Exemplo n.º 1
 async def __call__(
     self, config: Config = Depends(config_dependency)) -> Redis:
     """Creates the Redis pool if necessary and returns it."""
     if not self.redis:
         password = config.redis_password
         self.redis = Redis.from_url(config.redis_url, password=password)
     assert self.redis
     return self.redis
Exemplo n.º 2
def from_url(url, **kwargs):
    Returns an active Redis client generated from the given database URL.

    Will attempt to extract the database id from the path url fragment, if
    none is provided.
    from aioredis.client import Redis

    return Redis.from_url(url, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 3
async def on_startup():
    """Creates a ClientSession to be used app-wide."""
    from api.services import redis, http

    if http.session is None or http.session.closed:
        http.session = ClientSession()
        log.info("Created HTTP ClientSession.")

    if redis.pool is None or redis.pool.connection is None:
        if (redis_uri := config.redis_uri()) is not None:
            redis.pool = Redis.from_url(redis_uri)
            log.info("Connected to redis server: " + str(redis.pool))
            redis.pool = FakeRedis()
                "  > Created FakeRedis server, using a real redis server is suggested.\n"
                "  > You can launch a local one using `docker compose up redis` and providing the url in env."
Exemplo n.º 4
import sys
from string import ascii_uppercase

from aioredis import Redis
from loguru import logger
from tenacity import retry, stop_after_delay, wait_exponential

from . import config

redis = Redis.from_url(config.REDIS_URL)

async def startup() -> None:
    Initialize resources such as Redis and Database connections
    if config.DEBUG:
    await _init_redis()

async def shutdown() -> None:
    Release resources
    await _stop_redis()
    logger.info('...shut down')