Exemplo n.º 1
def delete_database(client: AitoClient):
    """`delete the whole database <https://aito.ai/docs/api/#delete-api-v1-schema>`__

    .. note::

        requires the client to be setup with the READ-WRITE API key

    :param client: the AitoClient instance
    :type client: AitoClient
    LOG.info('database deleted')
Exemplo n.º 2
def trigger_file_processing(client: AitoClient, table_name: str, session_id: str):
    """`Trigger file processing of uploading a file to a table

    :param client: the AitoClient instance
    :type client: AitoClient
    :param table_name: the name of the table to be uploaded
    :type table_name: str
    :param session_id: The upload session id from :func:`.initiate_upload_file`
    :type session_id: str
    LOG.debug('triggering file processing...')
    client.request(request_obj=aito_requests.TriggerFileProcessingRequest(table_name=table_name, session_id=session_id))
    LOG.info('triggered file processing')
Exemplo n.º 3
def delete_table(client: AitoClient, table_name: str):
    """`delete the specified table <https://aito.ai/docs/api/#delete-api-v1-schema>`__

    .. note::

        requires the client to be setup with the READ-WRITE API key

    :param client: the AitoClient instance
    :type client: AitoClient
    :param table_name: the name of the table
    :type table_name: str
    LOG.info(f'table `{table_name}` deleted')
Exemplo n.º 4
def create_database(client: AitoClient, schema: Union[AitoDatabaseSchema, Dict]):
    """`create a database <https://aito.ai/docs/api/#put-api-v1-schema>`__ using the specified database schema

    .. note::

        requires the client to be setup with the READ-WRITE API key

    :param client: the AitoClient instance
    :type client: AitoClient
    :param schema: the schema of the database
    :type schema: Dict
    LOG.info('database schema created')
Exemplo n.º 5
def poll_file_processing_status(client: AitoClient, table_name: str, session_id: str, polling_time: int = 10):
    """Polling the `file processing status <https://aito.ai/docs/api/#get-api-v1-data-table-file-uuid>`__ until
    the processing finished

    :param client: the AitoClient instance
    :type client: AitoClient
    :param table_name: the name of the table to be uploaded
    :type table_name: str
    :param session_id: The upload session id from :func:`.initiate_upload_file`
    :type session_id: str
    :param polling_time: polling wait time
    :type polling_time: int
    LOG.debug('polling processing status...')
    while True:
            processing_progress_resp = client.request(
                request_obj=aito_requests.GetFileProcessingRequest(table_name=table_name, session_id=session_id)
            status = processing_progress_resp['status']
            LOG.debug(f"completed count: {status['completedCount']}, throughput: {status['throughput']}")
            if processing_progress_resp['errors']['message'] != 'Last 0 failing rows':
            if status['finished']:
        except Exception as e:
            LOG.debug(f'failed to get file upload status: {e}')
Exemplo n.º 6
def delete_column(client: AitoClient, table_name: str, column_name: str):
    """`delete a column of a table <https://aito.ai/docs/api/#delete-api-v1-schema-column>`__

    .. note::

        requires the client to be setup with the READ-WRITE API key

    :param client: the AitoClient instance
    :type client: AitoClient
    :param table_name: the name of the table containing the column
    :type table_name: str
    :param column_name: the name of the column
    :type column_name: str
    client.request(request_obj=aito_requests.DeleteColumnSchemaRequest(table_name=table_name, column_name=column_name))
    LOG.info(f'column `{table_name}.{column_name}` deleted')
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_version(client: AitoClient) -> str:
    """get the aito instance version

    :param client: the AitoClient instance
    :type client: AitoClient
    :return: version information in json format
    :rtype: Dict
    resp = client.request(request_obj=aito_requests.GetVersionRequest())
    return resp.version
Exemplo n.º 8
def create_table(client: AitoClient, table_name: str, schema: Union[AitoTableSchema, Dict]):
    """`create a table <https://aito.ai/docs/api/#put-api-v1-schema-table>`__
    with the specified table name and schema

    update the table if the table already exists and does not contain any data

    .. note::

        requires the client to be setup with the READ-WRITE API key

    :param client: the AitoClient instance
    :type client: AitoClient
    :param table_name: the name of the table
    :type table_name: str
    :param schema: Aito table schema
    :type schema: an AitoTableSchema object or a Dict, optional
    client.request(request_obj=aito_requests.CreateTableSchemaRequest(table_name=table_name, schema=schema))
    LOG.info(f'table `{table_name}` created')
Exemplo n.º 9
def get_database_schema(client: AitoClient) -> AitoDatabaseSchema:
    """`get the schema of the database <https://aito.ai/docs/api/#get-api-v1-schema>`__

    :param client: the AitoClient instance
    :type client: AitoClient
    :return: Aito database schema
    :rtype: Dict
    res = client.request(request_obj=aito_requests.GetDatabaseSchemaRequest())
    return res.schema
Exemplo n.º 10
def job_request(
        client: AitoClient,
        job_endpoint: Optional[str] = None,
        query: Optional[Union[List, Dict]] = None,
        request_obj: Optional[Union[aito_requests.QueryAPIRequest, aito_requests.CreateJobRequest]] = None,
        polling_time: int = 10
) -> aito_responses.BaseResponse:
    """make a request to an Aito API endpoint using `Job <https://aito.ai/docs/api/#post-api-v1-jobs-query>`__

    This method should be used for requests that take longer than 30 seconds, e.g: evaluate

    The following query evaluate the performance of a predict query that uses the name of
    a product to predict its category

    >>> response = client.job_request(
    ...     job_endpoint='/api/v1/jobs/_evaluate',
    ...     query={
    ...         "test": { "$index": { "$mod": [4, 0] } },
    ...         "evaluate": {
    ...             "from": "products",
    ...             "where": { "name": { "$get": "name" } },
    ...             "predict": "category"
    ...         }
    ...     }
    ... )
    >>> print(response["accuracy"]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    :param client: the AitoClient instance
    :type client: AitoClient
    :param job_endpoint: job end point
    :type job_endpoint: Optional[str]
    :param query: the query for the endpoint
    :type query: Optional[Union[List, Dict]]
    :param request_obj: a :class:`.CreateJobRequest` or an :class:`.QueryAPIRequest` instance
    :type request_obj: Optional[Union[aito_requests.QueryAPIRequest, aito_requests.CreateJobRequest]]
    :param polling_time: polling wait time, defaults to 10
    :type polling_time: int
    :raises RequestError: an error occurred during the execution of the job
    :return: request JSON content
    :rtype: Dict
    create_job_req = _create_job_request(job_endpoint=job_endpoint, query=query, request_obj=request_obj)
    create_job_resp = client.request(request_obj=create_job_req)
    job_id = create_job_resp.id
    LOG.debug(f'polling job {job_id} status...')
    while True:
        job_status_resp = get_job_status(client, job_id)
        if job_status_resp.finished:
            LOG.debug(f'job {job_id} finished')
    job_result_resp = get_job_result(client, job_id)
    casted_job_result_resp = create_job_req.result_response_cls(job_result_resp.json)
    return casted_job_result_resp
Exemplo n.º 11
def create_column(client: AitoClient, table_name: str, column_name: str, schema: Dict):
    """`add or replace a column <https://aito.ai/docs/api/#put-api-v1-schema-table-column>`__

    .. note::

        requires the client to be setup with the READ-WRITE API key

    :param client: the AitoClient instance
    :type client: AitoClient
    :param table_name: the name of the table containing the column
    :type table_name: str
    :param column_name: the name of the column
    :type column_name: str
    :param schema: the schema of the column
    :type schema: Dict
        table_name=table_name, column_name=column_name, schema=schema)
    LOG.info(f'column `{table_name}.{column_name}` created')
Exemplo n.º 12
def copy_table(client: AitoClient, table_name: str, copy_table_name: str, replace: bool = False):
    """`copy a table <https://aito.ai/docs/api/#post-api-v1-schema-copy>`__

    .. note::

        requires the client to be setup with the READ-WRITE API key

    :param client: the AitoClient instance
    :type client: AitoClient
    :param table_name: the name of the table to be copied
    :type table_name: str
    :param copy_table_name: the name of the new copy table
    :type copy_table_name: str
    :param replace: replace an existing table of which name is the name of the copy table, defaults to False
    :type replace: bool, optional
        query={'from': table_name, 'copy': copy_table_name, 'replace': replace}
Exemplo n.º 13
def rename_table(client: AitoClient, old_name: str, new_name: str, replace: bool = False):
    """`rename a table <https://aito.ai/docs/api/#post-api-v1-schema-rename>`__

    .. note::

        requires the client to be setup with the READ-WRITE API key

    :param client: the AitoClient instance
    :type client: AitoClient
    :param old_name: the name of the table to be renamed
    :type old_name: str
    :param new_name: the new name of the table
    :type new_name: str
    :param replace: replace an existing table of which name is the new name, defaults to False
    :type replace: bool, optional
        query={'from': old_name, 'rename': new_name, 'replace': replace}
Exemplo n.º 14
def get_table_schema(client: AitoClient, table_name: str) -> AitoTableSchema:
    """`get the schema of the specified table <https://aito.ai/docs/api/#get-api-v1-schema-table>`__

    :param client: the AitoClient instance
    :type client: AitoClient
    :param table_name: the name of the table
    :type table_name: str
    :return: the table schema
    :rtype: AitoTableSchema
    resp = client.request(request_obj=aito_requests.GetTableSchemaRequest(table_name=table_name))
    return resp.schema
def get_requests_resp_and_aito_resp(aito_client: AitoClient,
                                    request_obj: aito_requests.AitoRequest):
    """returns the json content from requests lib response and aito response for comparison"""
    raw_resp_obj = requests.request(method=request_obj.method,
                                    url=aito_client.instance_url +
    raw_resp_json = raw_resp_obj.json()

    aito_resp = aito_client.request(request_obj=request_obj)
    return raw_resp_json, aito_resp
Exemplo n.º 16
def get_job_result(client: AitoClient, job_id: str) -> aito_responses.BaseResponse:
    """`Get the result of a job <https://aito.ai/docs/api/#get-api-v1-jobs-uuid-result>`__ with the specified job id

    :param client: the AitoClient instance
    :type client: AitoClient
    :param job_id: the id of the job
    :type job_id: str
    :return: the job result
    :rtype: Dict
    resp = client.request(request_obj=aito_requests.GetJobResultRequest(job_id=job_id))
    return resp
Exemplo n.º 17
def get_job_status(client: AitoClient, job_id: str) -> aito_responses.GetJobStatusResponse:
    """`Get the status of a job <https://aito.ai/docs/api/#get-api-v1-jobs-uuid>`__ with the specified job id

    :param client: the AitoClient instance
    :type client: AitoClient
    :param job_id: the id of the job session
    :type job_id: str
    :return: job status
    :rtype: Dict
    resp = client.request(request_obj=aito_requests.GetJobStatusRequest(job_id=job_id))
    return resp
Exemplo n.º 18
def initiate_upload_file(client: AitoClient, table_name: str) -> Dict:
    """`Initial uploading a file to a table <https://aito.ai/docs/api/#post-api-v1-data-table-file>`__

    :param client: the AitoClient instance
    :type client: AitoClient
    :param table_name: the name of the table to be uploaded
    :type table_name: str
    :return: The details to execute the S3 upload and the upload session's id
    :rtype: Dict
    LOG.debug('initiating file upload...')
    r = client.request(request_obj=aito_requests.InitiateFileUploadRequest(table_name=table_name))
    return r.json
Exemplo n.º 19
def get_column_schema(client: AitoClient, table_name: str, column_name: str) -> AitoColumnTypeSchema:
    """`get the schema of the specified column <https://aito.ai/docs/api/#get-api-v1-schema-table-column>`__

    :param client: the AitoClient instance
    :type client: AitoClient
    :param table_name: the name of the table containing the column
    :type table_name: str
    :param column_name: the name of the column
    :type column_name: str
    :return: the column schema
    :rtype: AitoColumnTypeSchema
    resp = client.request(request_obj=aito_requests.GetColumnSchemaRequest(table_name=table_name, column_name=column_name))
    return resp.schema
Exemplo n.º 20
def optimize_table(client: AitoClient, table_name, use_job: bool = True):
    """`optimize <https://aito.ai/docs/api/#post-api-v1-data-table-optimize>`__
    the specified table after uploading the data. By default uses a job for the operation

    :param client: the AitoClient instance
    :type client: AitoClient
    :param table_name: the name of the table
    :type table_name: str
    :param use_job: use a job to run the optimize
    :type use_job: bool
        if use_job:

            client.request(method='POST', endpoint=f'/api/v1/data/{table_name}/optimize', query={})
        LOG.info(f'table {table_name} optimized')
    except Exception as e:
        LOG.error(f'failed to optimize: {e}')
Exemplo n.º 21
def delete_entries(client: AitoClient, query: Dict, use_job: bool = True):
    """`Delete the entries <https://aito.ai/docs/api/#post-api-v1-data-delete>`__ according to the criteria
    given in the query

    :param client: the AitoClient instance
    :type client: AitoClient
    :param query: the query to describe the target table and filters for which entries to delete.
    :type query: Dict
    :param use_job: use a job to run the optimize
    :type use_job: bool
        if use_job:

        LOG.info(f'entries deleted')
    except Exception as e:
        LOG.error(f'failed to delete: {e}')
Exemplo n.º 22
def recommend(
        client: AitoClient, query: Dict, raise_for_status: Optional[bool] = None, use_job: bool = False
) -> Union[aito_responses.RecommendResponse, RequestError]:
    """send a query to the `Recommend API <https://aito.ai/docs/api/#post-api-v1-recommend>`__

    :param client: the AitoClient instance
    :type client: AitoClient
    :param query: the recommend query
    :type query: Dict
    :param raise_for_status: raise :class:`.RequestError` if the request fails instead of returning the error
        If set to None, value from Client will be used. Defaults to None
    :type raise_for_status: Optional[bool]
    :param use_job: use job fo request that takes longer than 30 seconds, defaults to False
    :type use_job: bool
    :return: :class:`.RecommendResponse`  or :class:`.RequestError` if an error occurred and not raise_for_status
    :rtype: Union[RecommendResponse, RequestError]
    req = aito_requests.RecommendRequest(query)
    if use_job:
        return job_request(client=client, request_obj=req)
    return client.request(request_obj=req, raise_for_status=raise_for_status)
Exemplo n.º 23
def create_job(
        client: AitoClient,
        job_endpoint: Optional[str] = None,
        query: Optional[Union[List, Dict]] = None,
        request_obj: Optional[Union[aito_requests.QueryAPIRequest, aito_requests.CreateJobRequest]] = None,
) -> aito_responses.CreateJobResponse:
    """Create a `job <https://aito.ai/docs/api/#post-api-v1-jobs-query>`__
    for a query that takes longer than 30 seconds to run

    :param client: the AitoClient instance
    :type client: AitoClient
    :param job_endpoint: the job endpoint
    :type job_endpoint: Optional[str]
    :param query: the query for the endpoint
    :type query: Optional[Union[List, Dict]]
    :param request_obj: a :class:`.CreateJobRequest` or an :class:`.QueryAPIRequest` instance
    :type request_obj: Optional[Union[aito_requests.QueryAPIRequest, aito_requests.CreateJobRequest]]
    :return: job information
    :rtype: Dict
    create_job_req = _create_job_request(job_endpoint=job_endpoint, query=query, request_obj=request_obj)
    resp = client.request(request_obj=create_job_req)
    return resp