def __init__(self, i2c, mpu6500=None, ak8963=None): self.Kp = 100 #比例增益支配率收敛到加速度计/磁强计 self.Ki = 100 #积分增益支配率的陀螺仪偏见的衔接 self.halfT = 0.004 #采样周期的一半 self.q0 = 1 self.q1 = 0 self.q2 = 0 self.q3 = 0 #四元数的元素 ,代表估计方向 self.HalfEXInt = 0 self.HalfEYInt = 0 self.HalfEZInt = 0 #按比例缩小积分误差 self.vals = {} self.AX = KalmanFiter(TestPool=100) #滤波,加速度计,需要稳定性 self.AY = KalmanFiter(TestPool=100) self.AZ = KalmanFiter(TestPool=100) self.GX = KalmanFiter(PredictPool=100) #角速度,需要及时 self.GY = KalmanFiter(PredictPool=100) self.GZ = KalmanFiter(PredictPool=100) self.MX = KalmanFiter(TestPool=100) #滤波,加速度计,需要稳定性 self.MY = KalmanFiter(TestPool=100) self.MZ = KalmanFiter(TestPool=100) if mpu6500 is None: self.mpu6500 = MPU6500(i2c) else: self.mpu6500 = mpu6500 if ak8963 is None: self.ak8963 = AK8963(i2c) else: self.ak8963 = ak8963
def __init__(self, i2c, mpu6500=None, ak8963=None): if mpu6500 is None: self.mpu6500 = MPU6500(i2c) else: self.mpu6500 = mpu6500 if ak8963 is None: self.ak8963 = AK8963(i2c) else: self.ak8963 = ak8963
def calibrateCompass(): if _mpu9250: i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(22), sda=Pin(21), freq=400000) print("Calibrating compass: keep turning BPI:BIT for 15 seconds.") ak8963 = AK8963(i2c) offset, scale = ak8963.calibrate(count=150, delay=100) print("Calibration completed.") print("AK8963 offset:") print(offset) print("AK8963 scale:") print(scale) _mpu9250 = MPU9250(i2c, ak8963=ak8963)
def senMPU(): global accel, acX, acY, acZ, gyro, gX, gY, gZ, mag, mX, mY, mZ bypass = MPU9250(i2c_gy91) if MPUCalibrat: ak8963 = AK8963(i2c_gy91, offset=offsetMag, scale=scaleMag) #Pendent d'actualització de la llibreria a la versio 4.0 #mpu6500 = MPU6500(i2c_gy91, offset=offsetGyro, gyro_sf=SF_DEG_S) mpu6500 = MPU6500(i2c_gy91, gyro_sf=SF_DEG_S) else: ak8963 = AK8963(i2c_gy91) mpu6500 = MPU6500(i2c_gy91, gyro_sf=SF_DEG_S) mpu = mpu9250.MPU9250(i2c_gy91, ak8963=ak8963, mpu6500=mpu6500) #Reorientacio dels eixos del accelerometre i el giroscopi per a que tinguin la mateixa disposicio que el magnetometre #Veure eixos al datasheet MPU9250 accel, gyro = orientate((1, 0, 2), (False, False, True), mpu.acceleration, mpu.gyro) acX, acY, acZ = accel gX, gY, gZ = gyro mag = mpu.magnetic mX, mY, mZ = mag
def __init__(self, i2c, mpu6500=None, ak8963=None): if mpu6500 is None: self.mpu6500 = MPU6500(i2c) else: self.mpu6500 = mpu6500 # Enable I2C bypass to access AK8963 directly. char = self.mpu6500._register_char(_INT_PIN_CFG) char &= ~_I2C_BYPASS_MASK # clear I2C bits char |= _I2C_BYPASS_EN self.mpu6500._register_char(_INT_PIN_CFG, char) if ak8963 is None: self.ak8963 = AK8963(i2c) else: self.ak8963 = ak8963
def __init__(self): self.i2c = I2C(-1, scl=Pin(22), sda=Pin(21), freq=400000) # activate magnetometer and bypass self.i2c.writeto_mem(104, 0x6B, b'\x01') self.i2c.writeto_mem(104, 0x37, b'\x02') self.i2c.writeto_mem(104, 0x6a, b'\x00') try: f = open('compass_calibraten', 'r') data = ujson.load(f) f.close() print('Using offset {} and scale {}'.format( data['offset'], data['scale'])) except OSError: data = {'offset': (0, 0, 0), 'scale': (1, 1, 1)} self.sensor = AK8963(self.i2c, offset=data['offset'], scale=data['scale'])
def calMPU(): #Calibració magnetometre bypass = MPU9250(i2c_gy91) ak8963 = AK8963(i2c_gy91) offsetMag, scaleMag = ak8963.calibrate(count=256, delay=200) #Calibracio Giroscopi mpu6500 = MPU6500(i2c_gy91) offsetGyro = mpu6500.calibrate(count=256, delay=0) #Guardar dades de calibracio logCal = open('/sd/', 'w') logCal.write('offsetMag = {} \nscaleMag = {} \noffsetGyro = {}'.format( offsetMag, scaleMag, offsetGyro)) logCal.close() MPUCalibrat = True return offsetMag, scaleMag, offsetGyro
def __init__(self, i2c, accel_scale_factor=SF_G, accel_func_scale=ACCEL_FS_SEL_2G, gyro_scale_factor=SF_DEG_S, gyro_func_scale=GYRO_FS_SEL_250DPS, offset_default=(0, 0, 0), scale_default=(1, 1, 1)): """ SF scale factor -> facteur de mise à l'échelle (unites) accel_scale_factor : SF_G = 1 SF_M_S2 = 9.80665 # 1 g = 9.80665 m/s2 ie. standard gravity gyro_scale_factor : SF_DEG_S = 1 SF_RAD_S = 0.017453292519943 # 1 deg/s is 0.017453292519943 rad/s FS functionning scale : plage de mesure gyro_func_scale : ACCEL_FS_SEL_2G ACCEL_FS_SEL_4G ACCEL_FS_SEL_8G ACCEL_FS_SEL_16G gyro_func_scale (deg/s): GYRO_FS_SEL_250DPS GYRO_FS_SEL_500DPS GYRO_FS_SEL_1000DPS GYRO_FS_SEL_2000DPS offset_default, offset_default : obtenu par la calibration """ self.mpu6500 = MPU6500(i2c, accel_sf=accel_scale_factor, accel_fs=accel_func_scale, gyro_sf=gyro_scale_factor, gyro_fs=gyro_func_scale) self.ak8963 = AK8963(i2c, offset=offset_default, scale=scale_default) #self.ak8963 = AK8963(i2c) sensor = MPU9250(i2c, mpu6500=self.mpu6500, ak8963=self.ak8963) print("MPU9250 id: " + hex(sensor.whoami))
def __init__(self, fifo_mode=False): self.mpu6500 = MPU6500(0x68, fifo_mode) self.ak8963 = AK8963()
import utime from machine import I2C, Pin from ak8963 import AK8963 from mpu9250 import MPU9250 from mpu6500 import MPU6500, SF_G, SF_DEG_S i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(12), sda=Pin(14)) ak8963 = AK8963(i2c, offset=(-11.6288, 20.7088, -55.9863), scale=(0.951743, 1.06654, 0.988447)) mpu6500 = MPU6500(i2c, accel_sf=SF_G, gyro_sf=SF_DEG_S) sensor = MPU9250(i2c, mpu6500=mpu6500, ak8963=ak8963) print("MPU9250 id: " + hex(sensor.whoami)) data_file = open('data.txt', 'a+') while True: data_file.write('Acceleration: {}\n'.format(sensor.acceleration)) data_file.write('Gyro: {}\n'.format(sensor.gyro)) data_file.write('Magnetic: {}\n'.format(sensor.magnetic)) data_file.flush() utime.sleep_ms(166)
import pycom from machine import I2C, Pin from mpu9250 import MPU9250 from ak8963 import AK8963 # Returned Values: # Offset = (5.19961, -4.03418, -56.78174) # Scale = (1.067856, 1.114284, 0.8575542) i2c = I2C(0, I2C.MASTER, baudrate=100000) ak8963 = AK8963(i2c) offset, scale = ak8963.calibrate(count=256, delay=200) #sensor = MPU9250(i2c, ak8963=ak8963) print("Offset: ", offset) print("Scale: ", scale)
offset = j['offset'] scale = j['scale'] except Exception as e: # whatever failed above - let's go with the defaults log.warning(e, 'unable to parse {}, using defaults'.format(FILE_MAG_CAL)) finally:'magnetometer calibration offset: {}, scale: {}'.format( offset, scale)) # imu from mpu9250 import MPU9250 dummy = MPU9250( i2c) # this opens the "bybass" to access to the AK8963 directly from ak8963 import AK8963 # use bypass to pass calibration data ak8963 = AK8963(i2c, offset=offset, scale=scale) # finally initialize inertial measurement unit imu = MPU9250(i2c, ak8963=ak8963) log.debug(imu) import uasyncio as asyncio from fusion_async import Fusion async def read_coro(): # TODO: validate sleepy time await asyncio.sleep_ms(10) # go with what is set right now return imu.acceleration, imu.gyro, imu.magnetic