os.path.join("/proc", "self")
            self.pagesize = resource.getpagesize()
            self.ticks = os.sysconf("SC_CLK_TCK")
            self.btime = 0

            with open(os.path.join("/proc", "stat"), "rb") as stat:
                for line in stat:
                    if line.startswith(b"btime "):
                        self.btime = float(line.split()[1])

        self.vmem = Gauge("process_virtual_memory_bytes", "Virtual memory size in bytes.")
        self.rss = Gauge("process_resident_memory_bytes", "Resident memory size in bytes.")
        self.start_time = Gauge("process_start_time_seconds", "Start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds.")
        self.cpu = Counter("process_cpu_seconds", "Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds.")
        self.fds = Gauge("process_open_fds", "Number of open file descriptors.")

        self.info = Gauge("python_info", "Python platform information.")
        self.collected = Counter("python_gc_objects_collected", "Objects collected during GC.")
        self.uncollectable = Counter("python_gc_objects_uncollectable", "Uncollectable objects found during GC.")
        self.collections = Counter("python_gc_collections", "Number of times this generation was collected.")

        self.latency = Gauge("modmail_latency", "The average latency for shards on this cluster")
        self.events = Counter("modmail_discord_events", "The total number of processed events.")
        self.dispatch = Counter("modmail_dispatch_events", "The total number of dispatched events.")
        self.http = Counter("modmail_http_requests", "The number of http requests sent to Discord.")

        self.guilds_join = Counter("modmail_guilds_join", "The number of guilds ModMail is added to.")
        self.guilds_leave = Counter("modmail_guilds_leave", "The number of guilds ModMail is removed from.")

        self.shards = Gauge("modmail_shards", "The total number of shards on this cluster.")
        self.guilds = Gauge("modmail_guilds", "The total number of guilds on this cluster.")
        self.users = Gauge("modmail_users", "The total number of users on this cluster.")

        self.commands = Counter("modmail_commands", "The total number of commands used on the bot.")
        self.tickets = Counter("modmail_tickets", "The total number of tickets created by the bot.")
        self.tickets_message = Counter("modmail_tickets_message", "The total number of messages sent in tickets.")

    async def start(self):
        for name, value in vars(self).items():
            if issubclass(type(value), Collector):
                self.msvr.register(getattr(self, name))
        await self.msvr.start(addr="", port=6000 + self.bot.cluster)
        self.msvr._runner._server._kwargs["access_log"] = None

        if platform.system() == "Linux":

    async def update_bot_stats(self):
        while True:
            await self.bot.wait_until_ready()
            await asyncio.sleep(60)
            self.shards.set({}, len(self.bot.shards))
            self.guilds.set({}, len(self.bot.guilds))
            self.users.set({}, len(self.bot.users))
            self.latency.set({}, self.bot.latency)
            await asyncio.sleep(10)

    async def update_process_stats(self):
        while True:
            with open(os.path.join(self.pid, "stat"), "rb") as stat:
                parts = stat.read().split(b")")[-1].split()
            self.vmem.set({}, float(parts[20]))
            self.rss.set({}, float(parts[21]) * self.pagesize)
            self.start_time.set({}, float(parts[19]) / self.ticks + self.btime)
            self.cpu.set({}, float(parts[11]) / self.ticks + float(parts[12]) / self.ticks)
            self.fds.set({}, len(os.listdir(os.path.join(self.pid, "fd"))))
            await asyncio.sleep(5)

    async def update_platform_stats(self):
        while True:
                    "version": self.platform.python_version(),
                    "implementation": self.platform.python_implementation(),
                    "major": platform.python_version_tuple()[0],
                    "minor": platform.python_version_tuple()[1],
                    "patchlevel": platform.python_version_tuple()[2],
            for gen, stat in enumerate(gc.get_stats()):
                self.collected.set({"generation": str(gen)}, stat["collected"])
                self.uncollectable.set({"generation": str(gen)}, stat["uncollectable"])
                self.collections.set({"generation": str(gen)}, stat["collections"])
            await asyncio.sleep(5)
Exemplo n.º 42
    def test_gauge_format_text(self):

        name = "container_memory_max_usage_bytes"
        doc = "Maximum memory usage ever recorded in bytes."

        valid_result = """# HELP container_memory_max_usage_bytes Maximum memory usage ever recorded in bytes.
# TYPE container_memory_max_usage_bytes gauge
container_memory_max_usage_bytes{id="4f70875bb57986783064fe958f694c9e225643b0d18e9cde6bdee56d47b7ce76",name="prometheus"} 0
container_memory_max_usage_bytes{id="89042838f24f0ec0aa2a6c93ff44fd3f3e43057d35cfd32de89558112ecb92a0",name="calendall_web_run_3"} 0
container_memory_max_usage_bytes{id="d11c6bc95459822e995fac4d4ae527f6cac442a1896a771dbb307ba276beceb9",name="db"} 0
container_memory_max_usage_bytes{id="e4260cc9dca3e4e50ad2bffb0ec7432442197f135023ab629fe3576485cc65dd",name="container-extractor"} 0
container_memory_max_usage_bytes{id="f30d1caaa142b1688a0684ed744fcae6d202a36877617b985e20a5d33801b311",name="calendall_db_1"} 0
container_memory_max_usage_bytes{id="f835d921ffaf332f8d88ef5231ba149e389a2f37276f081878d6f982ef89a981",name="cocky_fermat"} 0"""

        data = (
                    "name": "prometheus",
                    "name": "calendall_web_run_3",
                    "name": "db",
                    "name": "container-extractor",
                    "name": "calendall_db_1",
                    "name": "cocky_fermat",

        # Create the counter
        g = Gauge(name=name, doc=doc, const_labels={})

        for i in data:
            g.set_value(i[0], i[1])

        # Select format
        f = text.TextFormatter()

        result = f.marshall_collector(g)

        self.assertEqual(valid_result, result)