def get_members_data():
    raw_data = get_all_records("All Members", "Main View")
    ret = {}
    ret["All Members:Main View"] = []
    for row in raw_data:
        fields = row["fields"]
        if "first_name" in fields or "last_name" in fields:
            retrow = {
              "fields": {
                "first_name" :fields.get("first_name"),
                "last_name"  :fields.get("last_name"),
                "chapter_id" :fields.get("chapter_id"),
              "id": row["id"],
            ret["All Members:Main View"].append(retrow)
            # well we can't really do anything without a name...
    raw_data = get_all_records("Chapters", "Main View")
    ret["Chapters:Main View"] = []
    for row in raw_data:
        fields = row["fields"]
        if "Name" in fields:
            retrow = {
              "fields": {
                "Name"        :fields.get("Name"),
                "All Members" :fields.get("All Members"),
              "id": row["id"],
            ret["Chapters:Main View"].append(retrow)
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_members_data():
    raw_data = get_all_records("All Members", "Main View")
    ret = {}
    ret["All Members:Main View"] = []
    for row in raw_data:
        fields = row["fields"]
        if "first_name" in fields or "last_name" in fields:
            retrow = {
                "fields": {
                    "first_name": fields.get("first_name"),
                    "last_name": fields.get("last_name"),
                    "chapter_id": fields.get("chapter_id"),
                "id": row["id"],
            ret["All Members:Main View"].append(retrow)
            # well we can't really do anything without a name...
    raw_data = get_all_records("Chapters", "Main View")
    ret["Chapters:Main View"] = []
    for row in raw_data:
        fields = row["fields"]
        if "Name" in fields:
            retrow = {
                "fields": {
                    "Name": fields.get("Name"),
                    "All Members": fields.get("All Members"),
                "id": row["id"],
            ret["Chapters:Main View"].append(retrow)
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_chapter_data():
    raw_data = get_all_records("Chapters", "Main View")
    ret = []
    for row in raw_data:
        fields = row["fields"]
        if "Name" in fields and "Location" in fields:
            retrow = {}
            lat, lng = get_lat_long(fields["Location"])
            if lat and lng:
                retrow["lat"] = lat
                retrow["long"] = lng

            retrow["name"] = fields["Name"]
            retrow["facebook"] = fields.get("Facebook")
            retrow["email"] = fields.get("Contact Email")
            retrow["youtube"] = fields.get("YouTube Channel")
            retrow["organizers"] = fields.get("Organizers Page")
            retrow["calendar"] = fields.get("Calendar")

            # special case: DxE SLC has their own website. They're likely to be
            # the only one to have their own for a while, so it's not worth it
            # to make a new column for website. We'll artificially inject their
            # site here.
            if fields["Name"] == "Salt Lake City":
                retrow["website"] = ""

            # well we can't really do anything without a name and location...
    return ret
Exemplo n.º 4
def sync_airtable_to_mailing_list():
    # chapters is all of the chapters in the "Chapters" table.
    chapters = airtable.get_all_records("Chapters", "Main View")
    if not chapters:
        raise Exception("Expected chapter to not be empty")
    chapter_to_mailing_list = create_chapter_to_mailing_list(chapters)
    if not chapter_to_mailing_list:
        raise Exception("Expected chapter_to_mailing_list to not be empty")
    members = airtable.get_all_records("All Members", "Main View")
    if not members:
        raise Exception("Expected members to not be empty")
    members_to_add = get_members_to_add(members)
    errors = []
    directory = get_directory()
    for m in members_to_add:
        valid_chapters_to_add = []
        for c in m.chapters_to_add:
            if c not in chapter_to_mailing_list:
            ml = chapter_to_mailing_list[c]
            except HttpError as e:
                print e
                content = json.loads(e.content)
                if "Member already exists" in content["error"]["message"]:
                    # Add member if the error is that they already exist.
                    print "Adding member to {} in Airtable anyway.".format(c)
        if not valid_chapters_to_add:
            continue  # Don't update the member if they weren't added to any chapter mailing lists.
        # Update member in airtable.
        valid_chapters_to_add += m.chapters_added
        r = airtable.update_record(
            "All Members", m.airtable_id,
            {ADDED_TO_MAILING_LIST_COL: valid_chapters_to_add})
        if r.status_code != 200:
            raise Exception(
                "Expected '200' from airtable.update_record: {}, {}, {}".
                format(m.airtable_id, valid_chapters_to_add, r.text))
    print "done!"
def sync_airtable_to_mailing_list():
    # chapters is all of the chapters in the "Chapters" table.
    chapters = airtable.get_all_records("Chapters", "Main View")
    if not chapters:
        raise Exception("Expected chapter to not be empty")
    chapter_to_mailing_list = create_chapter_to_mailing_list(chapters)
    if not chapter_to_mailing_list:
        raise Exception("Expected chapter_to_mailing_list to not be empty")
    members = airtable.get_all_records("All Members", "Main View")
    if not members:
        raise Exception("Expected members to not be empty")
    members_to_add = get_members_to_add(members)
    errors = []
    directory = get_directory()
    for m in members_to_add:
        valid_chapters_to_add = []
        for c in m.chapters_to_add:
            if c not in chapter_to_mailing_list:
            ml = chapter_to_mailing_list[c]
                directory.members().insert(groupKey=ml, body={"email":}).execute()
            except HttpError as e:
                print e
                content = json.loads(e.content)
                if "Member already exists" in content["error"]["message"]:
                    # Add member if the error is that they already exist.
                    print "Adding member to {} in Airtable anyway.".format(c)
        if not valid_chapters_to_add:
            continue # Don't update the member if they weren't added to any chapter mailing lists.
        # Update member in airtable.
        valid_chapters_to_add += m.chapters_added
        r = airtable.update_record("All Members", m.airtable_id, {ADDED_TO_MAILING_LIST_COL: valid_chapters_to_add})
        if r.status_code != 200:
            raise Exception("Expected '200' from airtable.update_record: {}, {}, {}".format(m.airtable_id, valid_chapters_to_add, r.text))
    print "done!"
Exemplo n.º 6
def backup_all_tables():
    output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    fname = "{}.zip".format('base_backup_%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S'))
    fpath = os.path.join(output_dir, fname)
    with zipfile.ZipFile(fpath, 'w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf:
        for table in airtable.TABLES:
            records = airtable.get_all_records(table, "Main View")
            zf.writestr("{}.json".format(table), json.dumps(records))

    conn = S3Connection(S3_ACCESS_KEY, S3_SECRET_KEY)
    b = conn.get_bucket(S3_BUCKET)
    k = Key(b)
    k.key = S3_BACKUP_DIR + "/" + fname
def backup_all_tables():
    output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    fname = "{}.zip".format('base_backup_%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S'))
    fpath = os.path.join(output_dir, fname)
    with zipfile.ZipFile(
    ) as zf:
        for table in airtable.TABLES:
            records = airtable.get_all_records(table, "Main View")
            zf.writestr("{}.json".format(table), json.dumps(records))

    conn = S3Connection(S3_ACCESS_KEY, S3_SECRET_KEY)
    b = conn.get_bucket(S3_BUCKET)
    k = Key(b)
    k.key = S3_BACKUP_DIR + "/" + fname