Exemplo n.º 1
async def test_read():
    async with start_server():
        async with connect_http(node=server_addr, ssl_cert=SSL_CERT, api_key=API_KEY, port=PORT) as conn:
            expected_data = SSL_CERT.open("rb").read()

            data = await conn.read(SSL_CERT, compress=False)
            assert data == expected_data

            data = await conn.read(SSL_CERT, compress=True)
            assert data == expected_data

            data = await conn.read(SSL_CERT)
            assert data == expected_data

            with SSL_CERT.open('rb') as fd:
                async for block in conn.iter_file(SSL_CERT, compress=True):
                    assert fd.read(len(block)) == block
                assert fd.read() == b''

            with SSL_CERT.open('rb') as fd:
                async for block in conn.iter_file(SSL_CERT, compress=False):
                    assert fd.read(len(block)) == block
                assert fd.read() == b''

            with SSL_CERT.open('rb') as fd:
                async for block in conn.iter_file(SSL_CERT):
                    assert fd.read(len(block)) == block
                assert fd.read() == b''
Exemplo n.º 2
async def test_read_large():
    async with start_server():
        async with connect_http(node=server_addr, ssl_cert=SSL_CERT, api_key=API_KEY, port=PORT) as conn:
            with open(LARGE_FILE_PATH, 'rb') as fd:
                async for chunk in conn.iter_file(LARGE_FILE_PATH, compress=False):
                    assert fd.read(len(chunk)) == chunk

                assert fd.read() == b''
Exemplo n.º 3
async def test_run_timeout():
    async with start_server():
        async with connect_http(node=server_addr, ssl_cert=SSL_CERT, api_key=API_KEY, port=PORT) as conn:
            for proc in [["sleep", "3600"], "sleep 3600"]:
                coro = conn.run(proc, timeout=0.5, term_timeout=0.1)
                done, not_done = await asyncio.wait([coro], timeout=2)
                assert done
                task, = done
                with pytest.raises(subprocess.TimeoutExpired):
                    await task
Exemplo n.º 4
async def test_python27():
    async with start_server():
        async with connect_http(node=server_addr, ssl_cert=SSL_CERT, api_key=API_KEY, port=PORT) as conn:
            for proc in [["python2.7", "-c", "import sys; print sys.version_info"],
                         "python2.7 -c 'import sys; print sys.version_info'"]:

                ps_result = await conn.run(proc)
                assert ps_result.returncode == 0
                assert ps_result.stderr_b is None
                assert ps_result.args == proc
                assert "sys.version_info(major=2, minor=7, " in ps_result.stdout
Exemplo n.º 5
async def test_write_temp():
    data = b'-' * 100_000
    tmpdirlist = os.listdir('/tmp')

    async with start_server():
        async with connect_http(node=server_addr, ssl_cert=SSL_CERT, api_key=API_KEY, port=PORT) as conn:
            fpath = await conn.write_tmp(data, compress=False)

    assert fpath.open('rb').read() == data
    assert str(fpath.parent) == '/tmp'
    assert fpath.name not in tmpdirlist
Exemplo n.º 6
async def test_run_input():
    expected_res = subprocess.run('ls -1 /', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    assert expected_res.returncode == 0
    cmd = 'ls -1 /'

    async with start_server():
        async with connect_http(node=server_addr, ssl_cert=SSL_CERT, api_key=API_KEY, port=PORT) as conn:
            for proc in ["bash", ["bash"]]:
                ps_result = await conn.run(proc, input_data=cmd.encode())
                assert ps_result.returncode == 0
                assert ps_result.stderr_b is None
                assert ps_result.args == proc
                assert expected_res.stdout.decode() == ps_result.stdout
Exemplo n.º 7
async def test_run_issues():
    not_existed_exe = 'this-cmd-does-not-exists-1241414515415'
    fails_with_code_1 = 'exit 1'
    async with start_server():
        async with connect_http(node=server_addr, ssl_cert=SSL_CERT, api_key=API_KEY, port=PORT) as conn:
            with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
                await conn.run([not_existed_exe])

            ps_result = await conn.run(not_existed_exe)
            assert ps_result.returncode != 0

            ps_result = await conn.run(fails_with_code_1)
            assert ps_result.returncode == 1
Exemplo n.º 8
async def test_file_tail():

    async with start_server():
        async with connect_http(node=server_addr, ssl_cert=SSL_CERT, api_key=API_KEY, port=PORT) as conn:
            with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fl:
                for i in range(1000):

                fl.seek(1000, os.SEEK_END)
                val = b""
                async for chunk in conn.tail_file(fl.name, 1000):
                    val += chunk
                assert fl.read() == val
Exemplo n.º 9
async def test_write_large():
    async with start_server():
        async with connect_http(node=server_addr, ssl_cert=SSL_CERT, api_key=API_KEY, port=PORT) as conn:
            with open(LARGE_FILE_PATH, 'rb') as src:
                with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as dst:
                    await conn.write(dst.name, src, compress=False)

                    chunk = 1 << 20
                    src.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)

                    while True:
                        data = src.read(chunk)
                        assert data == dst.file.read(chunk)
                        if not data:
Exemplo n.º 10
async def test_other_fs():
    mounts = get_mounts()

    async with start_server():
        async with connect_http(node=server_addr, ssl_cert=SSL_CERT, api_key=API_KEY, port=PORT) as conn:
            with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fl:
                expected_device, expected_partition = mounts[str(find_mount_point(Path(fl.name)))]
                device, partition = await conn.proxy.fs.get_dev_and_partition(fl.name)
                assert Path(device).is_block_device()
                assert Path(partition).is_block_device()
                assert expected_partition == partition
                assert expected_device == device

                assert len(await conn.proxy.fs.find_pids_for_cmd('zsh', find_binary=True)) > 0
                assert (await conn.proxy.fs.count_sockets_for_process(os.getpid())) > 0

                for dev_name in (await conn.proxy.fs.get_block_devs_info()):
                    assert Path(f"/dev/{dev_name}").is_block_device()
Exemplo n.º 11
async def test_fs_utils():
    exists = '/'
    not_exists = '/this_folder_does_not_exists'
    assert Path(exists).exists()
    assert not Path(not_exists).exists()

    async with start_server():
        async with connect_http(node=server_addr, ssl_cert=SSL_CERT, api_key=API_KEY, port=PORT) as conn:
            assert await conn.exists(exists)
            assert not (await conn.exists(not_exists))

            assert await conn.exists(Path(exists))
            assert not (await conn.exists(Path(not_exists)))

            assert list(await conn.stat(exists)) == list(os.stat(exists))
            assert sorted(list(await conn.iterdir(exists))) == sorted(list(Path(exists).iterdir()))

            assert list(await conn.stat(exists)) == list(os.stat(exists))
            assert sorted(list(await conn.iterdir(exists))) == sorted(list(Path(exists).iterdir()))
Exemplo n.º 12
async def test_run_environ():
    var_name = "TEST_VAR"
    var_val = "TEST_VALUE"
    async with start_server():
        async with connect_http(node=server_addr, ssl_cert=SSL_CERT, api_key=API_KEY, port=PORT) as conn:
            env = await conn.proxy.cli.environ()

            assert var_name not in env
            assert 'PATH' in env

            for proc in [["python2.7", "-c", "import os; print os.environ['TEST_VAR']"]]:
                ps_result = await conn.run(proc, merge_err=False)
                assert ps_result.returncode != 0
                assert "KeyError: 'TEST_VAR'" in ps_result.stderr_b.decode()

            new_env = env.copy()
            new_env[var_name] = var_val
            for proc in [["python2.7", "-c", "import os; print os.environ['TEST_VAR']"], "echo $TEST_VAR"]:
                ps_result = await conn.run(proc, env=new_env, merge_err=False)
                assert ps_result.returncode == 0
                assert var_val == ps_result.stdout.strip()
Exemplo n.º 13
async def test_run():
    expected_res = subprocess.run('ls -1 /', shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
    assert expected_res.returncode == 0

    async with start_server():
        async with connect_http(node=server_addr, ssl_cert=SSL_CERT, api_key=API_KEY, port=PORT) as conn:
            for cmd in ['ls -1 /', ['ls', '-1', '/'], ['ls', '-1', Path('/')]]:
                ps_result = await conn.run(cmd)
                assert ps_result.returncode == 0
                assert ps_result.stderr_b is None
                assert ps_result.stdout_b.decode() == ps_result.stdout
                assert ps_result.args == cmd
                assert expected_res.stdout.decode() == ps_result.stdout

            ps_result = await conn.run("ls -1 /", compress=False)
            assert ps_result.returncode == 0
            assert ps_result.stderr_b is None
            assert ps_result.stdout_b.decode() == ps_result.stdout
            assert ps_result.args == "ls -1 /"
            assert expected_res.stdout.decode() == ps_result.stdout
Exemplo n.º 14
async def test_write():
    data = b'-' * 100_000
    async with start_server():
        async with connect_http(node=server_addr, ssl_cert=SSL_CERT, api_key=API_KEY, port=PORT) as conn:
            with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fl:
                await conn.write(fl.name, data, compress=False)
                assert data == fl.file.read()

            assert not Path(fl.name).exists()

            with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fl:
                await conn.write(fl.name, data, compress=True)
                assert data == fl.file.read()

            assert not Path(fl.name).exists()

            with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fl:
                await conn.write(fl.name, data)
                assert data == fl.file.read()

            assert not Path(fl.name).exists()

            with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as src:
                src.file.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
                with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as dst:
                    await conn.write(dst.name, src.file)
                    assert data == dst.file.read()

            assert not Path(dst.name).exists()
            assert not Path(src.name).exists()

            with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as dst:
                await conn.write(dst.name, BytesIO(data))
                assert data == dst.file.read()

            assert not Path(dst.name).exists()
Exemplo n.º 15
async def test_connect():
    async with start_server():
        async with connect_http(node=server_addr, ssl_cert=SSL_CERT, api_key=API_KEY, port=PORT) as conn:
            assert await conn.proxy.sys.ping("pong") == "pong"
Exemplo n.º 16
async def test_connect():
    async with start_server():
        async with connect_http(node=server_addr, ssl_cert=SSL_CERT, api_key=API_KEY, port=PORT) as conn: