Exemplo n.º 1
async def test_merge_streams():
    xs = AsyncStream()
    s1 = AsyncStream()
    s2 = AsyncStream()

    ys = merge(xs)

    obv = AsyncAnonymousObserver()
    await subscribe(ys, obv)
    await xs.asend(s1)
    await xs.asend(s2)

    await s1.asend_at(1, 10)
    await s1.asend_at(2, 20)
    await s1.asend_at(4, 30)
    await s1.aclose_at(6)

    await s2.asend_at(0, 40)
    await s2.asend_at(3, 50)
    await s2.asend_at(5, 60)
    await s2.aclose_at(6)

    await xs.aclose()
    await obv

    assert obv.values == [(0, 40), (1, 10), (2, 20), (3, 50), (4, 30), (5, 60),
                          (6, )]
Exemplo n.º 2
async def test_distinct_until_changed_different():
    xs = from_iterable([1, 2, 3])

    obv = AsyncAnonymousObserver()
    ys = distinct_until_changed(xs)

    await run(ys, obv)
    assert obv.values == [(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (0, )]
Exemplo n.º 3
async def test_unit_happy_resolved_future():
    fut = asyncio.Future()
    xs = unit(fut)

    obv = AsyncAnonymousObserver()
    await run(xs, obv)
    assert obv.values == [(0, 42), (0, )]
Exemplo n.º 4
async def test_unit_happy():
    xs = unit(42)
    result = []

    async def asend(value):

    await run(xs, AsyncAnonymousObserver(asend))
    assert result == [42]
Exemplo n.º 5
async def test_unit_happy_future_resolve():
    fut = asyncio.Future()
    xs = unit(fut)

    obv = AsyncAnonymousObserver()
    async with subscribe(xs, obv):
        await obv

    assert obv.values == [(0, 42), (0, )]
Exemplo n.º 6
async def test_stream_chain_observer():
    xs = AsyncStream()

    obv = AsyncAnonymousObserver()
    await chain(xs, obv)

    await xs.asend_later(1, 10)
    await xs.asend_later(1, 20)

    assert obv.values == [(1, 10), (2, 20)]
Exemplo n.º 7
async def test_stream_happy() -> None:
    xs = AsyncStream()

    obv = AsyncAnonymousObserver()
    await subscribe(xs, obv)
    await xs.asend_later(1, 10)
    await xs.asend_later(1, 20)
    await xs.asend_later(1, 30)

    assert obv.values == [(1, 10), (2, 20), (3, 30)]
Exemplo n.º 8
async def test_stream_happy():
    xs = AsyncSingleStream()

    sink = AsyncAnonymousObserver()
    await subscribe(xs, sink)
    await xs.asend_later(1, 10)
    await xs.asend_later(1, 20)
    await xs.asend_later(1, 30)

    assert sink.values == [(1, 10), (2, 20), (3, 30)]
Exemplo n.º 9
async def test_stream_cancel_context():
    xs = AsyncSingleStream()

    sink = AsyncAnonymousObserver()
    async with subscribe(xs, sink):

    await xs.asend_later(1, 10)
    await xs.asend_later(1, 20)

    assert sink.values == []
Exemplo n.º 10
async def test_stream_cancel_context():
    xs = AsyncStream()

    obv = AsyncAnonymousObserver()
    async with subscribe(xs, obv):

    await xs.asend_later(1, 10)
    await xs.asend_later(1, 20)

    assert obv.values == []
Exemplo n.º 11
async def test_unit_future_exception():
    fut = asyncio.Future()
    ex = Exception("ex")
    xs = unit(fut)

    obv = AsyncAnonymousObserver()
    async with subscribe(xs, obv):
        with pytest.raises(Exception):
            await obv
    assert obv.values == [(0, ex)]
Exemplo n.º 12
async def test_unit_future_cancel():
    fut = asyncio.Future()
    xs = unit(fut)

    obv = AsyncAnonymousObserver()
    async with subscribe(xs, obv):
        with pytest.raises(asyncio.CancelledError):
            await obv

    assert obv.values == [(0, )]
Exemplo n.º 13
async def test_stream_send_after_close():
    xs = AsyncSingleStream()

    sink = AsyncAnonymousObserver()
    await subscribe(xs, sink)
    await xs.asend_later(1, 10)
    await xs.asend_later(1, 20)
    await xs.asend_later(1, 30)
    await xs.aclose_later(2)
    await xs.asend_later(1, 40)

    assert sink.values == [(1, 10), (2, 20), (3, 30), (5, )]
Exemplo n.º 14
async def test_delay_done():
    xs = AsyncStream()

    ys = delay(0.5, xs)
    obv = AsyncAnonymousObserver()
    async with subscribe(ys, obv):
        await xs.asend_later(0, 10)
        await xs.asend_later(1, 20)
        await xs.aclose_later(1)
        await obv

    assert obv.values == [(0.5, 10), (1.5, 20), (2.5, )]
Exemplo n.º 15
async def test_stream_send_after_close() -> None:
    xs = AsyncStream()

    obv = AsyncAnonymousObserver()
    await subscribe(xs, obv)

    await xs.asend_later(1, 10)
    await xs.asend_later(1, 20)
    await xs.asend_later(1, 30)
    await xs.aclose_later(2)
    await xs.asend_later(1, 40)

    assert obv.values == [(1, 10), (2, 20), (3, 30), (5, )]
Exemplo n.º 16
async def test_merge_done():
    xs = AsyncStream()

    ys = merge(xs)

    obv = AsyncAnonymousObserver()
    await subscribe(ys, obv)
    await xs.asend(from_iterable([10]))
    await xs.asend(from_iterable([20]))
    await xs.aclose()
    await obv

    assert obv.values == [(0, 10), (0, 20), (0, )]
Exemplo n.º 17
async def test_stream_cold_close():
    xs = AsyncSingleStream()

    sink = AsyncAnonymousObserver()

    async def aclose():
        await xs.aclose()

    await asyncio.sleep(10)
    async with subscribe(xs, sink):
        await xs.asend_later(1, 20)

    assert sink.values == [(10, )]
Exemplo n.º 18
async def test_stream_throws():
    ex = MyException("ex")
    xs = AsyncSingleStream()

    sink = AsyncAnonymousObserver()
    with pytest.raises(MyException):
        await subscribe(xs, sink)
        await xs.asend_later(1, 10)
        await xs.asend_later(1, 20)
        await xs.asend_later(1, 30)
        await xs.athrow_later(1, ex)
        await xs.asend_later(1, 40)
        await sink

    assert sink.values == [(1, 10), (2, 20), (3, 30), (4, ex)]
Exemplo n.º 19
async def test_delay_cancel_before_done():
    xs = AsyncStream()
    result = []

    async def asend(value):
        nonlocal result

    ys = delay(0.3, xs)
    async with subscribe(ys, AsyncAnonymousObserver(asend)):
        await xs.asend(10)
        await asyncio.sleep(1.5)
        await xs.asend(20)

    await asyncio.sleep(1)
    assert result == [10]
Exemplo n.º 20
async def test_stream_cancel():
    xs = AsyncSingleStream()
    sub = None

    def mapper(value):
        return value * 10

    ys = map(mapper, xs)

    sink = AsyncAnonymousObserver()
    sub = await subscribe(ys, sink)
    await xs.asend_later(1, 10)
    await sub.adispose()
    await xs.asend_later(1, 20)

    assert sink.values == [(1, 100)]
Exemplo n.º 21
async def test_stream_cancel() -> None:
    xs = AsyncStream()
    subscription = None

    def mapper(value) -> int:
        return value * 10

    ys = map(mapper, xs)

    obv = AsyncAnonymousObserver()
    subscription = await subscribe(ys, obv)
    await xs.asend_later(1, 10)
    await subscription.adispose()
    await xs.asend_later(1, 20)

    assert obv.values == [(1, 100)]
Exemplo n.º 22
async def test_stream_throws() -> None:
    ex = MyException("ex")
    xs = AsyncStream()

    obv = AsyncAnonymousObserver()
    with pytest.raises(MyException):
        await (xs > obv)

        await xs.asend_later(1, 10)
        await xs.asend_later(1, 20)
        await xs.asend_later(1, 30)
        await xs.athrow_later(1, ex)
        await xs.asend_later(1, 40)

        await obv

    assert obv.values == [(1, 10), (2, 20), (3, 30), (4, ex)]
Exemplo n.º 23
async def test_unit_observer_throws():
    error = Exception("error")
    xs = unit(42)
    result = []

    def asend(value):
        raise error

    obv = AsyncAnonymousObserver(asend)
    await subscribe(xs, obv)

        await obv
    except Exception as ex:
        assert ex == error
    assert result == [42]
Exemplo n.º 24
async def test_delay_throw():
    xs = AsyncStream()
    result = []

    async def asend(value):
        nonlocal result

    ys = delay(0.3, xs)
    await subscribe(ys, AsyncAnonymousObserver(asend))
    await xs.asend(10)
    await asyncio.sleep(1.5)
    await xs.asend(20)
    await xs.athrow(Exception('ex'))
    await asyncio.sleep(1)

    assert result == [10]
Exemplo n.º 25
async def test_unit_close():
    xs = unit(42)
    result = []
    sub = None

    async def asend(value):
        await sub.adispose()
        await asyncio.sleep(0)

    obv = AsyncAnonymousObserver(asend)
    sub = await subscribe(xs, obv)

        await obv
    except asyncio.CancelledError:

    assert result == [42]
Exemplo n.º 26
async def test_merge_streams_concat():
    s1 = AsyncStream()
    s2 = from_iterable([1, 2, 3])

    xs = from_iterable([s1, s2])

    ys = merge(xs, 1)

    obv = AsyncAnonymousObserver()
    await subscribe(ys, obv)

    await s1.asend_at(1, 10)
    await s1.asend_at(2, 20)
    await s1.asend_at(4, 30)
    await s1.aclose_at(6)

    await obv

    assert obv.values == [(1, 10), (2, 20), (4, 30), (6, 1), (6, 2), (6, 3),
                          (6, )]
Exemplo n.º 27
async def test_stream_cancel_asend():
    xs = AsyncSingleStream()
    sub = None

    async def asend(value):
        await sub.adispose()
        await asyncio.sleep(0)

    def mapper(value):
        return value * 10

    ys = map(mapper, xs)

    sink = AsyncAnonymousObserver(asend)
    async with subscribe(ys, sink) as sub:

        await xs.asend_later(1, 10)
        await xs.asend_later(1, 20)

    assert sink.values == [(1, 100)]
Exemplo n.º 28
async def test_stream_cancel_mapper():
    xs = AsyncStream()
    subscription = None

    def mapper(value):
        return value * 10

    ys = map(mapper, xs)

    obv = AsyncAnonymousObserver()
    async with subscribe(ys, obv) as subscription:

        await xs.asend_later(100, 10)
        await xs.asend_later(100, 20)
        await xs.asend_later(100, 30)
        await xs.asend_later(100, 40)
        await xs.asend_later(100, 50)
        await xs.asend_later(100, 60)

    assert obv.values == [(100, 100)]
Exemplo n.º 29
async def test_stream_cancel_asend() -> None:
    xs = AsyncStream()
    subscription = None

    async def asend(value) -> None:
        await subscription.adispose()
        await asyncio.sleep(0)

    def mapper(value) -> int:
        return value * 10

    ys = map(mapper, xs)

    obv = AsyncAnonymousObserver(asend)
    async with subscribe(ys, obv) as sub:
        subscription = sub

        await xs.asend_later(1, 10)
        await xs.asend_later(1, 20)

    assert obv.values == [(1, 100)]
Exemplo n.º 30
async def test_flap_map_done():
    xs = AsyncStream()
    result = []

    async def asend(value):
        nonlocal result

    async def mapper(value):
        return from_iterable([value])

    ys = flat_map(mapper, xs)

    obv = AsyncAnonymousObserver()
    await subscribe(ys, obv)
    await xs.asend(10)
    await xs.asend(20)
    await xs.aclose()

    await obv

    assert obv.values == [(0, 10), (0, 20), (0, )]