def createItems(windows, spans=None): results = [] # print('spans: ', spans) # [print(w.wm_name) for w in windows] # print(len(windows)) for win in windows: if spans: text_subtext = highlightText(win, spans[win.wid]) else: text_subtext = { 'text': '%s: %s' % (win.desktop, win.wm_class.split('.')[-1].replace('-', ' ')), 'subtext': '%s➜%s' % (win.wm_class.split('.')[-1], win.wm_name) } win_instance, win_class = win.wm_class.replace(' ', '-').split('.') iconPath = iconLookup(win_instance) or iconLookup(win_class.lower()) results.append( Item(id="%s%s" % (__title__, win.wm_class), **text_subtext, icon=iconPath, actions=[ ProcAction(text="Switch Window", commandline=["wmctrl", '-i', '-a', win.wid]), ProcAction(text="Move window to this desktop", commandline=["wmctrl", '-i', '-R', win.wid]), ProcAction(text="Close the window gracefully.", commandline=["wmctrl", '-c', win.wid]) ])) return results
def handleList(query): if len(config.sections()) == 0: # Try to reload the config. if len(config.sections()) == 0: info("No sections defined in config.") return Item(id="config", icon=unresolved_todo, text="Configuration not complete", subtext="No sections in the Configuration file", actions=[ ProcAction( text="Edit configuration in default editor", commandline=['xdg-open', calendar_configuration_file], cwd="~"), ClipAction( text="Copy the path of the configuration file", clipboardText=calendar_configuration_file) ]) else: connections.set_connections(config) connections.load_todos() items = [] connections.refresh() for todo in connections.query(query.string): items.append(buildItem(todo)) return items
def handleQuery(query): results = [] if query.isTriggered: # avoid rate limiting sleep(0.2) if not query.isValid: return item = Item(id=__title__, icon=iconPath, text=__title__, actions=[ ProcAction("Open the language configuration file.", commandline=[ "xdg-open", language_configuration_file ]) ]) if len(query.string) >= 2: for lang in languages: try: url = urltmpl % (lang, urllib.parse.quote_plus( query.string)) req = urllib.request.Request(url, headers={'User-Agent': ua}) with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response: #print(type()) #try: data = json.loads( #except TypeError as typerr: # print("Urgh this type.error. %s" % typerr) translText = data[0][0][0] sourceText = data[2] if sourceText == lang: continue else: results.append( Item(id=__title__, icon=iconPath, text="%s" % (translText), subtext="%s" % lang.upper(), actions=[ ClipAction( "Copy translation to clipboard", translText), UrlAction( "Open in your Browser", urlbrowser % (lang, query.string)) ])) except urllib.error.URLError as urlerr: print("Check your internet connection: %s" % urlerr) item.subtext = "Check your internet connection." return item else: item.subtext = "Enter a query: 'mtr <text>'. Languages {%s}" % ", ".join( languages) return item return results
def handleQuery(query): if query.isTriggered: return Item(id=__title__, icon=iconPath, text=__title__, subtext="Look up '%s' using %s" % (query.string, __title__), actions=[ ProcAction("Start query in %s" % __title__, ["goldendict", query.string]) ])
def handleQuery(query): stripped = query.string.strip().lower() if stripped: results = [] for line in subprocess.check_output(['wmctrl', '-lG', '-x']).splitlines(): try: win = Window(*parseWindow(line)) if win.desktop == "-1": continue win_instance, win_class = win.wm_class.replace(' ', '-').split('.') matches = [ win_instance.lower(), win_class.lower(), win.wm_name.lower() ] if any(stripped in match for match in matches): iconPath = iconLookup(win_instance) or iconLookup( win_class.lower()) results.append( Item(id="%s%s" % (__title__, win.wm_class), icon=iconPath, text="%s - <i>Display %s</i>" % (win_class.replace('-', ' '), win.display), subtext=win.wm_name, actions=[ ProcAction("Switch Window", ["wmctrl", '-i', '-a', win.wid]), ProcAction("Move window to this desktop", ["wmctrl", '-i', '-R', win.wid]), ProcAction("Close the window gracefully.", ["wmctrl", '-c', win.wid]) ])) except: continue return results
def handleQuery(query): results = [] # add all matching commands stripped = query.string.strip().lower().split() if stripped: for title, command in commands.items(): # query is split on spaces and each part must be in the command title title_lower = title.lower() if all(strip in title_lower for strip in stripped): results.append( Item(id=title, text=title, subtext=' '.join(command), actions=[ ProcAction("Run", command), ])) return results