Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, tool, *a, **kw):
        Panel.__init__(self, *a, **kw)

        self.tool = tool

        self.anchor = "whl"

        chunkToolLabel = Label("Selected Chunks:")

        self.chunksLabel = ValueDisplay(ref=AttrRef(self, 'chunkSizeText'), width=115)
        self.chunksLabel.align = "c"
        self.chunksLabel.tooltipText = "..."

        extractButton = Button("Extract")
        extractButton.tooltipText = "Extract these chunks to individual chunk files"
        extractButton.action = tool.extractChunks
        extractButton.highlight_color = (255, 255, 255)

        deselectButton = Button("Deselect",

        createButton = Button("Create")
        createButton.tooltipText = "Create new chunks within the selection."
        createButton.action = tool.createChunks
        createButton.highlight_color = (0, 255, 0)

        destroyButton = Button("Delete")
        destroyButton.tooltipText = "Delete the selected chunks from disk. Minecraft will recreate them the next time you are near."
        destroyButton.action = tool.destroyChunks

        pruneButton = Button("Prune")
        pruneButton.tooltipText = "Prune the world, leaving only the selected chunks. Any chunks outside of the selection will be removed, and empty region files will be deleted from disk"
        pruneButton.action = tool.pruneChunks

        relightButton = Button("Relight")
        relightButton.tooltipText = "Recalculate light values across the selected chunks"
        relightButton.action = tool.relightChunks
        relightButton.highlight_color = (255, 255, 255)

        repopButton = Button("Repop")
        repopButton.tooltipText = "Mark the selected chunks for repopulation. The next time you play Minecraft, the chunks will have trees, ores, and other features regenerated."
        repopButton.action = tool.repopChunks
        repopButton.highlight_color = (255, 200, 155)

        dontRepopButton = Button("Don't Repop")
        dontRepopButton.tooltipText = "Unmark the selected chunks. They will not repopulate the next time you play the game."
        dontRepopButton.action = tool.dontRepopChunks
        dontRepopButton.highlight_color = (255, 255, 255)

        col = Column((
        chunkToolLabel, self.chunksLabel, deselectButton, createButton, destroyButton, pruneButton, relightButton,
        extractButton, repopButton, dontRepopButton))
        # col.right = self.width - 10;
        self.width = col.width
        self.height = col.height
        #self.width = 120
Exemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, tool, *a, **kw):
        Panel.__init__(self, *a, **kw)

        self.tool = tool

        self.anchor = "whl"

        chunkToolLabel = Label("Selected Chunks:")

        self.chunksLabel = ValueDisplay(ref=AttrRef(self, 'chunkSizeText'), width=115)
        self.chunksLabel.align = "c"
        self.chunksLabel.tooltipText = "..."

        extractButton = Button("Extract")
        extractButton.tooltipText = "Extract these chunks to individual chunk files"
        extractButton.action = tool.extractChunks
        extractButton.highlight_color = (255, 255, 255)

        deselectButton = Button("Deselect",

        createButton = Button("Create")
        createButton.tooltipText = "Create new chunks within the selection."
        createButton.action = tool.createChunks
        createButton.highlight_color = (0, 255, 0)

        destroyButton = Button("Delete")
        destroyButton.tooltipText = "Delete the selected chunks from disk. Minecraft will recreate them the next time you are near."
        destroyButton.action = tool.destroyChunks

        pruneButton = Button("Prune")
        pruneButton.tooltipText = "Prune the world, leaving only the selected chunks. Any chunks outside of the selection will be removed, and empty region files will be deleted from disk"
        pruneButton.action = tool.pruneChunks

        relightButton = Button("Relight")
        relightButton.tooltipText = "Recalculate light values across the selected chunks"
        relightButton.action = tool.relightChunks
        relightButton.highlight_color = (255, 255, 255)

        repopButton = Button("Repop")
        repopButton.tooltipText = "Mark the selected chunks for repopulation. The next time you play Minecraft, the chunks will have trees, ores, and other features regenerated."
        repopButton.action = tool.repopChunks
        repopButton.highlight_color = (255, 200, 155)

        dontRepopButton = Button("Don't Repop")
        dontRepopButton.tooltipText = "Unmark the selected chunks. They will not repopulate the next time you play the game."
        dontRepopButton.action = tool.dontRepopChunks
        dontRepopButton.highlight_color = (255, 255, 255)

        col = Column((
        chunkToolLabel, self.chunksLabel, deselectButton, createButton, destroyButton, pruneButton, relightButton,
        extractButton, repopButton, dontRepopButton))
        # col.right = self.width - 10;
        self.width = col.width
        self.height = col.height
        #self.width = 120
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__old(self, blockInfo, materials, *a, **kw):
        self.root = get_root()
        self.allowWildcards = False
        Dialog.__init__(self, *a, **kw)
        panelWidth = 518

        self.click_outside_response = 0
        self.materials = materials
        self.anySubtype = blockInfo.wildcard

        self.matchingBlocks = materials.allBlocks

            self.selectedBlockIndex = self.matchingBlocks.index(blockInfo)
        except ValueError:
            self.selectedBlockIndex = 0
            for i, b in enumerate(self.matchingBlocks):
                if blockInfo.ID == b.ID and blockInfo.blockData == b.blockData:
                    self.selectedBlockIndex = i

        lbl = Label("Search")
        # lbl.rect.topleft = (0,0)

        fld = TextFieldWrapped(300)
        # fld.rect.topleft = (100, 10)
        # fld.centery = lbl.centery
        # fld.left = lbl.right

        fld.change_action = self.textEntered
        fld.enter_action = self.ok
        fld.escape_action = self.cancel

        self.awesomeField = fld

        searchRow = Row((lbl, fld))

        def formatBlockName(x):
            block = self.matchingBlocks[x]
            r = "{name}".format(name=block.name)
            if block.aka:
                r += " [{0}]".format(block.aka)

            return r

        def formatBlockID(x):
            block = self.matchingBlocks[x]
            ident = "({id}:{data})".format(id=block.ID, data=block.blockData)
            return ident

        tableview = TableView(columns=[
            TableColumn(" ", 24, "l", lambda x: ""),
            TableColumn("Name", 415, "l", formatBlockName),
            TableColumn("ID", 45, "l", formatBlockID)
        tableicons = [
            for i in xrange(tableview.rows.num_rows())
        for t in tableicons:
            t.size = (16, 16)
            t.margin = 0
        icons = Column(tableicons, spacing=2)

        # tableview.margin = 5
        tableview.num_rows = lambda: len(self.matchingBlocks)
        tableview.row_data = lambda x: (self.matchingBlocks[x], x, x)
        tableview.row_is_selected = lambda x: x == self.selectedBlockIndex
        tableview.click_row = self.selectTableRow
        draw_table_cell = tableview.draw_table_cell

        def draw_block_table_cell(surf, i, data, cell_rect, column):
            if isinstance(data, Block):

                tableicons[i - tableview.rows.scroll].blockInfo = data
                draw_table_cell(surf, i, data, cell_rect, column)

        tableview.draw_table_cell = draw_block_table_cell
        tableview.width = panelWidth
        tableview.anchor = "lrbt"
        # self.add(tableview)
        self.tableview = tableview
        tableWidget = Widget()

        def wdraw(*args):
            for t in tableicons:
                t.blockInfo = materials.Air

        tableWidget.draw = wdraw
        self.blockButton = blockView = thumbview.BlockThumbView(
            materials, self.blockInfo)

        blockView.centerx = self.centerx
        blockView.top = tableview.bottom

        # self.add(blockview)

        but = Button("OK")
        but.action = self.ok
        but.top = blockView.bottom
        but.centerx = self.centerx
        but.align = "c"
        but.height = 30

        if self.allowWildcards:
            # self.add(but)
            anyRow = CheckBoxLabel(
                "Any Subtype",
                ref=AttrRef(self, 'anySubtype'),
                "Replace blocks with any data value. Only useful for Replace operations."
            col = Column((searchRow, tableWidget, anyRow, blockView, but))
            col = Column((searchRow, tableWidget, blockView, but))
        col.anchor = "wh"
        self.anchor = "wh"

        panel = GLBackground()
        panel.bg_color = [i / 255. for i in self.bg_color]
        panel.anchor = "tlbr"

        icons.topleft = tableWidget.topleft
        icons.top += tableWidget.margin + 30
        icons.left += tableWidget.margin + 4

        panel.size = self.size

Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__old(self, blockInfo, materials, *a, **kw):
        self.root = get_root()
        self.allowWildcards = False
        Dialog.__init__(self, *a, **kw)
        panelWidth = 518

        self.click_outside_response = 0
        self.materials = materials
        self.anySubtype = blockInfo.wildcard

        self.matchingBlocks = materials.allBlocks

            self.selectedBlockIndex = self.matchingBlocks.index(blockInfo)
        except ValueError:
            self.selectedBlockIndex = 0
            for i, b in enumerate(self.matchingBlocks):
                if blockInfo.ID == b.ID and blockInfo.blockData == b.blockData:
                    self.selectedBlockIndex = i

        lbl = Label("Search")
        # lbl.rect.topleft = (0,0)

        fld = TextFieldWrapped(300)
        # fld.rect.topleft = (100, 10)
        # fld.centery = lbl.centery
        # fld.left = lbl.right

        fld.change_action = self.textEntered
        fld.enter_action = self.ok
        fld.escape_action = self.cancel

        self.awesomeField = fld

        searchRow = Row((lbl, fld))

        def formatBlockName(x):
            block = self.matchingBlocks[x]
            r = "{name}".format(name=block.name)
            if block.aka:
                r += " [{0}]".format(block.aka)

            return r

        def formatBlockID(x):
            block = self.matchingBlocks[x]
            ident = "({id}:{data})".format(id=block.ID, data=block.blockData)
            return ident

        tableview = TableView(columns=[TableColumn(" ", 24, "l", lambda x: ""),
                                       TableColumn("Name", 415, "l", formatBlockName),
                                       TableColumn("ID", 45, "l", formatBlockID)
        tableicons = [blockview.BlockView(materials) for i in range(tableview.rows.num_rows())]
        for t in tableicons:
            t.size = (16, 16)
            t.margin = 0
        icons = Column(tableicons, spacing=2)

        # tableview.margin = 5
        tableview.num_rows = lambda: len(self.matchingBlocks)
        tableview.row_data = lambda x: (self.matchingBlocks[x], x, x)
        tableview.row_is_selected = lambda x: x == self.selectedBlockIndex
        tableview.click_row = self.selectTableRow
        draw_table_cell = tableview.draw_table_cell

        def draw_block_table_cell(surf, i, data, cell_rect, column):
            if isinstance(data, Block):

                tableicons[i - tableview.rows.scroll].blockInfo = data
                draw_table_cell(surf, i, data, cell_rect, column)

        tableview.draw_table_cell = draw_block_table_cell
        tableview.width = panelWidth
        tableview.anchor = "lrbt"
        # self.add(tableview)
        self.tableview = tableview
        tableWidget = Widget()

        def wdraw(*args):
            for t in tableicons:
                t.blockInfo = materials.Air

        tableWidget.draw = wdraw
        self.blockButton = blockView = thumbview.BlockThumbView(materials, self.blockInfo)

        blockView.centerx = self.centerx
        blockView.top = tableview.bottom

        # self.add(blockview)

        but = Button("OK")
        but.action = self.ok
        but.top = blockView.bottom
        but.centerx = self.centerx
        but.align = "c"
        but.height = 30

        if self.allowWildcards:
            # self.add(but)
            anyRow = CheckBoxLabel("Any Subtype", ref=AttrRef(self, 'anySubtype'),
                                   tooltipText="Replace blocks with any data value. Only useful for Replace operations.")
            col = Column((searchRow, tableWidget, anyRow, blockView, but))
            col = Column((searchRow, tableWidget, blockView, but))
        col.anchor = "wh"
        self.anchor = "wh"

        panel = GLBackground()
        panel.bg_color = [i / 255. for i in self.bg_color]
        panel.anchor = "tlbr"

        icons.topleft = tableWidget.topleft
        icons.top += tableWidget.margin + 30
        icons.left += tableWidget.margin + 4

        panel.size = self.size
