Exemplo n.º 1
 def cov_g_diag(self, qs, ns_in, rcs=None):
     """Get diagonal elements of gaussian covariance between observables
             qs: a list of 4 QWeight objects [q1,q2,q3,q4]
             ns_in: an input list of shape noise [n13,n24,n14,n23] [0.,0.,0.,0.] if no noise
             rcs: correlation parameters, [r13,r24,r14,r23]. Optional.
     if rcs is None:
         rcs = np.full(4, 1.)
     ns = np.zeros(ns_in.size)
     ns[0] = ns_in[0] / trapz2(
         (((self.zs >= qs[0].z_min) &
           (self.zs <= qs[0].z_max)) * self.ps), self.rs)
     ns[1] = ns_in[1] / trapz2(
         (((self.zs >= qs[0].z_min) &
           (self.zs <= qs[0].z_max)) * self.ps), self.rs)
     ns[2] = ns_in[2] / trapz2(
         (((self.zs >= qs[1].z_min) &
           (self.zs <= qs[1].z_max)) * self.ps), self.rs)
     ns[3] = ns_in[3] / trapz2(
         (((self.zs >= qs[1].z_min) &
           (self.zs <= qs[1].z_max)) * self.ps), self.rs)
     #could exploit/cache symmetries to reduce time
     c_ac = Cll_q_q(self, qs[0], qs[2], rcs[0]).Cll()
     c_bd = Cll_q_q(self, qs[1], qs[3], rcs[1]).Cll()
     c_ad = Cll_q_q(self, qs[0], qs[3], rcs[2]).Cll()
     c_bc = Cll_q_q(self, qs[1], qs[2], rcs[3]).Cll()
     cov_diag = 1. / (self.f_sky *
                      (2. * self.l_mids + 1.) * self.delta_ls) * (
                          (c_ac + ns[0]) * (c_bd + ns[2]) + (c_ad + ns[1]) *
                          (c_bc + ns[3]))
     #(C13*C24+ C13*N24+N13*C24 + C14*C23+C14*N23+N14*C23+N13*N24+N14*N23)
     return cov_diag
Exemplo n.º 2
 def Cll(self, z_min=0., z_max=np.inf):
     """get lensing power spectrum integrated in a specified range"""
     if z_min == 0. and z_max == np.inf:
         return trapz2(self.integrand, self.rs)
         mask = ((self.zs <= z_max) & (self.zs >= z_min))
         return trapz2((mask * self.integrand.T).T, self.rs)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def bias_n_avg(self, min_mass, z):
        """ get average b(z)n(z) for Sheth Tormen mass function
            min_mass can be a function of z or a constant
            if min_mass is a function of z it should be an array of the same size as z
            z can be scalar or an array"""
        if isinstance(z, np.ndarray):
            if isinstance(min_mass,
                          np.ndarray) and not min_mass.size == z.size:
                raise ValueError('min_mass and z must be the same size')

        if np.any(min_mass < self.mass_grid[0]):
            raise ValueError(
                'specified minimum mass too low, increase log10_min_mass')

        G = self.Growth(z)

        if isinstance(min_mass, np.ndarray) and isinstance(z, np.ndarray):
            result = np.zeros(min_mass.size)
            for i in range(0, min_mass.size):
                mass = _mass_cut(self.mass_grid, min_mass[i])
                mf_i = self.dndM_G(mass, G[i])
                b_i = self.bias_G(mass, G[i])
                result[i] = trapz2(mf_i * b_i, mass)
            if isinstance(min_mass, np.ndarray):
                mf = self.dndM_G(self.mass_grid, G)
                b_array = self.bias_G(self.mass_grid, G)
                mf_b = mf * b_array
                mf_b_int = -cumtrapz(
                    mf_b[::-1], self.mass_grid[::-1], initial=0.)[::-1]

                if np.array_equal(min_mass, self.mass_grid):
                    #no need to extrapolate if already is result
                    result = mf_b_int
                    cut_itrs = np.zeros(min_mass.size, dtype=np.int)
                    for i in range(0, min_mass.size):
                        cut_itrs[i] = np.argmax(self.mass_grid >= min_mass[i])
                    dm = self.mass_grid[cut_itrs] - min_mass
                    mf_b_ext = self.dndM_G(min_mass, G) * self.bias_G(
                        min_mass, G) + mf_b[cut_itrs]
                    result = mf_b_int[cut_itrs] + (mf_b_ext) * dm / 2.
                mass = _mass_cut(self.mass_grid, min_mass)
                mf = self.dndM_G(mass, G)
                b_array = self.bias_G(mass, G)
                result = trapz2(b_array * mf, mass)

        if DEBUG:
            assert np.all(result >= 0.)

        return result
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_gaussian_smoothed_dN_dz(z_grid, zs_chosen, params, normalize):
    """ apply gaussian smoothing width smooth_sigma to get number density over z_grid
        with galaxies at locations specified by zs_chosen,
        mirror boundary at z=0 if mirror_boundary=True,
        if normalize=True then normalize so density integrates to total number of galaxies
        (in limit as maximum z_grid is much larger than maximum zs_chosen normalizing should have no effect)
        if suppress=True cut off z below z_cut, to avoid numerical issues elsewhere"""
    dN_dz = np.zeros(z_grid.size)
    sigma = params['smooth_sigma']
    delta_dist = np.zeros(z_grid.size)
    for itr in range(0, zs_chosen.size):
        delta_dist[np.argmax(z_grid >= zs_chosen[itr])] += 1.
    #assume z_grid uniform, in case first bin is set to something else to avoid going to 0.
    dz = (z_grid[2] - z_grid[1])
    delta_dist = delta_dist / dz

    if params['mirror_boundary']:
        dN_dz = gaussian_filter1d(delta_dist,
                                  sigma / dz,
        dN_dz = gaussian_filter1d(delta_dist,
                                  sigma / dz,

    if normalize:
        dN_dz = zs_chosen.size * dN_dz / (au.trapz2(dN_dz, z_grid))
    dN_dz = dN_dz / params['area_sterad']
    return dN_dz
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_trapz2_no_dx(trapz_test):
    """test algebra_utils reimplementation of trapz with array of dxs"""
    integrand = trapz_test.integrand
    atol_use = atol_rel_use*np.max(integrand)

    integrated1 = np.trapz(integrand,axis=0)
    integrated2 = trapz2(integrand)

    assert np.allclose(integrated1,integrated2,atol=atol_use,rtol=rtol_use)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_trapz2_constant_dx(trapz_test):
    """test algebra_utils reimplementation of trapz with array of dxs"""
    xs = trapz_test.xs
    integrand = trapz_test.integrand
    atol_use = atol_rel_use*np.max(integrand)

    dx = np.average(np.diff(xs,axis=0))
    integrated1 = np.trapz(integrand,dx=dx,axis=0)
    integrated2 = trapz2(integrand,dx=dx)

    assert np.allclose(integrated1,integrated2,atol=atol_use,rtol=rtol_use)
Exemplo n.º 7
def _gs(sp,z_min=0.,z_max=np.inf):
    """helper function for QShear"""
    g_vals = np.zeros(sp.n_z)
    low_mask = (sp.zs>=z_min)*1. #so only integrate from max(z,z_min)
    high_mask = (sp.zs<=z_max)*1. #so only integrate to min(z,z_max)
    ps_mask = sp.ps*high_mask*low_mask
    ps_norm = ps_mask/trapz2(ps_mask,sp.rs)
    #norm1 = trapz2(ps_mask,sp.rs)
    #norm2 = trapz2(ps_mask[(sp.zs>=z_min) & (sp.zs<=z_max)],sp.rs[(sp.zs>=z_min) & (sp.zs<=z_max)])

    if sp.C.Omegak==0.0:
        g_vals = -cumtrapz(ps_norm[::-1],sp.rs[::-1],initial=0.)[::-1]+sp.rs*cumtrapz((ps_norm/sp.rs)[::-1],sp.rs[::-1],initial=0.)[::-1]
        for i in range(0,sp.n_z):
            if z_max<sp.zs[i]:
            if sp.C.Omegak>0.0:
                sqrtK = np.sqrt(sp.C.K)
                g_vals[i] = trapz2(ps_norm[i:sp.n_z]*sp.rs[i]*1./sqrtK*(1./np.tan(sqrtK*sp.rs[i])-1./np.tan(sqrtK*sp.rs[i:sp.n_z])),sp.rs[i:sp.n_z])
                sqrtK = np.sqrt(abs(sp.C.K))
                g_vals[i] = trapz2(ps_norm[i:sp.n_z]*sp.rs[i]*1./sqrtK*(1./np.tanh(sqrtK*sp.rs[i])-1./np.tanh(sqrtK*sp.rs[i:sp.n_z])),sp.rs[i:sp.n_z])
    return g_vals
Exemplo n.º 8
    def f_norm(self, G):
        """ get normalization factor to ensure all mass is in a halo
            accepts either a numpy array or a scalar input for G"""
        if isinstance(G, np.ndarray):
            nu = np.outer(self.nu_array, 1. / G**2)
        #    sigma_inv = np.outer(1./self.sigma,1./G**2)
            nu = self.nu_array / G**2
        #    sigma_inv = 1./self.sigma*1./G**2
        #f = self.A*np.sqrt(2.*self.a/np.pi)*(1.+(1./self.a/nu)**self.p)*np.sqrt(nu)*np.exp(-self.a*nu/2.)
        f = self.f_nu(nu)

        #norm = np.trapz(f,np.log(sigma_inv),axis=0)
        norm = trapz2(f, np.log(1. / self.sigma))
        return norm
Exemplo n.º 9
 def get_N_projected(self, z_fine, omega_tot):
     """get total number of galaxies in area omega_tot steradians"""
     return au.trapz2(self.dN_dz_interp(z_fine), z_fine) * omega_tot
Exemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, geos, params, survey_id, C, basis, nz_params,
        """ inputs:
                geos: a numpy array of Geo objects
                        the [geo1,geo2], where geo2 will be used for mitigation
                        of covariance in geo1 geometry
                params: a dict of parameters,
                        nz_select: 'CANDELS','WFIRST','LSST' to use for NZMatcher
                survey_id: an id for the associated LWSurvey
                C: as CosmoPie object
                nz_params: parameters needed by NZMatcher object
                mf_params: params needed by ST_hmf
        print("Dn: initializing")
        LWObservable.__init__(self, geos, params, survey_id, C)
        self.fisher_type = False
        self.basis = basis
        self.nz_select = params['nz_select']
        self.nz_params = nz_params

        #self.geo2 should be area in mitigation survey but not in original survey
        #assume overlap is total and use AlmDifferenceGeo to avoid complications with calculating intersecions
        self.geo2 = AlmDifferenceGeo(geos[1], geos[0], geos[1].C, geos[1].zs,
        #self.geo1 should be intersect of mitigation survey and original survey
        self.geo1 = geos[0]

        #        if isinstance(geos[0],PolygonGeo):
        #            if isinstance(geos[1],PolygonGeo):
        #                self.geo2 = PolygonUnionGeo(np.array([geos[1]]),np.array([geos[0]]),zs=geos[1].zs,z_fine=geos[1].z_fine)
        #            elif isinstance(geos[1],PolygonUnionGeo):
        #                self.geo2 = PolygonUnionGeo(geos[1].geos,np.append(geos[0],geos[1].masks),zs=geos[1].zs,z_fine=geos[1].z_fine)
        #            else:
        #                raise ValueError('unsupported type for geo2')
        #        elif isinstance(self.geos[0],PixelGeo):
        ##            if isinstance(geos[1],PolygonPixelUnionGeo):
        ##                self.geo2 = PolygonPixelUnionGeo(geos[1].geos,np.append(geos[0],geos[1].masks),zs=geos[1].zs,z_fine=geos[1].z_fine)
        #            if isinstance(geos[1],PixelGeo):
        #                self.geo2 = PolygonPixelUnionGeo(np.array([geos[1]]),np.array([geos[0]]),zs=geos[1].zs,z_fine=geos[1].z_fine)
        #            else:
        #                raise ValueError('unsupported type for geo2')
        #            #if isinstance(geos[1],PolygonPixelGeo):
        #            #    self.geo2 = PolygonPixelUnionGeo(np.array([geos[1]]),np.array([geos[0]]))
        #            #else:
        #            #    raise ValueError('unsupported type for geo2')
        #        elif isinstance(self.geos[0],HalfSkyGeo) and isinstance(self.geos[1],FullSkyGeo):
        #            #self.geo2 = HalfSkyGeo(geos[1].zs,geos[1].C,geos[1].z_fine,not geos[0].top)
        #            self.geo2 = AlmDifferenceGeo(geos[1],geos[0],geos[1].C,geos[1].zs,geos[1].z_fine)
        #        else:
        #            raise ValueError('unsupported type for geo1')

        #TODO add ability to check overlap
        #        if np.isclose(geos[0].get_overlap_fraction(geos[1]),1.):
        #            self.geo1 = geos[0]
        #        else:
        #            raise RuntimeError('partial overlap not yet implemented')
        #            if isinstance(geos[0],PolygonGeo):
        #                raise RuntimeError('partial overlap not yet implemented')
        #        #        self.geo1 = PolygonUnionGeo(np.array([geos[0]]),np.array([self.geo2]))
        #            elif isinstance(self.geos[0],PolygonPixelGeo) or isinstance(self.geos[0],PolygonPixelUnionGeo):
        #                self.geo1 = PolygonPixelUnionGeo(np.array([geos[0]]),np.array([self.geo2]))
        #            else:
        #                raise ValueError('unrecognized type for geo1')

        #should be using r bin structure of mitigation survey
        self.r_fine = self.geo2.r_fine
        self.z_fine = self.geo2.z_fine
        assert np.all(self.r_fine == geos[1].r_fine)
        assert np.all(self.z_fine == geos[1].z_fine)
        assert np.all(geos[0].z_fine == geos[1].z_fine)
        assert np.all(geos[0].r_fine == geos[1].r_fine)
        dz = self.z_fine[2] - self.z_fine[1]

        self.mf = ST_hmf(self.C, params=mf_params)

        if self.nz_select == 'CANDELS':
            self.nzc = NZCandel(self.nz_params)
        elif self.nz_select == 'WFIRST':
            self.nzc = NZWFirst(self.nz_params)
        elif self.nz_select == 'LSST':
            self.nzc = NZLSST(self.z_fine, self.nz_params)
        elif self.nz_select == 'constant':
            self.nzc = NZConstant(self.geo2, self.nz_params)
            raise ValueError('unrecognized nz_select ' + str(self.nz_select))

        self.n_bins = self.geo2.fine_indices.shape[0]

        self.n_avgs = self.nzc.get_nz(self.geo2)
        self.dNdzs = self.n_avgs / self.geo2.dzdr * self.r_fine**2
        self.M_cuts = self.nzc.get_M_cut(self.mf, self.geo2)
        self.dn_ddelta_bar = self.mf.bias_n_avg(self.M_cuts,
                                                self.z_fine) / C.h**3
        self.integrand = np.expand_dims(self.dn_ddelta_bar * self.r_fine**2,
        #note effect of mitigation converged to ~0.3% if cut off integral at for z>1.5, 10% for z>0.6,20% for z>0.5
        self.r_vols = 3. / np.diff(self.geo2.rbins**3)
        self.n_avg_integrand = self.r_fine**2 * self.n_avgs

        self.Nab_i = np.zeros(self.n_bins)
        self.vs = np.zeros((self.n_bins, basis.get_size()))
        self.b_ns = np.zeros(self.n_bins)
        self.n_avg_bin = np.zeros(self.n_bins)
        self.bias = self.dn_ddelta_bar / self.n_avgs
        self.sigma0 = params['sigma0']
        self.z_extra = np.hstack([
                self.z_fine[-1] + dz, self.z_fine[-1] +
                params['n_extend'] * self.sigma0 * (1. + self.z_fine[-1]), dz)
        self.integrands_smooth = np.zeros((self.z_fine.size, self.n_bins))

        self.V1s = np.diff(self.geo2.rs**3) / 3. * self.geo1.angular_area()
        self.V2s = self.geo2.volumes
        assert np.all(self.V1s >= 0.)
        assert np.all(self.V2s >= 0.)

        #NOTE this whole loop could be pulled apart with a small change in sph_klim
        for itr in range(0, self.n_bins):
            bounds1 = self.geo2.fine_indices[itr]
            range1 = np.arange(bounds1[0], bounds1[1])

            print("Dn: getting d1,d2")
            #multiplier for integrand
            n_avg = self.r_vols[itr] * trapz2(self.n_avg_integrand[range1],
            self.n_avg_bin[itr] = n_avg

            assert n_avg >= 0.

            if self.V1s[itr] == 0. or self.V2s[itr] == 0.:
            elif n_avg == 0.:
                    'Dn: variance had a value which was exactly 0; fixing inverse to np.inf '
                    + str(itr))
                self.Nab_i[itr] = np.inf
                self.b_ns[itr] = self.r_vols[itr] * trapz2(
                    self.integrand[range1], self.r_fine[range1])
                #need a bit extra z so does not reflect back from right boundary
                dN_wind = np.zeros(self.z_extra.size)
                dN_wind[range1] = self.dNdzs[range1]
                sigma = self.sigma0 * (1. + self.geo2.zs[itr]) / (
                    self.z_fine[2] - self.z_fine[1])
                dN_smooth = gaussian_filter1d(dN_wind,
                #must cut off at z_max by construction of basis decomposition
                dN_smooth = dN_smooth[0:self.z_fine.size]
                    "tot acc",
                    np.trapz(dN_smooth, self.z_fine) /
                    np.trapz(dN_wind, self.z_extra))
                    np.trapz(dN_smooth[range1], self.z_fine[range1]) /
                    np.trapz(dN_wind, self.z_extra))
                n_smooth = dN_smooth / self.r_fine**2 * self.geo2.dzdr
                bn_smooth = n_smooth * self.bias
                integrand_smooth = np.expand_dims(bn_smooth * self.r_fine**2,
                self.integrands_smooth[:, itr] = integrand_smooth[:, 0]
                d1 = self.basis.get_dO_I_ddelta_alpha(self.geo1,
                d2 = self.basis.get_dO_I_ddelta_alpha(self.geo2,
                DO_a = (d2 - d1) * self.r_vols[itr]
                Nab_itr = n_avg * (1. / self.V1s[itr] + 1. / self.V2s[itr])
                self.Nab_i[itr] = 1. / Nab_itr
                self.vs[itr] = DO_a.flatten()
def _dz_to_dchi(p_in,zs,rs,C):
    """put a z distribution into a distribution in comoving distance"""
    ps = p_in*C.Ez(zs)/C.DH
    ps = ps/trapz2(ps,rs) #normalize galaxy probability distribution
    return ps