Exemplo n.º 1
def quaternion_that_rotates_axes_frame(
    source_xyz_axes: Tuple[Vector3r, Vector3r, Vector3r],
    target_xyz_axes: Tuple[Vector3r, Vector3r, Vector3r],
    assume_normalized: bool = False,  # warn if it isn't
) -> Quaternionr:
    """ Returns the quaternion that rotates vectors from the `source` coordinate system to the `target` axes frame. """
    if not assume_normalized:
        assert all(np.isclose(_.get_length(), 1) for _ in source_xyz_axes + target_xyz_axes)

    # ref.: https://math.stackexchange.com/a/909245
    i, j, k = source_xyz_axes
    a, b, c = target_xyz_axes

    def quaternion_from_vector(v: Vector3r) -> Quaternionr:
        return Quaternionr(v.x_val, v.y_val, v.z_val, w_val=0)

    qx = quaternion_from_vector(a) * quaternion_from_vector(i)
    qy = quaternion_from_vector(b) * quaternion_from_vector(j)
    qz = quaternion_from_vector(c) * quaternion_from_vector(k)

    rx = qx.x_val + qy.x_val + qz.x_val
    ry = qx.y_val + qy.y_val + qz.y_val
    rz = qx.z_val + qy.z_val + qz.z_val
    rw = qx.w_val + qy.w_val + qz.w_val

    rotation = Quaternionr(-rx, -ry, -rz, w_val=(1 - rw))
    length = rotation.get_length()
    assert not np.isclose(length, 0)

    return rotation / length  # normalize
Exemplo n.º 2
    def next_quaternion(self, ):
        if self.oriind >= self.SmoothCount:  # sample a new orientation
            rand_ori = self.random_quaternion()
            new_ori = rand_ori * self.orientation

            new_qtn = Quaternionr(new_ori.x, new_ori.y, new_ori.z, new_ori.w)
            (pitch, roll, yaw) = to_eularian_angles(new_qtn)
            # print '  %.2f, %.2f, %.2f' %(pitch, roll, yaw )
            pitch = np.clip(pitch, self.MinPitch, self.MaxPitch)
            roll = np.clip(roll, self.MinRoll, self.MaxRoll)
            yaw = np.clip(yaw, self.MinYaw, self.MaxYaw)
            # print '  %.2f, %.2f, %.2f' %(pitch, roll, yaw )
            new_qtn_clip = to_quaternion(pitch, roll, yaw)

            new_ori_clip = Quaternionpy(new_qtn_clip.w_val, new_qtn_clip.x_val,
                                        new_qtn_clip.y_val, new_qtn_clip.z_val)
            qtnlist = Quaternionpy.intermediates(self.orientation,
                                                 self.SmoothCount - 2,
            self.orientation = new_ori_clip
            self.orilist = list(qtnlist)
            self.oriind = 1
            # print "sampled new", new_ori, ', after clip', self.orientation #, 'list', self.orilist

        next_qtn = self.orilist[self.oriind]
        self.oriind += 1
        # print "  return next", next_qtn
        return Quaternionr(next_qtn.x, next_qtn.y, next_qtn.z, next_qtn.w)
Exemplo n.º 3
def convert_2_pose(a):
    a: A 7-element array.

    return Pose(Vector3r(a[0], a[1], a[2]),
                Quaternionr(a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6]))
Exemplo n.º 4
def quaternion_from_rotation_axis_angle(axis: Vector3r, angle: float, is_degrees: bool = False) -> Quaternionr:
    if is_degrees:
        angle = np.deg2rad(angle)

    half_angle = angle / 2
    axis /= axis.get_length()  # normalize
    axis *= np.sin(half_angle)
    return Quaternionr(axis.x_val, axis.y_val, axis.z_val, w_val=np.cos(half_angle))
Exemplo n.º 5
def quaternion_from_two_vectors(a: Vector3r, b: Vector3r) -> Quaternionr:
    """ What rotation (around the intersection of the two vectors) we need to rotate `a` to `b`? """
    # ref.: https://gitlab.com/libeigen/eigen/-/blob/master/Eigen/src/Geometry/Quaternion.h (FromTwoVectors)
    v0 = a / a.get_length()
    v1 = b / b.get_length()
    c = v1.dot(v0)

    assert c > -1  # FIXME handle the case when the vectors are nearly opposites

    s = np.sqrt((1 + c) * 2)
    axis = v0.cross(v1) / s
    return Quaternionr(axis.x_val, axis.y_val, axis.z_val, w_val=(s / 2))
Exemplo n.º 6
def vector_rotated_by_quaternion(v: Vector3r, q: Quaternionr) -> Vector3r:
    q /= q.get_length()  # normalize

    # Extract the vector and scalar parts of q:
    u, s = Vector3r(q.x_val, q.y_val, q.z_val), q.w_val

    # NOTE the results from these two methods are the same up to 7 decimal places.

    # ref.: https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/28395/rotating-vector3-by-a-quaternion
    # return u * (2 * u.dot(v)) + v * (s * s - u.dot(u)) + u.cross(v) * (2 * s)

    # ref.: https://gitlab.com/libeigen/eigen/-/blob/master/Eigen/src/Geometry/Quaternion.h (_transformVector)
    uv = u.cross(v)
    uv += uv
    return v + uv * s + u.cross(uv)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(
     time_stamp: int,
     pos_x: float, pos_y: float, pos_z: float,
     q_w: float, q_x: float, q_y: float, q_z: float,
     image_file: str,
     """ Represents an item from AirSim's recording file (i.e. a row in `airsim_rec.txt`).
         Reference: https://github.com/microsoft/AirSim/blob/master/Unreal/Plugins/AirSim/Source/PawnSimApi.cpp
     # assert os.path.isfile(image_file), image_file
     self.time_stamp = time_stamp
     self.image_file = image_file
     self.position = Vector3r(pos_x, pos_y, pos_z)
     self.orientation = Quaternionr(q_x, q_y, q_z, q_w)
Exemplo n.º 8
def setRandomPose(client, center, offset_range, rotation_range):
    random_vector = np.random.random_sample((2, 1))
    unit_vector = random_vector / np.linalg.norm(random_vector)
    displacement_vector = (offset_range[1] - offset_range[0]) * (
        np.random.random_sample()) * unit_vector + offset_range[0]
    displacement_vector = displacement_vector.reshape(-1, )
    position = Vector3r(center.position.x_val + displacement_vector[0],
                        center.position.y_val + displacement_vector[1],

    rotation = (rotation_range[1] - rotation_range[0]
                ) * np.random.random_sample() + rotation_range[
                    0]  #2*np.sin(2*np.pi*np.random.random_sample())
    orientation = Quaternionr(z_val=rotation)

    pose = Pose(position_val=position, orientation_val=orientation)
    client.simSetObjectPose("pallet", pose, True)

    return pose, displacement_vector, rotation
Exemplo n.º 9
    def quaternion_from_rotator(pitch: float, yaw: float, roll: float, is_degrees: bool = False) -> Quaternionr:
        if is_degrees:
            pitch = np.deg2rad(np.fmod(pitch, 360))
            yaw = np.deg2rad(np.fmod(yaw, 360))
            roll = np.deg2rad(np.fmod(roll, 360))

        pitch *= 0.5
        yaw *= 0.5
        roll *= 0.5

        sp, cp = np.sin(pitch), np.cos(pitch)
        sy, cy = np.sin(yaw), np.cos(yaw)
        sr, cr = np.sin(roll), np.cos(roll)

        x = +(cr * sp * sy) - (sr * cp * cy)
        y = -(cr * sp * cy) - (sr * cp * sy)
        z = +(cr * cp * sy) - (sr * sp * cy)
        w = +(cr * cp * cy) + (sr * sp * sy)

        # NOTE calling airsim.to_quaternion(pitch, roll, yaw) is equivalent to
        # passing this return to AirSimNedTransform.quaternion_from_uu_to_ned.
        return Quaternionr(x, y, z, w_val=w)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def capture_LIDAR_depth(self, p, q):
        p: A 3-element NumPy array, the position.
        q: A 4-element NumPy array, quaternion, w is the last element.

        faces = [0, 1, 2, -1]  # Front, right, back, left.
        depthList = []

        q0 = Quaternionr(q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3])

        for face in faces:
            # Compose a AirSim Pose object.
            yaw = np.pi / 2 * face
            yq = to_quaternion(0, 0, yaw)
            # q   = to_quaternion( e[0], e[1], e[2] )
            q1 = yq * q0

            pose = Pose(Vector3r(p[0], p[1], p[2]), q1)

            # Change the vehicle pose.

            # Get the image.
            for i in range(self.maxTrial):
                depth, _ = self.get_depth_campos()
                if depth is None:
                    print("Fail for trail %d on face %d. " % (i, face))

            if (depth is None):
                raise Exception("Could not get depth image for face %d. " %

            # Get a valid depth.

        return depthList
Exemplo n.º 11
def setPose(center, z_rotation):
    pose = Pose(Vector3r(center[0], center[1], center[2]),
    return pose
Exemplo n.º 12
 def quaternion_from_vector(v: Vector3r) -> Quaternionr:
     return Quaternionr(v.x_val, v.y_val, v.z_val, w_val=0)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def quaternion_from_ned_to_uu(q: Quaternionr):
     return Quaternionr(-q.x_val, -q.y_val, q.z_val, w_val=q.w_val)
Exemplo n.º 14
def quaternion_flip_y_axis(q: Quaternionr) -> Quaternionr: return Quaternionr(-q.x_val, q.y_val, -q.z_val, w_val=q.w_val)
def quaternion_flip_x_axis(q: Quaternionr) -> Quaternionr: return Quaternionr(q.x_val, -q.y_val, -q.z_val, w_val=q.w_val)
Exemplo n.º 15
def vector_rotated_by_quaternion_reversed(v: Vector3r, q: Quaternionr) -> Vector3r:
    # NOTE we could have used q.conjugate(), if we assumed q was a unit quaternion
    return vector_rotated_by_quaternion(v, q.inverse())
Exemplo n.º 16
def quaternion_flip_x_axis(q: Quaternionr) -> Quaternionr: return Quaternionr(q.x_val, -q.y_val, -q.z_val, w_val=q.w_val)

def quaternion_that_rotates_axes_frame(
Exemplo n.º 17
def quaternion_that_rotates_orientation(
    from_orientation: Quaternionr,
    to_orientation: Quaternionr,
) -> Quaternionr:
    """ Returns the quaternion that rotates `from_orientation` into `to_orientation`. """
    return to_orientation * from_orientation.inverse()
Exemplo n.º 18
 def pose_from_meshroom_to_airsim(meshroom_pose):
     assert len(meshroom_pose.center) == 3 and len(
         meshroom_pose.rotation) == 9, meshroom_pose
     xyzw = MeshroomTransform.rotation(meshroom_pose.rotation,
     return Pose(Vector3r(*meshroom_pose.center), Quaternionr(*xyzw))
Exemplo n.º 19
X = Vector3r(1, 0, 0)
Y = Vector3r(0, 1, 0)
Z = Vector3r(0, 0, 1)

RGB = (Rgba.Red, Rgba.Green, Rgba.Blue)
CMY = (Rgba.Cyan, Rgba.Magenta, Rgba.Yellow)

LOOK_AT_TARGET = data_config.Ned.Cidadela_Statue


def plot_xyz_axis(
    client: airsim.MultirotorClient,
    x_axis: Vector3r,
    y_axis: Vector3r,
    z_axis: Vector3r,
    origin: Vector3r,
) -> None:
    client.simPlotArrows([origin], [origin + x_axis],