Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_not_know_type(self):
        class Foo:
            x_1: None = attr.ib()

        import re

        msg = f"Alfacase Schema does not know how to handle {None}"
        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=re.escape(msg)):
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_base_types_schema(self):
        class Foo:
            float_1: float = attr.ib()
            int_1: int = attr.ib()
            bool_1: bool = attr.ib()
            str_1: str = attr.ib()
            float_2: float = attr.ib(default=1e-4)

        schema = generate_alfacase_schema(Foo)
        expected_schema = dedent(
                foo_schema = Map(
                        "float_1": Float(),
                        "int_1": Int(),
                        "bool_1": Bool(),
                        "str_1": Str(),
                        Optional("float_2"): Float(),

        assert schema == expected_schema
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_enum_schema(self):
        from enum import Enum

        class Bar(Enum):
            a = "first_item"
            b = "second_item"

        class Foo:
            x_1: List[Bar] = attr.ib()
            x_2 = attrib_enum(type_=Bar)
            x_3 = attrib_enum(default=Bar.b)

        schema = generate_alfacase_schema(Foo)
        expected_schema = dedent(
            foo_schema = Map(
                    "x_1": Seq(Enum(['first_item', 'second_item'])),
                    "x_2": Enum(['first_item', 'second_item']),
                    Optional("x_3"): Enum(['first_item', 'second_item']),

        assert schema == expected_schema
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_optional_type_hint(self):
        class Foo:
            x_1: Optional[str] = attr.ib(default=None)

        schema = generate_alfacase_schema(Foo)
        expected_schema = dedent(
            foo_schema = Map(
                    Optional("x_1"): Str(),
        assert schema == expected_schema

        class Foo:
            x_1: Optional[str] = attr.ib()

        class Bar:
            x_1: Union[str, None] = attr.ib()

        import re

        msg = re.escape(
            "StrictYAML doesn't support None value (only missing keys denote a value), "
            "therefore Optional type are only allowed when the case has a default value."

        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):

        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_union_schema(self):
        Currently Union is only used for attr classes, and not for multiple types like str | float
        With the exception for PvtModelTable, that accepts str and Path but the YAML only accepts str anyway
        Optional type should be excluded,

        class X1:
            bool_1: bool = attr.ib()

        class X2:
            bool_2: bool = attr.ib()

        class Foo:
            x_1: Union[X1, X2] = attr.ib()
            x_2: Union[X1, X2] = attr.ib(default=X1(bool_1=True))
            x_3: Union[str, Path] = attr.ib(default="SomePath")
            # Optional[str] is equivalent to Union[str, None] and in this case we want only str
            x_4: Optional[str] = attr.ib(default="SomePath")

        schema = generate_alfacase_schema(Foo)
        expected_schema = dedent(
                foo_schema = Map(
                        "x_1": Map(
                                Optional("x1"): Seq(x1_schema),
                                Optional("x2"): Seq(x2_schema),
                        Optional("x_2"): Map(
                                Optional("x1"): Seq(x1_schema),
                                Optional("x2"): Seq(x2_schema),
                        Optional("x_3"): Str(),
                        Optional("x_4"): Str(),

        assert schema == expected_schema
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_numpy_schema(self):
        class Foo:
            x_1: Numpy1DArray = attr.ib()

        schema = generate_alfacase_schema(Foo)
        expected_schema = dedent(
                foo_schema = Map(
                        "x_1": Seq(Float()),

        assert schema == expected_schema
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_path(self):
        class Foo:
            path_1: Path = attr.ib()
            path_2: Path = attr.ib(default=None)

        schema = generate_alfacase_schema(Foo)
        expected_schema = dedent(
                foo_schema = Map(
                        "path_1": Str(),
                        Optional("path_2"): Str(),

        assert schema == expected_schema
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_array_schema(self):
        class Foo:
            array_1: Array = attr.ib()
            array_2: Optional[Array] = attr.ib(default=None)
            array_3: Array = attr.ib(default=Array([1], "K"))

        schema = generate_alfacase_schema(Foo)
        expected_schema = dedent(
                foo_schema = Map(
                        "array_1": Map({"values": Seq(Float()), "unit": Str()}),
                        Optional("array_2"): Map({"values": Seq(Float()), "unit": Str()}),
                        Optional("array_3"): Map({"values": Seq(Float()), "unit": Str()}),

        assert schema == expected_schema
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_generate_strict_yaml_schema_for_class():

    schema = generate_alfacase_schema(CompressorEquipmentDescription)
    compressor_expected_schema = dedent(
        compressor_equipment_description_schema = Map(
                "position": Map({"value": Float(), "unit": Str()}),
                Optional("speed_curve"): speed_curve_description_schema,
                Optional("reference_pressure"): Map({"value": Float(), "unit": Str()}),
                Optional("reference_temperature"): Map({"value": Float(), "unit": Str()}),
                Optional("constant_speed"): Map({"value": Float(), "unit": Str()}),
                Optional("compressor_type"): Enum(['speed_curve', 'constant_speed']),
                Optional("speed_curve_interpolation_type"): Enum(['constant', 'linear', 'quadratic']),
                Optional("flow_direction"): Enum(['forward', 'backward']),
                Optional("table"): compressor_pressure_table_description_schema,
    assert schema == compressor_expected_schema
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_dict_schema(self):
        class Foo:
            x_1: Dict[str, float] = attr.ib()
            x_2: Dict[str, Array] = attr.ib()
            x_3: Optional[Dict[str, Scalar]] = attr.ib(default=None)

        schema = generate_alfacase_schema(Foo)
        expected_schema = dedent(
                foo_schema = Map(
                        "x_1": MapPattern(Str(), Float()),
                        "x_2": MapPattern(Str(), Map({"values": Seq(Float()), "unit": Str()})),
                        Optional("x_3"): MapPattern(Str(), Map({"value": Float(), "unit": Str()})),

        assert schema == expected_schema
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_scalar(self):
        class Foo:
            scalar_1 = attrib_scalar()
            scalar_2 = attrib_scalar(default=None)
            scalar_3 = attrib_scalar(default=Scalar(1, "K"))

        schema = generate_alfacase_schema(Foo)
        expected_schema = dedent(
                foo_schema = Map(
                        "scalar_1": Map({"value": Float(), "unit": Str()}),
                        Optional("scalar_2"): Map({"value": Float(), "unit": Str()}),
                        Optional("scalar_3"): Map({"value": Float(), "unit": Str()}),

        assert schema == expected_schema
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_generate_schema_for_all_cases(file_regression):
    This check helps ensure that the YAMLSchema is being changed consciously because whenever CaseDescription is changed, the schema will change as well.

    If this test fails, make sure that the following steps were made:
    - Update the CaseDescription defined on alfasim_core.common_testing.filled_case_descriptions
        !! filled_case_descriptions helps you to find errors on the YAML import !!

    After that, you can update this test with --force-regen

    Note: Currently the schema doesn't have a version number, but in the future whenever this tests break,
    the version the number will be necessary to be changed and the changelog updated as well.

    Dev note: This test is also a facility to help debug the output generate from COG
    list_of_classes_that_needs_schema = get_all_classes_that_needs_schema(
    output = [
        generate_alfacase_schema(class_) for class_ in list_of_classes_that_needs_schema
    file_regression.check("\n".join(output), encoding="utf-8")
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_list_schema(self):
        class Foo:
            float_list: List[float] = attr.ib()
            int_list: List[int] = attr.ib()
            bool_list: List[bool] = attr.ib()
            str_list: List[str] = attr.ib()

        schema = generate_alfacase_schema(Foo)
        expected_schema = dedent(
                foo_schema = Map(
                        "float_list": Seq(Float()),
                        "int_list": Seq(Int()),
                        "bool_list": Seq(Bool()),
                        "str_list": Seq(Str()),

        assert schema == expected_schema
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_attr_schema(self):
        class X1:
            bool_1: bool = attr.ib()

        class Foo:
            x_1 = attrib_instance(X1)
            x_2 = attrib_instance_list(X1)

        schema = generate_alfacase_schema(Foo)
        expected_schema = dedent(
                foo_schema = Map(
                        Optional("x_1"): x1_schema,
                        Optional("x_2"): Seq(x1_schema),

        assert schema == expected_schema