def run(self): while True: print("\tVersion: %s" % self.this_version) print("\tDevice : %s exist" % base.get_device_num()) self.display() self.get_num() if (self.input is 0): continue elif (self.input is 1): led.Led(led.Led.led_menu_array).run() elif (self.input is 2): wifi.Wifi(wifi.Wifi.wifi_menu_array).run() elif (self.input is 3): alexa.Alexa().run() elif (self.input is 4): bt.Bt(bt.Bt.bt_menu_array).run() elif (self.input is 5): development.Development().run() elif (self.input is 6): fastboot_all.FastbootImage().run() elif (self.input is 7): os.system('adb reboot') os._exit(0) elif (self.input is 8): os._exit(0) else: print("error") continue
def main(_): logger = setup_logger() domains = ['.com', '.net', '.gov', '.edu', '.io', '.org'] alexa_db = alexa.Alexa(domains, count=500) alexa_db.load() top_sites = alexa_db.get_sites() maxmind_db = maxmind.Maxmind() maxmind_db.load() with open('alexa-pt-paths.csv', 'w') as outfile: find_as_paths(top_sites, maxmind_db, outfile) with open('mlab-pt-paths.csv', 'w') as outfile: mlab_hosts = get_ndt_hostnames(6, 50) find_as_paths(mlab_hosts, maxmind_db, outfile)
def main(args): logger = setup_logger() domains = ['.com', '.net', '.gov', '.edu', '.io', '.org'] alexa_db = alexa.Alexa(domains, count=500) alexa_db.load() top_sites = alexa_db.get_sites() maxmind_db = maxmind.Maxmind() maxmind_db.load() #with open('alexa-pt-paths.csv', 'w') as outfile: # find_as_paths(top_sites, maxmind_db, outfile) with open('mlab-pt-paths.csv', 'w') as outfile: mlab_hosts = [] for i in range(1, 6): mlab_hosts.append('' % i) find_as_paths(mlab_hosts, maxmind_db, outfile)
def index(req): c = { "title": "Alexa Application", "active_menu": "Applications", "request": req, "user": auth.get_user(req) } if req.POST: category = req.POST['category'] page_number = req.POST['page_number'] try: if int(page_number) > 20: raise ValueError("Error") AlClass = alexa.Alexa() res = AlClass.getSitesByCategoryAndPageNumber( category, page_number) c.update({"results": res}) except: c.update({"message": "Seem's there is error!"}) c.update(csrf(req)) return render_to_response('user/applications/alexa/index.html', c)
import cv2 import numpy as np from pynput.mouse import Button, Controller from tkinter import * from PIL import ImageTk, Image from tkinter.ttk import * import alexa mouse = Controller() alexa_assistant = alexa.Alexa() root = Tk() photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage("alexamic.jpg")) sx = root.winfo_screenwidth() sy = root.winfo_screenheight() (camx, camy) = (320, 240) lowerBound = np.array([33, 80, 40]) upperBound = np.array([102, 255, 255]) cam = cv2.VideoCapture(1, cv2.CAP_DSHOW) kernelOpen = np.ones((5, 5)) kernelClose = np.ones((20, 20)) pinchFlag = 0 def ignorekey(): pass
file top-1m.csv as the source """ import probedb.standalone import probedb.probedata2.models as Probe import alexa import threading import Queue, time num_probers = 20 alexa_queue = Queue.Queue() progress_queue = Queue.Queue() active = True alexa_list = alexa.Alexa("top-1m.csv") def __ProgressCounter(queue): i = 0 while True: queue.get() i += 1 if i % 100 == 0: print "Updated ", i, "domains so far" def do_save(tid, alexa_queue, progress_queue): while True:
def default(): ask_handler = alexa.Alexa(context) return ask_handler.default_no()
def ask_led_pattern(pattern): ask_handler = alexa.Alexa(context) return ask_handler.set_ledstrip_pattern(pattern)
def ask_access_key(): ask_handler = alexa.Alexa(context) return ask_handler.get_arq()
def ask_welcome(): ask_handler = alexa.Alexa(context) return ask_handler.welcome()